كورس مقدمة في برمجة ماكينات التحكم الرقمي – Introduction to CNC Programming Course
كورس مقدمة في برمجة ماكينات التحكم الرقمي
Introduction to CNC Programming Course
1. Introduction
2. The Fundamentals
3. Programming a profile
4. Programming a part – The Widget
5. The Thingy
6. Bonus Information
1. Bonus Information
1. Cartesian coordinate system
1. Climb Milling
1. Introduction
1. Laying out the header information
1. The Thingy – Profile
2. Face Mill – preparing the billet for machining
2. G00 and G01
2. Programming a Radius
2. The Thingy – Slot
3. Health and Safety
3. Hello World part 1
3. Machining a slot
3. Programming a profile
4. Absolute and Incremental programming
4. Cutter Compensation
4. Programming the profile
5. Program Example in Incremental
5. Units of Measurement
6. Tool numbers and Spindle speeds
7. Introducing MCODES
8. Hello World part 2
9. Hello World part 3
10. External Profiling programming example
2.1 G02-and-G03-5.jpg
1.1 Cartesian-coordinate-system-1
1.1 Climb-milling-1
1.1 Header-13
1.1 thingy-profile-24
1.2 Cartesian-coordinate-system-8
1.2 Climb-milling-2
1.3 Cartesian-coordinate-system-2
2.1 G01-1
2.1 thingy-slot-17
2.1 Widget-FACEMILL-1
2.2 G00-1
2.2 G02-and-G03-4
2.2 Widget-FACEMILL-22
2.3 G02-and-G03-10
2.4 G02-and-G03-9
3.1 Profile-24
3.1 Widget-SLOT-14
4.1 Cutter-compensation-1
4.1 G90-and-G91—2
4.1 Widget-full-program
4.2 Cutter-compensation-6
4.2 G90-and-G91—1
4.2 Widget-PROFILE-29
4.3 Cutter-compensation-7
5.1 Profile-inc-24
5.1 Units-1
7.1 MCODES-1
7.2 MCODES-2
9.1 hello-world-p7-16
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