The Key Technologies for Powertrain System of Intelligent Vehicles Based on Switched Reluctance Motors

The Key Technologies for Powertrain System of Intelligent Vehicles Based on Switched Reluctance Motors
Yueying Zhu
1 Modeling of SRM Drive System for EV 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The Basic Theory of SRM . 2
1.2.1 The Basic Structure of SRM 2
1.2.2 The Basic Operating Principle of SRM . 3
1.2.3 Electromagnetic Model of SRM 8
1.3 Magnetic Pole Distribution of SRM . 10
1.4 The SRM Drive System . 11
1.4.1 The Basic Composition of SRM Drive System . 11
1.4.2 The Control Methods for SRM . 15
1.5 Electromagnetic Characteristic Analysis Under Interactive
Excitation 16
1.5.1 The Finite Element Model of SRM 16
1.5.2 Magnetic Field Characteristics Under Interactive
Excitation 17
1.5.3 Flux Linkage Characteristics Under Interactive
Excitation 20
1.5.4 Mutual Inductance Characteristics Under Interactive
Excitation 23
1.5.5 Electromagnetic Torque Characteristics Under Interactive
Excitation 24
1.6 Modelling the SRM Drive System 29
1.6.1 The Principle of Overlap Between Excited Phases . 29
1.6.2 The Mathematical Model of the SRM 30
1.7 Dynamic Simulation Analysis . 32
1.7.1 Phase Current Results . 33
1.7.2 Dynamic Torque Results . 33
References . 35
v2 Electromagnetic Analysis for SRM 37
2.1 Introduction 37
2.2 Various Exciting Winding Distributions 38
2.3 Analysis of Electromagnetic Parameters for SRM . 42
2.3.1 Structural Dimensions of the Developed SRM 42
2.3.2 Analysis for Flux Linkage 42
2.3.3 Analysis for Inductance 47
2.3.4 Analysis for Static Torque 56
2.4 Comparative Analysis Between Two Excitation Modes . 57
2.4.1 Comparative Analysis of Flux Linkage . 58
2.4.2 Comparative Analysis of Inductance . 59
2.4.3 Comparative Analysis of Static Torque . 61
2.4.4 Comparative Analysis of Dynamic Torque
Performance 63
2.4.5 Comparative Analysis of Core Losses 66
2.4.6 Comparative Analysis of Flux and Force Density . 67
2.5 Experimental Verification 71
2.5.1 Basic Principle of the Static Test . 72
2.5.2 Static Test Results and Analysis 74
2.5.3 Dynamic Performance . 75
References . 78
3 Optimization Design for SRM in EVs 81
3.1 Introduction 81
3.2 Requirements of EVs on Driving Motor 82
3.3 Optimization Objectives of the SRM with Two-Phase Mode . 83
3.3.1 Objectives of the SRM with Two-Phase Mode . 83
3.3.2 Optimization Parameters and Constrains 84
3.3.3 Goal Function of Optimization . 86
3.3.4 Sensitive Analysis of the Structure Parameters 87
3.3.5 Optimization of the SRM . 93
3.4 Design of In-Wheel SRM 95
3.5 Optimization of In-Wheel SRM 102
3.5.1 Objectives and Optimization Variables . 102
3.5.2 Goal Function of Optimization for In-Wheel SRM 105
3.5.3 Sensitivity Analysis of the Structure Parameters 105
3.5.4 Optimization Results of the In-Wheel SRM 110
References . 114
4 Optimization and Control of SRM Drive System for EV
Applications . 115
4.1 Introduction 115
4.2 Basic Equation of the SRM . 116
4.3 Dynamic Model of SRM Drive System 117
vi Contents4.3.1 Block Diagram of the SRM Drive System 118
4.3.2 Nonlinear Dynamic Model of the SRM . 118
4.4 Dynamic Characteristics of the SRM Drive System . 119
4.4.1 Effects of the Load Torque 121
4.4.2 Effects of the Turn-On Angle 125
4.4.3 Effects of the Turn-Off Angle 131
4.5 Parameters Optimization of the SRM Drive System . 137
4.5.1 Single Objective Function for SRM Dynamic
Performance 137
4.5.2 Average Torque Optimization and Analysis 138
4.5.3 Torque Ripple Optimization and Analysis . 139
4.5.4 SRM Efficiency Optimization and Analysis 141
4.5.5 Multi-objective Function of the SRM Dynamic
Performance 143
4.5.6 Multi-objective Synchronization Optimization
and Analysis 145
4.6 Optimized Controller Design for SRM Drive System 147
4.6.1 Dynamic Performance Optimized Controller Design . 147
4.6.2 Comparison Analysis of the Various Optimization
Strategies 148
4.7 Summary 154
References . 155
5 Design and Control of Regenerative Braking System 157
5.1 Compound Braking Force Distribution Strategy for EVs 157
5.1.1 Introduction . 157
5.1.2 Compound Braking Structure Forms . 159
5.1.3 Model of Electric Vehicle 161
5.1.4 Braking Force Distribution Scheme with Compound
Braking Condition 165
5.1.5 Compound Braking System for Electric Vehicles 175
5.2 Optimal Control of EV Braking System Under
Sliding Condition 176
5.2.1 Introduction . 176
5.2.2 Optimization Objectives 177
5.2.3 Multi-Objective Optimization of Braking System in
Sliding Condition 178
5.2.4 Comparative Analysis of Simulation Results Under
Sliding Condition 182
5.3 Optimal Control of Braking System Under Braking Condition 189
