بحث بعنوان Thermal Investigation of a Switched Reluctance Motor
اسم المؤلف
A. Pavan, Sathyanarayanan N, Rajesh Kumar R, N.C. Lenin, Sivakumar R
(لا توجد تقييمات)

بحث بعنوان
Thermal Investigation of a Switched Reluctance Motor
A. Pavan
School of Mechanical and Building Sciences VIT University Chennai, India
Sathyanarayanan N
School of Electrical Engineering VIT University Chennai, India
Rajesh Kumar R
Research Department CD-Adapco Bengaluru, India
N.C. Lenin
School of Electrical Engineering VIT University Chennai, India
Sivakumar R
School of Mechanical and Building Sciences VIT University Chennai, India
The purpose of this paper is to observe the heat distribution inside the
Switched Reluctance Machine (SRM) through Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD). Electromagnetic losses such as copper and core losses are considered
as the heat sources in the machine. Initially, a three dimensional (3-D) steady
state thermal analysis is carried out to determine the film coefficient of
machine parts. Further, a transient thermal analysis is performed to predict the
temperature rise. From the transient analysis, heat distribution for the given
speed and time taken to reach the steady state are observed.
Keywords— computational fluid dynamics; switched reluctance motor;
thermal analysis; flow analysis; core loss; copper loss
The flow distribution and temperature rise in the SRM have been analyzed using 3-D
analysis. At 1000 rpm, the velocity at the stator and rotor interface is obtained as 0.6
m/s. The coils are the main source of heat which is present in the stator hence the rise
in temperature is maximum in coils and stators. The maximum temperature rise in
SRM is 324 K and it is stabilized after 120 s. The result indicates that the flow
distribution in stator region is low due to which heat distribution in the stator is high.
Whereas, flow of air in rotor region is high thereby heat distribution in this region is
very low. Using these results, the weight of materials used and number prototype for
testing can be minimized.

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