PMP Exam Prep – Accelerated Learning to Pass PMl’s PMP Exam
PMP Exam Prep – Accelerated Learning to Pass PMl’s PMP Exam
By Rita Mulcahy, PMP, et. al
Introduction ix
History of This Book xi
Chapter 1 Tricks of the Trade® for Studying for This Exam 1
Why Take the PMP Exam? 1
Qualifying to Take the Exam 1
Are You Ready for the PMP Exam? 2
Applying to Take the Exam 3
How to Use This Book 4
Other Materials to Use to Study for the PMP Exam 8
What Is the PMP Exam Like? 8
How to Study for the PMP Exam 14
Recurring Themes—PMI-isms to Know for the PMP Exam 16
Chapter 2 Project Management Framework 21
Practice Exam 39
Chapter 3 Project Management Processes 47
Rita’s Process Chart 50
Rita’s Process Game 53
Practice Exam 100
Chapter 4 Integration Management 107
Rita’s Process Chart—Integration Management 108
Project Charter—Small Project 111
Project Charter—Large Project 114
Practice Exam 144
Chapter 5 Scope Management 159
Rita’s Process Chart—Scope Management 160
Practice Exam 186
Chapter 6 Time Management 197
Rita’s Process Chart—Time Management 198
Practice Exam 240
Chapter 7 Cost Management 253
Rita’s Process Chart—Cost Management 254
Practice Exam 280Chapter 8 Quality Management 291
Ritas Process Chart—Quality Management 292
Practice Exam 323
Chapter 9 Human Resource Management 333
Ritas Process Chart—Human Resource Management 334
Practice Exam 369
Chapter 10 Communications Management 381
Rita’s Process Chart—Communications Management 382
Practice Exam 396
Chapter 11 Risk Management 405
Rita’s Process Chart—Risk Management 406
Practice Exam 444
Chapter 12 Procurement Management 457
Rita’s Process Chart— Procurement Management 458
Practice Exam 515
Chapter 13 Stakeholder Management 527
Rita’s Process Chart—Stakeholder Management 528
Practice Exam 541
Chapter 14 Professional and Social Responsibility 549
Rita’s Process Chart—Professional and Social Responsibility 550
Practice Exam 563
Chapter 15 The PMP Exam: Tips for Passing the Exam the First Time 573
Putting It All Together 573
Formulas to Know for the Exam 582
Before You Take the Exam 583
Tricks for Taking and Passing the PMP Exam 584
Common Project Management Errors and Pitfalls 586
Notes 589
Index 603Index
acquired needs theory, 367
Acquire Project Team, 351
inputs, 352
activity attributes, 201, 204, 238
activity list, 131, 141, 177, 179, 201, 204, 208, 209
activity network diagrams, 204, 313
Activity-on-Node (AON), 202
activity resource requirements, 467
actual cost (AC), 267, 269
advertising, 495
affinity diagrams, 166, 312
agreements. See also contracts, 124, 459
analogous (top-down) estimating, 210
arbitration, 365
Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM), 201
assignable cause variation, 306, 308
assumptions, 75, 124
assumptions analysis, 418
backward pass, 220
bar charts, 237
baselines, 48, 126, 127, 574
benchmarking, 167, 309
benefit measurement methods, 119
beta activity standard deviation, 212
beta distribution (weighted average), 212
bidder conference, 460, 495
bid documents. See procurement documents
bottom-up estimating, 259
brainstorming, 165, 309
budget at completion (BAC), 267, 269
budget estimate, 262
budget management plan. See cost management
budget plan. See cost management plan
budgets. See also cost budget, 263, 433
unrealistic, 205
buffers, 215, 235
business case, 73, 118
business requirements, 166
business risk, 417
buyers, 462
cash flow, 263
cause and effect diagram, 302
ceiling price, 479
centralized contracting, 464
change control board (CCB), 128, 134, 136, 138,
change control system, 128
change-driven projects, 36, 38, 163, 239, 529
change management plan, 126, 127
change requests, 134, 137, 140, 440, 460, 488, 575
changes, process for making, 139, 140
checklist analysis, 418
checksheet, 302, 303
CISG, 300
claims administration, 505
Close Procurements, 507
Close Project or Phase, 142, 462, 507
closing, 47, 90
Collect Requirements, 164
colocation, 30, 357
communicating, percentage of project manager’s
