Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 1
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Gujjala Raghavendra · B. B. V. L. Deepak · Manoj Gupta
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Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 1
Select Proceedings of ICMech-REC 23
Gujjala Raghavendra · B. B. V. L. Deepak · Manoj Gupta
Vibration Analysis of Composite Viscoelastic Core Sandwich
Beam Using Active Control Techniques 1
P. Raghavendra, Adith Shekhar Gatty, Harish Rajesh, T. N. Deepak,
Yash Rawal, Suryarao Nagiredla, and Sharnappa Joladarashi
Parametric Optimization for Material Removal Rate During
Face Milling: Using Experimental and Mathematical Modelling
Approach . 11
Ankit Sharma, Anoop Kumar Singh, Kamaljeet Singh,
Abhishek Pratap Singh Sachan, and Amrinder Singh Uppal
Performance Prediction of Electrode Materials on Surface
Roughness During Electric Discharge Machining of HSLA Steel . 25
Anoop Kumar Singh, Ankit Sharma, Amrinder Singh Uppal,
and Kulvinder Singh
Effect of Sodium Hydroxide Molarity on the Properties
of Metakaolin-Eggshell-Based Geopolymer Cured at Ambient
Temperature 41
Muhammad Magana Aliyu, Aiyelabegan Abdulrauf, Musa Adamu,
and Bitrus Emmanuel Achara
A Selection of Renewable Energy Using Three-Phase Hybrid
Fuzzy Model to Attain Sustainable Development Goals 55
Virendra Singh Rana, Ram Karan Singh, Nishant Mathur,
Yashwant Singh Bisht, and Mohit Kumar Arya
Design and Fabrication of Automated Delivery Drone Using 3D
Printing 69
A. Kalyan Charan, R. Abhishek, R. Navya, and Ch Sathwika
vvi Contents
Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
in Microchannel Heat Sink with Rectangular Grooves and Sine
Wavy Channels 83
Ashok Kumar Raipilli, Latchupatula Ananya, and Vivek Kumar Patel
Design and Experimental Analysis of Additively Manufactured
Ortho-Planer-Based Tuned Mass Damper . 97
Devarpan Chakraborty and Ashish Pawar
Prediction of Depth of Defect from Phased Array Ultrasonic
Testing Data Using Neural Network . 109
Shubham Babasaheb Kumbhar and T. Sonamani Singh
Experimental Investigation and Its Parametric Analysis of AWJM
Process Parameters on Surface Quality of Green Composites 121
Investigations to Examine the Potential of Eco-Safe Nanofluids
in CNC Machining 131
R. Padmini, Srinivas Paleti, and Vamsi Krishna Pasam
Ride Analysis of 6 × 6 Military Mine Protected Vehicle
on Cross-Country Terrain with PID Controller . 145
Sanket Renukdas and Shankar Krishnapillai
Experimental Analysis and Multi-objective Optimization
for Wedm Machining of Armour Steel . 159
Rajesh Gupta and Sunil Agrawal
Improvement of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
of Powder Coating on Ti-6al-4 v Alloy with Different Rare Earth
Metals Using Tig Cladding . 173
Randhir Kumar, Mukul Anand, Manowar Hussain, and Alok Kumar Das
Concentrating Solar Energy for Community Cooking . 187
Pratik Dev, Varn Roy, and Janardan Prasad Kesari
Pin-On-Disk Computational Analysis: A Powerful Tool
for Characterizing the Mechanical Properties of Polymers
and Polymer Composites . 199
Hemant Nagoriya and Gaurav Arora
Simulation of CI Engine Using 60-Degree Sector Meshed Geometry
with Diesel-Methanol/Ethanol Blended Fuel 215
