رسالة دكتوراة بعنوان Strength Design Methods for Glass Structures

رسالة دكتوراة بعنوان
Strength Design Methods for Glass Structures
Maria Fröling
Structural Mechanics
Doctoral Thesis
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . 1
1.2 Aim . 1
1.3 Limitations . 1
2 Glass in the Structural Design Process 3
2.1 General Remarks 3
2.2 New Features of the Glass Design Program ClearSight 5
2.3 Example of the Use of ClearSight . 6
3 Structural Glass 9
3.1 General Remarks 9
3.2 The Material Glass . 9
3.3 Types of Glass 10
3.3.1 Annealed Glass . 10
3.3.2 Fully Tempered Glass . 10
3.3.3 Heat Strengthened Glass 10
3.3.4 Laminated Glass 11
3.3.5 Insulated Glass . 12
3.4 Linear-elastic Materials . 12
3.5 Mechanical Properties of Glass . 13
3.6 Fracture Criterion 14
4 Review on Laminated Glass Subjected to Static Loads 16
4.1 Introduction . 16
4.2 Experimental Results 16
4.3 Analytical Results 18
4.4 Numerical Results 21
4.5 Discussion 24
5 Theory and Methods 26
5.1 Stress Prediction of Laminated Glass Structures Subjected to Static Shortterm Loads . 26
5.2 The M-RESS Solid-shell Element . 27
5.2.1 The EAS-method 28
5.2.2 Treatment of the Strain Field to Account for Stabilization . 29
5.2.3 Stress Evaluation 30
5.3 An Analytical Model for Structural Analysis of Laminated Glass in Bending 30
5.4 Modeling of Hyperelastic Materials 34
5.4.1 Strain Energy Function, the Neo-Hooke Model and the MooneyRivlin Model 35
5.5 Dynamic Analysis 36
5.6 The Rayleigh-Ritz Procedure 38
vii5.7 Structure-acoustic Analysis . 39
6 Application of Developed Design Methods 42
6.1 General . 42
6.2 Description of Test Example 42
6.3 Finite Element Analysis Using Three Dimensional Solid Elements 43
6.4 Finite Element Analysis Using M-RESS Elements . 44
6.5 Stress Prediction Using Design Charts . 45
6.6 Results and Comparison 46
7 Overview of Present Work 48
7.1 The Application of the M-RESS Element for Stress Evaluation of Advanced Laminated Glass Structures . 48
7.2 Development of Design Charts for Stress Evaluation of Laminated Glass
Balustrades with Bolted Joints Subjected to a Line Load . 50
7.3 Evaluation of the Shear-capacity in Adhesive Glass Joints and Development of Material Models for the Adhesives 51
7.4 Development of a Reduced Model for Evaluation of Stresses in Glass
Structures Subjected to Dynamic Impact Load . 54
7.5 Structural Analysis of Insulated Glass Subjected to Dynamic Impact Load 57
8 Discussion 60
8.1 Conclusions . 60
8.1.1 Application of the M-RESS Element for Stress Prediction in Laminated Glass . 60
8.1.2 Design Charts for Stress Evaluation in Laminated Glass Balustrades 60
8.1.3 Shear-capacity in Adhesive Glass Joints 60
8.1.4 Reduced Modeling for Glass Subjected to Dynamic Impact Load . 61
8.1.5 Analysis of Insulated Glass Subjected to Dynamic Impact Load . 61
8.2 Future Work . 61
9 Summary of the Papers 63
9.1 Paper 1 . 63
9.2 Paper 2 . 63
9.3 Paper 3 . 63
9.4 Paper 4 . 64
9.5 Paper 5 . 64
Paper 1
Computational Methods for Laminated Glass
Maria Fröling and Kent Persson
Paper 2
Designing Bolt Fixed Laminated Glass with Stress Concentration Factors
Maria Fröling and Kent Persson
Paper 3
Shear-Capacity in Adhesive Glass Joints
Maria Fröling, Kent Persson and Oskar Larsson
Paper 4
A Reduced Model for the Design of Glass Structures Subjected to Dynamic Impulse
Maria Fröling, Kent Persson and Per-Erik Austrell
Paper 5 Numerical Analysis of Insulated Glass Subjected to Soft Body Impact
Maria Fröling and Kent Persson
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