Manufacturing Driving – Circular Economy

Manufacturing Driving – Circular Economy
Proceedings of the 18th Global Conference on
Sustainable Manufacturing, October 5–7, 2022,
Holger Kohl , Günther Seliger , Franz Dietrich
Manufacturing Processes
3D-Printed MWF Nozzles for Improved Energy Efficiency
and Performance During Grinding 3
Robert Zmich and Carsten Heinzel
Model-Based Correlation Analysis of Machine Control Parameters
and Process Vibration Amplitudes by the Example of Milling . 12
Shu Ju, Max Reitenspieß, Kai Zhang, and Nico Hanenkamp
A Comparative Sustainability Assessment of Cutting Fluids Usage
in Band Sawing 21
Nithin Rangasamy, Roan Kirwin, and C. S. Rakurty
Design and Characterization of Piezoceramic Thick Film Sensor
for Measuring Cutting Forces in Turning Processes 30
M. Panesso, M. Ettrichrätz, S. Gebhardt, O. Georgi, C. Rüger,
M. Gnauck, and W.-G. Drossel
The Costs of More Sustainable Castings Can we Afford the Change? 40
Lucas Pelchen and Sebastian Müller
Supply Chain and Remanufacturing
reProd® – Resource-Autarkic Production Based on Secondary
Semi-finished Products 51
Markus Werner, Rico Haase, and Christian Hermeling
Reducing Remanufacturing Uncertainties with the Digital Product
Passport . 60
Viola Gallina, Barna Gal, Ádám Szaller, Daniel Bachlechner,
Elisabeth Ilie-Zudor, and Wilfried Sihn
Digital Supply Chain Twins for Sustainable Planning of a Logistics
System 68
Simon Zarnitz, Frank Straube, and Benjamin Nitsche
Optimization of a Remanufacturing Production Planning System
with the Help of Artificial Intelligence . 77
Barna Gal, Viola Gallina, Ádám Szaller, and Sebastian Schlundxii Contents
Circular Supply Chain Management in the Wind Energy Industry –
A Systematic Literature Review 85
Kathrin Julia Kramer and Matthias Schmidt
Analysis of Elementary Technology Considering the Remanufacturing
of Used Machinery: A Case Study 94
Yongsung Jun and Yungchul Yoo
Measurement of Disassembly Work Using Optical Motion Capture 103
Ryuto Kawane, Hiromasa Ijuin, Ryosuke Nakajima, Masao Sugi,
Shuho Yamada, and Tetsuo Yamada
Simulation-Based Analysis of (Reverse) Supply Chains in Circular
Product-Service-Systems 111
Julian Grosse Erdmann, Jan Koller, Saman Amir, Aleš Miheliˇ c,
and Frank Döpper
Concept of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Using Multi-agent
System: Negotiation by Linear Physical Programming . 119
Jundai Koketsu, Aya Ishigaki, Hiromasa Ijuin, and Tetsuo Yamada
Designing a Reverse Supply Chain Network for Smartphones
with Material-Based GHG Emissions and Costs Using Linear Physical
Programming 127
Hiromasa Ijuin, Takaki Nagao, Masakuni Tsunezawa,
Kohei Sugiyama, Kazuyuki Tasaka, and Tetsuo Yamada
Machine Tools
Influence of Additivation of Bio-Based Lubricants on Sprayability
and Solubility for Cryogenic Minimum Quantity Lubrication . 139
Trixi Meier, Michael Lermer, Daniel Gross, and Nico Hanenkamp
Potential of Radar Based Measuring Systems in Hot Forging 148
M. Bergmann, M. Dix, T. Wallbaum, and R. Selbmannn
Evaluation of Thermal Error Compensation Strategies Regarding Their
Influence on Accuracy and Energy Efficiency of Machine Tools . 157
Christian Naumann, Axel Fickert, Lars Penter, Carola Gißke,
Eric Wenkler, Janine Glänzel, Philipp Klimant, and Martin Dix
Investigation of Cutting Force and Surface Quality in Frozen Wood
Sawing Under Varying Influencing Factors to Improve the Energyand Resource Efficiency of Sawing Processes . 166
F. Schreiner, J. Schmidt, B. Thorenz, M. Voigt, and F. DöpperContents xiii
revolPET®: An Innovative “Back-to-Monomer” Recycling Technology
for the Open Loop Value Chain of PET and Polyester Composite
Packaging and Textiles 175
Renan Louro Cardoso Franco, Carsten Eichert, Charlotte Lücking,
Lars Biermann, Mandy Paschetag, and Stephan Scholl
