كورس تعليم برنامج ماتلاب – Learning MATLAB Course
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كورس تعليم برنامج ماتلاب
Learning MATLAB Course

  1. Introduction
  2. General Concepts
  3. Core MATLAB Syntax
  4. Programming in MATLAB
  5. Data Representations
  6. Intro to Simulink
  7. Conclusion
    Exercise Files
  8. Data Representations \ 1 Creating basic plots
  9. Conclusion \ 1 Next steps
  10. Core MATLAB Syntax \ 1 Our first script
  11. Intro to Simulink \ 1 Overview of Simulink
  12. Programming in MATLAB \ 1 The MATLAB path
  13. General Concepts \ 1 Understand the interface
  14. Introduction \ 1 Welcome
  15. Programming in MATLAB \ 2 Create and use a function
  16. General Concepts \ 2 Create variables
  17. Data Representations \ 2 Making a plot pretty
  18. Intro to Simulink \ 2 Our first Simulink model
  19. Core MATLAB Syntax \ 2 Populate matrices
  20. Introduction \ 2 What you need to know
  21. Data Representations \ 3 Adding annotations
  22. Intro to Simulink \ 3 Beware of sample times
  23. Programming in MATLAB \ 3 Import external data
  24. Core MATLAB Syntax \ 3 Matrix and scalar operations
  25. Introduction \ 3 Using the exercise files
  26. General Concepts \ 3 Variable classes
  27. Intro to Simulink \ 4 A simple loop
  28. General Concepts \ 4 Cell arrays
  29. Programming in MATLAB \ 4 Debugging
  30. Introduction \ 4 Getting MATLAB
  31. Core MATLAB Syntax \ 4 If statements
  32. Data Representations \ 4 Working with images
  33. Data Representations \ 5 Creating 3D plots
  34. Programming in MATLAB \ 5 Performance considerations
  35. Core MATLAB Syntax \ 5 Switch statements
  36. Core MATLAB Syntax \ 6 For loops
  37. Core MATLAB Syntax \ 7 While loops

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