بحث بعنوان Lumped Thermal Model for the Multi-Layer Switched Reluctance Motor
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Lumped Thermal Model for the Multi-Layer Switched Reluctance Motor
ISSN 1751-8660
Received on 18th December 2019
Revised 10th May 2020
Accepted on 2nd June 2020
E-First on 13th July 2020
doi: 10.1049/iet-epa.2019.1025
Payam Vahedi1, Babak Ganji1 , Ebrahim Afjei2
1Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran
2Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The multi-layer switched reluctance motor (SRM) is a special type of the SRM which can be utilised appropriately in
high-power applications such as electric vehicle (EV). Thermal modelling of the multi-layer SRM is considered for the first time in
the present study and a lumped parameter thermal model is introduced for quick prediction of temperature rise in this motor. In
the introduced lumped thermal model, independent thermal networks are considered for different parts of the machine including
frame, stator yoke, stator pole, winding, air-gap, end-winding, end-cap air, rotor pole, rotor core and shaft. All details of the
modelling and the required equations are given and therefore someone can use the model easily. The developed thermal model
is applied to a typical two-layer 8/6 SRM and a prototyped three-layer 8/8 SRM and the simulation results are then compared
with those derived from three-dimensional finite element (FE) method using ANSYS FE package and experimental results.
These comparisons show well high computation speed and accuracy of the lumped thermal model developed for the multi-layer SRM.
Based on the independent axial and radial thermal networks of
general cylindrical component, a lumped parameter thermal model
was introduced for the conventional multi-layer SRMs. The impact
of temperature rise on the convection heat transfer coefficients was
considered in the proposed model using an iteration algorithm. All
equations required for implementation of the proposed lumped
thermal model are given and therefore someone can use the model
easily for different types of the multi-layer SRM. The suggested
model was applied to two different types of the multi-layer SRMs
(a typical 2-layer 8/6 SRM and a prototyped 3-layer 8/8 SRM) and
the simulation results were compared to those derived from 3D
FEM and experimental results. These comparisons showed well
high computation speed and accuracy of the lumped thermal model
introduced for the multi-layer SRM. Since the model is created as a
parametric model, some important design parameters were changed
for the discussed 2-layer 8/6 SRM and it was illustrated that the
stack length had the most impact on temperature rise. Due to high
computation speed of the proposed model, it can be used
appropriately for primary design of the multi-layer SRM where
design stages should be repeated frequently and the accuracy can
be traded with time saving. By analytical calculation of
electromagnetic losses, development of an analytical coupled
electromagnetic-thermal model for the multi-layer SRM is
suggested as a future work.
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