Development of a Pneumatic Clamping System with Position and Force
Control Machining . 184
U. Ben-Hanan, U. Eckert, M. Mende, A. Weiss, R. Wertheim,
and U. Azaria
Initial Period of Chip Formation: Observations Towards Enhancing
Machining Sustainability 193
Y. Alammari, J. Saelzer, S. Berger, I. Iovkov, and D. Biermann
Influence of Carbon Dioxide Temperature on Sprayability and Solubility
in Cryogenic Minimum Quantity Lubrication with Bio-Based Lubricants . 202
Trixi Meier, Michael Lermer, Daniel Gross, and Nico Hanenkamp
Sustainability Enhancement of the Coal Based Direct Reduction of Iron
Premised on a Rotary Kiln . 211
Ratidzo Yvonne Nyakudya and Michael Ayomoh
The Influence of the Rake Angle on the Cutting of Low-Lead
and Lead-Free Brass Alloys 219
Magdalena S. Müller and Knut Sørby
Towards Making Polymer Food Packaging Suitable for the Circular
Economy: Cleanliness is Next to Godliness 231
Elliot Woolley, Mala Sian, Samsun Nahar, Nikki Clark,
Fiona L. Hatton, Ryan Larder, Rhoda Trimingham,
and Garrath T. Wilson
CO2 Footprint of Machine Elements Made of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer
Concrete Compared to Steel Components 240
Kim Torben Werkle, Michelle Engert, and Hans-Christian Möhring
Evaluation of Material Properties of Spruce Wood Samples to Improve
the Development Process for More Sustainable Sawing Processes . 249
J. Schmidt, F. Schreiner, B. Thorenz, and F. Döpperxiv Contents
Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification Systems: Jet Cross-Talking Effect
in Multi-electrosprays . 258
Winnie Mutenhabundo, Tawanda Mushiri, Timothy Gutu,
and Patson Zvandasara
High Strength and Electrical Conductivity of α-Al-CNTs + GAgNPs
Nanocomposites 266
Victor Sunday Aigbodion
Material Recycling of End-of-Life Tires: The Influence of Recyclates
on the Processing of Rubber Compounds 273
Stefan Hoyer and Lothar Kroll
Additive Manufacturing
Potential Analysis for the Use of Bio-Based Plastics with Natural Fiber
Reinforcement in Additive Manufacturing . 285
Andreas Friedel and Stefan Junk
Development of Magnetic Sheets for CO2 Efficient Electric Drives
Using an Additive Manufacturing Approach 294
Alexander Schmidt, Marco Ziegler, Jörg Franke, and Alexander Kuehl
Towards a Comparative Index Assessing Mechanical Performance,
Material Consumption and Energy Requirements for Additive
Manufactured Parts . 302
Leopoldo De Bernardez, Giampaolo Campana, Mattia Mele,
and Sebastian Mur
A Framework to Compute Carbon Emissions Generated from Additive
Manufacturing Processes 311
Vasiliki C. Panagiotopoulou, Aikaterini Paraskevopoulou,
and Panagiotis Stavropoulos
Competencies to Address the Industrial Additive Manufacturing
Towards Sustainable Production 320
Gustavo Melo, Alexander Kies, Stefanie Paluch,
and Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum
Modeling Carbon Border Tax for Material-Based GHG Emission
and Costs in Global Supply Chain Network 328
Takaki Nagao, Hiromasa Ijuin, Keisuke Nagasawa, and Tetsuo YamadaContents xv
Production Systems
Integrating Lean Management Principles into Human-Robot
Collaboration in Disassembly Cell 339
Samira Keivanpour
A Mathematical Model Considering Multi-skilled Operators
and Industrial Robots on Reconfigurable Manufacturing Cells 349
Takayuki Kataoka
5S Implementation to Minimize Waste in Bread Production Process
(Case Study: Madani Bakery) 357
Nilda Tri Putri, Dicky Fatrias, and Santa Rosa Roberta Simbolon
Environmental Assessment and Optimization When Machining
with Micro-textured Cutting Tools 364
Amr Salem, Hussien Hegab, and Hossam A. Kishawy
Planning, Scheduling and Control
Waste Minimization by Inventory Management in High-Volume
High-Complexity Manufacturing Organizations . 375
Mohamed Afy-Shararah, Sandeep Jagtap, Emanuele Pagone,