time, 393
blockers, 392
control of, 393
effective, 387
flow of, on a project, 385
stakeholders’ requirements, 383, 537
technology, 388
communication, factors of
nonverbal, 387
paralingual, 387
words, 387
communication, methods of, 389
interactive, 389
pull, 389
push, 389
communication, models of, 387
feedback, 387
message, 387
noise, 387
receiver, 387
sender, 387
communication, types of, 386
formal verbal, 386
formal written, 386
communication, types of (continued)
informal verbal, 386
informal written, 386
communication channels, 389
formula for calculating, 390
communications management, 381
process, 383
communications management plan, 383, 391, 393,
competitive bidding, 461
Conduct Procurements, 494
configuration management plan, 126, 128
configuration management system, 128
conflict, sources of, 362
conflict management, 361
conflict resolution techniques, 362
accommodating, 362
avoidance, 362
collaborating, 362
compromising, 362
directing, 362
forcing, 362
problem solving, 362
reconciling, 362
smoothing, 362
withdrawal, 362
constrained optimization methods, 119
constraints, 28, 124
context diagrams, 167
contingency plans, 427, 432
contingency reserves, 215, 261, 262, 263, 265, 432,
continuous improvement, 297
contract change control system, 504
contracts, 124, 432, 459, 462
definition of, 499
international, 463
interpretation of, 505
parts of a legal contract, 499
standard, 488
contracts, types of, 470
advantages and disadvantages, 475
risk to buyer and seller, 478
contract terms and conditions, 489
acceptance, 490
agent, 490
arbitration, 490
assignment, 490
authority, 490
bonds, 490
breach/default, 462, 490
changes, 490
confidentiality, 490
dispute resolution, 490
force majeure, 490
incentives, 490
indemnification (liability), 490
independent contractor, 490
inspection, 490
intellectual property, 490
invoicing, 490
liquidated damages, 490
management requirements, 491
material breach, 491
notice, 491
ownership, 491
payments, 491
procurement statement of work, 491
reporting, 491
retainage, 491
risk of loss, 491
site access, 491
termination, 491
time is of the essence, 491
waivers, 491
warranties, 491
work for hire, 491
control account, 177, 253
control chart, 302, 305, 314
in control, 305, 306
out of control, 305, 306, 308
Control Communications, 88, 393
inputs, 394
Control Costs, 88, 264
outputs, 279
control limits, 305, 308
Control Procurements, 89, 500
Control Quality, 88, 298, 299, 313
outputs, 315
tools and techniques, 312, 314
Control Risks, 88, 436
outputs, 439
Control Schedule, 87, 238
Control Scope, 87, 185
Control Stakeholder Engagement, 89, 538
control thresholds, 256
conversation, 358
corporate knowledge base, 33
corrective actions, 134, 440
correlation chart. See scatter diagram
cost (in procurement), 479
cost, types of, 257
cost aggregation, 263
cost baseline, 127, 265Index
cost-benefit analysis, 121, 301
cost budget. See also budget, 257, 262, 263, 265,
cost management, 253
cost management plan, 125, 256, 257, 264
cost of quality, 261, 301
cost performance index (CPI), 267, 270
cost-reimbursable (CR) contracts, 470, 473, 477,
cost contracts, 473
cost plus award fee (CPAF), 474
cost plus fee (CPF), 473
cost plus fixed fee (CPFF), 473
cost plus incentive fee (CPIF), 474, 480
cost plus percentage of costs (CPPC), 473
cost risk, 255
costs of conformance, 301
costs of nonconformance, 301
cost variance (CV), 267
crashing, 228, 232
Create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 173
critical chain method, 235
critical path, 201, 218, 227, 235
critical path method, 218, 220
Crosby, Philip, 294
cultural differences, 557
decentralized contracting, 464
decision tree, 424
decomposition, 176, 180, 200, 253
deconstruction, 180
defect repair, 137
Define Activities, 200
Define Scope, 172
definitive estimate, 262
deliverables, 161, 163, 176, 182, 183, 184
Delphi technique, 168, 261
Deming, W. Edwards, 294, 297
dependencies, types of, 203
