Practical Arduino Engineering – End to End Development with the Arduino, Fusion 360, 3D Printing, and Eagle

Practical Arduino Engineering – End to End Development with the Arduino, Fusion 360, 3D Printing, and Eagle
اسم المؤلف
Harold Timmis
19 يوليو 2021
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Practical Arduino Engineering – End to End Development with the Arduino, Fusion 360, 3D Printing, and Eagle
Second Edition
Harold Timmis
Table of Contents
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewer
Timers vs Delays
Finite-State Machine
Working with Loops
Communicating Digitally
Communicating with Analog Components
Serial Communication
Using Arduino Libraries
Putting Together the Arduino Language Basics
Chapter 3: Modeling with Fusion 360
Installing and Setting Up Fusion 360
Download Fusion 360
Installation Procedures for Fusion 360
Getting to Know Fusion 360
Fusion 360’s User Interface
Fusion 360 Sketch Tools
Fusion 360 3D Tools
Fusion 360 Tools
Importing Files
Your First 3D Model in Fusion 360
Creating a Sketch
Using the Extrude Function
Parametric Modeling in Fusion 360
Table of ConTenTsvii
Chapter 4: 3D Printing
What Is 3D Printing
Types of 3D Printers
Tools of the Trade
Parts of a 3D Printer
What Is a Slicer
Different Slicing Programs
The Main Screen
Common Settings
Over/Under Extrusion
Parts Do Not Stay on Build Plate
Our First Print
Chapter 5: PCB Design
What Is a PCB
PCB Design Software
Eagle’s Main Windows
Loading a Library
Creating a Schematic
Laying Out a PCB
Table of ConTenTsviii
Exporting Gerber Files
PCB Manufacturers
Chapter 6: Robot Engineering Requirements: Controlling Motion
Hardware Explained: The H-Bridge
Chapter Project: Creating the First Prototype
Controlling Motors with Serial Commands
Requirements Gathering
Outlining the Software Requirements
Creating an H-Bridge PCB
Designing a Robot Chassis
Chapter 7: Final Project PCB
Creating Schematic Sheets
Final Project: NatBot
Requirements Gathering (PCB)
Outlining the Hardware Requirements
Creating the NatBot PCB
Hardware Explained: The NatBot PCB
PCB Bill of Materials (BOM)
Chapter 8: Final Project 3D Model
Final Project: NatBot
Requirements Gathering (3D Model)
Outlining the 3D Model Requirements
Table of ConTenTsix
Fusion 360 Functions Explained
Features of the NatBot 3D Model Explained
3D Printing the NatBot
Fit Check and Assembly
Chapter 9: Final Project Software
Final Project: NatBot
Requirements Gathering (Firmware)
Outlining the Software Requirements
Reviewing the Arduino Libraries for the NatBot
Writing the NatBot Firmware
Uploading and Testing the NatBot Firmware
Chapter 10: Final Project Putting It All Together
Introduction to the LabVIEW Environment
The Front Panel
The Controls Palette
The Block Diagram
The Functions Palette
The Tools Palette
LabVIEW Functions Explained
The While Loop
The Case Structure
The Sequence Structure
Numerical Functions
String Functions
Comparison Functions
Table of ConTenTsx
Serial Functions
Input Device Control Functions
Gathering Requirements and Creating the Requirements Document
Writing the Software
Getting Started
Designing the GUI
Programming the Application
Adding Serial Functions
Completing the While Loop Condition
Adding a Merge Errors Function
Adding a SubVI
Error Handling
Read Function
Uploading the Code to the Arduino
Accelerometer, 8, 409, 410, 491
Adafruit SSD1331
library, 493
ADXL362 library, 492
Allen wrenches, 135, 136
Analog communication, 46
Arduino boards, 2, 184
Arduino engineering process
configuring hardware, 20, 21
creating requirements
document, 19
debugging software, 23
finished prototype, 25
gathering hardware, 19
hardware components
Mate Silver, 3
Arduino Duemilanove/
UNO, 2
Arduino shields, 5
GPS shield, 6
components, 10
Motor shield, 6
servos and motors, 9
solderless breadboard, 4, 5
wire, 5
requirements document,
creation, 18
tools, 10–17
troubleshooting hardware, 24
