محاضرة بعنوان تكنولوجيا إعادة تدوير الورق – Paper Recycling Technology

محاضرة بعنوان تكنولوجيا إعادة تدوير الورق
Paper Recycling Technology
Dr. Richard A. Venditti
Dept. of Wood and Paper Science
North Carolina State University
Dr. Richard Venditti
The Paper Recycling US Industry
z Contaminants
z Effect of Recycling on Fibers/Paper
z Unit Operations
Pulping, Cleaning, Screening, Washing,
Flotation, Dispersion, Bleaching,
z Image Analysis, Deinking Chemicals
z System Design
z Viewing of the Videos of Lectures
Base lectures by Venditti
Guest lectures from industry leaders
z Reading assignments from Recycled Fiber and
Deinking, Book 7 of the Series: Papermaking
Science and Technology
z Reading assignments: selected research papers
z Homeworks: 6 assignments
z Final Project: Literature Review and Research Proposal Broad understanding of paper recycling science and technology
z Develop an expertise in a selected research topic in paper recycling
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