International Petroleum Encyclopedia 2009
اسم المؤلف
Frank T. Lauinger

International Petroleum Encyclopedia 2009
Frank T. Lauinger
President and CEO
Robert F. Biolchini
Senior Vice-President, Finance and Administration, CFO
Mark Wilmoth
Senior Vice-President, Audience Development & Book Publishing
Gloria S. Adams
Mary McGee
Managing Editor
Marla Patterson
Joseph Hilyard
Production Manager
Sheila Brock
Art Director
Susan E. Ormston
Guest Essay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iv
Chronology 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ix
Encyclopedia & Atlas
World Energy Markets:
The Big Picture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
North America
United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Gulf of Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Alaska. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Latin America
Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Belize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Bolivia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Chile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
Colombia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
Cuba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Ecuador. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Guatemala. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Jamaica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Nicaragua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Trinidad & Tobago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Albania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Bulgaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Croatia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Republic of Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Italy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Malta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Netherlands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Poland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Romania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Slovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Sweden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Turkey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
United Kingdom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Middle East
Bahrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Iran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Iraq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Israel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Kuwait. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Oman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Qatar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Saudi Arabia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Syria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
United Arab Emirates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Yemen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215International Petroleum Encyclopedia iii
Algeria 218
Angola 224
Cameroon 226
Chad 227
Congo (Brazzaville) 228
Congo (Former Zaire) 229
Egypt 229
Equatorial Guinea 233
Gabon 234
Ghana 235
Ivory Coast 237
Libya 237
Madagascar 240
Mali 241
Mauritania 241
Morocco 242
Mozambique 242
Nigeria 243
South Africa 250
Sudan 250
Tanzania 252
Tunisia 252
Uganda 253
Former Soviet Union
Armenia 258
Azerbaijan 261
Georgia 263
Kazakhstan 265
Kyrgyzstan 270
Lithuania 271
Russia 272
Tajikistan 279
Turkmenistan 280
Ukraine 280
Uzbekistan 281
China 284
Afghanistan 300
Australia 301
Bangladesh 312
Brunei 313
India 314
Indonesia 321
Japan 326
Malaysia 330
Myanmar 331
New Zealand 332
Pakistan 335
Papua New Guinea 339
Philippines 340
Singapore 341
South Korea 342
Taiwan 343
Thailand 344
Vietnam 345
Key Stats & Tables