and Konstantinos Salonitis
Cascaded Scheduling for Highly Autonomous Production Cells
with AGVs 383
Eddi Miller, Tobias Kaupp, and Jan Schmitt
A Model to Balance Production Workload Distribution in a Trailer
Manufacturing Organisation Under Fluctuating Customer Ordering
Condition . 391
Gerhard van der Walt, Olasumbo Makinde, and Khumbulani Mpofu
Enabling Sustainable Consumption: Development of an Inventory
Management Tool for Food Recovery . 401
Chelsea Dean, Fazleena Badurdeen, and Kendra OoNorasak
Resource-Efficient Process Chains for the Production
of High-Performance Powertrain Components in the Automotive
Industry . 410
Berend Denkena, Benjamin Bergmann, Marcel Wichmann,
Miriam Handrup, Daniel Katzsch, Philipp Pillkahn, Leon Reuter,
Christopher Schmidt, and Frederik Stelljesxvi Contents
Optimizing Product Life Cycle Systems for Manufacturing in a Circular
Economy 419
Buddhika M. Hapuwatte, Nehika Mathur, Noah Last,
Vincenzo Ferrero, Maya Reslan, and K. C. Morris
Energy Efficiency
Development of a Holistic Framework for Identifying Energy Efficiency
Potentials of Production Machines 431
Borys Ioshchikhes, Daniel Piendl, Henrik Schmitz, Jasper Heiland,
and Matthias Weigold
Simulation-Based Efficiency Comparison of Different Mains
Configurations for DC Grid Branches for Supplying Production Plants
Based on a Rule-Compliant Design . 440
Benjamin Gutwald, Freddy Ngankam Ndjiemeni, Martin Barth,
and Jörg Franke
Increasing Energy Efficiency and Flexibility by Forecasting Production
Energy Demand Based on Machine Learning . 449
André Trenz, Christoph Hoffmann, Christopher Lange,
and Richard Öchsner
The Use of Gentani Approach for Benchmarking Resource Efficiency
in Manufacturing Industries 457
Shoaib Sarfraz, Mark Jolly, and Konstantinos Salonitis
Increase Efficiency of Energy Transmission by Incentives 464
Benjamin Jacobsen
User-Centric Energy Efficiency Optimization for Machining 472
Thore Gericke, Volkmar Thomsen, Nik Schwichtenberg,
and Alexander Mattes
Method for Evaluating and Identifying Energy-Efficient Process Chains
for the Manufacturing of Press Hardening Tools Based on the Deming
Circle . 481
Anja Rautenstrauch, Larisa Markov, and Verena Kräusel
Approach for Design of Low Carbon Footprint Paint Shops
in the Automotive Industry . 490
Jonas Wendt, Astrid Weyand, Boris Barmbold, and Matthias WeigoldContents xvii
A Practical Approach to Realize a Closed Loop Energy Demand
Optimization of Milling Machine Tools in Series Production 499
Alperen Can, Hendrik Schulz, Ali El-Rahhal, Gregor Thiele,
and Jörg Krüger
Load Profile Optimization Using Electricity Wholesale Market Price
Data for Discrete Manufacturing 508
Clemens Schwaiger, Thomas Trautner, and Friedrich Bleicher
Industry 4.0 and Digitalization
Conceptual Framework of a Digital Twin Fostering Sustainable
Manufacturing in a Brownfield Approach of Small Volume Production
for SMEs 519
Sandra Krommes and Florian Tomaschko
Pharma 4.0: Revealing Drivers of the Digital Transformation
in the Pharma Sector 528
Michelle Grace Tetteh, Sandeep Jagtap, and Konstantinos Salonitis
A Case Study on Evaluation of Defect Characteristics for Practical
Application of Appearance Inspection Work Support System Utilizing
Deep Learning . 536
Yuta Nakakura, Kosuke Temizu, Mana Nishino, and Ryosuke Nakajima
Framework for the Development and Implementation of Sustainable
Information Systems for the Digitalization of Small Businesses in South
Africa 542
Ryan Parker and Stephen Matope
Sustainable Solutions by the Use of Immersive Technologies
for Repurposing Buildings . 551
Maximilian Rosilius, Markus Wilhelm, Ingo von Eitzen,
Steffen Decker, Sebastian Damek, and Volker Braeutigam
Development of a Potential Analysis for the Introduction of Sustainable
Digitization Solutions . 559
