Make: Lego and Arduino Projects
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John Baichtal, Matthew Beckler & Adam Wolf
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Make: Lego and Arduino Projects
John Baichtal, Matthew Beckler & Adam Wolf
Projects for Extending Mindstorms NXT with Open-Source Electronics
iv Contents
4.. Project:.Clock. 69
Parts List 70
Assembly Instructions 74
Program the Robot . 88
Setting the Clock 91
The Next Chapter . 91
5.. Project:.Chocolate.Milk.Maker . 93
Parts List 94
Assembly Instructions 98
Program the Robot . 127
The Next Chapter . 133
6.. Basic.Electronic.Theory 135
Basic Concepts in Electricity 135
Know Your Electronic Components . 140
Sensors 101 . 145
Further Study . 152
7.. Gripperbot 155
Parts List 157
Building Instructions 161
Assembling the Gripperbot’s Electronics . 191
Programming the Gripperbot 192
The Next Chapter . 201
8.. Project:.Keytar 203
Parts List 204
Assembly Instructions 208
Program the Keytar . 230
Play Some Music! . 234
The Next Chapter . 235
9.. Project:.Lamp 237
Parts List 238
Assembly Instructions 243
Program the Lamp 275
The Next Chapter . 281Contents v
10.. Advanced.Techniques 283
Wiring Up Bricktronics Equivalents . 283
Mounting PCBs to Legos 288
Adding Molex Connectors to Lego Wires . 290
All About Motors 291
Powering Your Robot . 294
NXT to Arduino Communication . 298
XBee Wireless Modules . 302
Epilogue 304
Index 305
3D printing, 35
.apk file, 273
AC adapter, 295
accelerometor, 151–152
AC-DC voltage, 137
action figure style models, 43
Adafruit DHT-sensor-library, 148
Adafruit Industries, 61, 66
adapting Power Functions
wire, 126–133
adding Molex connectors to LEGO
wires, 290–291
ADK, 56
ADXL335 3-axis accelerometer, 151
AFOL (Adult Fans of Lego), 70
alkaline batteries, 297
amperes of current, 136
analog input pins, 55
analog reference voltage pin, 54
analog sensors, 149–152
accelerometor, 151–152
FSR, 150
photocell, 150
thermistor, 149
ultrasonic, 150–151
Andersson, Hans, 31
Android app, 273
Android (Google), 238
angle element, 4, 6, 13–20
angles, 38
APC kit, 205
aquarium pump, 100–101
wiring, 100–101
Arduino, 3, 6–20, 49–68, 145, 191,
294, 295
anatomy, 53–55
books, 62–66
chip, 54
code, 67
configure, 26
digital senstors, 146
drawbot, 20–22
ecosystem, 56–62
history, 50–51
IDE, 53
libraries, 27–29
older models, 58–59
OSHW, 51–53
processing and, 24–25
reset button, 54
resources, 62–67
shields, 59–62
sketch, 24–29
wearable, 58
websites, 66–67
Arduino chip, 54
Arduino Code Examples, 67
Arduino Cookbook, 62
Arduino Fio, 56
Arduino Uno vs., 56
Arduino IDE, 53
Arduino library, 279
Arduino Mega 2560, 56
Arduino Motor Shield, 293
Arduino pins, 195
Arduino platform, 49–68
Arduino Playground, 66, 67, 149
Arduino Pro Mini, 57
Arduino Serial Monitor, 280
Arduino Uno, 2, 26, 49–68, 50–68, 69
alternatives, 56–58
anatomy, 53–55
Arduino Fio vs., 56
reset button, 54
Arduino wiki, 66
ARM7 microprocessor, 33
ASCII, 275
ASCII table, 275
Atari Punk Console, 203
ATmega, 55
ATmega8u2 USB interface chip, 54
ATmega16u2 microcontroller, 53
ATmega328 microcontroller chip, 55
ATmega328p microcontroller, 53
ATmega chip, 58
Atmel ARM7 processor, 298
attachInterrupt() function, 275
command, 195, 200
average_accel_roll() function, 200
axels, cross, 4, 6–20
with end stop, 4
back EMF, 293
Banzi, Massimo, 62
batteries, 296–298
alkaline, 297
CR2302 coin cell, 297
dos and don’ts, 297–298
LiIon, 297Battery Pack
306 Index
LiPoly, 297
lithium, 297
NiCd, 297
NiMH, 297
Battery Pack, 44
beams, 37
angle, 7–20
double angle, 4–5
half, 13–20
