The Configuration Space Method for Kinematic Design of Mechanisms
The Configuration Space Method for Kinematic Design of Mechanisms
Elisha Sacks and Leo Joskowicz
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Mechanisms and Kinematic Function 3
1.2 Kinematic Design 5
1.3 Content and Organization of the Book 9
1.4 Notes 10
2 Mechanisms 11
2.1 Geometry of a Part 11
2.1.1 Planar Parts 11
2.1.2 Spatial Parts 14
2.2 Configurations and Motions of Parts 16
2.2.1 Planar Parts 16
2.2.2 Spatial Parts 20
2.3 Kinematic Pairs 21
2.3.1 Representation of Configuration Space 21
2.3.2 Lower and Higher Pairs 24
2.4 Mechanisms 25
2.5 Classification of Mechanisms 29
2.6 Notes 32
3 Contact of Features 33
3.1 Simple Planar Feature Contact 33
3.1.1 Tangency Equations 34
3.1.2 Boundary Equations 35
3.1.3 Subsumed Contacts 36
3.2 Fixed-Axis Planar Pairs 37
3.2.1 Tangency Curves 37
3.2.2 Contact Curves 43
3.3 General Planar Pairs 453.4 General Boundary Segments 50
3.5 Spatial Pairs 52
3.6 Notes 55
4 Contact of Parts in Configuration Space 57
4.1 Partition of Configuration Space 57
4.2 Fixed-Axis Pairs 60
4.3 Partition Algorithm for Fixed-Axis Pairs 62
4.3.1 Vertex and Edge Formation 64
4.3.2 Face Formation 65
4.3.3 Face Classification 66
4.4 General Planar Pairs 67
4.5 Partition Algorithm for General Planar Pairs 69
4.6 Mechanisms 72
4.7 Partitions of Configuration Space and the Theory of Mechanisms 75
4.8 Notes 78
5 Analysis 81
5.1 Kinematic Analysis by Examination of Partition 81
5.1.1 Disk Indexing Pair 82
5.1.2 Lever Indexing Pair 83
5.1.3 Intermittent Gear Mechanism 86
5.2 Kinematic Simulation 87
5.2.1 Simulation Algorithm 88
5.2.2 Computation of Velocity for Fixed-Axis Mechanisms 90
5.2.3 Computation of Velocity for General Planar Mechanisms 93
5.3 Dynamical Simulation 95
5.4 Notes 98
6 Tolerancing 99
6.1 Specifications of Parametric Tolerance 99
6.2 Tolerance Analysis 100
6.3 Algorithms for Kinematic Pairs 103
6.4 Algorithms for Mechanisms 107
6.5 Notes 108
7 Synthesis 109
7.1 Kinematic Design Cycle 109
7.2 Parameter Synthesis 111
7.2.1 Design Change 112
7.2.2 Structure Change 113
7.2.3 Multiple Draggers 115
7.3 Parameter Optimization 117
7.4 Notes 120
viii Contents8 Case Studies 121
8.1 Optical Filter Mechanism 121
8.2 Manual Transmission Gearshift 123
8.3 Torsional Ratcheting Actuator 125
8.4 Spatial Asynchronous Gear Pair 128
9 Conclusion 133
Research Directions 134
Appendix A Catalog of Mechanisms 137
Appendix B HIPAIR Software 175
B.1 Installation 175
B.2 Graphical User Interface 175
B.3 Mechanisms 177
B.3.1 Parts 177
B.3.2 Configuration Spaces of Fixed-Axis Pairs 178
B.3.3 Kinematic Simulation 178
B.3.4 Contact Zones of Fixed-Axis Pairs 178
B.4 Input Format 179
B.4.1 Mechanisms 179
B.4.2 Parts 179
B.4.3 Simulation and Display Data 181
Glossary 183
References 187
Index 193
analysis, 1–10, 82
axis, 17
boundary representation, 11, 178
CAD, 1, 10, 98, 134
cam, 2, 29, 55, 75
centered three-arc, 140
intermittent, 146
offset three-arc, 139
six-arc, 141
three-finger bidirectional, 143
three-finger unidirectional, 142
camera shutter, 169
conceptual design, 5, 109
mechanism, 25
pair, 21
part, 16
variables, 17, 20
configuration space, 17, 20, 55, 121
blocked, 57
cell, 69
contact, 57
cross-section, 67
curve, 58
edge, 64
face, 65
fixed-axis pair, 60, 179
free, 57
general pair, 69
mechanism, 72
partition, 57–60, 67–69, 72, 75
region, 57, 72
surface, 67
topology, 62, 102, 113
vertex, 64
contact, 1–10, 21, 23, 27, 33
boundary equations, 35, 44
change, 2, 8, 60
configuration, 32
curve, 37
edge-edge, 54
equations, 2, 33
face-edge, 53
face-face, 52
fixed-axis, 37
general boundary segments, 50
general planar, 45
line segment-line segment, 36
moving circle segment-fixed circle
segment, 48
moving circle segment-fixed line
segment, 46
moving line segment-fixed circle
segment, 47
multiple, 2, 58
part, 2, 57
rotating circle-rotating circle, 42
rotating circle-rotating line, 41
rotating circle-translating circle,
40contact (cont.)
