بحث بعنوان Modeling and Simulation of Axial Fan Using CFD  Hemant Kumawat
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Hemant Kumawat
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Modeling and Simulation of Axial Fan Using CFD
Hemant Kumawat
Abstract—Axial flow fans, while incapable of developing high
pressures, they are well suitable for handling large volumes of air at
relatively low pressures. In general, they are low in cost and possess
good efficiency, and can have blades of airfoil shape. Axial flow fans
show good efficiencies, and can operate at high static pressures if
such operation is necessary. Our objective is to model and analyze
the flow through AXIAL FANS using CFD Software and draw
inference from the obtained results, so as to get maximum efficiency.
The performance of an axial fan was simulated using CFD and the
effect of variation of different parameters such as the blade number,
noise level, velocity, temperature and pressure distribution on the
blade surface was studied. This paper aims to present a final 3D CAD
model of axial flow fan. Adapting this model to the available
components in the market, the first optimization was done. After this
step, CFX flow solver is used to do the necessary numerical analyses
on the aerodynamic performance of this model. This analysis results
in a final optimization of the proposed 3D model which is presented
in this article.
Keywords—ANSYS CFX, Axial Fan, Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD), Optimization.
The results from the numerical simulations provided an
insightful understanding of the behavior of fluid flow around
an axial fan with different number of fan blad
CFD analysis was performed for both initially designed and
optimized designed axial fan. The numerical CFD results for
optimized design were then compared with initially designed
axial fan. The key and important outcomes of this study are as
1) The CFD modeling shown in this study proved to be very
helpful in initiating further and more comprehensive
numerical study of the axial fan.
2) CFD results were presented in the form of velocity
streamlines, which provided actual flow characteristi
air around the fan for different number of fan blades.
3) The different parameters like temperature, pressure, fan
noise, and turbulence, were also considered while
performing CFD analysis. The study revealed that a fan
with an optimum number of fan bla
compared to the fan with less number of fan blades. In
general, as a compromise between efficiency and cost,
five to twelve blades are good practical solutions.
optimized design is having 11 blades.

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