Tanja Steinbach, Franziska Parthey, Markus Weidmann,
and Reiner Anderl
Industrial Digital Twin in Industry 4.0: Enabling Service Exchange
Between Assets in Manufacturing Systems . 567
Tim van Erp, Frederik Bredahl Pedersen, Niels Peter Lamm Larsen,
and Rasmus Bæk Lundxviii Contents
Digital Twins for Sustainability in the Context of Biological
Transformation . 576
Anne Seegrün, Janine Mügge, Theresa Riedelsheimer, and Kai Lindow
Virtual Experiments for a Sustainable Battery Cell Production 585
Jonathan Krauß, Thomas Ackermann, Alexander D. Kies,
David Roth, and Miriam Mitterfellner
Conceptual Approach for a Digital Value Creation Chain Within
the Timber Construction Industry – Potentials and Requirements 595
N. Schramm, N. Oertwig, and H. Kohl
Smart Manufacturing Systems for Small Medium Enterprises:
A Conceptual Data Collection Architecture 604
M. G. Kanakana-Katumba, R. W. Maladzi, and M. O. Oyesola
Key Enablers of Industry 5.0 – Transition from 4.0 to the New Digital
and Sustainable System . 614
Maja Trstenjak, Miro Hegedi´ c, Nataša Tošanovi´ c, Tihomir Opetuk,
Goran Ðuki´ c, and Hrvoje Cajner
Establishment of an Appropriate Data Analytic Platform for Developing
a Wisdom Manufacturing System Using Decision Techniques . 622
Emanuel Fernando Zeferino, Khumbulani Mpofu,
Olasumbo Makinde, and Boitumelo Ramatsetse
Implementation Framework for Blockchain-Based Traceability
to Tackle Drug-Counterfeiting: Embracing Sustainable Pharma
Logistics Networks . 630
Benjamin Nitsche, Frank Straube, Tom-Li Kämper, and Simon Zarnitz
A Hybrid Structural Interaction Matrix Approach to Prioritise Process
Wastes Generated in a Manufacturing Organisation 638
Olasumbo Makinde, Thomas Munyai, and Edgar Nesamvuni
Modelling and Simulation of Pump Impeller Produced Using Fused
Deposition Modelling . 647
Rumbidzai Muvunzi, Ilesanmi Daniyan, Festus Fameso,
and Khumbulani Mpofu
Life Cycle and Decision Making
Framework for Sustainability in Aerospace: A Proof of Concept
on Decision Making and Scenario Comparison . 659
Marco FranchinoContents xix
Environmental Assessment of Recycled Petroleum and Bio Based
Additively Manufactured Parts via LCA . 669
Christian Bay, Niko Nagengast, Hans-Werner Schmidt,
Frank Döpper, and Christian Neuber
Screening Life Cycle Assessment of Thermoacoustic Panels
from Agricultural Byproducts 678
Rodrigo Salvador, Gabriela Aparecida Chapieski,
Leandro Inagaki Oshiro, Eduardo Bittencourt Sydney,
and Antonio Carlos de Francisco
A Model Calculation of CO2 Emissions Saving Potential for Fine
Blanking of Inductively Heated Sheet Metal with Comparison
of the Product Variants 685
Ingo Felix Weiser, Tim Herrig, and Thomas Bergs
Considering LCA in System Architectures of Smart-Circular PSS . 694
Thomas Kruschke, Theresa Riedelsheimer, and Kai Lindow
Dynamic LCA and LCC with ECOFACT 703
Emilia Ingemarsdotter, Sahil Singhania, and Georgios Pallas
Sustainability Assessment of Aerospace Manufacturing: An LCA-Based
Framework 712
Yousef Haddad, Sandeep Jagtap, Emanuele Pagone,
and Konstantinos Salonitis
Concept for the Evaluation and Categorization of Sustainability
Assessment Methods and Tools . 721
Niklas Quernheim, Sven Winter, Lars Arnemann, Steffen Wolff,
Reiner Anderl, and Benjamin Schleich
Techno-Economic Assessment of Biogas to Liquid Fuel Conversion
via Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: A Case Study of Biogas Generated
from Municipal Sewage . 729
Munashe Katiyo, Loice Gudukeya, Mufaro Kanganga, and Nita Sukdeo
Model-Based Method for Low-Effort Part-Specific CO2-Accounting
During the Production on Machine Tools Using PLC Data 738
Erkut Sarikaya, Astrid Weyand, Dominik Dück, and Matthias Weigoldxx Contents
Product Design and Innovation
Approach to Reduce the Environmental Impact of a CNC Manufactured
