Make: Basic Arduino Projects – 26 Experiments with Microcontrollers and Electronics

Make: Basic Arduino Projects – 26 Experiments with Microcontrollers and Electronics
Don Wilcher
ContentsTwin LED Flasher . 31
Build the Adjustable Twin LED Flasher . 35
It’s Alive! Build a FrankenBot Toy 38
Something to Think About . 41
- The Opposite Switch 43
Parts List . 43
Circuit Theory 44
The Opposite Switch (aka the NOT Logic Gate) . 45
Build an Arduino NOT Logic Gate . 45
Upload the Arduino NOT Logic Gate Sketch 46
Something to Think About . 50 - The AND Logic Gate . 51
Parts List . 51
Circuit Theory 52
The Arduino AND Logic Gate . 55
Upload the Arduino AND Logic Gate Sketch 57
Something to Think About . 59 - The OR Logic Gate 61
Parts List . 61
Circuit Theory 62
The Arduino OR Logic Gate 64
Upload the Arduino OR Logic Gate Sketch . 66
Something to Think About . 69 - Tilt Flasher 71
Parts List . 71
Circuit Theory 72
The Up-Down Sensor 73
Something to Think About . 76 - Multicolor RGB Flasher 79
Parts List . 79
Circuit Theory 80
The RGB Flasher 81
iv ContentsSomething to Think About . 86 - The Magic Light Bulb 87
Parts List . 87
Let’s Build a Magic Light Bulb 88
Upload the Magic Light Bulb Sketch 89
Circuit Theory 91
Something to Think About . 92 - Metal Checker: The Electronic Switch 95
Parts List . 95
Let’s Build a Metal Checker . 96
Upload the Metal Checker Sketch . 98
Circuit Theory . 100
Something to Think About 101 - The Theremin 103
Parts List . 103
Let’s Build a Theremin 104
Upload the Theremin Sketch 106
Circuit Theory . 109
Something to Think About 110 - An Arduino Ohmmeter . 111
Parts List . 111
Let’s Build an Arduino Ohmmeter 112
Upload the Arduino Ohmmeter Sketch . 113
Circuit Theory . 115
Something to Think About 117 - The LCD News Reader 119
Parts List . 119
Let’s Build the LCD . 120
Upload the LCD News Reader Sketch . 122
Circuit Theory . 128
Something to Think About 129 - A Logic Tester (with an RGB LED) 131
Parts List . 131
Contents vLet’s Build a Logic Tester 132
Upload the Logic Tester Sketch 133
Circuit Theory . 135
Something to Think About 136 - A Logic Tester (with an LCD) 137
Parts List . 137
Let’s Build a Logic Tester 138
Upload the Logic Tester Sketch 139
Circuit Theory . 141
Something to Think About 142 - The Amazing Pushbutton (with Processing) . 143
Parts List . 143
Let’s Build an Amazing Pushbutton 144
Upload the Amazing Pushbutton Sketch . 146
Download and Install Processing Notes 148
Let’s Visualize Digital Data with Processing 148
Troubleshooting Tips for Processing . 155
Something to Think About 156 - The Terrific Tilt Switch (with Processing) 157
Parts List . 157
Let’s Build a Terrific Tilt Switch . 158
Upload the Terrific Tilt Switch Sketch . 159
Let’s Visualize Digital Data with Processing 162
Something to Think About 167 - The Rocket Launching Game (with Processing) 169
Parts List . 169
Let’s Build a Rocket Game 170
Upload the MultiDigital4 Sketch . 171
The Rocket Launcher with Processing 174
Something to Think About 181 - Temperature Indicator (with Processing) 183
Parts List . 183
Let’s Build a Temperature Indicator 184
vi ContentsUpload the Temperature Indicator Sketch 185
The Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) Sensor with Processing . 188
Something to Think About 191 - Sweeping Servo 193
Parts List . 193
Let’s Build a Servo Motor Tester . 194
Upload the Sweeping Sketch . 195
Something to Think About 198 - Electronic Cricket 199
Parts List . 199
Let’s Build an Electronic Cricket 200
Upload the Electronic Cricket Sketch . 201
Something to Think About 204 - A Pocket Stage Light . 205
Parts List . 205
Let’s Build a Pocket Stage Light 206
Upload the Pocket Stage Light Sketch 208
Something to Think About 211 - Electronic Pixel . 213
Parts List . 213
Let’s Build an Electronic Pixel 214
Upload the Electronic Pixel Sketch . 216
Something to Think About 219 - The Metronome 221
Parts List . 221
Let’s Build a Metronome 222
Upload the Metronome Sketch 225
Something to Think About 228 - The Secret Word Game . 231
Parts List . 231
