The Art of Project Management
اسم المؤلف
Scott Berkun
(لا توجد تقييمات)

The Art of Project Management
By Scott Berkun
Table of Contents | Index
Who should read this book
Assumptions I’ve made about you in writing this book
How to use this book
Chapter One. A brief history of project management (and why you should care)
Section 1.1. Using history
Section 1.2. Web development, kitchens, and emergency rooms
Section 1.3. The role of project management
Section 1.4. Program and project management at Microsoft
Section 1.5. The balancing act of project management
Section 1.6. Pressure and distraction
Section 1.7. The right kind of involvement
Section 1.8. Summary
Part I: Plans
Chapter Two. The truth about schedules
Section 2.1. Schedules have three purposes
Section 2.2. Silver bullets and methodologies
Section 2.3. What schedules look like
Section 2.4. Why schedules fail
Section 2.5. What must happen for schedules to work
Section 2.6. Summary
Chapter Three. How to figure out what to do
Section 3.1. Software planning demystified
Section 3.2. Approaching plans: the three perspectives
Section 3.3. The magical interdisciplinary view
Section 3.4. Asking the right questions
Section 3.5. Catalog of common bad ways to decide what to do
Section 3.6. The process of planning
Section 3.7. Customer research and its abuses
Section 3.8. Bringing it all together: requirements
Chapter Four. Writing the good vision
Section 4.1. The value of writing things down
Section 4.2. How much vision do you need?
Section 4.3. The five qualities of good visions
Section 4.4. The key points to cover
Section 4.5. On writing well
Section 4.6. Drafting, reviewing, and revising
Section 4.7. A catalog of lame vision statements (which should be avoided)
Section 4.8. Examples of visions and goals
Section 4.9. Visions should be visual
Section 4.10. The vision sanity check: daily worship
Section 4.11. SummaryChapter Five. Where ideas come from
Section 5.1. The gap from requirements to solutions
Section 5.2. There are bad ideas
Section 5.3. Thinking in and out of boxes is OK
Section 5.4. Good questions attract good ideas
Section 5.5. Bad ideas lead to good ideas
Section 5.6. Perspective and improvisation
Section 5.7. The customer experience starts the design
Section 5.8. A design is a series of conversations
Section 5.9. Summary
Chapter Six. What to do with ideas once you have them
Section 6.1. Ideas get out of control
Section 6.2. Managing ideas demands a steady hand
Section 6.3. Checkpoints for design phases
Section 6.4. How to consolidate ideas
Section 6.5. Prototypes are your friends
Section 6.6. Questions for iterations
Section 6.7. The open-issues list
Section 6.8. Summary
Part II: Skills
Chapter Seven. Writing good specifications
Section 7.1. What specifications can and cannot do
Section 7.2. Deciding what to specify
Section 7.3. Specifying is not designing
Section 7.4. Who, when, and how
Section 7.5. When are specs complete?
Section 7.6. Reviews and feedback
Section 7.7. Summary
Chapter Eight. How to make good decisions
Section 8.1. Sizing up a decision (what’s at stake)
Section 8.2. Finding and weighing options
Section 8.3. Information is a flashlight
Section 8.4. The courage to decide
Section 8.5. Paying attention and looking back
Section 8.6. Summary
Chapter Nine. Communication and relationships
Section 9.1. Management through conversation
Section 9.2. A basic model of communication
Section 9.3. Common communication problems
Section 9.4. Projects depend on relationships
Section 9.5. The best work attitude
Section 9.6. Summary
Chapter Ten. How not to annoy people: process, email, and meetings
Section 10.1. A summary of why people get annoyed
Section 10.2. The effects of good process
Section 10.3. Non-annoying email
Section 10.4. How to run the non-annoying meeting
Section 10.5. Summary
Chapter Eleven. What to do when things go wrong
Section 11.1. Apply the rough guide
Section 11.2. Common situations to expect
Section 11.3. Take responsibility
Section 11.4. Damage control
Section 11.5. Conflict resolution and negotiation
Section 11.6. Roles and clear authority
Section 11.7. An emotional toolkit: pressure, feelings about feelings, and the hero complexSection 11.8. Summary
Part III: Management
Chapter Twelve. Why leadership is based on trust
Section 12.1. Building and losing trust
Section 12.2. Make trust clear (create green lights)
Section 12.3. The different kinds of power
Section 12.4. Trusting others
Section 12.5. Trust is insurance against adversity
Section 12.6. Models, questions, and conflicts
Section 12.7. Trust and making mistakes
Section 12.8. Trust in yourself (self-reliance)
Section 12.9. Summary
Chapter Thirteen. How to make things happen
Section 13.1. Priorities make things happen
Section 13.2. Things happen when you say no
Section 13.3. Keeping it real
Section 13.4. Know the critical path
Section 13.5. Be relentless
Section 13.6. Be savvy
Section 13.7. Summary
Chapter Fourteen. Middle-game strategy
Section 14.1. Flying ahead of the plane
Section 14.2. Taking safe action
Section 14.3. The coding pipeline
Section 14.4. Hitting moving targets
Section 14.5. Summary
Chapter Fifteen. End-game strategy
Section 15.1. Big deadlines are just several small deadlines
Section 15.2. Elements of measurement
Section 15.3. Elements of control
Section 15.4. The end of end-game
Section 15.5. Party time
Section 15.6. Summary
Chapter Sixteen. Power and politics
Section 16.1. The day I became political