Product in the CAD Phase . 749
Sven Winter, Niklas Quernheim, Lars Arnemann, Reiner Anderl,
and Benjamin Schleich
The LaST Tool – The Longevity and Sustainable Transition Tool 757
Peter Byrial Jensen, Louise Møller Haase, Tim Cooper,
Joseph Steward, Phillipa Marsh, and Linda Nhu Laursen
A Fuzzy Sustainable Quality Function Deployment Approach to Design
for Disassembly with Industry 4.0 Technologies Enablers 772
Samira Keivanpour
Identification of Product Specifications Based on KANO Model
and Application to Ecodesign 781
Nozomu Mishimar
Concept and Implementation of a Student Design Project
for the Development of Sustainable Products . 790
Johanna Wurst, Daniel Rosemann, Iryna Mozgova,
and Roland Lachmayer
Classifying Multi-generational Products for the Circular Economy . 799
Buddhika M. Hapuwatte, Fazleena Badurdeen, and I. S. Jawahir
Design for Sustainability in Manufacturing – Taxonomy
and State-of-the-Art 808
Vivien Langer, Annika Tampe, and Uwe Götze
Learning and Knowledge
Serious Games in Academic Education – A Multi-dimensional
Sustainability Analysis of Additive Versus Conventional Manufacturing
Technologies in a Fictitious Enterprise Project 819
Christiane Rauch, Oliver Maurer, Sven-Erik Lang, and Dirk Bähre
Conversion of a Manufacturing Lab as a Learning Factory to Educate
Factories of the Future Concept . 827
Smirthya Somaskantha Iyer, Nuwan Dissanayaka,
Asela K. Kulatunga, and Mahanama Dharmawardhana
Evaluation of Competencies for a Sustainable Industrial Environment 836
G. Campana, M. Mele, L. De Bortoli, B. Cimatti, and H. KobayashiContents xxi
Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserving Collaboration in Smart
Manufacturing . 845
Jianjing Zhang, Clayton Cooper, and Robert X. Gao
Immersive Virtual Work Integrated Learning: A Development
of an Interactive Learning Environment for Rail Components
Manufacturing . 854
Nokulunga Zamahlubi Dlamini, Khumbulani Mpofu,
Boitumelo Ramatsetse, and Olusambo Makinde
A Proposed System for Greening Higher Education Institutions
in Palestine 862
Ahmed Abu Hanieh and Afif Akel Hasan
Exploring the Potential of Open Source Machine Tools for Sustainable
Industrial Development in Low Resource Contexts – A Case Study
of Migrant-Run Microenterprises in Oman . 872
Mohammed Omer, Melina Kaiser, Tobias Redlich,
and Jens P. Wulfsberg
Assessment, Strategy and Business Models
Holistic Approach to the Ecological Evaluation of Digitalization
Systems in the Production Environment 883
Florian Tomaschko and Sandra Krommes
Development of a Sustainability Strategy for Fuel Cells Using Life
Cycle Analysis and Expert Interviews . 892
Patrick Rückert, Aigul Khabipova, and Kirsten Tracht
A New Business Model for the Circular Economy of Electric Vehicles . 901
Parnia Shafinejad, Konstantinos Georgopoulos, Michael Bolech,
and Giacomo Copani
Design Model for the Sustainability Management of Manufacturing
Companies 910
Felix Sohnius, Martin Iglauer, and Robert H. Schmitt
Integration of Digitization and Sustainability Objectives in a Maturity
Model-Based Strategy Development Process . 918
Marc Münnich, Maximilian Stange, Marian Süße, and Steffen Ihlenfeldtxxii Contents
Implications of Strategic Orientation on Sustainable Performance
and Organizational Innovation: A Case of Manufacturing SMEs
in Sub-Saharan Africa . 927
Peter Onu, Anup Pradhan, and Charles Mbohwa
Identification of Action Areas for the Promotion of Local Manufacturing
in Reference to System Theory . 936
Pascal Krenz, Lisa Stoltenberg, Dominik Saubke, and Julia Markert
Role of Recycling Towards a Sustainable Business Model: A Perspective
on Industrial Assets . 945
Daniel Wörner and Thomas Friedli
Consumer Perceptions of the Circular Business Model: A Case
of Leasing Strollers . 953
Farazee M. A. Asif, Niloufar Salehi, and Michael Lieder
