Mechanical Engineers Data Handbook

Mechanical Engineers Data Handbook
James Carvill
Symbols used in text
1. Strength of materials
1.1 Types of stress
1.2 Strength of fasteners
1.3 Fatigue and stress concentration
1.4 Bending of beams
1.5 Springs
1.6 Shafts
1.7 Struts
1.8 Cylinders and hollow spheres
1.9 Contact stress
1.10 Flat plates
2. A p p l i mechanics
2.1 Basic mechanics
2.2 Belt drives
2.3 Balancing
2.4 Miscellaneous machine elements
2.5 Automobile mechanics
2.6 Vibrations
2.7 Friction
2.8 Brakes, clutches and dynamometers
2.9 Bearings
2.10 Gears
3. Tbennodyanmics and heat transfer
3.1 Heat
3.2 Perfect gases
3.3 Vapours
3.4 Data tables
3.5 Flow through nozzles
3.6 Steam plant
3.7 Steam turbines
3.8 Gas turbines
3.9 Heat engine cycles
3.10 Reciprocating spark ignition internal
3.11 Air compressors
combustion engines
3.12 Reciprocating air motor
3.13 Refrigerators
3.14 Heat transfer
3.15 Heat exchangers
3.16 Combustion of fuels
4. Fluid mechanics
4.1 Hydrostatics
4.2 Flow of liquids in pipes and ducts
4.3 Flow of liquids through various devices
4.4 Viscosity and laminar flow
4.5 Fluid jets
4.6 Flow of gases
4.7 Fluid machines
5. Manufacturing technology
5.2 Turning
5.3 Drilling and reaming
5.4 Milling
5.5 Grinding
5.6 Cutting-tool materials
5.7 General information on metal cutting
5.8 Casting
5.9 Metal forming processes
5.10 Soldering and brazing
5.11 Gas welding
5.12 Arc welding
5.13 Limits and fits
General characteristics of metal processes
6. Engineering materials
6.1 Cast irons
6.2 Carbon steels
6.3 Alloy steels
6.4 Stainless steels
6.5 British Standard specification of steels
6.6 Non-ferrous metals
6.7 Miscellaneous metals
6.8 Spring materials
6.9 Powdered metals
6.10 Low-melting-point alloys
6.11 Miscellaneous information on metals
6.12 Corrosion of metals
6.13 Plastics
6.14 Elastomers
6.15 Wood
6.16 Adhesives
6.17 Composites
6.18 Ceramics
6.19 Cermets
6.20 Materials for special requirements
6.21 Miscellaneous information
7. Engineering measurements
7.1 Length measurement
7.2 Angle measurement
7.3 Strain measurement
7.4 Temperature measurement
7.5 Pressure measurement
7.6 Flow measurement
7.7 Velocity measurement
7.8 Rotational-speed measurement
7.9 Materials-testing measurements
8. General data
8.1 Units and symbols
8.2 Fasteners
8.3 Engineering stock
8.4 Miscellaneous data
Glossary of terms
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