Section 16.2. The sources of power
Section 16.3. The misuse of power
Section 16.4. How to solve political problems
Section 16.5. Know the playing field
Section 16.6. Summary
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter FifteenChapter Sixteen
Annotated Bibliography
Philosophy and strategy
Management and politics
Science, engineering, and architecture
Software process and methodology
Photo Credits
About the Author
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accuracy, precision vs.
activity charts
ad hominum attacks 2nd
add/cut discussions in scheduling
adjustments to requirements and designs
adversities, overcoming
common bad situations
list of
conflict resolution and negotiation
damage control
emotional toolkit
feelings about feelings
hero complex
handling difficult situations
roles and clear authority
taking responsibility
training and practice
trust as insurance against
affinity diagrams
aggressive code pipelining
agile methods (software development)
agreed communication
of PM role
toleration of
annoying others, avoiding
creating and rolling out processes
effects of good processes
assuming others have read it
avoid play-by-play accounts
example of bad
example of good
limit FYIs
principles of good writing
telephone instead
formula for good processes
managing processes from below
facilitation 2nd
pointers on
types of meetings
sources of annoyance
antipatterns catalog
argument, using in conflict resolution
artificial pressure
asking others for their best work
causing communication problemsclarifying with role definitions
underlying a project
best work attitude
forcing change in
of project managers
delegation of
required for project planning
requirements and design
autocrat/delegator traits, project managers
autocratic behavior (when necessary)Index
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bad approaches to project planning, catalog of
balance of power in organizations
beginner’s mind (shoshin)
forcing change in
inconsistent, losing trust through
behind schedule
believer, project manager as
best alternative to negotiated agreement (BATNA)
best work, getting from others
asking for best work
challenging/making demands
clearing roadblocks
follow advice
helping others do their best
reminding of project goals
reminding of respective roles
big staff team projects
blame (communication problem)
bottom-up schedules
brainstorming card deck (ThinkPak)
breaking work into manageable chunks 2nd
work breakdown structure (WBS)
briefing the team
budget authority for projects
bug fix pipeline
activity chart
difficult, leaving till last
end of end-game
evaluating trends
management of
useful measurements of
business perspective on projects 2nd
business requirements, integrating with technology requirementsIndex
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celebrating the project end
chain of command
challenging others to do their best
championing simplicity
dealing with mystery management
exploring impact of change
potential reach of change
cheap shots (personal attacks)
checking your sanity
checklists, confusing with goals
design phases
for add/cut discussions
chess games
lacking in communications
making things happen
clearing roadblocks to elicit best work
coding pipeline
aggressive and conservative
becoming bug fix pipeline
controlling mid-course adjustments
preparing for change
tracking progress
coercion (power)
building trust through
formalizing with a schedule
communication 2nd
basic model
agreed communication
conversion to useful action
received communication
tramsmitted communication
understood communication
best work attitude
best work, getting
asking for best work
challenging or demanding
clearing roadblocks
follow advice
inspiring others
reminding of project goals
reminding team of respective roles
common problems
lack of clarity
not listeningpersonal attacks
problem mismatch
helping others do their best
management through conversation
project dependence on relationships
defining roles
relationships and
comparative evaluation 2nd
ask tough questions
consider hybrid choices
dissenting opinions
examine assumptions or claims
include “do nothing” option
include relevant perspectives
refine pros/cons list until stable
start on paper or whiteboard
competition, covering in vision documents
complexity, acknowledging
conflict among team members
conflict resolution 2nd
be strong but supple
know the alternatives
mutual interest, looking for
personality conflicts
persuasion and argument, using
point of unification finding
confusion, minimizing
conservative code pipelining
consolidated quality of vision documents
consolidating ideas
political and power
role in problem-solving and creative thinking
contract team (small), project completed by
controlling projects
review meeting
war team
about power
directing as meeting facilitator
management through
relationships communication
conversion of communications to useful action
cost-benefit analysis for processes
project manager traits
to make decisions
decisions with no winning choices
good decisions with bad results
CR (change request)
creative questions
creative thinking, books on
creative work,
momentum of
crisis management
critical path
fear of
crossover points in milestones
exit criteria, defining
crunch effort to meet deadlinescrunch effort/recovery time ratio
customer experience as starting point of design
customer perspective on projects
experts who understand customers and design for them
problem statements