L-shaped, 15–20
technic, 4–5
technic angle, 4–5
with pegs, 9–20
Bildr, 66
Bionicle, 43
bitbanging, 299
black-body radiation, 147
Blink (File | Examples | 01.Basics |
Blink) sketch, 26
connector, 4
cross, 4, 11–20
double cross, 19–20
triangular, 6–20
Bluetooth, 33
Bluetooth Shield, 238, 273, 279
Borenstein, Greg, 66
breadboarding, 3, 20
breadboards, 283, 290
BrickLink, 40
Bricktronics, 3
introduction, 3
mounting plate, 2
plate patterns, dowloading, 288
powering, 295
Shield, 2
Bricktronics breakout boards, 291
&motor) function, 131
Bricktronics Lamp app, 274
Bricktronics library, 88
code, 29
Bricktronics Motor Controller, 155,
158, 191, 283
Bricktronics mounting plate, 2,
Bricktronics Shield, 2, 69, 71, 155
alternatives to, creating, 283–287
drawbot and, 20–22
library code, using, 29
other shield types and, 60
Bricktronics Ultimate Kit, 5
Bricktronics website, 238, 283
Buechley, Leah, 58
Building Wireless Sensor Networks
book, 302
bumpers_hit() function, 29
bushes, 4, 16–20
half, 4, 7–20, 21
bus protocol, 299
Button object, 29
C++, 24
capacitors, 142
center-positive DC power jack, 53
check_buttons() command, 90
chips, 145
chocolate milk maker, 93–134, 283
adapting Power Functions
wire, 126–133
assembly instructions, 98–126
attach syrup bottle, 123
beverage handling, 95
build Lego model, 102–122
build mixing attachment, 124
electronics, 95
food safety, 96
install electronics, 124–133
Lego elements, 97–98
parts list, 94–98
program, 127–132
pump assembly, 98–101
tools, 95
wire up, 124–133
wiring aquarium pump, 100–101
Chrome Block City, 43
clock, 69–92
assembly instructions, 74–87
build Lego model, 76–86
electronics, 70–73
install Arduino, 86–87
parts list, 70–73
prepare gear, 75
program, 88–91
setting, 91
tools, 70–73
cmdbuf, 301
CNC, 35
color sensors, 34
COM port, 275
connector pegs, 11–20
connectors, 37–40, 38
multimeters and, 139
CPU, 55
CR2302 coin cell battery, 297
CRAFT magazine, 67
Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 License, 283
cross axels, 38
cross connector, 11–20, 21
cross-holes, 16–20
crystal oscillators, 54
current, 136
multimeters and, 139
current error, 132
current_frequency command, 233
current_slot command, 233
curves, halfbeam, 4, 14–20
Danger Shield, 62
Datalogger Shield, 61
DC brushed motors, 291, 292–293
driving, 292–293
flyback diodes, 293
DC jack, 54
DC motors, 44, 132
hobby/stepper motors vs., 35
Motor Shield and, 60
DC power jack, 294, 295, 296
debouncing, 90
Defusable Clock, 55
derivative term, current error
and, 132
Design Institute Ivrea, 50
destination_updates command, 280
Dexter dCompass, 41
Dexter Industries, 41
Dexter Pneumatic Pressure
Sensor, 41
Dexter WiFi Sensor, 42
DHT22 temperature and humidity
sensor, 148
Diavolino, 57
Diecimila, 58
Digi International, 302Index 307
Digi-Key, 284, 291
digitalClockDisplay() command, 90
digital input/output pins, 54
digitalRead(pin) function, 146
digital sensors, 146–149
DHT22 temperature and humidity
sensor, 148
Hall-effect sensor, 146–147
infrared receiver, 148–149
passive infrared (PIR) sensor, 147
tilt sensor, 146
dim_check command, 279
diodes, 142–143
dispense_syrup() function, 131
DIY, 66
drawbot, 1–30
attaching Arduino, 21
Arduino sketch, 27–29
assembly instructions, 6–23
attaching Arduino, 20, 20–22
attaching Bricktronics Shield, 20–
attach pen, 23
attaching battery pack, 21
code, 27
Lego chassis, 6–20
lego elements, 3–5
lego model, 6–20
marking pen, 23
motors, 8–20
motor speeds, 27
parts list, 2–5
setting up the programming
environment, 26
tools & electronics, 2–3
drop_stir_arm() function, 131