rotating circle-translating line, 38, 41
segment-vertex, 36
space, 57
spatial, 52
subsumed, 36
tangency curve, 37–43
tangency equations, 37
translating line-translating line, 38
translating circle-rotating line, 38
type, 33, 52
vertex-vertex, 36
zone, 101, 134
zone computation, 103, 106
conventions, 4, 137
coordinate system, 13, 16, 18, 22
counter mechanism, 163
cross-section, 11
degrees of freedom, 20
Dennis clutch, 27, 29, 115
dragger, 112
dynamical simulation, 95
escapement, 96, 153
fastener, 67
feature, 9
contact, 33
planar, 12
simple, 33
spatial, 14
gear, 2, 29, 75
asynchronous, 128
double rack, 154
dwell, 156
intermittent, 26, 102, 166
sector, 26, 76, 155
sector double, 157
spatial bevel, 162
spatial orthogonal, 161
worm, 26
planar, 122, 144, 181
planar inverse, 145
spatial, 15, 61, 160
HIPAIR, 10, 55, 79, 98, 108, 175
indexer, 3, 72
disk, 82, 103, 149
lever, 83, 150, 167
pawl, 73, 86, 164
reciprocating, 158
spatial, 159
star, 148
interlock pair, 147, 151
analysis, 81
design, 1–3, 5, 109
fixed-axis pairs, 22, 25
function, 1–10, 14, 74–75, 81
higher pairs, 2, 24
lower pairs, 2, 24
pairs, 2, 21
simulation, 81, 87–98, 178
synthesis, 109
tolerancing, 100
variation, 99, 121
lever mechanism, 100, 107
linkage, 2, 27, 29, 75
manipulation, 135, 175
manual transmission gearshift,
material conditions, 103
mechanism, 1, 11, 25, 179
classification, 29
configuration, 25
design, 1, 5, 8
fixed-axis, 27
kinematics, 1
planar, 25
194 Indexspatial, 26
theory, 75
topology, 27, 90
constraints, 1
fixed-axis, 18
rotation, 18
translation, 18
movie film advance, 168
optical filter, 110, 121
design, 5
model, 5, 99
optimization, 117
representation, 13
synthesis, 109
tolerancing, 99
acceleration, 95
configuration, 16
force, 94
orientation, 16
planar, 12, 177
position, 16
spatial, 14
torque, 94
velocity, 88, 90, 93
ratchet, 61, 125, 152
Reuleaux, 2, 32, 79
simulation, 8, 81, 87
solid modeling, 11
state, 88
sweep-line algorithm, 64
synthesis, 1, 110, 134
design change, 111
draggers, 115
maximal instances, 118
parametric, 114
structure change, 113
analysis, 100–103
model, 99
nominal, 99
parametric, 99
revision, 119
space, 100
specifications, 99
worst-case, 99
tolerancing, 1, 8, 99–108, 134
topology graph, 27
torsional ratcheting actuator, 125
visualization, 135, 175
volume representation, 11
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