questions arising from
requests and research on requests
customer research and its abuses
research methods
customers, information about (vision documents)Index
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daily builds, project
daily questions for staying ahead
daily/weekly triage
damage control
DCR (design change request)
big, as several small deadlines
correcting angles of approach
exit criteria
hitting dates
why it gets worse
extraordinary efforts to meet
decision making 2nd
authority for
courage to decide
decisions with no winning choice
good decisions with bad results
deciding what’s at stake
approval or feedback needed
core problem
experience with problem
expert perspective, seeking
impact and duration of decision
impact/cost of being wrong
window of opportunity
eliminating the impossible
evidence for claims in numeric form
finding and weighing options
comparison, pros and cons
discuss and evaluate
emotions and clarity
formal training in
data vs. decisions
misinterpreting data
precision vs. accuracy
research as ammunition
narrowing possibilities with Occam’s Razor
reviewing decisions
decision tree analysis
delegation of authority
delegator traits, project managers
deliverables (project planning) 2nd
timeline for
demanding work from others
dependencies of a project
derision (communication problem)
design 2nd 3rd
agile and traditional methodologies
as series of conversations
authority overbad ideas leading to good ideas
revision and refinement
changes causing chain reactions
checkpoints for phases
creative work, momentum of
customer experience as starting point
exploration based on requirements
fear of exploration
feedback loop with requirements
impact on scheduling
open-issues list
product designers
progress, measuring
alternatives, using to increase success
projects with user interfaces
projects without user interfaces
support for programmers
quality requirements as starting point
reviews and adjustments
specification vs.
technical decisions vs.
design change request (DCR)
designers (interaction, product, or industrial)
dictating orders
persuasion vs.
dilemmas of project managers
direct request for power
directions, changing 2nd
dealing with mystery management
exploring impact of change
potential reach of change
managing changes
among team members
distractions and pressures, dealing with
divide and conquer strategy for schedulesIndex
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earned power 2nd 3rd
ECO (engineering change order)
ECR (engineering change request)
ego traits, project managers
email, non-annoying
assuming others have read it
avoid play-by-play accounts
example of bad email
example of good email
limit FYIs
principles of good writing
telephone, using instead of
emergencies, handling
emotional toolkit
feelings about feelings
hero complex
natural and artificial
emotions, awareness of
end-game strategy 2nd
big deadlines as several small deadlines
correcting angles of approach
exit criteria
hitting dates
why it gets worse
elements of control
review meeting
war team
elements of measurement
activity chart
bug management
daily build
evaluating trends
useful bug measurements
end of end-game
release candidate (RC)
rollout and operations
engineering change order (ECO)
engineering change request (ECR)
engineering perspective on projects
engineering quality, product value and
environment, evaluating
estimating time for work
common oversights in estimating
difficulties of
good estimates, ensuring
exit criteria
experience with the problem spaceExtreme Programming (XP)
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art of
pointers on
directing conversation
documenting discussions
ending conversation
establishing host position
listening and reflecting
learning from
possible project failure, covering in vision document
failure complex
failure of schedules, reasons for
common oversights in estimating
difficulties of estimating
early speculative plans
good estimates, ensuring
schedule as probability
snowball effect of oversights
faith, lack of (in a project)
Fault Feedback Ratio (FFR)
fear, project managers and
feature statements
converting problem statements to
examples of
purpose of
Feature-driven development
business and technology requirements
coverage in vision documents
prioritizing with ordered lists
feedback, leaders defining process
about feelings
awareness of
FFR (Fault Feedback Ratio)
fix rate (bugs)
fixation on process
flanking your objective
flying ahead of the plane
sanity checks
tactical (daily) questions
weekly/monthly questions for staying ahead
flying behind your project
focus groups in customer research
focusing questions
forcing function
functional powerIndex
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clarifying with feature statements
confusion about
confusion with processes
examples of good project goals
maintaining high visibility for
prioritizing with ordered lists
project, team, and individual
reminding team of, to elicit best work
supporting in vision documents
granted power 2nd
being autocratic
group meetings, using power and influence
group power, illusion ofIndex
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helping others do their best
hero complex
motivating beliefs
highly interactive discussion (meetings)
history of project management
key lessons from
learning from failure
Holmes, Sherlock
hospital emergency rooms, project management
Hydra project (example), goalsIndex
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checkpoints for design phases
