Structural and Thermal Analysis by FEM using ANSYS

Structural and Thermal Analysis by FEM using ANSYS
Engineering Design Centre
School of Mechanical Sciences
PSG College of Technology
Coimbatore – 641004
1. Effect of Self Weight on a Cantilever Beam 2
2. Application of Distributed Loads 7
3. Bicycle Example 12
4. Two Dimensional Truss 20
5. Bracket Example 31
0. 2-D Plane Stress – Using Paths to Post Process Results 38
7. Solid Model Creation 45
8. 3-D Static Stress Analysis 65
9. Viewing X-Sectional Results 70
10. Modelling Using Axisymmetry 77
11. Modal Analysis of a Cantilever Beam 85
12. Modal Analysis of a Square Plate 93
13. Harmonic Analysis of a Cantilever Beam 97
14. Reduced Transient Dynamic Analysis 107
15. Transient Analysis of a Cantilever Beam 114
16. Eigenvalue Buckling Analysis 127
17. Nonlinear Buckling Analysis 131
18. Simple Conduction Example 135
19. Coupled Structural/Thermal Analysis 139
20. Coupled Field Analysis using Axisymmetric Elements 147
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