Key Stats
Future energy supply 349
Reserves and production 360
Drilling and exploration 367
Investment and markets 376
Trade and tankers 381
LNG—Industry outlook 386
LNG—Liquefaction and receiving 390
LNG—Carrier fleet 393
LNG—Risks and opportunities 394
Refining and products 395
Gas processing and products 407
Petrochemicals outlook 411
Pipelines 422
Climate change issues 425
Statistical Tables
World reserves and production 429
Oil consumption, production, reserves,
and trade
World oil consumption 431
World petroleum product
consumption 433
World oil production 435
Historical oil reserves 439
World oil imports and exports 440
World oil trade movements 441
World oil balance 442
Oil refining
Summary of operating refineries
worldwide 444
World refining capacity 446
World refinery throughput 450
World refining margins 450
Natural gas consumption, production, and trade
World natural gas consumption 451
World natural gas production 452
World natural gas trade movements:
pipelines 454
World natural gas trade movements:
LNG 456
Petroleum prices
Crude oil prices 456
Petroleum product prices 457
Comparative energy prices 457
Price history of oil, gas,
and gasoline 458
International rig count 459
Information Sources
National oil companies and energy
ministries 461
Glossary of abbreviations
and acronyms 477
Advertiser’s index 485
Index of contents 485
Fold-out Map Legend 506A
Aaiun basin, 256
Abdullah II, king, 206
Abkatun-Pol-Chuc, 124
Abkhazia, 277
Absheron block, 261
(ANG), 340
Abu Dhabi, 212
oil discoveries in, 213
project, 215
refinery in, x
Abu Dhabi Company for
Onshore Oil Operation
(ADCO), 214
Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Co., 214
Access pipeline, 92
Adamkus, Valdas, 271
Addax Petroleum Corp.,
243, 247
Adria LNG terminal, 150
Adriatic LNG terminals, 161
Adriatic Sea, 160
Afghanistan, 300
Aframax fleet development, 384
Africa, EU energy partnership
with, 224; Europe’s energy
partnership with, 149, 224;
Gazprom’s opportunities in,
223; Gazprom’s priority of,
247; maps, 219, 220; piracy
off coast of, 383; polymer
balance of, 421
Africa-European Union energy
partnership, 224
Afrodite prospect, 171
Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
PennEnergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Agbami field, 246
Agencia Nacional de
Hidrocarburos (ANH), 115
AGL Energy Ltd., 312
AGL Resources, 50
Ahdab oil field, 200
Aichi refinery, 329
Ain Sokhna, 233
air emissions, of refineries, 55
AJE-4 well, 248
Aker ASA, 236
Aker Clean Carbon, 174
Akpo deepwater oil field, 244
Akzhar oil fields, 267
Al Huwaila LNG vessel, 392
Al Shaheen refinery, 208
Alabama, Energen Corp. shale
plays in, 37; shale play areas
of, 36
Alakiri flow station, 244
Alaminos Canyon wells, 63
Alaska, drilling/production in,
72; environmental issues
of, 72–73; exploration/
development in, 67–70;
gas hydrates in, 68–69;
intrastate gas pipeline in,
74; lease sales in, 70–72;
LNG in, 74; map, 68–70;
in, ix, 73–74; White Hills
blocks in, 67
Alaska Gas Pipeline LLC, 73
Alaska Gasline Inducement Act
(AGIA), 73
Alaska Gasline Port Authority
(AGPA), 42, 74
Alaska’s North Slope (ANS),
73; Denali pipeline on, xi,
73; gas hydrates on, xiv;
Kuparak formation on, 67;
natural gas pipeline, xiii;
oil/gas forecast of, 67
Alba field, 186
Albania, 144–146
Albania Petroleum Corporation
(APC), 144
Albert Basin, 241, 253
Alberta, bitumen pipelines in,
93; bitumen production
of, 90; bitumen resources
of, 91; CCS focus of, 95; oil
production of, 76; oil sands
development in, 88; oil
sands reclamation certificate
in, 93; royalty framework
in, 79
Alberta Energy and Utilities
Board (EUB), 89
Alberta Energy Research
Institute (AERI), 88
Alberta Saline Aquifer Project
(ASAP), 94
Alberta Utilities Commission
(AUC), 89
Albertine Graben, 229
Albertine Rift system, 229