Let’s Build a Secret Word Game 232
Upload the Secret Word Game Sketch 234
Rules for the Secret Word Game . 237
Contents viiSomething to Think About 237
Index . 239
!= (logical NOT function), 47
&& (logical AND function), 58
100 uF electrolytic capacitor, 105
|| (logical OR function), 66
Ω (omega symbol), for ohms, 32
Adjustable Twin LED Flasher, 35
sketch, 39
Amazing Pushbutton (with Processing),
Amazing Pushbutton in action, 153
building, 144
DisplayItems Processing sketch, 152–
downloading and installing Processing,
parts list, 143
pa_Pushbutton Processing sketch,
uploading the sketch, 146
visualizing digital data with Processing,
simple transistor amplifier, 103–110
building a Theremin, 104
circuit theory, 109
parts list, 103
uploading Theremin sketch, 106
using Serial Monitor for Theremin
sketch data, 108
AND logic gate, 51
(see also Arduino AND logic gate)
circuit symbol for, 54
reasons to use Arduino microcontroller
to build, 55
truth table, 54
animatronic controllers, 24
Arduino AND logic gate, 51–59
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 59
building, 55
circuit theory, 52
parts list, 51
uploading sketch for, 57
Arduino IDE
Serial Monitor, 14
Arduino NOT logic gate, 43–50
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 49
building, 45
circuit symbol for NOT logic gate, 45
circuit theory, 44
Fritzing wiring diagram, 45
parts list, 43
pressing pushbutton switch, 47
testing using truth table, 49
truth table, 45
uploading logic gate sketch, 46
Arduino Ohmmeter, 111–117
building, 112
circuit theory, 115
electrical safety tip, 117
parts list, 111
uploading the sketch, 113
Arduino OR logic gate, 61–69
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 68
building, 64
circuit theory, 62
parts list, 61
uploading scheme for, 66
binary number system, 172
block diagrams, 135
capacitors, polarized, 106
cathodes, 85
Circuit Lab, 2
circuit schematic diagrams (see electronic
circuit schematic diagrams)
circuit symbol
for AND logic gate, 54
239for NOT logic gate, 45
classes, 166
color-coded wires, 195
common anode, 85
common anode pin, 83
common anode RGB LED, 81
Console Monitor, 176
counters, for loop, 92
crickets, 199
(see also Electronic Cricket)
response to temperature, 199
current, defined, 73
DC motors, 197
DMM (digital multimeter), 14
reading resistance of tilt control switch,
DPDT (double pole, double throw) switch,
electrical circuits, creating and testing with
online simulator, 2
Electrical Motor Tester (see Sweeping Servo)
electrical safety tips
for Arduino Ohmmeter, 117
for Metal Checker, 101
electrical signal flow of electronic products,
electronic circuit schematic diagrams, 15
Adjustable Twin LED Flasher, 35
AND logic gate controlling LED, 53
Arduino AND logic gate, 59
Arduino NOT logic gate, 49
Arduino Ohmmeter, 115
Arduino OR logic gate, 68
DPDT switch toggling two LEDs, 72
Electronic Cricket, 203
Electronic Pixel, 218
Interactive Twin LED Flasher, 38
LCD News Reader, 128
Logic Tester, 135
Logic Tester (with an LCD), 141
Magic Light Bulb, 91
Metal Checker, 100
Metronome, 228
OR logic gate controlling an LED, 62
Pocket Stage Light, 210
RGB Flasher, 81
Rocket Game, 181
Secret Word Game, 237
Servo Motor Tester, 197
Terrific Tilt Switch, 167
Theremin, 109
Tilt Sensing Servo Motor Controller, 26
Trick Switch, 6
Up-Down Sensor, 73
Electronic Cricket, 199–204
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram of Electronic Cricket, 203
building, 200
parts list, 199
uploading the sketch, 201
electronic metronomes, 221
Electronic Pixel, 213–219
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 218
building, 214
parts list, 213
uploading the sketch, 216–218
FALSE and TRUE states, 52
for loop, operating Magic Light Bulb, 92
FrankenBot toy, 38–41
Interactive Twin LED Flasher, 38
Fritzing circuit schematic diagrams (see
electronic circuit schematic diagrams)
Fritzing diagrams
Adjustable Twin LED Flasher, 35
Amazing Pushbutton, 144
AND logic gate, 53
Arduino AND logic gate, 55
Arduino Ohmmeter, 112
Arduino OR logic gate, 64
