كورس نظم التخطيط المرن في التصنيع – Lean System Thinking in Manufacturing Course

كورس نظم التخطيط المرن في التصنيع – Lean System Thinking in Manufacturing Course
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كورس نظم التخطيط المرن في التصنيع
Lean System Thinking in Manufacturing Course

  1. Real case study -Lean system thinking \ 1. Case study examples of organization that practising lean system thinking
  2. Lean system thinking -Implementation aspects \ 1. Causes for lean system thinking failure in manufactring organization
  3. Improving value in the organization \ 1. Definition of value in manufacturing context
  4. Need for Lean system thinking in manufacturing organization \ 1. External and Internal challanges for organization
  5. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 1. Typical scenario in value optimization drive in the organization
  6. Typical waste and lean tools \ 1. Typical wastes in manufacturing system & Insights
  7. Introduction to lean system thinking in manufacturing \ 1. Understanding the terminology Lean,Lean manufacturing and Lean system thinking
  8. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 2. Benefit of big picture opportunity identification process
  9. Improving value in the organization \ 2. Definition of waste in manufacturing context
  10. Need for Lean system thinking in manufacturing organization \ 2. From Lead time reduction -perspective
  11. Introduction to lean system thinking in manufacturing \ 2. Misconception about Lean in manufacturing organization
  12. Lean system thinking -Implementation aspects \ 2. Prerequisite for Implementation success
  13. Typical waste and lean tools \ 2. Typical Lean Tools for waste elimination and reduction
  14. Improving value in the organization \ 3. Achieving manufacturing excellence
  15. Need for Lean system thinking in manufacturing organization \ 3. From Cost reduction -perspective
  16. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 3. Mapping Techniques
  17. Improving value in the organization \ 4. Measure of excellence in manufacturing
  18. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 4. VSM -Introduction
  19. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 5. Prerequisite for applying value stream mapping
  20. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 6. Current State Mapping
  21. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 7. Familiarization with Value stream mapping symbols
  22. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 8. 12 step process in drawing current state mapping and insights
  23. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 9. How to read current state mapping
  24. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 10. Clarity on Time Elements
  25. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 11. Opportunity identification in current state mapping
  26. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 12. How to draw future state mapping from opportunity identification step
  27. Introduction to Value Stream mapping Tool \ 13. Action Plan facilitation

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