Albian Sands Energy Inc., 92
algae-based bioethanol, 131
Algeria, 218–223; exploration/
development in, 218; map,
Alimbai fields, 267
Alliance Pipeline, 44
A-Lovech Block, 148International Petroleum Encyclopedia 486
Alstom SA, 175
alternative energy, 354–355; algae-based
bioethanol, 131; in Argentina, 103;
in Brazil, 113; in China, 298; in
France, 155; in India, 320–321;
in Italy, 164; in Japan, 329;
in Nigeria, 249; oil executives
surveyed about, 425; Saudi Arabia
and, 210; in United Kingdom,
187–188; in United States, 52–53;
in Venezuela, 141
Alve field, 170
Alvheim field, xii, 173
Amazon basin, 121
America Competes Act, 53
American Clean Skies Foundation, 33
American International Group (AIG), v
American Petroleum Institute, 16
America’s Energy Coast (AEC), 61
Amoruso field, 28
Amos prospect exploration well, 188
Ana-2 appraisal well, 176
Anadarko basin, 38, 39
Anadarko E&P, 61
Anadarko Petroleum Corp., 49
Anahita refinery, 195
Anambra basin, 245, 246, 249
Anduin West prospect, 58
Angola, 224–226; drilling/production in,
225–226; exploration/development in,
224–225; gas liquefaction facility in,
226; map, 225
Anguille field, 234
Annex VI Amendments NOX, 399
anti-flaring program, natural gas, 249
Apache Corp., 84, 231, 305
APF refinery, 146
Appalachian basin, 33
appraisal well; Ana-2, 176; Banda East-1B,
241; Banda NW l, 241; Benita oil, 233
Aquila field oil discoveries, 161
Arab Gas Pipeline, 212, 232
Arabian Gulf Oil Ltd., 236
Arabs/Muslim civil war, 251
Arafura Sea block, 323
Arawak Energy Ltd., 267
Arc Energy Ltd., 312
Arctic Circle, 273; crude oil in, xii; oil/
gas potential of, 353
Arctic Islands, map, 85
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
(ANWR), 68
Arctic Ocean, 20
Arctic seafloor, 69, 78
Arctic-class shuttle tankers, 381
Ardmore basin, 38
Argentina, alternative energy in, 103;
drilling/production in, 102;
exploration/development in, 98–102;
liquid fuel exports suspension in, 102
Arkaringa basin, 305
Arkoma basin, 38
Armenia, 258–261
aromatics, Asia-Pacific’s capacity of, 417;
capacity additions of, 417; plant, 341;
production capacity for, 418
Arous Al-Bahar prospect, 237
Arthit gas field, 344
Arzew petrochemical complex, 223
Ascent Resources PLC, 158
Ashtart field, 238
Asia, diesel demand of, 398; LNG imports
in, 391; petroleum demand of, 398;
petroleum outlook of, 416; processing
capacity of, 397; refining capacity
growth in, 398; southeast map of, 303
Asia-Pacific, aromatics capacity of, 417;
ethylene capacity of, 416; LNG
demand outlook of, 389; LNG
market of, 389; map of, 304
Athabasca oil sands, 76, 90
Athabasca Wabiskaw-McMurray
(AWM), 92
Atlantic-sourced cargoes, 393
Atlas Energy Resources, 33, 34
ATP Oil & Gas Corp., 26, 57
Atwater Valley block, 67
Aurelian Oil & Gas, 177
Australia, Apache drilling in, 305;
basins of, 308; continental shelf
extended of, x, 301; drilling activity
of, 307, 308; drilling/production
in, 306; environmental issues in,
311–312; exploration/development in,
301–305; Gorgon LNG in, 309; map,
302; natural gas drilling in, 308;
offshore exploration permits of, 306;
wells planned off, 307
Australian Pacific LNG, 310
Australian Worldwide Exploration
Ltd., 312
Austria, 146
Awards in Predefined Areas (APA), 173
Ayazli gas field, 180
Ayoluengo field, 177
Azadegan oil field, 192, 193
Azerbaijan, 261–263; Caspian Sea
conference and, 261; petrochemical
project in, 262–263; pipelines in, 262
Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli field (ACG),
261, 262
Azerkimya, 262
Azulao well, 106
Badhra field, 336
Bahrain, 190
Baja North pipeline, 130–131
Bakassi Peninsula, 243
Baker Hughes Inc., 23, 24, 25
Bakken formation, x; oil shale in, 31;
USGS assessment units and, 32
Bakken gas pipeline, 44
Bakken oil play, 44
Baku-Supsa pipeline, 262, 264
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline,
