بحث بعنوان Performance analysis of Switched Reluctance Motor using Linear Model
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M. Venkatesh, Rama Krishna Raghutu
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Performance analysis of Switched Reluctance Motor using Linear Model
M. Venkatesh, Rama Krishna Raghutu
Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, GMRIT, RAJAM
E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]
Abstract- The switched reluctance motor (SRM) drive demands that the motor and converter to be considered as one unit. The SRM motor has
double salient structure makes its magnetic characteristics highly nonlinear. This paper we consider linear characteristics for analysis of SRM.
The motor flux linkage appears to be a nonlinear function of stator currents as well as rotor position. This paper deals we are using different
control parameters and H-bridge asymmetric converter topology of switched reluctance motor for observing its performance. These Control
parameters and its H-bridge asymmetric converter topology are obtained by using linear model and dynamic behaviour of SRM are observed.
Simulations are done in MATLAB and results are analysed.
This paper presents control parameters, power converter
topology, commutating strategy and simulation of a 8/6-
switched reluctance motor (SRM) by using a linear model.
Moreover, the energizing strategies, which affect on the control
of the SRM are also discussed

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