electronic circuit schematic diagram of
Tilt Sensing Servo Motor Controller,
electronic circuit schematic of SunriseSunset Light Switch, 15
Electronic Cricket, 200
Electronic Pixel, 214
Interactive Twin LED Flasher, 38
LCD News Reader, 122
Logic Tester with an LCD, 138
Logic Tester with an RGB LED, 132
Magic Light Bulb, 88
Metal Checker, 96
Metronome, 223
OR logic gate, 62
Pocket Stage Light, 206
RGB Flasher, 81
Rocket Launcher, 170
Secret Word Game, 232
Servo Motor Tester, 194
simple NOT Logic Gate wiring diagram,
Sunrise-Sunset Light Switch, 10
240 IndexTemperature Indicator, 184
Terrific Tilt Switch, 158
Theremin, 104
Tilt Sensing Servo Motor Controller, 21
Trick Switch, 3
Twin LED Flasher, 31
Up-Down Sensor, 73
gesture controls, 71
adding 16-pin male header to LCD, 138
defined, 121
male header soldered to LCD PCB, 120
infinite resistance reading on DMM, 26
Interactive Twin LED Flasher, 38
inverters, 45
LCD News Reader, 119–129
building the LCD, 120
circuit theory, 128
parts list, 119
sketch for, 122–128
uploading the sketch, 122
LCDs, 119
in Secret Word Game, 232
logic tester with LCD, 137–142
LDRs (light-dependent resistors), 14
(see also photocells)
in Arduino OR logic gate, 64
in parallel, 29–41
Adjustable Twin LED Flasher, 35
circuit theory, 31
Interactive Twin LED Flasher, 38
twin LED flasher, 31
multicolor (see Multicolor RGB Flasher)
replacing incandescent light bulb, 66
RGB, 79
(see also RGB LEDs)
staying on after switched off, 1
taking pin LOW to light it, 85
light-dependent resistors (LDRs), 14
(see also photocells)
liquid crystal displays (see LCDs; LCD News
logic gates, 43
(see also Arduino AND logic gate; Arduino NOT logic gate; Arduino OR logic gate)
logic operators, 55
logic probe, 141
Logic Tester (with an LCD), 137–142
building, 138
circuit theory, 141
parts list, 137
uploading the sketch, 139
Logic Tester (with an RGB LED), 131–136
building, 132
circuit theory, 135
parts list, 131
uploading the sketch, 133
Magic Light Bulb, 87–92
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 91
building, 88
parts list, 87
running through tricolor pattern, 89
uploading the sketch, 89
MakerShield, 29
Adjustable Twin LED Flasher, 35
Arduino AND logic gate, 55
directions for building, 33
Interactive Twin LED Flasher, 38
Magic Light Bulb built on, 88
Metal Checker built on, 96
NOT logic gate device, 46
RGB Flasher built on, 83
Theremin built on, 104
Twin LED Flasher, building on, 31
up-down sensor built on, 75
Makezine/Arduino projects website, 46
Metal Checker, 95–101
building, 96
circuit theory, 100
electrical safety tip, 101
parts list, 95
reasons to use transistor and Arduino,
uploading sketch for, 98
Metronome, 221–228
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 228
building, 222
parts list, 221
uploading the sketch, 225–228
microcontrollers, Arduino, using to build
logic gates, 55
Microsoft, Kinect, 206
Multicolor RGB Flasher, 79–86
circuit theory, 80
parts list and block diagram, 79
RGB Flasher sketch, 83
Index 241RGB Flasher, building, 81
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC)
Sensor, 188–191
NOT logic gate, 43
(see also Arduino NOT logic gate)
circuit symbol for, 45
truth table, 45, 49
NPN transistors, 100
ohmmeters, 111
(see also Arduino Ohmmeter)
ohms and omega symbol (Ω), 32
ON-OFF indicators for Trick Switch, 4
Opposite Switch (see Arduino NOT logic
OR logic gate, 61
(see also Arduino OR logic gate)
circuit schematic diagram, 62
Fritzing wiring diagram, 62
truth tables, 63
orientation detection sensor circuit, 27
oscillators, 104
parallel circuits, 62
parts lists
Amazing Pushbutton (with Processing),
Arduino AND logic gate, 51
Arduino NOT logic gate, 43
Arduino Ohmmeter, 111
Electronic Cricket, 199
Electronic Pixel, 213
LCD News Reader, 119
Logic Tester with an LCD, 137
Logic Tester with an RGB LED, 131
Magic Light Bulb, 87
Metal Checker, 95
Metronome, 221
Multicolor RGB Flasher, 79
OR logic gate, 61
Pocket Stage Light, 205
Rocket Launcher, 169
Secret Word Game, 231
simple transistor amplifier, 103
Sunrise-Sunset Light Switch, 9
