Sheet Metal Shaping – Tools, Skills, and Projects
اسم المؤلف
Ed Barr

Sheet Metal Shaping – Tools, Skills, and Projects
By Ed Barr
CHAPTER 1 The Peasant’s Toolkit
CHAPTER 2 Building Your Own English Wheel
CHAPTER 3 Building a Power Hammer from a Kit
CHAPTER 4 Introduction to Shape and Form
CHAPTER 5 The Low Crown Panel
CHAPTER 6 The High Crown Panel
CHAPTER 7 The Reverse Curve Panel
CHAPTER 8 Scratch-Built Fender
CHAPTER 9 Patch Panelpalooza
CHAPTER 10 Shiny Trim Repair
CHAPTER 11 The Nayslayer Model T Speedster
CHAPTER 12 Re-creating an Indy Race Car
CHAPTER 13 Building an Aluminum Motorcycle Fairing
CHAPTER 14 Building a Pair of Early Cadillac Fenders
CHAPTER 15 Building a ’34 Plymouth Fender
CHAPTER 16 Pourable Foam Buck
CHAPTER 17 Louvered Hoods
CHAPTER 18 MGB “Zagato”
About the Author
Acme thread, 22
aftermarket panels, 78
air chisel, 21
Aircraft Sheet Metal (Bonacci), 215
aluminum, polishing, 206
anvil wheel, 16
anvil wheel yoke, 17
Any Impossibility in Shaping Metal (Nawrocki), 100
Austin-Healey, 95
Automobile Design Techniques and Design Modeling (Hoadley), 47
Automobile Racing (Kuhns), 122
Barton, Tim, 100
bead roller, 12, 83, 189
beaded fender edge, 168
beads, 92
bearing retainer, 23
Bentley, 55, 56, 70
body, building simple structure for, 109
body buck, building, 122
body sheet metal, 126
body supports, 136
Bonacci, Nick, 215
bonking tool, 72, 93, 95
building, 122
building simple, 148
foam, 125, 141, 192
wire, 141
wood, 47, 55, 63, 148, 167
Butler, Fay, 27, 34, 35, 38, 40, 46, 52, 62, 168, 170, 214
Cadillac fenders, building early, 148
casters, 25
Century of Automotive Style, A (Holls and Lamm), 170
Chevy fender, 92
Chilton Mechanics’ Handbook, Vol.3 (Sargent), 45
Clecos, 84, 85, 86, 112, 197
cockpit, top edge of, 117
cold shrinking, 84
creases, 72, 90
cycle fender, 54
Cyclo polisher, 206, 218Dees, Mark, 122, 126
die support plate, 34
dimpled supports, 111
dovetail block, 31
Eastwood Tinning Butter, 165
edges, finishing, 187
electric motor mount, 30, 32
English wheel. See wheeling machine
exterior sheet metal, 112
factory details, working around, 224
fasteners, removing, 87
building ’34 Plymouth, 166
building early Cadillac, 148
cycle, 54
patching, 92
scratch-built, 70
fiberglass backing tape, 72
filing, 82
finishing, 234
firewalls, 106
flange, patch panels with, 82
foam, shaping with, 88
foam bucks, 125, 141, 192
form, distinguishing between shape and, 40
freezer paper patterns, 151, 154
gas tank, 132
gas tank supports, 136
Glover, John, 16, 50, 92, 228
grille shell, 125, 132
guide coat, 234
hammer forms, ready-made, 228
hand tools, making low crown panel with, 48
headlight openings, 229
headlight rings, 99
heat shrinking, 78, 84
high crown panel, 46, 54, 70, 167, 170, 180, 181, 200. See also Plymouth fenders, ’34
high spots, 144
highlight line, 169
Hoadley, Fred, 47
Holls, Dave, 170
hood straps, 120, 207
hoods, louvered, 202hood-to-cowl conundrum, 106
Hoosier Profiles, 18
Indy race car, re-creating, 122
joggle bead, 189
kickwheel, 16, 24
Kirksite, 213, 214
Knight, Scott, 40
Kreg pocket-screw jig, 12
Kuhns, Ray F., 122
Lamm, Michael, 170
Lancaster-style shrinker, 83
Long, James, 122, 132
long-long-short-short tracking pattern, 50
Longyard, William, 213
Lost Sheet Metal Machines, The (Barton), 100
louvered hoods, 202
low crown panel, 46, 229
MGB “Zagato,” 220
Miller, Harry, 122
Miller Dynasty, The (Dees), 122, 126
Millermatic metal inert gas (MIG) welding, 28, 76, 77, 80, 82, 84
Mittler Brothers, 26
Model A, 67
Model T speedster, 104, 202
motorcycle fairing, building aluminum, 140
Nawrocki, Cass, 100
Offenhauser engine, 122
oxides, 59
oxyacetylene torch, 11, 28, 77, 78, 84, 138, 144
aftermarket, 78
joining, 187
patching, 74
pitfalls for, 180
paper patterns, 169, 183, 198
paper templates, 42, 67
patch panels
checklist for, 79
fit for, 78
with flange, 82overview of, 74
practicing, 75
tips and tricks for, 87
pedal for power hammer, 37
Petillo, Kelly, 122
Pierce Arrow chassis, 54
pipe plugs, 38
Plymouth fenders, ’34, 166
power hammer
building from kit, 26
making low crown panel with, 50
reverse curve panel and, 67
shrinking with, 174
Practical Sheet Metal Worker, The (Glover), 92, 228
practice, risk-free, 75
Pullmax machine, 12, 26, 102, 118, 150, 153, 187, 189
pull-through dies, 100
radius gauge, 170
reciprocating machine, 102
reverse curve panel, 46, 62, 70, 182, 226
reverse scoop panel, 112
rivet layout tool, 216
riveting, 215
safety glasses, 13
sanding, 208
Sargent, Robert L., 45
seat shape, 41
seat supports, 136
seats, custom, 136
shape and form, distinguishing between, 40
Shaping Book #1 (Butler), 170
shaping models, 47
Sheet Metal Fab for Car Builders (Longyard), 213
shrinking, high crown panel and, 170, 180
side spears, 96
spoon, 9
Sportscar Vintage Racing Association, 139
steering column, lowering, 118
stump, 7
Stutz spare-tire-well buck, 57
support arms for power hammer, 29, 31, 32, 36
sweeps, 46
tack welding, 86
tailcrafting, 130
defining, 107
finishing, 115
taillight mount, 165
thickness changes, 45
TIG welding, 80
toolkit, 6
trim repair, 96
tuck shrinks, 59
tucking tool, 7
tucks, 58
tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, 28, 72, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82
Tweit, Arvid “Red,” 40
Universal Sheet Metal Machine Handbook (Butler), 214
Viking marauder hammer, 57
Vise-Grips, 83, 86
vixen files, 234, 235
weld seams, 17, 21, 168, 220, 224
Weldbond glue, 125
welding practice, 75, 86
wheel brackets, 19
wheel frame, 18, 21
wheel rack, 24
wheeling machine
building your own, 14
flanges and, 83
making low crown panel with, 50
overview of, 7
reverse curve panel and, 66
Williams, Dave, 150, 202
Williams Lowbuck Tools, 150, 202
wire buck, 141
wire-edging tool, 8
wood blocks, 7
wood bucks. See also bucks
building simple, 148
for low crown panel, 47
for Plymouth fenders, 167
for reverse curve panel, 63
tip for building, 55
wrinkles, 58, 61, 84
Yardstore, 216, 218

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