Guideline for Identifying Required Data Granularity for Deriving
Improvements to the Environmental Impact of Production 961
Michel Kaufmann, Henry Ekwaro-Osire, and Klaus-Dieter Thoben
Sustainability Impacts of Global Used Clothing Trade and Its Supply
Chain . 970
Kanchana Dissanayake and Rudrajeet Pal
Taxonomy for Biological Transformation Principles
in the Manufacturing Industry 981
Magda Berkhahn, Gerald Kremer, Theresa Riedelsheimer,
Kai Lindow, and Rainer Stark
An Empirical Investigation into Path Dependency and Embeddedness
Among Sustainable Manufacturing Capabilities Envisaged in the Natural
Resource-Based View of the Firm . 990
Bhavya Pande, Gajendra Kumar Adil, Diksha Vashisht,
and Sanchayan Mitra
Empirical Investigation of Climate Neutrality Strategies of Companies
in Industrial Production . 999
Stefan Seyfried, Lukas Nagel, and Matthias WeigoldContents xxiii
Developing a Manufacturing Process Level Framework for Green
Strategies KPIs Handling 1008
Vasiliki C. Panagiotopoulou, Alexios Papacharalampopoulos,
and Panagiotis Stavropoulos
Combining Research-, Project-, and Case-Based Learning in Higher
Manufacturing Engineering Education . 1016
Tim van Erp
Sustainability at Regional Level
Converted and Shared Light Electric Vehicles in Ghana: A Technical
and Economic Analysis Based on Converted ICE Motorbikes
and e-mopeds 1027
Frederick Adjei, Denise Sperling, Isaac Atia-Abugbilla,
Arnold Anokye, Jorge Appiah, Godwin Ayetor, and Semih Severengiz
New Insights into the Polymer Coating of Mild Steel Using Activated
Orange Juice Functionalized Rice Husk Nanoparticles . 1037
V. S. Aigbodion and P. A. Ozor
Supply Chain Reconfiguration as an Option to Mitigate Post Harvest
Losses and GHGs: Simulating a Case Study from Banana Supply Chain
in Sri Lanka . 1044
M. K. D. C. K. Chandrasiri, U. S. S. Dharmapriya,
A. K. Kulatunga, R. M. R. N. K. Ratnayake, W. M. C. B. Wasala,
and W. A. P. Weerakkody
Design of a Sustainable Rescue and First Aid Drone-Based System
for Passenger Car Occupants . 1053
Marvellous Moyo, Tawanda Mushiri, and Habib Noorbhai
Student Projects
Leveraging Insights from Unique Artifacts for Creating Sustainable
Products 1065
H. Zannoun, J. Okorafor, T. Asensio, G. Guedes, F. Badurdeen,
P. Wang, I. S. Jawahir, G. Campana, M. Mele, and B. Cimatti
Literature Review of Biological Transformation in Holistic Production
Systems . 1074
Annika Lange and Moritz Poechexxiv Contents
Evaluating the Sustainability of Paper and Plastic Substitute Material
LimeX 1082
E.-Lexus Thornton, Avery Hartley, Daniel Caudill, Martin Gamesu,
Julius Schoop, and Fazleena Badurdeen
Requirements for the Development of a Performance Management
System with Consideration of Unforeseeable Business Process Variants 1091
Yu-Min Teng, Sila Ay, Rishabh Iyer, and Julia-Anne Scholz
Author Index 1099
Author Index
Ackermann, Thomas 585
Adil, Gajendra Kumar 990
Adjei, Frederick 1027
Afy-Shararah, Mohamed 375
Aigbodion, V. S. 1037
Aigbodion, Victor Sunday 266
Alammari, Y. 193
Amir, Saman 111
Anderl, Reiner 559, 721, 749
Anokye, Arnold 1027
Appiah, Jorge 1027
Arnemann, Lars 721, 749
Asensio, T. 1065
Asif, Farazee M. A. 953
Atia-Abugbilla, Isaac 1027
Ay, Sila 1091
Ayetor, Godwin 1027
Ayomoh, Michael 211
Azaria, U. 184
Bachlechner, Daniel 60
Badurdeen, F. 1065
Badurdeen, Fazleena 401, 799, 1082
Bähre, Dirk 819
Barmbold, Boris 490
Barth, Martin 440
Bay, Christian 669
Ben-Hanan, U. 184
Berger, S. 193
Bergmann, Benjamin 410
Bergmann, M. 148
Bergs, Thomas 685
Berkhahn, Magda 981
Biermann, D. 193
Biermann, Lars 175
Bleicher, Friedrich 508
Bolech, Michael 901
Braeutigam, Volker 551
Cajner, Hrvoje 614
Campana, G. 836, 1065
Campana, Giampaolo 302
Can, Alperen 499
Caudill, Daniel 1082
Chandrasiri, M. K. D. C. K. 1044
Chapieski, Gabriela Aparecida 678
