كتيب بعنوان
Rolling Element Bearings
Chapter Outline
6.1 Introduction 232
6.2 Bearing life and selection 234
6.2.1 Modified life equation 239
6.3 Bearing installation 282
6.4 Radial location 285
6.5 Preload 286
6.6 Conclusions 292
References 293
Standards 293
Websites 294
Further reading 294
Generally, preferred SI units have been stated.
a1 life adjustment factor for reliability
aSKF SKF life modification factor
B width (m)
C basic dynamic load rating (N)
Co basic static load rating (N)
d bore diameter (m)
mean diameter (m)
D outer diameter (m)
ISO International organisation for standardisation
k constant
L life (number of revolutions)
L1 life at load P1 (number of revolutions)
L10 rated life at the rated load (number of revolutions)
L2 life at load P2 (number of revolutions)
Lcat catalogue rating (N)
Ld design life (number of revolutions)
nm rating life (at 100n% reliability) in millions of revolutions;
o original length (m)
P load (N)
P1 load (N)
P2 load (N)
u fatigue load limit (N)
R applied radial load (N)
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
T thrust load (N)
V rotating factor
X radial factor
Y thrust factor
α coefficient of expansion (K1)
ΔL change in length (m)
ΔT temperature rise (°C)
ηc contamination factor
κ viscosity ratio
ν operating kinematic viscosity of the lubricant (m2/s)
ν1 rated kinematic viscosity depending on the bearing mean diameter and rotational speed
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