Practical Finite Element Simulations with SOLIDWORKS

Practical Finite Element Simulations with SOLIDWORKS
An illustrated guide to performing static analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Khameel B. Mustapha
Table of Contents
PrefaceSection 1: An Introduction to SOLIDWORKS
SimulationChapter 1: Getting Started with Finite Element
Technical requirements
An overview of finite element simulation
Applications of FEA
Implementations of FEA
Overview of SOLIDWORKS simulation
What is SOLIDWORKS Simulation?
Basic steps in SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Elements within SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Types of SOLIDWORKS Simulation license
Computing requirements
What are the limitations of SOLIDWORKS Simulation?
Understanding the SOLIDWORKS interfaces
Getting started with the SOLIDWORKS modeling
Activating the SOLIDWORKS Simulation environment
What is new in SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2021-2022?
Further readingChapter 2: Analyses of Bars and Trusses
Technical requirement
Overview of static analysis of trusses
Strategies for the analysis of trusses
Structural details
Modeling strategy
Characteristics of the truss element in the
SOLIDWORKS Simulation library
Getting started with truss analysis via SOLIDWORKS
Problem statement
Part A – Creating the sketch of the geometric model
Part B – Converting the skeletal model into a structural
Part C – Creating the Simulation study
Part D – Scrutinizing the results
Other things to know about the truss element
Further readingChapter 3: Analyses of Beams and Frames
Technical requirements
An overview of beams and frames
Strategies for the analysis of beams and frames
Structural details
Modeling strategy
Characteristics of the beam element in the
SOLIDWORKS Simulation library
Getting started with analyzing beams and frames in
Problem statement
Part A – Create a sketch of lines describing the
centroidal axis of the beam
Part B – Convert the skeletal model into a structural
Part C – Create the simulation study
Part D – Examining the results
Analysis of plane and space frames
Further readingChapter 4: Analyses of Torsionally Loaded
Technical requirements
Overview of torsionally loaded members
Strategies for the analysis of uniform shafts
Structural details
Modeling strategies
Characteristics of the beam element in a SOLIDWORKS
simulation library
Getting started with analyses of torsionally loaded
Problem statement
Part A – Creating a 3D model of the shaft using the
extrusion of cross-sections
Part B – Creating the simulation study
Part C – Creating custom material and specifying
material properties
Part D – Applying torque and fixtures
Part E – Post-processing of results
Analysis of components under combined loads
ReferencesSection 2: SOLIDWORKS Simulation with Shell
and Solid ElementsChapter 5: Analyses of Axisymmetric Bodies
Technical requirements
Overview of axisymmetric body problems
Strategies for analyzing axisymmetric bodies
Structural details
Modeling strategies
Characteristics of shell and axisymmetric plane
Getting started with analyzing thin-walled pressure
vessels in a SOLIDWORKS simulation
Problem statement – case study 1
Part A – Creating a model of the cylinder
Part B – Creating the simulation study
Part C – Meshing
Plane analysis of axisymmetric bodies
Problem statement – case study 2
Further readingChapter 6: Analysis of Components with Solid
Technical requirements
Overview of components that deserve to be analyzed
with solid elements
Structural details
Model simplification strategies
Characteristics of solid elements
Analysis of helical springs
Problem statement – case study 1
Part A: Creating the model of the spring
Part B: Creating the simulation study
Part C: Meshing and post-processing of results
Analysis of spur gears
Problem statement – case study 2
Launching SOLIDWORKS and opening the gear
assembly file
Creating the simulation study for the gear and
simplifying the assembly
Assigning materials to the gears
Setting up the interaction condition for the gears
Applying the fixture to the gears
The meshing of the gears
Running and obtaining the results
Further readingChapter 7: Analyses of Components with Mixed
Technical requirements
Analysis of three-dimensional components with mixed
beam and shell elements
Problem statement – case study 1
Part A: Reviewing the structural models
Part B: Creating the simulation study
Part C: Meshing and running
Part D: Post-processing of results
Analysis of three-dimensional components with mixed
shell and solid elements
Problem statement – case study 2
Reviewing the model and activating the simulation
Defining surface thickness and assigning material
Updating the default contact/interaction setting
Applying fixtures and loads
Running the analysis and post-process
Obtaining the vertical deflection of the building
Extracting the stresses in the components
Further readingSection 3: Advanced SOLIDWORKS Simulation
with Complex Material and Loading BehaviorChapter 8: Simulation of Components with
Composite Materials
Technical requirements
An overview of the analysis of composite structures
An analysis of composite beams
Problem statement
Part A – reviewing the structural model
Part B – defining the laminated composite shell
Part C – meshing and modifying the system’s options
Part D – the running and post-processing of results
Analysis of advanced composite structures
Further readingChapter 9: Simulation of Components under
Thermo-Mechanical and Cyclic Loads
Technical requirements
Analysis of components under thermo-mechanical
Problem statement
Reviewing the file of the circular diaphragm
Dealing with the thermal study
Dealing with the combined thermal static study
Analysis of components under cyclic loads
Problem statement
The solution to fatigue analysis
Further reading Chapter 10: A Guide to Meshing in SOLIDWORKS
Technical requirements
Discretization with beam and truss elements
Mesh control with plane elements
Mesh control with three-dimensional elements
Discretization with h- and p-type solution methods
Further reading
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