Cimatti, B. 836, 1065
Clark, Nikki 231
Cooper, Clayton 845
Cooper, Tim 757
Copani, Giacomo 901
Damek, Sebastian 551
Daniyan, Ilesanmi 647
De Bernardez, Leopoldo 302
De Bortoli, L. 836
de Francisco, Antonio Carlos 678
Dean, Chelsea 401
Decker, Steffen 551
Denkena, Berend 410
Dharmapriya, U. S. S. 1044
Dharmawardhana, Mahanama 827
Dissanayaka, Nuwan 827
Dissanayake, Kanchana 970
Dix, M. 148
Dix, Martin 157
Dlamini, Nokulunga Zamahlubi 854
Döpper, F. 166, 249
Döpper, Frank 111, 669
Drossel, W.-G. 30
Dück, Dominik 738
Ðuki´ c, Goran 614
Eckert, U. 184
Eichert, Carsten 175
Ekwaro-Osire, Henry 961
El-Rahhal, Ali 499
Engert, Michelle 240
Ettrichrätz, M. 30
Fameso, Festus 647
Fatrias, Dicky 357
Ferrero, Vincenzo 419
Fickert, Axel 157
Franchino, Marco 659
Franco, Renan Louro Cardoso 175
Franke, Jörg 294, 440
Friedel, Andreas 285
Friedli, Thomas 945
Gal, Barna 60, 77
Gallina, Viola 60, 77
Gamesu, Martin 1082
Gao, Robert X. 845
Gebhardt, S. 30
Georgi, O. 30
Georgopoulos, Konstantinos 901
Gericke, Thore 472
Gißke, Carola 157
Glänzel, Janine 157
Gnauck, M. 30
Götze, Uwe 808
Gross, Daniel 139, 202
Grosse Erdmann, Julian 111
Gudukeya, Loice 729
Guedes, G. 1065
Gutu, Timothy 258
Gutwald, Benjamin 440
Haase, Louise Møller 757
Haase, Rico 51
Haddad, Yousef 712
Handrup, Miriam 410
Hanenkamp, Nico 12, 139, 202
Hanieh, Ahmed Abu 862
Hapuwatte, Buddhika M. 419, 799
Hartley, Avery 1082
Hasan, Afif Akel 862
Hatton, Fiona L. 231
Hegab, Hussien 364
Hegedi´ c, Miro 614
Heiland, Jasper 431
Heinzel, Carsten 3
Hermeling, Christian 51
Herrig, Tim 685
Hoffmann, Christoph 449
Hoyer, Stefan 273
Iglauer, Martin 910
Ihlenfeldt, Steffen 918
Ijuin, Hiromasa 103, 119, 127, 328
Ilie-Zudor, Elisabeth 60
Ingemarsdotter, Emilia 703
Ioshchikhes, Borys 431
Iovkov, I. 193
Ishigaki, Aya 119
Iyer, Rishabh 1091
Jacobsen, Benjamin 464
Jagtap, Sandeep 375, 528, 712
Jawahir, I. S. 799, 1065
Jensen, Peter Byrial 757
Jolly, Mark 457
Ju, Shu 12
Jun, Yongsung 94
Junk, Stefan 285
Kaiser, Melina 872
Kämper, Tom-Li 630
Kanakana-Katumba, M. G. 604
Kanganga, Mufaro 729
Kataoka, Takayuki 349
Katiyo, Munashe 729
Katzsch, Daniel 410
Kaufmann, Michel 961
Kaupp, Tobias 383
Kawane, Ryuto 103
Keivanpour, Samira 339, 772
Khabipova, Aigul 892
Kies, Alexander D. 320, 585
Kirwin, Roan 21
Kishawy, Hossam A. 364
Klimant, Philipp 157
Kobayashi, H. 836
Kohl, H. 595
Koketsu, Jundai 119
Koller, Jan 111
Kramer, Kathrin Julia 85
Kräusel, Verena 481Author Index 1101
Krauß, Jonathan 585
Kremer, Gerald 981
Krenz, Pascal 936
Kroll, Lothar 273
Krommes, Sandra 519, 883
Krüger, Jörg 499
Kruschke, Thomas 694
Kuehl, Alexander 294
Kulatunga, A. K. 1044
Kulatunga, Asela K. 827
Lachmayer, Roland 790
Lang, Sven-Erik 819
Lange, Annika 1074
Lange, Christopher 449
Langer, Vivien 808
Larder, Ryan 231
Larsen, Niels Peter Lamm 567
Last, Noah 419
Laursen, Linda Nhu 757
Lermer, Michael 139, 202
Lieder, Michael 953
Lindow, Kai 576, 694, 981
Lücking, Charlotte 175
Lund, Rasmus Bæk 567
Makinde, Olasumbo 391, 622, 638
Makinde, Olusambo 854
Maladzi, R. W. 604
Markert, Julia 936
Markov, Larisa 481
Marsh, Phillipa 757
Mathur, Nehika 419
Matope, Stephen 542
Mattes, Alexander 472
Maurer, Oliver 819
Mbohwa, Charles 927
Meier, Trixi 139, 202
Mele, M. 836, 1065
Mele, Mattia 302
Melo, Gustavo 320
Mende, M. 184
Miheliˇ c, Aleš 111
Miller, Eddi 383
Mishimar, Nozomu 781
Mitra, Sanchayan 990
Mitterfellner, Miriam 585
Möhring, Hans-Christian 240
Morris, K. C. 419
Moyo, Marvellous 1053
Mozgova, Iryna 790
Mpofu, Khumbulani 391, 622, 647, 854
Mügge, Janine 576
Müller, Magdalena S. 219
Müller, Sebastian 40
Münnich, Marc 918
Munyai, Thomas 638
Mur, Sebastian 302
Mushiri, Tawanda 258, 1053
Mutenhabundo, Winnie 258
Muvunzi, Rumbidzai 647
Nagao, Takaki 127, 328
Nagasawa, Keisuke 328
Nagel, Lukas 999
Nagengast, Niko 669
Nahar, Samsun 231