Pranav Kumar and Vijay Kumar Bajpai
Vibration Energy Harvesting from Cantilever Beam Using Macro
Fiber Composite Material 231
Praneetha Dinesh, Vimal Joshy, R. Divya, and Ashesh SahaContents vii
Modeling and Analysis of Fracture Problems Using Meshless
Methods 241
Vutla Sai Naga Kishore and Thamarai Selvan Vasu
Design and Analysis of Free Rotation Forklift Using Mecanum
Wheel 251
Preet Vartak, Sangram Suryawanshi, Ankita Sanap, Aditi Hampe,
and Anuja H. Karle
Tribological Investigation of Composite Coating on AISI 52100
Alloy Steel Using Electrophoretic Deposition . 263
Anandu Aravind, Vivek V. Kamal, S. Rani, and K. Bindu Kumar
Performance and Emission Characteristics of Higher Blends
of Preheated Pongamia Methyl Ester Using Exhaust Gas Waste
Heat Recovery in Compression Ignition Engine 277
Prasanna S. Mahhankar, Nikhil A. Bhave, Yogesh V. Dandekar,
Sandeep Joshi, and Sushant Satptaley
Exergoeconomic Analysis of a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plant
Based on Several Operational Parameters . 291
Ashutosh Mishra, B. B. Arora, and Akhilesh Arora
Performance Evaluation of a Dual Evaporator Ejector
Refrigeration Cycle Using Gouy-Stodola Equation 303
Karun Belwal, Gulshan Sachdeva, and Bharat Sharma
Establishing a Correlation Between Mechanical Properties
and 3D Printing Process Parameters for Chopped Carbon Fibre
Reinforced Nylon Composite . 317
Niranjan S. Deshmukh, Siddhant K. Jagtap, Kshitija S. Satao,
Nayan G. Sharma, and Prashant R. Anerao
Numerical Study on the Effect of Rib Configurations
on the Thermal-Hydrodynamic Performance of Microchannel
Heat Sink . 327
Hussam Sadique, Samsher, and Qasim Murtaza
Numerical Analysis of Helical Spiral Micromixer of Non-Newtonian
Fluid . 341
Md. Gulam Mustafa, M. Zunaid, and Samsher
Characterization of TiO2/Fe3O4 Reinforced Magnetorheological
Fluid Blend . 353
Bhavana M. Mariyappalavar, Suhas P. Deshmukh, and Anuja H. Karleviii Contents
Effects of Different Pore Architecture Designs on Compressive
Mechanical Behaviour of 3D-Printed PLA-Based Carbon
Nanofibre Structures . 363
Shatakshi Verma, Dipesh Kumar Mishra, Saransh Bhardwaj,
and Abhay Mishra
Numerical Analysis of Thermal Properties in Ground-Coupled
Heat Exchanger . 373
Zainab Khatoon, Ritesh Srivastava, and Vivek Kumar Patel
Investigations on Microstructure, Mechanical, Physical Properties
and Corrosion Behavior of A356–Al2O3–B4C Composites . 387
M. Yashwanth Kumar, T. Vijaya Kumar, and R. Dhanasekaran
In-Line Temperature Monitoring by Ultrasonic Waveguide-Based
Distributed Sensor . 395
Arun Valabhoju, Ajay Veeraveni, Abhishek Kumar,
and Suresh Periyannan
Investigating the Effectiveness of Reinforced Ice on the Mechanical
Properties 407
Ratnesh Kumar Yadav, Saurabh, Sunkulp Goel, and Abhishek Kumar
Semi-Supervised Gan-Based Defect Detection on Radiographic
Images of Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Joints (AA6082:AA5083) 417
B. V. R. Ravi Kumar, Kaveti Upender, M. Venkata Ramana,
and M. S. Sreenivasa Rao
Drying of Off-White Handmade Papers in Greenhouse Solar
Dryer: An Experimental Study . 429
Prabudh Morya, Ghanshyam Das Agrawal, and Rohit Misra
Assessment of Mechanical Behavior of Jute/Glass Fiber Hybrid
Composites Filled with Charcoal 439