Sweeping Servo Motor Tester, 193
Temperature Indicator, 183
Terrific Tilt Switch (with Processing),
Tilt Flasher, 71
Tilt Sensing Servo Motor Controller, 19
Trick Switch, 1
PCBs (printed circuit boards), 122
photocells, 10
defined, 12
in Arduino AND logic gate, 55
in Interactive Twin LED Flasher, 38
in OR logic gate, 64
picture of, 13
sensor data scrolling on Serial Monitor,
physical computing, 24, 206
piezo buzzer
in Metal Checker, 97
troubleshooting, 100
in Metronome, 223
pitch range, Electronic Cricket, 203
pixels, 213
(see also Electronic Pixel)
PNP transistors, 100
Pocket Stage Light, 205–211
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 210
building, 206
parts list, 205
uploading the sketch, 208–210
polarized capacitors, 106
potentiometers, 13
adjusting sound level of buzzer in Metronome, 223
in LCD News Reader, 120, 128
in logic tester with an LCD, 138
operating mini speaker, 203
printed circuit boards (PCBs), 122
Processing, 143
additional information on, 154
DisplayItems sketch, 152–153, 165, 179
download site for version 2.0, 171
downloading and installing, 148
NTC Sensor sketch, 188
pa_Pushbutton Processing sketch,
pa_Tilt sketch, 162–165
Rocket Game sketch, 174–179
visualizing digital data with, 148, 162
puppets, electromechanical, 24
Pushbutton Multicolor Flasher (see Magic
Light Bulb)
pushbutton switches in parallel (see Arduino OR logic gate)
pushbutton switches in series (see Arduino
AND logic gate)
242 IndexR
measuring for electronic components,
mesuring with Arduino Ohmmeter, 113
reading for tilt control switch, 26
relationship with voltage, 115
resistor-capacitor timing basics
Sunrise-Sunset Light Switch, 9–16
Trick Switch, 1–6
resistors, 111
connected in series, resistance reading
from, 115
in logic tester with an LCD, 139
retro portable electronic games, 231
(see also Secret Word Game)
RGB Flasher, 79
(see also Multicolor RGB Flasher)
block diagram, 79
building, 81
sketch for, 83
RGB LEDs, 79
common anode, 81
creating white light with, 207
in Electronic Pixel, 214
in Pocket Stage Light, 206
logic tester with, 131–136
pinout of RGB LED, 132
operation with mini pushbutton switch
in Magic Light Bulb, 89
SPST switches controlling, 80
taking pin LOW to light it, 85
typical, with pinout names, 80
Rocket Launching Game (with Processing),
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 181
building a Rocket Game, 170
DisplayItems Processing Sketch, 179
MultiDigital4 sketch, 172–174
Rocket Game Processing sketch, 174–
Rocket Launcher parts list, 169
uploading MultiDigital4 sketch, 171
Secret Word Game, 231–237
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 237
building, 232
parts list, 231
rules for, 237
uploading the sketch, 234–237
sensors, 19
serial communications (see Electronic Pixel)
Serial Monitor, 210
using to debug code, 108
serial monitors
output for tilt control switch information, 24
Sunrise-Sunset detector with, 14
displaying Sunset and Sunrise messages, 15
series circuit, 53
servo motors, 197
build process for Tilt Sensing Servo Motor Controller, 20
in Metronome, 222
testing limits of, 193
tilt sensing servo motor controller, 19
sketches (code)
Adjustable Twin LED Flasher, 35, 39
Amazing Pushbutton sketch, 146
Arduino AND Logic Gate, 57
Arduino NOT Logic Gate, 46
Arduino Ohmmeter sketch, 113
Arduino OR logic gate, 66
Blink sketch for Twin LED Flasher, 31
DisplayItems Processing sketch, 152–
153, 165, 179
Electronic Cricket sketch, 202
Electronic Pixel, 216
LCD News Reader, 122–128
Logic Tester (with an LCD), 140
Logic Tester sketch, 133
Magic Light Bulb running through tricolor pattern, 89
Metal Checker sketch, 98
Metronome sketch, 226
MultiDigital4 sketch, 172–174
NTC Sensor Processing sketch, 188
pa_Pushbutton Processing sketch,
pa_Tilt Processing sketch, 162–165
Pocket Stage Light sketch, 208
Processing sketch listings for Arduino
projects, 162
Pushbutton, 3
Pushbutton with LED indicators
changes, 5
RGB Flasher, 83
Rocket Game Processing sketch, 176–
Secret Word Game, 234–237
Sunrise Sunset Detector with Serial