261, 262, 264, 265; Tengiz field
shipping via, 269
Baltic Pipeline system, 151, 279
Baltic Sea, 271
Ban Ki-moon, 205
Banc of America Securities, 377
Banda East-1B appraisal well, 241
Banda NW appraisal well, 241
Bangladesh, 312–313
Bankers Petroleum Ltd., 38
Barauni refinery, 320
Barents Sea, 351
Barnett shale wells, 23, 33
Barrancabermeja refinery, 117
Basal Lorraine, 83
Bass Lite field, 67
Batumi refinery, 267
Bay of Bengal, 313, 317, 331, 332
Bay of Campeche, 128
Bear Stearns Companies, Inc, iv
Beaufort Sea, 72, 84
Beaver River gas shale, 83–84
Bechtel Corp., 311
Beiji refinery, 203
Belchatow station, 175
Belgium, 146
Belgium Refining Co., 146
Belize, 103
Benita oil appraisal well I-5, 233
Bentek Energy LLC, 50
Bentley field, 184
Bergermeer gas reservoir, 166
Berkine basin, 218
Besbolek oil fields, 267
Beshtentak oil/gas field, 279
BG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd., 341
BG Group Ltd., 43, 312
BG Group PLC, 105
BG Norge AS, 171
Bhit gas treatment plant, 336
BHP Billiton Petroleum Inc., 62
Biden, Joseph R., 17
Big Canoe Creek field, 36
Big Foot project, 64
bilateral treaty issues, Caspian Sea, 270
Bill Barrett Corp., 40487 International Petroleum Encyclopedia
biodiesel, 45; Indonesian plant for,
326; production plants, 103, 298;
project, 298
bioethanol, algae-based, 131; plant, 346
biofuels, 188, 329; EISA RFS
requirements for, 52; EU’s, 155;
global demand of, 355; greenhouse
gases from, 53; Kior Inc./Petrobras
agreement on, 355–356; production of,
52; United Kingdom’s policy on, xi
biomass energy, 298, 320
bitumen, 88; Alberta pipelines for, 93;
Alberta’s production of, 90; Alberta’s
resources of, 91; Athabasca oil sands
producing, 90; distillation, 89;
in-place estimates of, 91; in situ
projects with, 92
Black Sea, exploration, 179; as Israel oil
source, 181
Blackbeard No. 1, 56
Blackwood-1 wildcat, 348
Blind Faith field, xiv, 64
Block 4N, 208
Block 5A, 250
Block 7, 241
Block 9, 313
Block 09-3, 347
Block 11, 241
Block 15-2/01, 345
Block 15/06, 224
Block 16-1, 346
Block 17, 313
Block 18, 313
Block 26, 212
Block 31, 224–225
Block 1101, 240
Block A-6, 331
Block B, 313
Block B8/38, 344
Block BC-10, 111
Block BM-S-11, 107
block flow diagram, coal-to-liquids, 357
Block KG-DWN-2005/2, 316
Block M-2, 331
Block NCMA 2, 136
Block PM303, 330
Block PM324, 330
BlueOcean Energy, 44
Bohai Gulf, 291
Bolivia, 103–104
Bonaparte basin, 306
Bonga field, 244
Bongkot offshore concession, 344
Bonny Island, 248, 249
Bontang LNG facility, 325
Bounty exploration well, 135
Bouri oil field, 238
Bowdoin natural gas field, 31
Bowstring East prospect, 183
BP America, 56
BP Exploration Alaska Inc., 69, 72
BP PLC, 52, 207, 239; cellulosic ethanol
plans of, 52
BPMigas, 322
Bradwood Landing, 41
Brazil, 104–113; alternative energy
in, 113; crude oil production
of, 104; drilling/production in,
109–112; exploration/development
in, 105–108; gas projects of, 110;
Iran’s OPEC invitation to, 104; lease
sales in, 109; LNG in, 112; natural
gas production of, 104; oil/gas
production of, 111; oil/gas projects of,
110; pipelines in, 112–113
Bretton Woods system, viii
Brindisi thermal power station, 164
Briseis-1 exploration well, 302
British Cairn Energy PLC, 312
British Energy (BE), 188
Broadwater LNG project, 43
Brown, Gordon, 183
Browner, Carol, 18
Browse basin, 302, 306, 309, 310
Brunei, 313–314, 328
Bualuang field, xii, 344
budget cuts, 26
Buffalo oil well, 253
Buffalo-Giraffe reservoir, 253
Bukat block, 321, 331
Bulgaria, 148
bunker fuels, 399
Bureau of Land Management (BLM),
19, 70
Buru Energy Ltd., 312
Bush, George W., xiii, 40, 119
Business Monitor International Ltd, 201,
239, 350
C4 oil field, 292
Cabinda, map, 225; South block, 224
Cabinda Gulf Oil Co., 226
Cairngorm well, 183
Cairo India Ltd., 315
Calabria, xi
Calderón, Felipe, 130
