Pro/Engineer (Creo 2.0) Basics
اسم المؤلف
Christopher F. Sikora
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Pro/Engineer (Creo 2.0) Basics
By Christopher F. Sikora
General Course Outline
Date Week Topic

  1. Introduction to the Interface Lecture
    Modeling Theory – Sketching and Base Feature Geometry Creation. Lab
  2. Revolved Features and Mirroring
  3. Part Modeling
    Secondary Features. Fillets, Chamfers, Draft, Patterns, Mirroring.
  4. Sweeps, and Circular Patterns
  5. Modeling Quiz and CAD Administration
  6. Building Assemblies (Bottom-Up method “BU”)
  7. Creating Drawings. Review for Mid Term
  8. Mid Term Exam
  9. 3D Curves and Sweeps
  10. Swept Blends/Lofting
  11. Assemblies Creation (Top-Down Method “TD”)
  12. Assembly/Part Editing (“TD” & “BU” Methods)
  13. Sheet Metal Intro
  14. Assembly Project (continued)
  15. Lab time to complete exercise, Review for Final Exam
  16. Final Exam
  17. 27:32
    E1 CREO Parametric 2.0
    Exercise 1 – Introduction to sketching, modeling and options menu inside Creo 2.0, Also, basic rendering
  18. 18:46
    E2 CREO Parametric 2.0
    Exercise 2 – Introduction to Sketch Mirroring, and Revolved features inside Creo 2.0…
  19. 36:30
    E3 CREO Parametric 2.0
    Exercise 3 – Secondary feature modeling, Extrusions with (new) taper/draft function. offset datum planes,
    extrude up to next, engraved text.
  20. 16:38
    E4 CREO Parametric 2.0
    Exercise 4 – Introduction to sweeps, revolved features, filleting, circular patterns.
  21. 21:14
    E5 CREO Parametric 2.0 (new)
    Exercise 5 – Bottom-up assembly creation
  22. 12:28
    E6 CREO Parametric 2.0
    Exercise 6 – Introduction to 2D Drawings, Detailing, Layout, Section, Detail, Auxiliary views, Dimensioning.
  23. 19:19
    E7 CREO Parametric 2.0
    Exercise 7 – Creating 3D Guide Curves/Path, Sweeps, Mirroring features…8
  24. 16:03
    E8 CREO Parametric 2.0
    Exercise 8 – Swept Blends, Mirroring, using Sketch Splines to create a boat hull sections. Download the
    free training manual at
  25. 18:56
    E9 CREO Parametric 2.0
    Exercise 9 – Introduction to Top-Down Assembly Modeling…
  26. 18:48
    E10 CREO Parametric 2.0
    Exercise 10 – Top-Down Assembly Modeling
  27. 7:56
    E11 CREO Parametric 2.0
    Creo 2.0 Sheet Metal basics, Top-Down method
  28. 20:40
    CREO Parametric 2.0 MIDTERM REVIEW
    Mid-Term Exam Review – Covers modeling parts, bottom-up assemblies, and drawing creation.
  29. 27:15
    CREO Parametric 2.0 FINAL EXAM REVIEW
    Final Exam Review

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