Duemilanove, 58, 296
Edman, Lenore, 66
electricity, basic concepts, 135
electric potential, 136
electronic components, 140–145
capacitors, 142
diodes, 142–143
inductors, 143–144
integrated circuits, 145
LEDs, 142–143
resistors, 140–141
transistors, 144
electronic music, 203
electronic theory, 135–154
further study, 152
other concepts, 137–140
encoder. See incremental optical
quadrature encoder
encoder object, 234
endstop Button object, 130
end stops, 17–20
end_time command, 234
Ethernet Shield, 60
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories, 57,
expanding the Mindstorms set, 39–
expansion board, 54
Faludi, Rob, 302
FCR (force-sensitive resistor), 150
FIRST groups, 40
FIRST Lego League, 33
flyback diodes, 293
for loop, 233
Freeduino, 57, 66
freqStep command, 279
friction options, 38
Fry, Benjamin, 24
gears, 38
GetLoFi, 205
Getting Started With Arduino, 62
Google Play store, 238, 273
Gripperbot, 155–202
assembling electronics, 191
bracers, 161–165
building instructions, 161–190
electronic parts, 157–158
Lego elements, 159–160
parts list, 157–160
programming, 192–201
robot, 165–190
ground, 137–138
ground pin, 54
Hall-effect sensors, 146–147
command, 234
handle_elbow() function, 201
handle_grip() function, 201
function, 195
handlers, 301
handle_spin() function, 201
handle_wrist() function, 201
hardware programmer, 54
header pins, 291
Hero Factory, 43
HiTechnic Acceleration, 41
hobby servos, 35
motors, 294
holding current, 240
holes, 38
hour_position command, 91
humidity sensors, 148
I2C pins, 55
ICON, 47
ICs (integrated circuits), 145, 205
ICSP programming header pins, 54
IDE, 53
Igoe, Tom, 66
incremental optical quadrature
encoder, 37
inductors, 143–144
infrared detectors, 148
infrared LED, 148
infrared receiver, 148–149
in-protocol, 299
Instructables, 67
integral term, current error and, 132
Interactive Servo Motors, 35, 41
ints (data type), 233
I/O pins, 55
IR Receiver, 45
Java, 24Karvinen, Kimmo
308 Index
Karvinen, Kimmo, 65
Karvinen, Tero, 65
Keytar, 203–236
assembly instructions, 208–230
build Lego model, 208–229
electronics, 204–205
install electronics, 229–230
Lego elements, 206–207
parts list, 204–207
programming, 230–234
tools, 204–205
Kinect, 66
KK series, 284, 291
knobs, 18–20
Krumpus, Michael, 55
L293D chip, 71
L293D half-bridges, 60
L293D H-bridge chip, 283, 284, 293
L293D motor control, 158
L298 full-bridge motor driver, 60
Ladyada, 66
Ladyada’s Multimeter Tutorial, 139
lamp, 238–282
assembly instructions, 243–275
build Lego model, 244–270
download and install app, 273–
electronics, 238–241
install electronics, 271–273
Lego elements, 241–243
parts list, 238–243
program, 275–281
tools, 238–241
LCD screens, 27
LEDs, 34, 54, 142–143
power, 54
left_speed command, 196
modding, 70
sourcing, 73
System, 43
Lego Digital Designer, 190, 243
Lego Education, 40
Lego Group, 31, 32, 37
Lego Mindstorms, 3, 31, 32–39, 158,
add-on electronics, 41–42
Android app for, 238
buying more, 40–41
connectors, 37–40
expanding, 39–40
mechanics, 37–40
motors, 3, 35, 35–37
non-Mindstorms lego bricks, 43
non-standard parts, 5
NXT 2.0 set, 5, 31, 34
Technic system, 37
NXT brick, 33–34
NXT set, 32
NXT system, 145
Power Functions, 44–45
sensors, 3
set, 73
Technic beams, 37–40
third-party bricks, 42–43
wires, 37
Lego motor, 35, 39
Lego parlance, 35
Lego pneumatics set, 45
Lego robotics
anatomy, 31–48
Lego’s Pneumatics Add-On Set, 41
leJOS, 46
Leonardo, 26
libraries, 27–29
Bricktronics, 27
motor control, 27
PS2 keyboard, 27
liftarm, 13–20
LiIon batteries, 297
Lilypad, 58
