Mastercam for Solidworks – Dynamic Milling
Mastercam for Solidworks – Dynamic Milling
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
General Tutorial Requirements 6
Dynamic Toolpaths Overview 7
Dynamic Toolpath Types 7
Dynamic Contour 7
Face 8
Dynamic Mill 8
Peel Mill 10
Dynamic OptiRough 11
Dynamic Toolpath Selection 12
Dynamic Milling Parameters 14
The Dynamic Mill Toolpath 17
Exercise 1: Opening Mastercam for SOLIDWORKS 17
Exercise 2: Setting up the stock 18
Exercise 3: Creating the first Dynamic Mill toolpath 22
Exercise 4: Creating the second Dynamic Mill toolpath 35
Exercise 5: Verifying the toolpaths 45
The Face Toolpath 49
Exercise 1: Creating the Face toolpath 49
Exercise 2: Verifying the toolpaths 54
The Dynamic Contour Toolpath 57
Exercise 1: Setting up the stock 57
Exercise 2: Creating the first Dynamic Contour toolpath 59
Exercise 3: Creating the second Dynamic Contour toolpath 66
Exercise 4: Analyzing the toolpaths 72
Exercise 5: Verifying the toolpaths 73
The Peel Mill Toolpath 77
Exercise 1: Setting up the stock 77
Exercise 2: Creating the first Peel Mill toolpath 78
iiiExercise 3: Copying the Peel Mill toolpath 84
Exercise 4: Re-chaining the copied Peel Mill operations 85
Exercise 5: Verifying the toolpaths 89
The Dynamic OptiRough Toolpath 91
Exercise 1: Setting up the stock 91
Exercise 2: Creating the first Dynamic OptiRough toolpath 94
Exercise 3: Creating the Stock Model operation 102
Exercise 4: Creating the second Dynamic OptiRough toolpath 104
Exercise 5: Verifying the stock model and toolpaths 111
Conclusion 113
Congratulations! You have completed the Mastercam for SOLIDWORKS Dynamic Milling! Now that you have mastered
the skills in this tutorial, explore Mastercam’s other features and functions.
You may be interested in other tutorials that we offer. Mastercam tutorials are being constantly developed, and we
will add more as we complete them. Visit our website to see the latest publications.
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