The A-Z of Health and Safety
The A-Z of Health and Safety
Jeremy Stranks
List of abbreviations viii
List of figures xi
List of tables xii
Accident and ill health costs and losses 3
Accident and ill health data 7
Accidents and accident prevention 9
Accident reporting, recording and investigation 19
Approved Codes of Practice and HSE Guidance Notes 35
Asbestos 37
Benchmarking 47
Biological agents 51
Chains, ropes and lifting tackle 59
Children at work 63
Common law liability 65
Competent persons 69
Confined spaces 75
Construction safety 77
Consultation on health and safety 85
Contractors and visitors on site 91
Corporate liability and corporate manslaughter 95
Courts and tribunals 97
iiiiv T H E A- Z O F H E A LT H A N D S A F E T Y
Damage control 105
Dermatitis 107
Disobedience and disregard for safety 111
Display screen equipment 115
Documentation requirements 123
Duties, hierarchy of 129
Duty of care 131
Electrical installations 135
Emergency procedures 143
Employee handbooks 151
Enforcement procedures 153
Ergonomics 161
Fire prevention 169
First aid 187
Gross misconduct (health and safety) 193
Hazard reporting 197
Hazardous substances 201
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 219
Health and safety practitioners 225
Health risk assessment 229
Health surveillance and health protection 233
Home working 241
Human error 245
Human factors and safety 249
Information for employees 255
Information, instruction and training 257Information sources 261
Insurance 269
Job safety analysis 275
Lead at work 281
Lifting operations, machinery and equipment 287
Lifts 295
Lighting in the workplace 303
Lone workers 313
Machinery and work equipment 317
Maintenance operations 343
Manual handling operations 347
Mechanical handling 359
Method statements 367
Mobile work equipment 371
Negligence 379
New or expectant mothers 383
Noise 385
Occupational diseases and conditions 399
Occupational exposure limits 407
Occupational hygiene 413
Occupiers’ liability 415
Passport schemes 423
Permit to work systems 427
Personal protective equipment 435
Portable electrical appliances 445
CONTENTSPowered working platforms 453
Power presses 457
Pressure systems 459
Product liability 465
Radiation and radiological protection 473
Risk assessment 479
Safety budgets 491
Safety committees 493
Safety culture 497
Safety data (hazardous substances) 501
Safety incentive schemes 503
Safety management systems 505
Safety monitoring systems 525
Safety propaganda 531
Safety signs 533
Shared workplaces 537
Smoking at work 539
Statements of health and safety policy 541
Stress at work 545
Structural safety 553
Temperature control in the workplace 561
Temporary workers 563
Toxicology 565
Traffic management on site 573
Ventilation in the workplace 579
Vibration 587
Vicarious liability 591
Violence at work 593
vi T H E A- Z O F H E A LT H A N D S A F E T YWelding and similar operations (‘Hot work’) 601
Welfare amenity provisions 611
Work at height 621
Work away from base 625
Work in compressed air 629
Young persons 635
CONTENTSList of abbreviations
ACAS Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
ACOP Approved Code of Practice
AER All England Reports
BS British Standard
CDMR Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
CHIPR Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply)
CORGI Council for the Registration of Gas Installers
COSHHR Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
dB(A) Decibels measured on the A-network of a sound pressure
level meter
DSE Display screen equipment
EA Enforcing authority
EHSRs Essential health and safety requirements
HAVS Hand-arm vibration syndrome
HSWA Health and Safety at Work etc Act
HSC Health and Safety Commission
HSE Health and Safety Executive
viii T H E A- Z O F H E A LT H A N D S A F E T YHz Hertz
ISO International Standards Organization
LEV Local exhaust ventilation
LOLER Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
LTEL Long term exposure limit
MEL Maximum exposure limit
MHSWR Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
OES Occupational exposure standard
OLA Occupiers’ Liability Act
PAT Portable appliance test
PPE Personal protective equipment
PUWER Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
PWP Powered working platform
RCD Residual current device
RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences
RoSPA Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
RPE Respiratory protective equipment
RSI Repetitive strain injury
SFARP So far as is reasonably practicable
STEL Short term exposure limit
SWL Safe working load
TLV Threshold Limit Value
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSVCM Vinyl chloride monomer
VWF Vibration-induced white finger
WHSWR Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations
WVB Whole body vibration
x T H E A- Z O F H E A LT H A N D S A F E T YList of figures
- Accident costing form
- Form 2508: report of an injury or dangerous occurrence
- Form 2508A: report of a case of disease
- Improvement Notice
- Prohibition Notice
- Hazard Report
- The COSHH Assessment Process
- Machinery hazards
- Machinery guards
- Manual handling principles
- HSE guidance: five steps to risk assessment
- OHSAS 18001
- Key elements of successful health and safety management
- Total loss control stages
- Safety sampling
- Dose: response relationship
- Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems
LIST OF FIGURESList of tables - Comparison of chain strengths
- Typical responses to current/voltage
- Physical dimensions of the average operator compared with those
of ‘Cranfield Man’ - Colour coding of fire appliances
- Average illuminances and minimum measured illuminances for
different types of work - Maximum ratios of illuminance for adjacent areas
- Recommended lighting levels
- Manual handling of loads: example of an assessment checklist
- Lift truck operator safety rules
- Methods of noise control
- Typical occupational exposure limits
- Specimen risk survey table for the use of personal protective
equipment - The electromagnetic spectrum
- Headings on a safety data sheet
- Recommended temperatures
- Recommended air change rates
- Sanitary accommodation
- Sanitary accommodation for men
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