Mechanisms and Robots Analysis with MATLAB
Dan B. Marghitu
1 Introduction . 1
1.1 Degrees of Freedom and Motion 1
1.2 Kinematic Pairs 3
1.3 Dyads 8
1.4 Independent Contours . 10
1.5 Planar Mechanism Decomposition 10
2 Position Analysis . 15
2.1 Absolute Cartesian Method 15
2.2 Slider-Crank (R-RRT) Mechanism 16
2.3 Four-Bar (R-RRR) Mechanism . 20
2.4 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism 27
2.5 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism: Complete Rotation . 31
2.5.1 Method I: Constraint Conditions . 31
2.5.2 Method II: Euclidian Distance Function . 35
2.6 Path of a Point on a Link with General Plane Motion . 37
2.7 Creating a Movie . 40
3 Velocity and Acceleration Analysis . 43
3.1 Introduction . 43
3.2 Velocity Field for a Rigid Body . 44
3.3 Acceleration Field for a Rigid Body . 46
3.4 Motion of a Point that Moves Relative to a Rigid Body . 50
3.5 Slider-Crank (R-RRT) Mechanism 53
3.6 Four-Bar (R-RRR) Mechanism . 60
3.7 Inverted Slider-Crank Mechanism . 65
3.8 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism 71
3.9 Derivative Method 79
3.10 Independent Contour Equations . 95
ixx Contents
4 Dynamic Force Analysis 109
4.1 Equation of Motion for General Planar Motion 109
4.2 D’Alembert’s Principle 114
4.3 Free-Body Diagrams 115
4.4 Force Analysis Using Dyads . 116
4.4.1 RRR Dyad 116
4.4.2 RRT Dyad 118
4.4.3 RTR Dyad 119
4.5 Force Analysis Using Contour Method . 120
4.6 Slider-Crank (R-RRT) Mechanism 121
4.6.1 Inertia Forces and Moments . 124
4.6.2 Joint Forces and Drive Moment 126
4.7 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism 147
4.7.1 Inertia Forces and Moments . 151
4.7.2 Joint Forces and Drive Moment 154
5 Direct Dynamics: Newton–Euler Equations of Motion 183
5.1 Compound Pendulum . 183
5.2 Double Pendulum 192
5.3 One-Link Planar Robot Arm . 201
5.4 Two-Link Planar Robot Arm . 204
6 Analytical Dynamics of Open Kinematic Chains . 209
6.1 Generalized Coordinates and Constraints . 209
6.2 Laws of Motion 211
6.3 Lagrange’s Equations for Two-Link Robot Arm . 213
6.4 Rotation Transformation . 225
6.5 RRT Robot Arm . 228
6.5.1 Direct Dynamics . 228
6.5.2 Inverse Dynamics 246
6.5.3 Kane’s Dynamical Equations 250
6.6 RRTR Robot Arm 257
7 Problems 275
7.1 Problem Set: Mechanisms . 275
7.2 Problem Set: Robots 291
A Programs of Chapter 2: Position Analysis . 301
A.1 Slider-Crank (R-RRT) Mechanism 301
A.2 Four-Bar (R-RRR) Mechanism . 303
A.3 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism 306
A.4 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism: Complete Rotation . 309
A.5 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism: Complete Rotation Using Euclidian
Distance Function 312
A.6 Path of a Point on a Link with General Plane Motion: R-RRT
Mechanism 314Contents xi
A.7 Path of a Point on a Link with General Plane Motion: R-RRR
Mechanism 315
B Programs of Chapter 3: Velocity and Acceleration Analysis . 317
B.1 Slider-Crank (R-RRT) Mechanism 317
B.2 Four-Bar (R-RRR) Mechanism . 322
B.3 Inverted Slider-Crank Mechanism . 326
B.4 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism 331
B.5 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism: Derivative Method . 339
B.6 Inverted Slider-Crank Mechanism: Derivative Method 344
B.7 R-RTR Mechanism: Derivative Method 347
B.8 R-RRR Mechanism: Derivative Method 349
B.9 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism: Contour Method . 354
C Programs of Chapter 4: Dynamic Force Analysis 363
C.1 Slider-Crank (R-RRT) Mechanism: Newton–Euler Method 363
C.2 Slider-Crank (R-RRT) Mechanism: D’Alembert’s Principle . 368
C.3 Slider-Crank (R-RRT) Mechanism: Dyad Method . 372
C.4 Slider-Crank (R-RRT) Mechanism: Contour Method . 378
