Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics
اسم المؤلف
Triwiyanto Triwiyanto , Achmad Rizal , Wahyu Caesarendra
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics
ICEBEHI 2021, 3–4 November, Surabaya, Indonesia
Triwiyanto Triwiyanto , Achmad Rizal , Wahyu Caesarendra
Analysis of Educational Data Mining Using WEKA
for the Performance Students Achievements . 1
Agung Triayudi, Wahyu Oktri Widyarto, and Vidila Rosalina
IoT-Based Distributed Body Temperature Detection
and Monitoring System for the Implementation of Onsite Learning
at Schools . 11
Indrarini Dyah Irawati, Akhmad Alfaruq, Sugondo Hadiyoso,
and Dadan Nur Ramadan
Improving the Quality and Education Systems Through
Integration’s Approach of Data Mining Clustering in E-Learning 25
Agung Triayudi, Iskandar Fitri, Wahyu Oktri Widyarto, and Sumiati
A Survey of Deep Learning on COVID-19 Identification Through
X-Ray Images . 35
Ledya Novamizanti and Tati Latifah Erawati Rajab
Half Bridge Operational Testing and Optimization
for Chemiresistive Escherichia Coli Bacteria Sensor
Application . 59
Nurliyana Md. Rosni, Kusnanto Mukti Wibowo, Royan Royan,
Fani Susanto, Atqiya Mushlihati, Rudi Irmawanto,
and Mohd. Zainizan Sahdan
Vital Sign Monitor Based on Telemedicine Using Android
Application on Mobile Phone . 73
Bambang Guruh Irianto, Anita Miftahul Maghfiroh,
Anggit Ananda Solichin, and Fabian Yosna Bintoro
Image Classification for Egg Incubator Using Transfer Learning
VGG16 and InceptionV3 . 85
Apri Junaidi, Faisal Dharma Adhinata, Ade Rahmat Iskandar,
and Jerry Lasama
xixii Contents
Method for Obtain Peak Amplitude Value on Discrete
Electrocardiogram 97
Sabar Setiawidayat and Aviv Yuniar Rahman
Design and Implementation of Urine Glucose Measurements
Based on Color Density 109
Dian Neipa Purnamasari, Miftachul Ulum, Riza Alfita, Haryanto,
Rika Rokhana, and Hendhi Hermawan
Pressure Wave Measurement of Clay Conditioned Using
an Ultrasonic Signal with Non-destructive Testing (NDT) Methods . 123
Lusiana and Triwiyanto Triwiyanto
Deep Learning Approach in Hand Motion Recognition Using
Electromyography Signal: A Review 135
Triwiyanto Triwiyanto, Triana Rahmawati, Andjar Pudji,
M. Ridha Mak’ruf, and Syaifudin
Battery Charger Design in a Renewable Energy Portable Power
Plant Based on Arduino Uno R3 147
Anggara Trisna Nugraha, Dwi Sasmita Aji Pambudi,
Agung Prasetyo Utomo, and Dadang Priyambodo
The Auxiliary Engine Lubricating Oil Pressure Monitoring System
Based on Modbus Communication 163
Anggara Trisna Nugraha, Ruddianto, Mahasin Maulana Ahmad,
Dwi Sasmita Aji Pambudi, Agung Prasetyo Utomo,
Mayda Zita Aliem Tiwana, and Alwy Muhammad Ravi
Global Positioning System Data Processing Improvement for Blind
Tracker Device Based Using Moving Average Filter . 177
Sevia Indah Purnama, Mas Aly Afandi, and Egya Vernando Purba
Real-Time Masked Face Recognition Using FaceNet
and Supervised Machine Learning 189
Faisal Dharma Adhinata, Nia Annisa Ferani Tanjung, Widi Widayat,
Gracia Rizka Pasfica, and Fadlan Raka Satura
Emerging Potential on Laser Engraving Method in Fabricating
Mold for Microfluidic Technology . 203
Muhammad Yusro
Application of Denoising Weighted Bilateral Filter and Curvelet
Transform on Brain MR Imaging of Non-cooperative Patients . 215
Fani Susanto, Arga Pratama Rahardian, Hernastiti Sedya Utami,
Lutfiana Desy Saputri, Kusnanto Mukti Wibowo, and Anita Nur Mayani
Skin Cancer Classification Systems Using Convolutional Neural
Network with Alexnet Architecture . 227
Dian Ayu Nurlitasari, R. Yunendah Nur Fuadah, and Rita MagdalenaContents xiii
Deep Learning Approach to Detect the Covid-19 Infection Using
Chest X-ray Image: A Review 237
Triwiyanto Triwiyanto, Lusiana, Levana Forra Wakidi,
and Farid Amrinsani
Parkinson’s Disease Detection Based on Gait Analysis of Vertical
Ground Reaction Force Using Signal Processing with Machine
Learning . 253
Yunendah Nur Fuadah, Fauzi Frahma Taliningsih, Inung Wijayanto,
Nor Kumalasari Caecar Pratiwi, and Syamsul Rizal
Performance Analysis of an Automated Epilepsy Seizure Detection
Using EEG Signals Based on 1D-CNN Approach . 265
Nor Kumalasari Caecar Pratiwi, Inung Wijayanto,
and Yunendah Nur Fu’adah
Comparative Analysis of Various Optimizers on Residual Network