consolidating ideas
ideas getting out of control
open-issues list
predictable management
prototypes, developing
questions for prototype iterations
origin of
bad ideas
bad ideas leading to good ideas
context of good or bad ideas
customer experience starts the design
design as series of conversations
gap from requirements to solutions
good questions, asking
perspective and improvisation
thinking in and out of boxes
traditional idea-generation ideas
impatience, project managers
agile and traditional methodologies
improvisation, perspective and
idea-generation rules
inconsistent behavior, losing trust through
individual goals
industrial designers
influence 2nd
indirect use of
multistage use of
use of
information flow in projects
insecurities of managers
inspirational quality of vision documents
inspiring others to do their best
intentional (goal-driven) quality, vision documents
interaction designers
interdisciplinary view in project planning
interim dates on projects
intranet web site
Hydra project (example), goals
problem statements (example)
involvement of managers, the right kind
prototype, questions for
iterative design workIndex
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kitchens (restaurant), project management
KJ (Kawkita Jiro) diagrams
knowledge and information flow in projects
knowledge as powerIndex
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lack of faith (in a project)
lateness, tendency toward
power and politics
trust as base of
building and losing trust
insurance against adversity
kinds of power
making trust clear
models, questions, and conflicts
trusting others
trusting yourself
learning from failure
importance in communication
role in facilitation
low qualityIndex
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making things happen
being relentless
being savvy
guerilla tactics
keeping it real
knowing the critical path
ordered lists
saying no
mastering ways to say no
management by walking around (MBWA)
managers, mission of
managing up
MARF (minimal annoyance risk factor)
market research
marketing requirements document (MRD)
marketing, functions of
matrix organization
measurement, project progress
activity chart
bug management
daily build
evaluating trends
useful bug measurements
facilitation 2nd
pointers on meetings
recurring meetings
types of meetings
project planning
memorable quality of vision documents
divide and conquer
limitations of
rule of thirds
specifications, definitions of
micromanagers, abuses by
Microsoft, program and project management
middle-game strategy 2nd
changing directions
dealing with mystery management
managing changes
coding pipeline
aggressive and conservative
becoming bug fix pipeline
tracking progress
high-level maintenance
staying ahead of events
sanity checks
tactical (daily) questions
weekly/monthly questionstaking safe action
breaking commitments
correcting angle of approach
crossover points
exit criteria
exit criteria
intermediary, hitting dates
length corresponding to volatility
matching to project volatility
project planning
minimal annoyance risk factor (MARF)
mistakes, trust and
monthly questions for staying ahead
motivating others
motivations for misuse of power
MRD (marketing requirements document)
mutiny, threats ofIndex
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natural pressure
be strong but supple
know the alternatives
look for mutual interest
personality conflicts and
persuation and argument, using
no, saying
numerical data to support claimsIndex
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obsession with methodologies
Occam’s Razor
open mind (shoshin)
oral skills (project manager)
ordered lists
being a prioritization machine
priorities are power
priority 1
project priorities
balance of power
impact on planning
over-involvement by managers
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paradoxes or dilemmas of project managers
patience, project managers
perfection, pursuing
performance, pressure and
personal attacks 2nd
personality conflicts
personnel issues
advantages of PM perspective
forcing change in
on project planning
balance of power
business perspective
customer perspective
interdisciplinary view
technology perspective
people with power
stronger than dictation
using in conflict resolution
PERT (program evaluation and review technique)
piecemeal development
planning 2nd
asking the right questions
answering the questions
including three major perspectives
listing of questions
no time for questions
catalog of bad approaches
confusing with goals
creative work
customer research and its abuses
research methods
integrating business and technology requirements
perspectives on
balance of power
business perspective
customer perspective
interdisciplinary view
technology perspective
process of
daily planning work
number of people involved
projects with high production costs
requirements, using
converting problems to scenarios
schedules, informing the team about
software planning demystified
common planning deliverables
impact of organizations
requirements gatheringspecification
types of projects
PM (project manager)
as problem solving
becoming political
constraints on leaders
definition of
in project planning
knowing the playing field
creating your own playing field
misuse of power
motivational causes
process causes
power and
solving political problems
assessing getting your needs met
clarifying what you need
influencing power