depreciation, 123
accelerated, 123
straight line, 123
design of experiments (DOE), 309
Determine Budget, 262
Develop Project Charter, 110
Develop Project Management Plan, 125
Develop Project Team, 354
Develop Schedule, 216
diagramming techniques, 418
Direct and Manage Project Work, 131
direct costs, 257
discounted cash flow, 256
discretionary dependency (preferred, preferential,
or soft logic), 203
documentation reviews, 417
early finish (EF), 220
early start (ES), 220
earned value (EV), 253, 266, 267, 270
formulas, 267, 275
earned value report, 393
economic value added (EVA), 122
enterprise environmental factors, 32, 208, 258,
347, 352, 467, 574
Estimate Activity Durations, 208
Estimate Activity Resources, 206
estimate at completion (EAC), 267, 269
Estimate Costs, 257
inputs, 257
estimate ranges, 262
estimates, accuracy of, 262
estimate to complete (ETC), 204, 267, 269
role of project manager, 210
techniques, 210, 259
things to know about, 204
executing, 47, 78
actions, 80
expectancy theory, 365
expected activity duration (EAD), 212
expected monetary value (EMV), 423
formula for, 423
expert judgement, 575
external dependency, 203
facilitated workshops, 165
fairness, 549, 554, 558
fallback plans, 432
fast tracking, 228, 232
final contract performance reporting, 509
financial closure (for procurements), 508
finish-to-finish (FF), 202
finish-to-start (FS), 202
fishbone diagram. See cause and effect diagram
fixed costs, 257
fixed price (FP) contracts, 470, 476, 503
fixed price award fee (FPAF), 471
fixed price economic price index (FPEPA), 472Index
fixed price (FP) contracts (continued)
fixed price incentive fee (FPIF), 471, 480, 481
See also purchase orders
float (slack), 219
flowchart, 302, 303
focus groups, 164
force field analysis, 309
forecasting report, 393
forward pass, 220
free float, 219
fringe benefits, 366
functional manager, 29, 30, 340
functional organization, 29
Gantt charts, 237
gold plating, 18, 159, 296
grade, 294
Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique
(GERT), 201,202
ground rules (for teams), 356
group decision making, 167, 215, 261
techniques, 167
halo effect, 353
Herzbergs theory (of motivation), 367
heuristics, 211
high-level planning, 73
histogram, 302
historical information (records), 33, 164
historical records. See historical information
honesty, 549, 555, 559
human resource management, 333
responsibilities of project manager, 335
human resource management plan, 258, 349, 352
hygiene factors, 367
Identify Risks, 417
outputs, 418
Identify Stakeholders, 531
incentives, 474, 490
calculating incentives, 480
independent estimates, 496
indirect costs, 257
information-gathering techniques (for identifying
risks), 418
initiating, 47, 69
actions, 71
inputs, 69
inputs, 10, 48, 183, 575
integrated change control, 127, 133, 134, 136, 137,
integration management, 107
internal dependency, 203
internal rate of return (IRR), 120
international contracts, 463
interrelationship digraphs, 313
interviews, 164
invitation for bid (IFB), 460, 486
Ishikawa diagram. See cause and effect diagram
ISO 9000, 300
issue log, 358
Juran, Joseph, 294
just in time (JIT), 297
Kaizen, 297
kickoff meeting, 131
knowledge area management plans, 51, 126, 574
knowledge areas, 109, 126, 140
relationship with process groups, 109
lags, 203
large-project perspective, 114
late finish (LF), 220
late start (LS), 220
law of diminishing returns, 123
leads, 203
learning curve, 211
lessons learned, 34, 393, 460, 509
lessons learned documentation, 393
letter of intent, 491
life cycle costing, 255
listening, effective, 388
make-or-buy analysis, 460, 466, 468
Manage Communications, 391
management and leadership styles, 359
analytical, 360
autocratic, 360
bureaucratic, 360Index
management and leadership styles (continued)
charismatic, 360
coaching, 360
consensus, 360
consultative, 360
consultative-autocratic, 360
delegating, 360
democratic or participative, 360
directing, 360