Nakajima, Ryosuke 103, 536
Nakakura, Yuta 536
Naumann, Christian 157
Ndjiemeni, Freddy Ngankam 440
Nesamvuni, Edgar 638
Neuber, Christian 669
Nishino, Mana 536
Nitsche, Benjamin 68, 630
Noorbhai, Habib 1053
Nyakudya, Ratidzo Yvonne 211
Öchsner, Richard 449
Oertwig, N. 595
Okorafor, J. 1065
Omer, Mohammed 872
Onu, Peter 927
OoNorasak, Kendra 401
Opetuk, Tihomir 614
Oshiro, Leandro Inagaki 678
Oyesola, M. O. 604
Ozor, P. A. 1037
Pagone, Emanuele 375, 712
Pal, Rudrajeet 970
Pallas, Georgios 703
Paluch, Stefanie 3201102 Author Index
Panagiotopoulou, Vasiliki C. 311, 1008
Pande, Bhavya 990
Panesso, M. 30
Papacharalampopoulos, Alexios 1008
Paraskevopoulou, Aikaterini 311
Parker, Ryan 542
Parthey, Franziska 559
Paschetag, Mandy 175
Pedersen, Frederik Bredahl 567
Pelchen, Lucas 40
Penter, Lars 157
Piendl, Daniel 431
Pillkahn, Philipp 410
Poeche, Moritz 1074
Pradhan, Anup 927
Putri, Nilda Tri 357
Quernheim, Niklas 721, 749
Rakurty, C. S. 21
Ramatsetse, Boitumelo 622, 854
Rangasamy, Nithin 21
Ratnayake, R. M. R. N. K. 1044
Rauch, Christiane 819
Rautenstrauch, Anja 481
Redlich, Tobias 872
Reitenspieß, Max 12
Reslan, Maya 419
Reuter, Leon 410
Riedelsheimer, Theresa 576, 694, 981
Rosemann, Daniel 790
Rosilius, Maximilian 551
Roth, David 585
Rückert, Patrick 892
Rüger, C. 30
Saelzer, J. 193
Salehi, Niloufar 953
Salem, Amr 364
Salonitis, Konstantinos 375, 457, 528, 712
Salvador, Rodrigo 678
Sarfraz, Shoaib 457
Sarikaya, Erkut 738
Saubke, Dominik 936
Schleich, Benjamin 721, 749
Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich 320
Schlund, Sebastian 77
Schmidt, Alexander 294
Schmidt, Christopher 410
Schmidt, Hans-Werner 669
Schmidt, J. 166, 249
Schmidt, Matthias 85
Schmitt, Jan 383
Schmitt, Robert H. 910
Schmitz, Henrik 431
Scholl, Stephan 175
Scholz, Julia-Anne 1091
Schoop, Julius 1082
Schramm, N. 595
Schreiner, F. 166, 249
Schulz, Hendrik 499
Schwaiger, Clemens 508
Schwichtenberg, Nik 472
Seegrün, Anne 576
Selbmannn, R. 148
Severengiz, Semih 1027
Seyfried, Stefan 999
Shafinejad, Parnia 901
Sian, Mala 231
Sihn, Wilfried 60
Simbolon, Santa Rosa Roberta 357
Singhania, Sahil 703
Sohnius, Felix 910
Somaskantha Iyer, Smirthya 827
Sørby, Knut 219
Sperling, Denise 1027
Stange, Maximilian 918
Stark, Rainer 981
Stavropoulos, Panagiotis 311, 1008
Steinbach, Tanja 559
Stelljes, Frederik 410
Steward, Joseph 757
Stoltenberg, Lisa 936
Straube, Frank 68, 630
Sugi, Masao 103
Sugiyama, Kohei 127
Sukdeo, Nita 729
Süße, Marian 918
Sydney, Eduardo Bittencourt 678
Szaller, Ádám 60, 77
Tampe, Annika 808
Tasaka, Kazuyuki 127
Temizu, Kosuke 536
Teng, Yu-Min 1091Author Index 1103
Tetteh, Michelle Grace 528
Thiele, Gregor 499
Thoben, Klaus-Dieter 961
Thomsen, Volkmar 472
Thorenz, B. 166, 249
Thornton, E.-Lexus 1082
Tomaschko, Florian 519, 883
Tošanovi´ c, Nataša 614
Tracht, Kirsten 892
Trautner, Thomas 508
Trenz, André 449
Trimingham, Rhoda 231
Trstenjak, Maja 614
Tsunezawa, Masakuni 127
van der Walt, Gerhard 391
van Erp, Tim 567, 1016
Vashisht, Diksha 990
Voigt, M. 166
von Eitzen, Ingo 551
Wallbaum, T. 148
Wang, P. 1065
Wasala, W. M. C. B. 1044
Weerakkody, W. A. P. 1044
Weidmann, Markus 559
Weigold, Matthias 431, 490, 738, 999
Weiser, Ingo Felix 685
Weiss, A. 184
Wendt, Jonas 490
Wenkler, Eric 157
Werkle, Kim Torben 240
Werner, Markus 51
Wertheim, R. 184
Weyand, Astrid 490, 738
Wichmann, Marcel 410
Wilhelm, Markus 551
Wilson, Garrath T. 231
Winter, Sven 721, 749
Wolff, Steffen 721
Woolley, Elliot 231
Wörner, Daniel 945
Wulfsberg, Jens P. 872
Wurst, Johanna 790
Yamada, Shuho 103
Yamada, Tetsuo 103, 119, 127, 328
Yoo, Yungchul 94
Zannoun, H. 1065
Zarnitz, Simon 68, 630
Zeferino, Emanuel Fernando 622
Zhang, Jianjing 845
Zhang, Kai 12
Ziegler, Marco 294
Zmich, Robert 3
Zvandasara, Patson 258
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