power to give you what you need
sources of power
positive outcomes for projects
postmortem (project)
constraints on leaders
kinds of
earned power
granted power 2nd
knowing the playing field
creating your own playing field
misuse of
motivational causes
process causes
politics and
priorities as
ratio to responsibility
solving political problems
assessing getting your needs met
clarifying what you need
influencing power
power to give what you need
sources of
definitions of different kinds
types of
practice and training for project managers
precision vs. accuracy
natural and artificial
pressures and distractions, dealing with
as power
being a prioritization machine
confusion about
ordered lists
priority 1
saying no
mastering ways to
problem mismatch (in communication)
problem solving
perspective and improvisationrules for idea generation
politics as
problem space
growing and shrinking during design
narrowing of
origination from requirements
shifting of
changes causing chain reactions
team experience with
problem statements
bug reports vs.
converting to scenarios
example list for intranet web site
quality requirements, writing
confusing with goals
creating and rolling out
effects of good processes
creating good processes
fixation on
formula for good processes
loathing of work processes
managing from below
misuse of power, causing
project planning
daily planning work
number of people involved
product designers 2nd
productivity (team), as zero sum resource
program evaluation and review technique (PERT)
programmers, coding pipeline
measuring for project
activity chart
bug management
daily build
evaluating trends
useful bug measurements
tracking in mid-schedule
project management
at Microsoft
history of
hospital emergency rooms
role of
project management activity
project managers
involvement levels
perspective, advantages of
unique value created
value added by
types of
requirements authority
pros/cons list (for decisions)
alternatives, increasing success with
projects with user interfaces
projects without user interfacesquestions for iterations
support for programmers
pseudo hero
psychological power of a scheduleIndex
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in writing, volume vs.
key, in vision documents
leading to good ideas
creative questions
focusing questions
rhetorical questions and
project planning
answering the questions
listing of questions
no time for questions
perspectives, includingIndex
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Rapid Applications development
reality, keeping in touch with
received communication
recovery time, ratio to crunch effort
recurring meetings
referent (power)
as decision-making tool
role in facilitation
rate caused by bug fix (FFR)
communication and
enhancing communication
helping others do their best
project dependence on
defining roles
release candidate (RC)
relentless pursuit of goals
reporting or moderate discussion (meetings)
request (direct), for power
requests, customer
authority over
business and technology, integrating
converting to solutions
design exploration
fear of exploration
progress in design
writing quality requirements
gathering 2nd
problem statements method, using
example for intranet web site
reviews and adjustments
as decision-making ammunition
customer requests
customer research and its abuses
research methods
resource shortages
for political power
ratio of power to
taking in bad situations
restaurant kitchens, project management
review periods in schedules
as project controls
requirements and designsrewards (power)
rhetorical questions
ridicule (communication problem)
addressing early in schedule
evaluating in vision documents
confusion and
planning process
project management role
reinforcing team role structure
reminding team of, to enable best work
rollout and operations
rule of thirds (scheduling)
piecemeal developmentIndex
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safe action, taking
breaking commitments
sanity checks
savvy project management
evaluating your environment
guerilla tactics
saying no
converting problem statements to
coverage in vision documents
constructing, methodologies for
divide and conquer
rule of thirds
end-game strategy
middle-game strategy
purposes of
formalizing commitments
large and complex projects
seeing individual efforts as part of whole
tool to track progress
tendency of people to be late
what makes them work
why they fail
common oversights in estimating
difficulties of estimation
early speculative plans
good estimates, ensuring
schedule as probability
snowball effect of oversights
scope (vision) documents
shoshin (beginner’s mind)
silver bullets, methodologies as
driving decisions (Occam’s Razor)
simplifying quality, vision documents
simulations, decision-making training through
singular evaluation
site visits (in customer research)
in scheduling
project manager trait
small contract team projects
SMART (specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and timely) goals
snowball effect of scheduling oversights
social networks, importance of
software planning
common planning deliverablesimpact of organizations
requirements gathering
types of projects
software quality
solo-superman projects
solutions, gap between requirements and
specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals
specifications 2nd
deciding what to specify
deciding when complete
closing schedule gaps
how much is enough
managing open issues
significance of completion
design vs.