writing software, 22
Arduino microcontroller, 2
Arduino shields, 5
Arrays, 31
Bluetooth Mate Silver, 3, 4
Calipers, 137, 161, 343
Capacitors, 10, 185, 281
Case structure, 526–527
Comparison functions, 531–532
Conditional statements, 31–33, 53
Control board, 142, 143
Cura, 145
Cutters, 11, 15
DesignSpark Mechanical, 58
Digital calipers, 137
Digital commands, 45574
Digital communication, 45
digitalRead(), 46
digitalWrite(), 46
Diodes, 10, 374
do…while loop, 44, 54
Duet Wifi 2 control board, 143
board window, 187–189
Gerber file, creation, 256–261
libraries, loading, 189–196
PCB software, 185
schematic window, 185, 187
E3D brand extruder assembly, 141
Error handling, 551–552
Extrude function, 103–106
Extruder assembly, 140–141
FDM printer, 130–132
Feature creep, 18
Finite-state machine
(FSM), 38–42, 53
Flex sensor, 7, 8
Force sensitive resistor
(FSR), 7, 9
for loop, 42, 43
FTDI programmer, 12, 16
Function prototype, 28
Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF),
129, 131
additions tab, 153
advanced tab, 162
cooling tab, 157
extruder tab, 150
G-Code tab, 158
infill tab, 154
layer tab, 152
scripts tab, 159
speed tab, 160
support tab, 155
temperature tab, 156
Fusion 360
download, 58–62
extrude function, 103–106
importing files, 86–96
procedures, 63, 64
interfaces/controls, 64
parametric modeling
Center Diameter Circle,
selection, 113
change dimensions, 108
circle on grid, 113
circle to bottom face, 120
circle to horizontal center
line, 117
cube project, 106
design history bar, 125
dimension to circle, 114
edit dimension, 112
Extrude1 selection, 109
extrude, border 1mm, 118
fillet, adding, 121
horizontal center,
rectangle, 115
left-side outlines,
selection, 122
offset function, 111
show sketch, 119
sketch1 selection, 121
sketch2 selection, 123
2mm fillets, 123, 124
rectangle, 115
sketch creation, 97–103
sketch tools
arc, 75
circle, 74
create sketch, 72
fillet, 77
line, 72
mirror, 76
normal and construction
lines, 73
offset, 78
polygon, 75
rectangle, 73
text, 76
trim, 77
3D model, 96
3D tools
chamfer, 84
circular pattern, 82
combine, 85
extrude, 79
fillet, 83
loft, 81
new component, 78
press pull, 83
rectangular pattern, 81
revolve, 80
shell, 84
sweep, 80
tools, functions, 85, 86
user interface
browser, 70
center mouse button, 68
design history bar, 70
layout, 65
left mouse click, 67
mouse pointer, 68
navigation bar, 71
right mouse click, 66
ViewCube, 68, 69
Gantry, 141, 142
Ghosting, 168
Global variable, 30, 505
GPS module, 7, 8, 424, 475
GPS mount, 463, 475, 485
GPS shields, 6
H-bridge, 265–274
H-Bridge PCB
add nets to components, 280
component orientations, 281
components configuration, 282
connect INV3, 290
connect INV4, 287
connect +VIN pins, 299
connect VIN to filter caps, 284
GND plane, 314
header labels, 309
hide layers, 300
holes adding, 307
plane GND, 313
polygon on top layer, 311
Ratsnest button, 315
ripup tool, 290, 291
ripup tool and route tool, 316
route +5V, 292
route INV1 to JP1, 296
route N$15, 295
schematic layout, 279
unrouted traces, 303
vias adding, 305
Humidity sensor, 9
I, J, K
Input device control functions,
533–535, 543
Integrated circuit (IC), 183
Integrated development
environment (IDE), 2, 22, 550
LabVIEW environment
block diagram, 523
controls palette, 522
front panel, 521
functions palette, 524
tools palette, 525
LabVIEW functions
case structure, 527
functions, 531, 532
input device control functions,
numerical functions, 528, 529
sequence structure, 527
serial functions, 532, 533
string functions, 529, 530
while loop, 526
LCD mount dimensions, 462
LED, 10, 18–20, 246, 253
Local variable, 30
Logic analyzer, 12, 16
loop(), 28, 505
Loops, 42–44
Magnifying glass, 15
Main Simplify3D
screen, 146–148
Merge errors function, 548–549,
551, 552
micros() function, 35
Micro USB panel mount, 456–457,
millis() function, 35, 38
Motor shields, 6
Multimeter, 11, 14, 374, 375
H-Bridge PCB (cont.)