Linear Actuator, 45
LiPoly batteries, 297
lithium batteries, 297
logic HIGH (digital sensors), 146
logic LOW (digital sensors), 146
LoL Shield, 61
loop() function, 29, 90, 131, 193,
195, 200, 279
main loop, 27
MAKE, 67
MAKE: Arduino Bots and
Gadgets, 65
MAKE ecosystem, 67
MAKE: Electronics, 152
MAKE Magazine, 64
MAKE: Projects, 67
Maker Shed, 57, 58, 59, 67, 152
motor controler shields at, 293
plate patterns available at, 288
power supplies at, 295
Making Things Move, 66
Making Things See, 66
Making Things Talk, 66
Margolis, Michael, 62
MAX_BACKWARD command, 195
Maxbotix LV-EZ1, 150
MAX_FORWARD command, 195
MAX_PITCH command, 195
MCP23017 I/O port expander, 283,
mechanics, 37–40
microcontroller chip, 145
Microsoft, 66
microUSB cable, 26
Mindsensors Motor Multiplexer, 41
Mindstorms motors, 69, 71, 294
Mindstorms, sensors, 34–35
Mindstorms wires, 4, 20, 290
MIN_FREQUENCY command, 233
command, 234
MIN_PITCH command, 195
minute_position command, 90
MIT Media Lab, 32
modding Lego, 70
Molex connectors, 191
adding to LEGO wires, 290–291
Molex pins, 284
Molex P/N 09-50-8063, 284
Molex P/N 22-01-3047, 284
Motor Controller, 191
motors, 35–37, 291–294
3D printing, 35
DC, 35
DC brushed, 291, 292–293
driving DC brushed, 292–293Index 309
Power Functions wires, 291
powering robots, 294–298
power LED, 54
PowerSSR Tail, 240, 279
ZeroCross Tail vs., 240
power supply, 295
PowerSwitch Tail, 100
PowerSwitch Tails, 240, 276
printDigits() command, 90
function, 193
Processing, 24
Arduino and, 24–25
sketch, 24
Programmable Brick, 32
programming, 45–47
chocolate milk maker, 93–134
clock, 69–92
drawbot, 1–30
Gripperbot, 155–202
Keytar, 203–236
lamp, 238–282
parts list, 2–5
(PID), 132
proportional term, current error
and, 132
PTC, 54
pullup resistor, 301
pump_milk() function, 131
PUMP_TIME command, 130, 131
PWM (pulse-width modulation), 36,
54, 71, 294
raise_stir_arm() function, 131
RAM, 55, 58
RC aircraft, 294
RCX brick, 32, 33
NXT vs., 33
Real Time Clock chip, 61
Reas, Casey, 24
register, 299
remote controls, 45
reset button, 54
resistance, 136
multimeters and, 139
Open Source movement, 67
Open Source Software, 52
Open Source Hardware vs., 52
openwashing, 52
optical beam blocked state, 37
optical beam not blocked state, 37
optical quadrature encoders, 36
OSHW, 51–53
Oskay, Windell, 66
outbuf array, 301
PaB (pick a brick) stores, 40
parallel connection, 138–140
PCB (printed circuit board), 36, 37,
mounting to LEGO, 288–290
PC motherboards, 299
Peeron, 5, 37
pegs, 4
included in Technic sets, 38
Philipp Tiefenbacher’s Parametrized
Lego Bricks, 43
photocell, 150
Pick a Brick stores, 40
PID control, 132
PID (proportional-integralderivative), 132
loop, 90
Motor object, 131
tuning, 132
pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP)
function, 146
pins, 38
PIR sensors, 147
connector, 21
triangular, 6–20
Platt, Charles, 152
Pneumatics, 45
Pong, 59
potentiometers, 205
power connections, 54
Power Functions, 44–45
adapting, 126–133
components, 44
extension wire, 291
product line, 44
Power Functions motors, 158, 191
hobby servos, 35
Interactive Servo, 35, 41
Mindstorms, 35–37
NXT connector, 36
servo, 291, 294
stepper, 35, 291, 293
Motor Shield, 60
mounting PCBs to LEGO, 288–290
Mouser, 284, 291
MOVE block, 45
m_pos command, 90
multimeter, 139
multiplier, 141
next_loop command, 90
NiCd batteries, 297
NiMH batteries, 297
nonstandard parts, 5
sourcing, 5
Nootropic Design, 55
note_duration command, 233
command, 194, 195, 199
Nunchuk libraries, 194
Nunchuks (Wii), 155
NXC, 46, 300, 301
NXT bots, 33
NXT brick