driver, 361
facilitating, 360
influencing, 361
laissez-faire, 360
supporting, 360
management plans, 125
management reserves, 215, 261, 263, 266, 432
Manage Project Team, 357
Manage Stakeholder Engagement, 537
mandatory dependency (hard logic), 203
marginal analysis, 297
Maslows hierarchy of needs, 366
Maslows pyramid, 367
matrix diagrams, 313
matrix organization, 30
balanced, 30
strong, 30
weak, 30
McClelland, David, 367
McClellands theory of needs (acquired needs
theory), 367
McGregors theory of X and Y, 366
mean (average), 306
meetings, 389, 439
rules for, 389
milestone charts, 236, 237
milestones, 201
mind map, 165
modeling, 234
Monitor and Control Project Work, 132
monitoring and controlling, 47, 83
actions, 85
Monte Carlo analysis (simulation technique), 234,
motivating agents, 368
motivation theory, 366
multi-criteria decision analysis, 165, 353
mutual exclusivity, 314
near-critical path, 219
negative float, 227, 229, 233
negotiation, 353, 463, 497, 508
items to negotiate, 498
objectives of, 497
tactics, 498
net present value (NPV), 120
network diagrams, 201, 203, 204, 220, 237, 313
nominal group technique, 165
noncompetitive bidding, 461, 492
single source, 492
sole source, 492
noncritical risks, 421, 435
nondisclosure agreement, 488
normal and expected variation, 308
normal distribution, 306, 308, 314
observation, 167, 358
one-point estimating, 210
operational work, 22
OPM3, 25, 297
opportunities, 408
opportunity cost, 122
organizational breakdown structure, 348
organizational hierarchy, 32
organizational process assets, 33, 208, 258, 348,
352, 440, 467, 573
organizational project management (OPM), 24
organizational structure, 29
organization charts, 348
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
Administration), 300
outputs, 10, 48, 183, 575
padding, 209, 215
parametric estimating, 211, 263
Pareto chart. See Pareto diagram
Pareto diagram, 302, 304
past performance history, 497
path convergence, 221, 234
payback period, 121
payments, 475, 491
performance measurement baseline, 127, 265,
392, 574
performance reporting, 392
Perform Integrated Change Control, 1 37
Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis, 419
outputs, 421
Perform Quality Assurance, 298, 299, 311
outputs, 313Index
Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis, 422
outputs, 427
perquisites (perks), 365
personnel assessment tools, 356
PERT. See Program Evaluation and Review
Plan Communications Management, 383
Plan Cost Management, 255
plan-driven projects, 36
Plan Human Resource Management, 347
planned value (PV), 267, 269
planning, 47, 73
actions, 75-77
Plan Procurement Management, 466
Plan Quality Management, 298, 299
outputs, 310
tools and techniques, 312
Plan Risk Management, 415
outputs, 415
Plan Risk Responses, 427
outputs, 431
Plan Schedule Management, 199
Plan Scope Management, 163
Plan Stakeholder Management, 533
PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct,
PMI-isms, 16
in professional and social responsibility, 552
quality-related, 294
point of total assumption (PTA), 479
population, 309
portfolio management, 24
portfolio manager, 343
position descriptions, 348, 349
power, types of, 359
expert, 359
formal (legitimate), 359
penalty (coercive), 359
referent, 359
reward, 359
power and interest grid, 532
preassignment, 352
Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM), 201
presentation formats, 237
presentations, 497
present value (PV), 119
prevention over inspection, 296
preventive actions, 136, 440
price (in procurement), 479
prioritization matrices, 313
privity, 491
probability, 314
probability and impact matrix, 419
problem-solving method, 364
process analysis, 312
process decision program charts (PDPC), 313
processes, procedures, policies, 33
process groups, 47
process improvement plan, 128, 311
process map. See flowchart
closure, 508, 509
department, 460, 464
exam questions about, 462
file, 509
formal acceptance, 509
