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Progress and Opportunities in Modelling Environmentally Assisted Cracking
Emilio Martínez-Pañeda1o*
1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
o Emilio Martínez-Pañeda was invited for submission of this letter as an awardee of the Gustavo Colonnetti Medal granted by RILEM in 2021
Received: 08 May 2021 / Accepted: 06 July 2021 / Published online: 19 July 2021
The Author(s) 2021. This article is published with open access and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Environmentally assisted cracking phenomena are widespread across the transport, defence, energy and construction sectors. However, predicting
environmentally assisted fractures is a highly cross-disciplinary endeavour that requires resolving the multiple material-environment interactions taking
place. In this manuscript, an overview is given of recent breakthroughs in the modelling of environmentally assisted cracking. The focus is on the
opportunities created by two recent developments: phase field and multi-physics modelling. The possibilities enabled by the confluence of phase field
methods and electro-chemo-mechanics modelling are discussed in the context of three environmental assisted cracking phenomena of particular
engineering interest: hydrogen embrittlement, localised corrosion and corrosion fatigue. Mechanical processes such as deformation and fracture can be
coupled with chemical phenomena like local reactions, ionic transport and hydrogen uptake and diffusion. Moreover, these can be combined with the
prediction of an evolving interface, such as a growing pit or a crack, as dictated by a phase field variable that evolves based on thermodynamics and local
kinetics. Suitable for both microstructural and continuum length scales, this new generation of simulation-based, multi-physics phase field models can
open new modelling horizons and enable Virtual Testing in harmful environments.
Keywords: Multi-physics; Hydrogen embrittlement; Stress corrosion cracking; Phase field; Corrosion fatigue
Concluding remarks
Two recent developments, phase field and multi-physics
modelling, have opened new horizons in the modelling of
material-environment interactions and their implications on
structural integrity. Specifically, this perspective article
focuses on recent progress and opportunities in relation to
three phenomena of particular engineering interest:
hydrogen embrittlement, localised corrosion and corrosion
fatigue. Phase field modelling enables capturing, in both 2D
and 3D, the evolving morphology of defects of arbitrary
geometry. The propagation of cracks can be predicted based
on the thermodynamics of fracture and the growth of pits is
simulated based on thermodynamic and kinetic laws. The
coupling of phase field modelling with multi-physics
simulations enables capturing, as a function of time, the
interplay between defect morphology, local chemistry,
dissolution kinetics and cracking. Local chemical reactions,
ionic transport, hydrogen diffusion and mechanical straining
can be simulated in the vicinity of an interface that evolves as
dictated by corrosion and fracture processes. The continuumlike nature of these models enables dealing with the large
space and time scales relevant to engineering practice; there
is an opportunity to extend the success of Virtual Testing in
the automotive and aerospace sectors to applications
involving material-environmental interactions, from offshore
wind turbine monopiles to reinforced concrete structures.
I am very grateful and honoured to receive the Gustavo
Colonnetti Medal from RILEM. My work has always been a
team effort and thus I would like to thank my collaborators,
students, and postdocs for making this possible. I would also
like to acknowledge financial support from the Engineering
and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through grant
EP/V009680/1 and from the Royal Commission for the 1851
Exhibition (RF496/2018).
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