boost regulators, 412
hardware, PCB
accelerometer, 409, 410
bluetooth, 416, 417
boost regulator, 414, 415
charge circuit, 411, 412
GPS, 424, 425
GPS header layout, 427
GPS header schematic, 426
H-bridges, 399–401
micro servo, 404
motor connectors, 400
motor header, 401, 402
OLED display, 421–423
sensor, 417
servo header, 405–408
temperature sensor, 419–421
ultrasonic, 418, 419
hardware requirements,
adding serial functions,
Arduino code, 558–568
error handling, 551, 552
GUI, 538
merge errors function, 548
programming, application,
read function, 552–555,
557, 558
software debugging,
569, 570
software requirements, 535
SubVI, adding, 550, 551
while loop condition, 548
writing software, 536–538
PCB Bill of Materials (BOM),
428, 430
PCB’s dimensions, creation
add rectangle to
layout, 392
Bluetooth antenna, 397
final board dimensions, 389
final dimension layout, 396
functions menu, 391
holes layer, 392
horizontal length, 390
keepout zones, 398
line function selection, 395
polygon function, 397
rectangle, 393–395
rectangles, 389
vertical length, 390
requirements gathering (PCB),
385, 386
Arduino libraries, 492–494
code writing, 495–516
requirements gathering
(firmware), 490
requirements outlining,
491, 492
uploading and testing, 516
3D modeling
assembly, robot, 469–488
battery holder, 452
chassis, 452
front and rear wheelbase,
Fusion 360 functions,
GPS mount, 463
LCD mount, 455, 461
micro USB panel mount, 456
motor assembly mounts, 454
outlining requirements,
PCB mounting, 457
requirements gathering,
432, 433
ultrasonic sensor
mount, 454
ultrasonic sensor mount
dimensions, 460
wheelbases, 472
wheels, 465
3D printing, 467–469
Naticom, 265, 274–276, 385, 432
Needle-nose pliers, 11, 133, 134
Numeric palette, 528
OLED display, 421–423, 493
Onshape, 58
Oscilloscope, 12, 17
P, Q
Painters spatula, 134
Parametric paradigm, 57
Photoresistor, 7, 8
PIR sensor, 7
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design
Bill of Material (BOM), 428, 430
board layout creation, 229–256
definition, 183
design software, 183
Eagle (see Eagle)
manufacturers, 261, 262
schematics creation
add 5V symbols, 201
add GND symbols, 203
add LED3MM symbol, 206
ADD window, 200, 213
*.brd file, 228
button search, 207
connect GND to terminal
block, 225
5mm terminal block, 214, 215
5V net connect to terminal
block, 221
5V symbol selection, 200
GND symbol selection, 202
LED_Board, 228, 229
LED3MM selection, 205
LED search, 204
Momentary button, 207, 208
open eagle, 197
R1 value, 227
R0805 resistor, 217
NatBot (cont.)
search connector, 213
search resistor, 216
symbols configuration, 219
value of button, 209
properly—setup(), 28
Pulse width modulation (PWM),
46, 269, 270
Read function, 552–555, 557, 558
Resistors, 10, 185
Robot chassis, designing
Arduino measuring, 345–348
component, creation, 320, 329
50mil chamfers, adding, 325
front brace, motor
bracket, 337
front stop rectangle, motor
bracket, 333
hide screws from view, 328
holes add, caster wheel, 322
holes adding, Mega 2560 Pro, 323
holes, chassis, 338
holes, motor bracket, 335
micro motor measurement,
349, 350
mirror, 339
motor bracket, outline, 332
motor driver, 327
rectangle, creation, 321,
330, 341
width of hole, 342
zero button, 343
Robot engineering requirements
debugging, Arduino
Software, 369–374
troubleshooting hardware,
writing software, 365–368
controlling motors, serial
commands, 275
H-bridge circuit, 265–274
requirements gathering, 275, 276
software requirements, 277, 279
Schematic sheets, 383–384
Scientific calculator, 11
SD library, 494
Sensors, 7, 8
Sequence structure, 527, 545
Serial communication, 46–50
SerialEvents, 50–51
Serial functions, 532–533
Servos and motors, 9
setup(), 28
Simplify3D, 145–147
Slicer, 145, 146
Solder, 11, 351, 352
Soldering iron, 11, 13
Solderless breadboard, 4, 5
Sonar sensors, 8
SparkFun Eagle library, 191, 195
Stereolithography (SLA) printer, 132
String functions, 529–530
SubVI, 550–551
Surface mount hardware (SMT), 318
Switch statement, 33, 53
Temperature sensor, 8, 419–421
3D Cad software
DesignSpark mechanical, 58
Onshape, 58
Solidworks, 57
3D printer
build plate, 169
definition, 129
FDM, 130
FFF, 131
first print, 169–182
functionality, components
build plate, 143
cold block, 139
control board, 142
extruder assembly, 140
gantry, 141
hot end, 138
ghosting, 168
over/under extrusion, 163–168
SLA, 132
Allen wrenches, 135
calipers, 137
needle-nose pliers, 133
painters spatula, 134
tweezers, 136
wire cutters, 135
X-Acto knife, 136
troubleshooting, 163
Tilt sensor, 7, 8
Timers vs. Delays, 33–38
TinyGPS++ library, 51
TinyGPS library, 494
Transistors, 10, 265
Troubleshoot hardware, 24
Tweezers, 136
Ultrasonic sensor, 417, 434, 455,
460, 474, 476
USB microscope, 15
array, 31
conditional statements, 31–33
declarations, 31
declare, 30
local and global variables, 30
types, 29
while loop, 43, 54, 526, 548
Wire cutters, 135
Wire stripper, 11, 15
X, Y, Z
X-Acto knife, 136, 137
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