potential for conflict between managers, 504
process, 510
project managers role in, 463, 513
See also negotiation and contracts
procurement audit, 507, 509
procurement documents, 460, 486
procurement management, 457
inputs, 467
outputs, 460
process, 459, 466
procurement management plan, 460, 468
procurement performance review, 505
procurement statement of work (SOW), 460, 469,
design, 469
functional, 469
performance, 469
product analysis, 172
product scope (product deliverables), 161
product validation (for procurements), 508
professional and social responsibility, 549
categories of, 552
profit (in procurement), 479
Program Evaluation and Review Technique
(PERT), 212
program management, 23
program manager, 344
progressive elaboration, 72
progress report, 393
progress reporting, 265
definition of, 21
project-based organizations (PBOs), 32
project charter, 110, 114
project coordinator, 30
project documents, 131, 431
updates to, 87, 131, 311, 431, 575
project expediter, 30Index
project float, 219
projectized organization, 30
project life cycle
adaptive, 36
incremental, 36
iterative, 36
predictive, 36
project management, 23
costs of, 258
ethical application of, 551
framework, 21
process, 37, 47
proving the value of, 426
project management information system (PMIS),
project management office (PMO), 26
controlling, 26
directive, 26
supportive, 26
project management plan, 126, 129, 347, 431, 440,
467, 574, 575
approval, 131
updates to, 87, 431, 440
project management software, 261
project management team, 29, 335, 338, 342
project manager, 16-20, 29, 72, 109, 341, 346
assigned early in the process, 72
powers of, 359
role as integrator, 107
project performance appraisals, 358
project requirements. See also requirements, 166
project schedule network diagram. See network
project schedule. See also schedule, 216, 236, 258,
project scope, 161
project scope statement, 172, 575
project selection, 118
comparative approach, 119
economic models, 119
mathematical approach, 119
project sponsor, 107, 129, 134, 336
project statement of work (SOW), 124
project team, 29, 338
proposal review, 496
proprietary information, 555
prototypes, 167
purchase orders, 461, 472
pure (insurable) risk, 417
qualified seller list (prequalified seller list), 495
checklist, 311
definition of, 293
impact of poor quality, 297
metrics, 311
responsibility for, 297
standards, 300
theorists, 294
quality audits, 312
quality management, 291, 315
definition of, 294
process, 321
tools and techniques, 316
quality management plan, 310, 413
quality requirements, 166
quality tools, seven basic, 302, 314
quantitative probability and impact, determining,
questionnaires, 167
RACI chart (responsible, accountable, consult,
and inform), 348
recognition and reward systems, 350, 357
records management system, 505
reestimating, 230, 239
regression analysis, 211
request for bid. See invitation for bid
request for information (RFI), 486
request for proposal (RFP), 460, 486
request for quotation (RFQ), 460, 486
request for tender. See request for proposal
requirements, 159, 162, 163, 164-171, 315, 383,
documentation, 168
functional, 166
nonfunctional, 166
resolving competing, 170
types of, 166
requirements management plan, 126, 127, 163
requirements traceability matrix, 170
reserve analysis, 215, 261, 265, 438
reserves (contingency), 432
residual risks, 431
resource breakdown structure (RBS), 206, 208, 349
resource cost rates, 261
resource histogram, 351
resource leveling, 235Index
resource optimization, 235
resource smoothing, 235
respect, 549, 553, 556
responsibility, 549, 552, 555
responsibility assignment matrix (RAM), 348
return on investment (ROI), 256
risk, sources of, 416
risk, types of, 417
risk appetite, 408
risk audits, 438
risk averse, 408
risk categories, 416, 421
risk data quality assessment, 421
risk factors, 408
risk management, 405
common errors, 440
definition of concepts, 407
inputs and outputs, 409, 411
process, 414, 441
