The Backyard Foundry
25. The Backyard Foundry
فناء المسبك
من سلسلة
Workshop Practice Series
B. Terry Aspin
Chapter 1 Introduction
Basic principles. of materials. mooW partems. sand
and moisture making a yirmsond moi /kl. tapu’ng and dusting.
Chapter 2 Partem making quality of patterns , foundry patterns materials
let patterns. drawing , allowance for contraction. draught angle.
pa’ferns ro accept loose cores aoubh• srded patterns. oddstdes.
sput twit torn* Anti pattern finish.
Chwpier 3 Plato patterns
Baste requirements, home made moulding ho* ,
mcutd ng boxes, concrete moulding boxes , multiple pattern
plates weight of casting , dm turn over plate and the Single
sided plate
comme’ cird
Chiiptor 4 Cores , core hoaw? end core making
Sand core , baking or drying out. core sana. core sana mixes ,
simple heater or mixer, CO , as hardener . core boxes, core
vents, examples of cotes and care m making
Casting tocomuliwe cylinders
Chapter 5 Dflhr alloy iind traditional rratrunlx. scaling down drawings ,
steam passages and allowance for machining.
Chapter 6 Use of pattern plates, identical patterns, spokes, making a
pafftrrr. multiple patterns, separate spokes , accurate register ,
completing the wheel and pouring temperatures.
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