C.5 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism: Newton–Euler Method 382
C.6 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism: Dyad Method . 396
C.7 R-RTR-RTR Mechanism: Contour Method . 408
D Programs of Chapter 5: Direct Dynamics . 423
D.1 Compound Pendulum . 423
D.2 Compound Pendulum Using the Function R(t,x) 425
D.3 Double Pendulum 426
D.4 Double Pendulum Using the File RR.m 428
D.5 One-Link Planar Robot Arm . 430
D.6 One-Link Planar Robot Arm Using the m-File Function
Rrobot.m . 432
D.7 Two-Link Planar Robot Arm Using the m-File Function
RRrobot.m 433
E Programs of Chapter 6: Analytical Dynamics . 437
E.1 Lagrange’s Equations for Two-Link Robot Arm . 437
E.2 Two-Link Robot Arm: Inverse Dynamics . 442
E.3 RRT Robot Arm . 444
E.4 RRT Robot Arm: Inverse Dynamics . 453
E.5 RRT Robot Arm: Kane’s Dynamical Equations 457
E.6 RRTR Robot Arm 462
References . 475
Index . 47
acceleration, 46
angle of the body, 1
coordinate, 1
velocity, 46, 49, 51
acceleration, 47, 53
momentum, 112
axis, 20
body-fixed reference frame, 44, 50
cam-follower, 4
Cartesian reference frame, 17, 21
center of mass, 114
central inertia dyadic, 239
cd, 201
class, 8
clear, 16
clc, 16
close, 16
closed kinematic chains, 5
char, 57
coincident points, 95
complex plane motion, 3
compound pendulum, 183
connectivity table, 11
contour, 5
contour diagram, 11
contour equations, 95
crank, 6
Coriolis acceleration, 52
component, 3
constraint equation, 209
couple, 201
coupler, 7
cross, 54
cross product, 54
d’Alembert’s principle, 114
degrees of freedom, 1
decomposition, 10
derivative method, 79
diff, 80, 188
direct dynamics, 114
direction, 46
dot, 54
dot product, 54
double pendulum, 192
drive moment, 126
driver, 8
driven, 8
driven force, 124
dyad, 8
dyad method, 137
dynamical equations, 212
dynamics, 114
477478 Index
equilibrium, 114
eval, 18
fclose, 201
fixed reference frame, 43
frame, 1
free-body diagram, 115
feedback control, 201, 204
force, 109
follower, 4, 8
four-bar, 10, 20
for, 31
fprintf, 19
full joint, 3
function, 35, 190
fundamental kinematic chain, 8
general plane motion, 3
active forces, 212, 217
coordinates, 184, 209
inertia forces, 212, 251
forces, 235
velocities, 210
getframe, 41
grid, 20
ground, 3
half-joint, 4
holonomic, 211
if, 18, 25
force, 114
moment, 114
matrix, 239
inertial reference frame, 183
inline, 189
contour, 10
coordinate, 3
parameters, 1
initial conditions, 189
inverted slider-crank, 65
joint, 3
Kane’s dynamical equations, 212
chain, 5
pair, 3
kinetic diagram, 117, 118
kinetic energy, 213
Lagrange’s equations, 213
link, 3
lower joint, 5
loop, 5
magnitude, 44
mass center, 38
mass moment of inertia, 112
mechanism, 6
mixed kinematic chain, 6
mobility, 8
mobile reference frame, 43
moment, 111
movie, 40
moviein, 40
movie2avi, 41
multiple joint, 5
Newton’s second law, 110
Newton’s third law, 110
Newton–Euler equation of motion, 113
non-holonomic, 211
ode45, 189
open kinematic chain, 6Index 479
order of a joint, 5
partial velocity, 212
pause, 35
Pfafan form, 210
plot, 19
position vector, 21
Poisson formulas, 46
primary reference frame, 43
rotation, 3
translation, 3
reference frame
fixed, 3
rotating, 43
acceleration, 47
angular acceleration, 71
angular velocity, 70
velocity, 46
motion, 3
resultant, 114, 211
rigid body, 1
rhenomic, 211
rocker, 7
rotation, 2
rotation transformation matrix, 226
scleronomic, 211
sign, 124
slider-crank, 16
slope, 15
solve, 18
state space, 210
Stewart mechanism, 7
structural diagram, 11
subs, 79
system groups, 8
sym, 56
syms, 188
text, 19
title, 19
torque, 201
translation, 2
vector, 18, 21
velocity, 43
vpa, 57
xlabel, 19
ylabel, 19
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