developing and documenting
ensuring that the right things happen
functions of
getting feedback on
responsibility for
reviews and feedback
conducting the review
how to review
questions for review
who should attend
simplifying effects of well-written specs
time between requirements and
what they can and cannot do
who, when, and how to write
writing for one vs. writing for many
writing tips and things to avoid
spiral model (software development)
staff team (big), projects completed by
stakeholders, coverage in vision documents
statistics, misinterpretation of
status and project review meetings
big deadlines as several small deadlines
elements of control
elements of measurement
end of end-game
coding pipeline
high-level maintenance
staying ahead of events
taking safe action
stress relief
superman (solo) projects
surveys in customer researchIndex
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z]
tactical (daily) questions for staying ahead
tardiness, tendency toward
teaching to enable best work
team goals
big staff team projects
confidence and experience working together
issues among members
productivity as zero sum resource
small contract team projects
solo-superman team
technical authority for projects
technical specification
technology perspective on projects
questions arising from
technology requirements, integrating with business requirements
test criteria, specifying
agile and traditional methodologies
“there are no bad ideas”
“think out of the box”
ThinkPak (brainstorming card deck)
threats of mutiny
tolerating ambiguity
top-down schedules
confusing with goals
schedule as tracking tool
traditional methods (software development)
training for project managers
traits of a project manager
transmitted communication
trends, evaluating
trust 2nd
breaking commitments
building and losing
building through commitment
losing through inconsistent behavior
insurance against adversity
kinds of power
earned power
granted power 2nd
making clear
making mistakes
models, questions, and conflicts
leaders defining feedback
power and
trusting othersdelegation of authority
trusting yourselfIndex
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z]
understood communication
usability engineers
usability studies (in customer research)
user interfaces
prototyping for projects with
prototyping for projects without
utility theoryIndex
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z]
added by project managers
created by project managers
defined as quality of engineering
velocity (Extreme Programming)
Venn Diagram, using to eliminate perspective bias
vision documents 2nd 3rd
catalog of lame vision statements
drafting, reviewing, and revising
good vision statements and goals (examples)
supporting claims
good, characteristics of
consolidation of ideas
inspirational quality
intentional (goal-driven) quality
memorable quality
simplifying effects
keeping alive by frequently questioning its utility
key points to cover
principles of good writing
keeping it simple
one primary writer
volume vs. quality
proof-of-concept prototype
scope of
questions to determine
team and individual goals
value of writing things down
visual images in
visualizing non-visual thingsIndex
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z]
war team
waterfall model (software development)
web development, challenges of
web site for this book
weekly triage
weekly/monthly questions for staying ahead
“What do we need to do?”, answering
“What problem are you trying to solve?”
best work, getting from others
asking for best work
challenging/making demands
clearing roadblocks
follow advice
reminding of project goals
reminding of respective roles
helping others do their best
work attitude (best)
work breakdown structure (WBS)
aggressive pipelining versus
developing and documenting
work items
distribution across the team
prioritizing with ordered lists
work-item lists
writing skills (project manager)
writing things down, value of
writing well
keeping it simple
non-annoying email
one primary writer
tips for good specifications
volume vs. quality

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