بحث بعنوان Optimizing Cross-section of Links for Two Level Design of Rr Pick and Place Robot Arm

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Optimizing Cross-section of Links for Two Level Design of Rr Pick and Place Robot Arm
Vikas Gupta1, Rajesh Bansal2, Vineet Kumar Goel3
1MED, CDLMGEC Panniwala Mota, Sirsa, 2,3MED, PPIMT, Hisar
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract–The mechanical structure of a robot manipulator,
which consists of rigid cantilever beams connected by hinged
joints forming spatial mechanism, is inherently poor in
stiffness, accuracy and load carrying capacity. The errors
accumulate because joints are in a serial sequence. These
difficulties are overcome by advanced design and control
techniques. Performance of the robot manipulator actually
depends upon many control parameters i.e. kinematic and
dynamic parameters. The kinematic and dynamic
complexities create unique design of a robot manipulator a
very challenging and critical issue. The main areas of thrust
are the shape, material and design optimization of robot arm.
The shape optimization requires to test the arm links for
different standard shaped cross-sections for minimum stress
conditions and selecting best of them. This paper attempts to
find out the set of cross-sections to optimize the design of two
degree of freedom pick and place robot arm with revolute
joints (RR). In this paper, a number of cross-sections are
considered, modeled in Pro-E and experimented in ProMechanica and analyzed using Finite Element Methods
(FEM) i.e. ANSYS. The design optimization of the robot arm
at two levels is carried out for minimizing the weight of the
same for the given loading condition. From our analysis is
found that, the optimized modal of robot arm with hollow
rectangular cross-section is best suited for the pick and place
robot and is proposed as the most efficient one for carrying
out its function.
Key Words: Shape optimization, cross-section, Finite Element Methods (FEM)
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