Manoj Panchal, Dasore Abhishek, and Minugu Om Prakash
Implementation of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms
for Gait Alteration Classification of the Human Foot 449
Preeti Chauhan, Naresh K. Raghuwanshi, and Amit Kumar Singh
Analysis of Vibration of a Rotor-Bearing System Caused by Radial
Clearance, Number of Balls and Rotor Speed 461
Prashant H. Jain, Santosh P. Bhosle, Ashok J. Keche,
and Ramchandra G. Desavale
Study of Gas Holdup, RPM and Heat Transfer Coefficient in Air
and Water Pressure Swing Rotating Bubble Cap Sparger Column . 483
Shakti Prasanna Khadanga, Deepak Kumar Samal,
Prabina Kumar Patnaik, and Gopendra Kishore RoyContents ix
Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer in Double-Pane Window
(of an Electric Bus) Filled with Phase Change Material . 499
Ajit Kumar and Swastik Acharya
Modeling, Kinematic Analysis, Gait, and Trajectory Generation
for Quadruped Robot 509
Ashu B. Dighe and Shantipal S. Ohol
Preparation and Analysis of Nickel-Filled Polyurethane
for Microwave Absorption in the K- and Ku-Band 521
Chauhan Shailendra Kumar Sinh and K. P. Murali
Efficacy of Heat Transfer Experimental Simulations in Virtual
Laboratories 531
Lakshmi S. Bose and Steven Humphreys
Enhancing Compression Set Resistance of Nitrile Rubber
Composites Through a Hybrid Mixture of Sustainable Filler
Lignin and Carbon Black 545
Antony J. Kachirayil, Akhil Babu, Vaishak Nambiathodi,
Bony Thomas, Siby Varghese, R. Radhika, M. Manoj Kumar,
and Raghunathan Rajesh
Improving the Heat Transfer Performance of a Solar Air Heating
Duct with Semicircular Grooves on a Wavy Absorber Plate 561
Ashish B. Khelkar, Krittika Patwari, and Rajat Subhra Das
Comparative Study on the Aerodynamic Performance of NACA
4412 Airfoil with and Without Slot 573
Muraleedharan Nair, A. Ananthan, and P. S. Arghya
Study on Microstructure and Pitting Corrosion Behavior of Super
Duplex Stainless Steel 583
J. Jagadish, B. Lakshmi Saranya, G. Siva Prasad, and K. Srinivasa Rao
CFD Analysis of External Flow Vortex Shedding in Flow Over
a Ribbed and Grooved Cylinder 595
T. Manoj Dundi, K. Sridhar, S. Vidhi, T. Sai Krishna, and O. Shailu
Effect of Shape and Orientation of Flat Heat Pipe on Its Thermal
Performance 611
Jigneshsinh Rathod, Vikas Lakhera, and Sanjay Jain
Improvement of Aerodynamic Performance of Aerofoil Design
by Using Shark Skin Inspired Denticles 623
Mithilesh Kumar Sahu, Amit Kumar, Tushar Choudhary,
and Alok Kumar Ansux Contents
Advancements in Hip Implant Materials: A Comprehensive
Review on the Development of Hip Implants to Achieve Enhanced
Performance and Durability 637
Kandukuri Sri Ram Varun Teja, Mohan Sreejith, and S. P. Sivapirakasam
Numerical Investigation of Phase-Changing Material Filled Shell
and Tube Heat Exchanger with Fins . 651
Praveena Devi Nagireddy, M. Shankar Vikas,
and Venkata Sai Sudheer Sudi
Low-cost Activated Carbon Extraction from Rice Husk . 661
Rakesh Kanakam, P. S. C. Bose, G. Raghavendra, Swapna Banoth,
S. Ojha, and Naresh kali
Exploring the Versatility of Phosphate-Based Bioactive Glass
for Biomedical Applications 673
Satish Jain, Gujjala Raghavendra, Rathod H. Naik, Locherla Daloji,
and P. Abdul Azeem

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