5.3.1 Introduction . 189
5.3.2 Influence Analysis of Control Parameters . 191
5.3.3 Multi-objective Optimization of Braking System in
Braking Condition 198
Contents vii5.3.4 Comparative Analysis of Simulation Results Under
Braking Condition 203
5.3.5 Processor in Loop Test Verification . 211
5.4 Summary 211
References . 213
6 Performance Matching Design for the Vehicle Drive System 215
6.1 Introduction 215
6.2 Design Requirements of the EV Drive System . 216
6.2.1 Vehicle System Restrictions . 216
6.2.2 Dynamic Load Characteristic of the Vehicle . 216
6.2.3 Design of the EV Drive System 218
6.3 Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of the SRM 220
6.4 Simulation Model of the EV 221
6.5 Design and Optimization of the EV Drive System 222
6.5.1 Power Battery Parameters Design and Optimization 223
6.5.2 Gearbox Parameters Design and Optimization 227
6.6 Simulation Results Analysis Under ECE Driving Cycle 237
6.6.1 Comparison of the Vehicle Performance Under Various
Conditions 237
6.6.2 Simulation Results in Optimal Design Scheme . 239
6.7 Experiments for Matching Performance of the Vehicle
with SRM . 240
6.7.1 Dynamic Performance Experiment in Slope Condition 241
6.7.2 Dynamic Performance Experiment in Accelerating
Condition 242
6.7.3 Dynamic Performance Experiment in ECE Cycle
Condition 243
6.7.4 SOC Calculating and Analysis in ECE Cycle Driving
Condition 245
References . 247
7 Torque Coordination Control of Distributed Drive Electric
Vehicle with SRM . 249
7.1 Introduction 249
7.2 DDEV Model . 250
7.2.1 Vehicle Dynamics Model . 250
7.2.2 Vehicle Modeling Based on CarSim . 252
7.2.3 Co-Simulation Model of DDEV 254
7.3 Torque Coordination Control for DDEV Considering the DPA . 256
7.3.1 Analysis of DPA for DDEV . 257
7.3.2 DPA Control System Design 259
7.3.3 Simulation and Results Analysis 264
viii Contents7.4 Torque Coordinated Control of DDEV Under
Road Conditions . 268
7.4.1 Straight Driving Vehicle Stability Analysis on Complex
Roads . 268
7.4.2 Straight Driving Vehicle Stability Control
System Design 271
7.4.3 Torque Coordinated Control . 276
7.4.4 Simulation Results Analysis . 278
References . 283
8 Comprehensive Control of in Wheel SRM-Suspension System . 285
8.1 Introduction 285
8.2 The Model of IWSRM 286
8.2.1 The Structure Model of IWSRM . 286
8.2.2 The Mathematic Model of IWSRM . 287
8.3 The Model of a Quarter IWSRM-Suspension System 293
8.4 The Vibration Control Under Driving Condition 295
8.4.1 The Effect of Eccentricity on the Torque of IWSRM . 295
8.4.2 The Effect of Eccentricity on the Inductance
of IWSRM . 297
8.4.3 The Effect of Eccentricity on the Radial Force
of IWSRM . 298
8.4.4 The Effect of the Unbalanced Radial Force on the Vehicle
Performance 300
8.4.5 The Design of Controller and Results Analysis . 302
8.5 The Vibration Suppression Under Regenerative Braking
Condition 310
8.5.1 The Driving System of SRG 310
8.5.2 The Braking System of the Vehicle . 311
8.5.3 The Influence of Eccentricity and Electromagnetic
Excitation 312
8.5.4 The Design of Controller and the Results Analysis 315
References . 322
9 Temperature Filed Analysis and Optimization for the SRM . 325
9.1 Introduction 325
9.2 Finite Element Analysis of SRM . 326
9.2.1 Magnetic Field Distribution of SRM . 328
9.2.2 Magnetic Flux Density Analysis of SRM . 330
9.3 Calculation and Analysis of the Losses for SRM . 335
9.3.1 Overview of Iron Loss . 335
9.3.2 Calculation Method of Iron Loss . 338
9.3.3 Calculation and Distribution of Iron Loss . 343
9.3.4 Calculation of Copper Loss . 349
Contents ix9.4 Basic Theory of Thermal Analysis of SRM . 351
9.4.1 Heat Transfer Theory 351
9.4.2 The Mathematical Model and Boundary Conditions
in Temperature Field 354
9.5 Thermal Analysis Model of SRM 355
9.5.1 The Finite Element Model of SRM for Thermal
Analysis . 355
9.5.2 Determination of Thermal Conductivity 356
9.5.3 Determination of the Heat Source . 358
9.5.4 Boundary Conditions for Thermal Analysis 359
9.6 Simulation Results and Analysis of Temperature Field . 360
9.6.1 Simulation Analysis Results of Steady-State Temperature
Field 361
9.6.2 Simulation Analysis Results of Transient Temperature
Field 364
9.7 Motor Structure Parameter Optimization Considering
Temperature Field . 365
9.7.1 Optimization Index and Objective Function 367
9.7.2 Optimization Parameters and Constraints 368
9.7.3 Effect Analysis of the Stator Yoke Thickness 369
9.7.4 Effect Analysis of Stator Pole Arc Coefficient 373
9.8 Results Analysis on Three-Dimension Temperature Field . 378
9.9 Summary 378
References . 38
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