risk management plan, 415
risk mitigation strategies. See risk response
risk owners, 432
risk reassessments, 438
risk register, 209, 258, 418, 421, 427, 431, 439, 467
risk response strategies, 428, 436
accept threats or opportunities, 429
avoid threats, 428
enhance opportunities, 429
exploit opportunities, 429
mitigate threats, 429
share opportunities, 429
transfer (deflect, allocate) threats, 429
risks, closure, 439
risk threshold, 408
risk tolerance, 408
risk triggers, 432
risk urgency assessment, 421
Ritas Process Chart, 4, 49, 108, 160, 197, 254, 292,
334, 382, 406, 458, 528
roles and responsibilities, 335, 415
functional manager, 340
portfolio manager, 343
program manager, 344
project management team, 342
project manager, 341, 346
project sponsor or initiator, 336
project team, 338
stakeholders, 339
rolling wave planning, 78, 201
rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate, 262
rule of seven, 306, 308
salience models, 532
sample, 309
scatter diagram, 302, 308
schedule. See project schedule
schedule baseline, 127, 236, 238
schedule compression, 228
schedule management plan, 200
schedule model, 216, 236
schedule network analysis, 218
schedule performance index (SPI), 267, 270
schedules, unrealistic, 205, 228, 229, 551
schedule variance (SV), 267
scope baseline, 127, 257
scope management, 159
process, 162
scope management plan, 163
screening system, 496
secondary risks, 432
seller proposal (price quote or bid), 495
sellers, 462
sensitivity analysis, 423
Sequence Activities, 201
sharing ratio, 479
sigma, 305, 314
3 sigma, 305, 310
6 sigma, 305, 310
SIPOC, 303
Six Sigma, 310
slack. See float
solution requirements, 166
source selection criteria, 466, 488
special cause variation, 306, 308
special provisions (special conditions), 489
specification limits, 306, 308
sponsor. See project sponsor
staffing management plan, 350
stakeholder analysis, 532
stakeholder engagement, 534, 537
leading, 534
neutral, 534
resistant, 534
supportive, 534
unaware, 534
stakeholder engagement assessment matrix, 535
stakeholder expectations, 529, 538
stakeholder management, 28, 527
stakeholder register, 299, 383, 414, 467, 532
stakeholder requirements, 166, 168, 529Index
stakeholders, 18, 28, 164, 168, 339, 381, 383, 392,
relationships with, 533
standard contract, 488
standard deviation (SD), 212, 215, 310, 314
start-to-finish (SF), 202
start-to-start (SS), 202
statistical independence, 314
statistical sampling, 309
status report, 393
sunk costs, 123
surveys, 167
SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats), 418
tally sheet. See checksheet
target price, 479
team-building activities, 355
team formation and development, Tuckmans
stages of, 356
adjourning, 356
forming, 356
norming, 356
performing, 356
storming, 356
team performance assessment, 357
teams, types of, 352
dedicated, 352
partnership, 352
part-time, 352
virtual, 352, 353
technical requirements, 166
threats, 408
three-point estimating, 211
tight matrix, 30, 357
time and material (T&M) contracts, 470, 472, 477,
time management, 197
time reserves, 215
to-complete performance index (TCPI), 268
total float, 219
total quality management (TQM), 297
training, 356
transition requirements, 166
tree diagrams, 313
trend report, 393
triangular distribution (simple average), 211
uncertainty, 408
unit price contracts. See time and material (T&M)
Validate Scope, 182
value analysis, 255
variable costs, 257
variance at completion, 267
variance report, 393
verified deliverables, 183
war room, 357
watch list, 420, 421
WBS dictionary, 180
weighting system, 496
workarounds, 438
work authorization system, 133
work breakdown structure (WBS), 173
as foundation of project, 179
working capital, 123
work packages, 177
work performance data, 35, 48, 82, 85, 90, 125,
131, 132, 183, 185, 395,414, 575
work performance information, 35, 239, 266, 395,
439, 507, 540, 575
work performance reports
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