Mechanics of Machines
اسم المؤلف
G. H. Ryder , M. D. Bennett
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Mechanics of Machines
G. H. Ryder
Principal Lecturer
M. D. Bennett
Principal Lecturer
Royal Military College ofScience,
1 Introduction and Principles
1.1 Scope of the Subject
1.2 Mathematical Models
1.3 Scalars and Vectors
1.4 Newton’s laws of Motion
1.5 Units
1.6 Forces
1.7 Equilibrium
1.8 Friction
1.9 Kinematics of a Particle and of a Une
1.1 0 Kinematics of a Rigid Body
1.11 Relative Motion
1.12 Kinetics of a Particle
1.13 Kinetics of a Rigid Body
1.14 Work and Energy
1.15 Impulse and Momentum
1.16 Problems
2 Kinematics of Mechanisms
2.1 Definition of a Mechanism
2.2 Degrees of Freedom and Kinematic Constraint
2.3 Kinematics of Mechanisms
2.4 Problems
3 Friction and Lubrication in Machines
3.1 Friction, Lubrication and Wear
3.2 Friction between a Screw and a Nut
3.3 Friction Clutches and Boundary-lubricated Bearings
3.4 Belt and Rope Drives
3.5 Brakes
3.6 Problems
4 Toothed Gears
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Classification of Gears
4.3 Condition of Uniform Motion
4.4 Cycloidal Teeth
4.5 Involute Teeth
4.6 Involute Gear Geometry
4.7 Efficiency of Gears
4.8 Problems
S Geared Systems
5.1 Gear Trains
5.2 Epicyclic Gear Trains
5.3 Torque Relations in Gearboxes
5.4 Torque to Accelerate Geared Systems
5.5 Angular Impulse in Geared Systems
5.6 Problems
6 Kinetics of Machine Elements
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Inertia Forces and Couples
6.3 Fluctuation of Energy and Speed
6.4 Problems
7 Balancing of Machines
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Balancing of Rotating Masses
7.3 Forces in a Reciprocating Engine
7.4 Balancing of a Single-cylinder Engine
7.5 Balancing of Multi-cylinder Engines
7.6 Problems
8 Vibrations of Single-degree-of-freedom Systems
8.1 Introduction to Vibrations
8.2 Free Vibrations without Damping
8.3 Free Vibrations with Damping
8.4 Forced Vibrations
8.5 Problems
9 Vibrations of Multi-degree-of-freedom Systems
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Free Vibrations of Two-degree-of-freedom Systems
9.3 Forced Vibrations of Two-degree-of-freedom Systems
9.4 Vibration Absorber
9.5 Torsional Vibrations
9.6 Multi-degree-of-freedom Vibrations
9.7 Problems
10 Lateral Vibrations and Whirling Speeds
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Lateral Vibrations of Beams
10.3 Whirling of Shafts
10.4 Problems
11 Control Systems
11.1 Introduction 210
11.2 Transfer Functions 211
11.3 Proportional Closed-loop Control Systems 212
11.4 Ooscd-loop Control Systems with Modified’ Feedback and Feedforward 218
11.5 Stability 222
11.6 Problems 222
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