to Arduino communication, 298–
NXT-G programming
environment, 45
NXT Intelligent Brick, 33–34
Mindsensors Motor Multiplex
and, 41
NXT-G programming environment
and, 45
RCX vs., 33
NXT jack, 291
NXT microcontroller bricks, 70
NXT motors, 295
NXT projects, 145
Ohm’s Law, 136–137
Open Source Hardware, 52
Open Source Software vs., 52resistors
310 Index
time_t struct, 90
Time Twister clock, 31
TIP120 transistors, 283
Torrone, Phillip, 52
touch sensors, 34
transistors, 144
treads, 38
TRIAC component, 240
triangles, technic, 4
tubes, 4, 9–20
TxD pins, 279
UART, 54
receive pins, 54
transmit pins, 54
ultimate kids’ robotic construction
set, 32
ultrasonic sensors, 34, 150–151
microphones, 34
sound emitters, 34
USB A-B cable, 26
USB-B jack, 53
USB connectors, 294, 295–296
USB interface, 33, 57
USB serial port, 90
USB-to-serial chip, 58
VDC, voltage-measuring mode on a
multimeter, 139
Vernier Environmental Science
Package, 42
VEX, 46
Video Game Shield, 59
Voice Shield, 59
voltage, 136
multimeters and, 139
voltage spike, 293
volt regulator, 54
function, 131
watch_for_input command, 233
Wayne and Layne, LLC, 283, 288
wheels, 38
Solarbotics Nunchucky plugs, 195
sourcing Lego, 73
Sparkfun, 52, 57, 62
start_pump() function, 130
start_stir() function, 130
startstop Button object, 130
STEM teachers, 40
stepper motors, 35, 291, 293
stir_arm PIDMotor object, 130
stir_chocolate_milk() function, 131
STIR_TIME command, 130, 131
stop_pump() function, 130
stop_stir() function, 131
Sullins PEC36SFCN, 284
syrup_arm PIDMotor object, 130
SYRUP_WAIT command, 130, 131
tank treads, 190
Technic beams, 37–40, 39, 289
with snaps, 4
Technic elements, 37
angles, 38
beams, 37
connectors, 38
cross axels, 38
friction options, 38
gears, 38
holes, 38
pegs, 38
pins, 38
treads, 38
wheels, 38
Technic holes, 21, 39
teens’ robotics championship, 33
temperature sensors, 148
multimeters and, 139
The Brick Machine Shop, 42
thermistor, 149
The (Unspoken) Rules of Open
Source Hardware editorial, 52
Thingiverse, 43
Three-axis digital compass, 41
3D printing, 35
tilt sensors, 41, 146
timeout, 27
timeout_expired() function, 29
TimerOne, 279
TIME_STEP command, 90
resistors, 140–141
determining rating, 141
tolerance, 141
rest_duration command, 233
right_speed command, 201
RIS. See Robotics Invention System
RJ12 connectors, 37
Roberts, Dustyn, 66
RobotC, 46
Robotics Invention System
(Mindstorms), 32, 37
RxD pins, 279
SCL, 300
SDA, 300
SD card, 61
seeds, 29
sensors, 34–35, 145–152
analog, 149–152
bump, 17–20
color, 34
digital, 146–149
pneumatic pressure, 41
tilt, 41
touch, 17–20, 34
ultrasonic, 34
WiFi, 42
serial buffer, 193
Serial Console, 275
Serial.print(‘a’) function, 304
serial UART receive pins, 54
serial UART transmit pins, 54
serial.write(), 196
Series 2 XBee modules, 302
series connection, 138–140
Servo Motor, 3
servo motors, 291, 294
setup() function, 29, 130, 131, 193,
195, 200, 233, 279
setup_loads() function, 130
shields, 54, 59–62
Sketchbook Location, 27
slot_button command, 233
slot_frequency command, 233
Smoothing, 195
Snake, 59
Solarbotics, 57Index 311
zero_cross boolean, 281
zero_cross command, 280
zero_cross_detect command, 279,
Zero Cross output pin, 279
ZeroCross Tail, 240
PowerSSR Tail vs., 240
wheels, belt, 4, 12–20
while loop, 233
Wii controllers
nunchuks, 156
Wii nunchuks, 59
wireless card, 155
wires, 37
wiring up Bricktronics
equivalents, 283–287
Wiznet W5100 chip, 60
series 2, 302
nodes, 191
shield, 156, 191
wireless board, 158
wireless modules, 56, 302–304

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