Architecture for Facial Expression Identification . 279
Ardityo Dimas Ramadhan, Koredianto Usman,
and Nor Kumalasari Caecar Pratiwi
Automatic Glaucoma Classification Using Residual Network
Architecture 289
Fira Mutia Ramaida, Koredianto Usman,
and Nor Kumalasari Caecar Pratiwi
State-of-the-Art Method Denoising Electrocardiogram Signal:
A Review . 301
Anita Miftahul Maghfiroh, Syevana Dita Musvika,
Levana Forra Wakidi, Dyah Titisari, Singgih Yudha Setiawan,
Farid Amrinsani, and Dandi Hafidh Azhari
Development of Monitoring System for Room Temperature, pH
and Water Level Hydroponic Cultivation Using IoT Method . 311
Rismayani, S. Y. Hasyrif, Asma Nurhidayani, and Nirwana
Implementation of One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural
Network for Individual Identification Based on ECG Signal . 323
Ana Rahma Yuniarti and Syamsul Rizal
A Cost-Effective Multi-lead ECG Ambulatory Monitoring System
Built Around ESP-32D Using ADS1293 341
Harikrishna Parikh, Bhavesh Pithadiya, Jatin Savaliya,
Ankitkumar Sidapara, Kamaldip Gosai, Urmi Joshi, and H. N. Pandya
3D Printer Movement Modelling Through Denavit–Hartenberg
Theory and RoboAnalyzer . 355
Jatin Savaliya, Kamaldip G. Gosai, Ankitkumar Sidapara,
Harikrishna Parikh, Bhavesh Pithadiya, and Haresh Pandyaxiv Contents
An Arm Robot for Simplified Robotic Pedagogy: Fabrication
Method, DH Theory and Verification Through MATLAB
and RoboAnalyzer . 373
Kamaldip G. Gosai, Jatin Savaliya, Ankitkumar Sidapara,
Harikrishna Parikh, Bhavesh Pithadiya, and Haresh Pandya
Design, Fabrication and On-Site Implementation of Steel-Framed,
Tractor Mountable and Electronically Controlled Pesticide Filling,
Mixing and Spraying Attachment . 387
Ankitkumar P. Sidapara, Jatin A. Savaliya, Kamaldip G. Gosai,
Harikrishna N. Parikh, H. N. Pandya, and Bhavesh Pithadiya
An IoT Based Greenhouse Control System Employing Multiple
Sensors, for Controlling Soil Moisture, Ambient Temperature
and Humidity . 405
Bhavesh Pithadiya, Harikrishna Parikh, Jatin Savaliya,
Ankitkumar Sidapara, Kamaldip Gosai, Dhrumil Vyas, and H. N. Pandya
Cancer Mammography Detection Using Four Features Extractions
on Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix with SVM Kernel Analysis . 417
Figo Ramadhan Hendri and Fitri Utaminingrum
Phantom Simulation Model for Testing Enhancement of Image
Contrast in Coronary Artery Based on Body Weight and Body
Surface Area Calculations 431
Gatot Murti Wibowo, Ayu Musendika Larasati, Siti Masrochah,
and Dwi Rochmayanti
Optimization of Battery Management System with SOC
Estimation by Comparing Two Methods . 445
Lora Khaula Amifia, Moch. Iskandar Riansyah,
Benazir Imam Arif Muttaqin, Adellia Puspita Ratri,
Firman Adi Rifansyah, and Bagas Wahyu Prakoso
EMG Based Classification of Hand Gesture Using PCA and SVM 459
Limcoln Dela, Daniel Sutopo, Sumantri Kurniawan,
Tegoeh Tjahjowidodo, and Wahyu Caesarendra
A Review for Designing a Low-Cost Online Lower Limb
Monitoring System of a Post-stroke Rehabilitation 479
Andi Nur Halisyah, Reza Humaidi, Moch. Rafly, Cut Silvia,
and Dimas Adiputra
Real-Time Field Segmentation and Depth Map Using Stereo,
Color and Ball Pattern . 491
Ardiansyah Al Farouq, Ahmad Habibi, Putu Duta Hasta Putra,
and Billy MontolaluContents xv
Investigation of the Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques
for Human Activity Discovery 499
Md. Amran Hossen, Ong Wee Hong, and Wahyu Caesarendra
The Development of an Alarm System Using Ultrasonic Sensors
for Reducing Accidents for Side-By-Side Driving Alerts . 515
Krunal Suthar, Harikrishna Parikh, Haresh Pandya, and Mahesh Jivani
Diagnosis of Epilepsy Disease with MRI Images Analysis and EEG
Signal Processing 529
Golnoush Shahraki and Elyas Irankhah
AutoSpine-Net: Spine Detection Using Convolutional Neural
Networks for Cobb Angle Classification in Adolescent Idiopathic
Scoliosis 547
Wahyu Caesarendra, Wahyu Rahmaniar, John Mathew, and Ady Thien
Upper Limb Exoskeleton Using Voice Control Based on Embedded
Machine Learning on Raspberry Pi . 557
Triwiyanto Triwiyanto, Syevana Dita Musvika, Sari Luthfiyah,
Endro Yulianto, Anita Miftahul Maghfiroh, Lusiana Lusiana,
and I. Dewa Made Wirayuda

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