Monitor, 14
Sunrise-Sunset Light Switch, 11
Sweeping sketch, 196
Temperature Indicator sketch, 186
Index 243Terrific Tilt Switch, 160
Theremin sketch, 106
Tilt Control Switch, 23
Tilt Control Switch with Serial Monitor,
Up-Down Sensor built on MakerShield,
smartphone touch screens, 206
SPDT (single pole, double throw) switch,
mini 8Ω speaker for Theremin, 104, 106
potentiometer operating mini speaker,
SPST (single pole, single throw) switches,
stage lighting, 205
(see also Pocket Stage Light)
Sunrise-Sunset Light Switch, 9–16
block diagram of electronic components and electrical signal flow, 15
circuit schematic diagram, 15
detector with serial monitor, 14
Fritzing Wiring Diagram, 10
parts list, 9
RC timing circuit with photocell, 12
serial monitor displaying messages, 15
Sweeping Servo, 193–198
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 197
building a servo motor tester, 194
parts list, 193
uploading Sweeping sketch, 195
temperatore sensing (see Electronic Cricket; Pocket Stage Light)
Temperature Indicator (with Processing),
block diagram and electronic circuit
schematic diagram, 191
building a Temperature Indicator, 184
Negative Temperature Coefficient
(NTC) Sensor with Processing, 188–
parts list, 183
Temperature Indicator sketch, 186
uploading Temperature Indicator
sketch, 185
Terrific Tilt Switch (with Processing), 157–
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 167
building, 158
DisplayItems Processing sketch, 165
parts list, 157
pa_Tilt Processing sketch, 162–165
uploading Terrific Tilt Switch sketch,
visualizing digital data with Processing,
block diagram and circuit schematic diagram, 109
building, 104
for simple transistor amplifier, 103
uploading sketch to the Arduino, 106
using Serial Monitor to display data
from sketch, 108
defined, 183
experimenting with 10KΩ thermistor
and RGB LEDs, 210
in electronic cricket, 199
in Pocket Stage Light, 206
in Temperature Indicator, 186
tick, synchronizing with swinging motion
in Metronome, 228
Tiger Electronics, 231
tilt control switch, 72
tilt control switch, typical, 27
Tilt Flasher, 71–76
circuit theory, 72
parts list, 71
testing, 76
up-down sensor, 73
Up-Down Sensor block diagram, 71
uploading sketch for Up-Down Sensor
built on MakerShield, 75
Tilt Sensing Servo Motor Controller, 19–28
animatronic controller using, 24
block diagram, 26
building process, steps in, 20
circuit schematic diagram, 26
circuit theory, 27
observing tilt control switch behavior,
parts lists, 19
Tilt Control Switch sketch, 23
tilt control switch with Serial Monitor,
uploading tilt sensor sketch, 23
tilt sensor, 72
2N3904 NPN transistor pinout, 97
defined, 100
in pushbutton switch for logic tester
with LCD, 139
reasons for use in Metal Checker, 97
simple transistor amplifier, 103–110
244 IndexTrick Switch, 1–6
circuit schematic diagram, 6
parts list, 1
Pushbutton sketch, 3
steps in building process, 2
Trick Switch block diagram, 6
Trick Switch with ON-OFF indicators, 4
Pushbutton sketch with LED indicators changes, 5
troubleshooting tips
AND logic gate, 59
Arduino OR logic gate, 69
Magic Light Bulb, 92
Metal Checker, 100
mini 8Ω speaker for Theremin, 107
Multicolor RGB Flasher, 85
NOT logic gate, 49
Sunrise-Sunset Light Switch, 14
Tilt Sensing Servo Motor Controller, 23
Trick Switch device, 3
Twin LED Flasher, 41
Up-Down Sensor, 76
TRUE and FALSE states, 52
TRUE output for OR logic gate, 62
truth tables
for AND logic gate, 54
for NOT logic gate, 45, 49
for OR logic gate, 63
TT (see truth tables)
Twin LED Flasher, 31
adjustable flash rate, 35
Blink sketch, 31
Fritzing diagram and circuit schematic
diagram, 31
interactive, 38
Ultimate Microcontroller Pack
MakerShield, 29
parts for Sunrise-Sunset Light Switch, 9
parts for Trick Switch, 1
up-down sensor, 71
(see also Tilt Flasher)
block diagram, 71
building, 73
variable resistors, 12
voltage divider, 115
voltage, relationship with resistance, 115
wires, color-coded, 195
wiring diagrams (see Fritzing diagrams)
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