Presentations at Professional Conferences
اسم المؤلف
Mary Renck Jalongo , Crystal Machado , Making Effective
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Presentations at Professional Conferences
A Guide for Teachers, Graduate Students and Professors
Mary Renck Jalongo , Crystal Machado , Making Effective
Part I Presenters and Their Audiences
1 Making Presentations to Fellow Professionals: A Rationale 3
On the Value of Conferences . 3
Entering the Professional Dialogue . 4
Creating a Professional Network 5
Documenting Scholarly Productivity 5
Mentoring Professional Colleagues . 5
Maximizing the Value of Conference Participation 6
Activity: Best/Worst Presentation Experiences . 8
Elements of Effective Speaking—From the Ancient Greeks 8
Audience Awareness: The Key to Successful Presentations 9
Activity: Planning for Different Audiences in a Professional
Workshop or Training . 10
Online Resources on Benefits of Conference Participation . 10
Professionalism Among Presenters . 11
Ethical Issues in Conference Presentations 12
Serving on a Conference Planning Committee . 13
Online Resources About Conference Planning . 14
Conclusion . 14
References 14
2 Before the Conference: General Planning Strategies . 17
Understanding the Presenter’s Role 17
Put Your Audience First 18
Introducing Yourself . 18
Activity: Write a Three-Sentence Introduction for Yourself 19
Differentiate Between Speeches and Presentations 19
Locating Suitable Venues . 19
Selecting the Topic 21
Choosing a Title . 21
Activity: Titles that Mesh with Conference Themes . 22
viiIdentifying Outcomes for Participants . 22
Activity: Writing a Short Description for a Session . 23
Organizing the Session . 23
Engaging Introductions . 23
Effective Conclusions 24
Activity: Basic Evaluation of a Conference Session . 25
Writing the Proposal . 25
Mapping Out the Session . 26
Activity: Review of a Minute-by-Minute Plan
for a Conference Session 26
Reviewer’s Criteria 28
Choosing and Using Examples 28
Teaching with Cases . 29
Activity: Creating Your Own Cases 29
Activity: Evaluation of a Case Study . 30
At the Conference Site . 31
Conclusion . 33
Online Resources: General Advice on Presenting . 33
References 35
3 Developing Confidence and Skill as a Presenter 37
Mastering General Presentation Skills . 37
The Importance of Planning 38
Improving Skills and Style 39
Print Resources on Improving Conference Presentations 39
Overcoming Fears 40
Coping with Nervousness . 40
Memory Aids . 42
Presentation Software 42
Online Resources about PowerPoint Presentations 43
Fielding Questions 43
Activity: Answering Questions Appropriately . 44
Hints on Handouts 44
Rebounding from a Disappointing Session 45
Conclusion . 46
Online Resources for Improving as a Presenter 46
References 47
Part II Types of Presentations
4 Workshop/Professional Development Sessions . 55
Scope . 55
Format 55
How to Propose a Workshop . 56
viii ContentsOnline Resources for Workshop/Professional Development
Sessions . 59
Checklist for Workshop/Professional Development Sessions . 59
References 61
5 Roundtable Sessions 63
Scope . 63
Format 63
How to Propose a Roundtable 64
Online Resources for Roundtable Sessions . 69
Checklist for Roundtable Sessions . 71
6 Poster Sessions 73
Scope . 73
Format 73
How to Propose a Poster 74
Online Resources for Poster Sessions . 81
Checklist for Poster Sessions . 81
References 82
7 Paper Sessions 83
Scope . 83
Format 83
How to Propose a Paper 84
Online Resources for Paper Sessions . 91
Checklist for Paper Sessions . 91
Appendix 93
References 93
8 Symposia/Panel Discussions . 95
Scope . 95
Format 95
How to Propose a Symposium/Panel Discussion . 96
Online Resources for Symposia/Panel Discussion Sessions 102
Checklist for Symposia/Panel Discussion Sessions 102
9 Presenting from a Distance/Virtual Sessions . 105
Scope . 105
Format 105
How to Propose a Distance/Virtual Sessions 106
Online Resources for Distance/Virtual Sessions 106
Checklist for a Distance/Virtual Sessions . 107
Reference 108
Contents ix10 Keynote Address or Invited Session . 109
Scope . 109
Format 109
How to Select a Keynote Speaker . 110
How to Plan a Keynote or Invited Speaker Address . 110
Activity: Evaluating a TED Talk 112
Online Resources for a Keynote or Invited Sessions . 112
Checklist for Keynote Address or Invited Session . 113
References 114
Part III After the Conference
11 From Presentations to Publications . 117
Advantages of Beginning with a Conference Presentation . 117
Activity: Multiple Scholarly Spin-Offs 118
Different Types of Writing Tasks 118
Abstracts . 118
Posters 119
Conference Proposals 119
Conference Papers 120
Caveats When Transitioning from Oral to Written Work 121
Strategies for Generating a Manuscript 121
Acquiring Skill as a Reviewer 122
Conclusion . 123
Online Writing Resources for Presenters . 123
References 124
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