California, 55
Cambay basin, 316
Cambridge Energy Research Associates
(CERA), 26, 354
Cameron terminal, 41
Cameroon, 226, 227
Camisea natural gas project, 132, 133
Campos Basin, 108; Block BC-10
development in, 111; map of, 105;
semisubmersible platform in, 109
Canada. CCS research of, 94; coalbed
methane in, 81; crude oil pipelines
of, 48; drilling activity of, 367;
drilling/production in, 79–81;
energy producing/exporting of, 75;
exploration/development in, 77–78;
financial crisis’ impact on, 85–86; gas
drilling of, 24; gas shale in, 81–85,
352; greenhouse gas targets of, 95;
heavy crude disposition of, 89; map
of, 75–76; natural gas in, 77; offshore
eastern, 75; oil reserves of, 75; oil
sands exports of, 47; oil sands of, 76,
85–93, 343; oil sands production
of, 86; oil/gas capital spending
of, 378–379; oil/gas wells in, 368;
Parliament suspended in, 77; pipelines
in, 93–94; production forecast of, 90;
spending plans of, 378; United States
drilling compared to, 23
Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador
Offshore Petroleum Board
(C-NLOPB), 79
Canadian Association of Petroleum
Producers (CAPP), 76, 86, 90
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., 86
Canadian oil sands products, 47
Canadian Superior Energy Inc., 42,
238, 252
Candax Energy Inc., 240
Canning basin, 306
Cantarell oil field, xiii, 124, 130
Canterbury basin, 335
cap-and-trade program, 18, 53
Cape Farewell blocks, 151
capital costs, of coal-to-liquids, 359
Capricorn Energy Ltd., 152
Captain field, 186
capture and geo-sequestration (CCG), 310
Capuava refinery, 113
carbon capture and sequestration, 174,
182, 215
carbon capture and storage (CCS), xii,
150, 165, 175; Alberta focused on,
95; Belchatow station with, 175;
Canadian government researching,
94; carbon dioxide by-product
concentrations and, 90; federal
regulations on, 53; France’s pilot
project on, 427; pilot plant of,
164–165; technology needed for, 427
carbon dioxide, by-product concentrations
and, 90; CCS for, 90; coal’s emissions
of, 54; Conroe field injection of, 28;
Denbury Resources potential of, 374;
emissions, 426; global emissions of,
426; global stationary sources of, 426;
Permian basin availability of, 28;International Petroleum Encyclopedia 488
sequestration, 54; sources of, 374;
United States emissions of, 426
carbon permits, 187
Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum
(CSLF), 312
carbon trading scheme, 311
cargo-swapping, 393–394
Carmon Creek oil sands, 86
Carna exploration prospect block, 158
Carnarvon basin, 301, 306
Carpathian Fold Belt, 177
Carpathian Resources Ltd., 151
Cartagena refinery, 179
Cascade-Chinook oil and natural gas
project, 67
Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), 207,
266, 269, 270, 278
Caspian refinery, 195
Caspian Sea, bilateral treaty issues over,
270; conference, 261; export pipeline
projects for, 268; littoral pipelines of,
268; map of, 264; oil field discoveries
in, 272; oil/gas exploration licenses of,
280; proposed division of, 261
Cassiopeia field, 160
Castello gas field, 160
Castro, Raul, 119
cathodic protection (CP) survey, 122
Caurus project, 168
cellulosic ethanol, 52
Central America map, 127
Central Asia-China (CAC) pipeline, 281
Central Depression, Armenia, 258
Central Florida Pipeline system, 45
Central Planning Area (CPA), 63
Cepu block, 323–324
Ceyhan refinery, 267
Chad, 227
Changbei field, 292, 293
Changling refinery, 296
Chattanooga, 37
Chavez, Hugo, 119, 122, 138–141, 294
Chayvo field, 275
Chaza Block, 116
Cheney, Dick, 262
Chengdu, 297
Cheniere Energy, 41
Chergui field, 253
Chermingat field, 330
Chesapeake Appalachia, 35
Chesapeake Energy Corp., 33, 38, 56;
budget cuts of, 26; Marcellus gas
production of, 35; StatoilHydro ASA
pact with, 168
Chevron Corp., 106, 113; Blind Faith
production of, 64; gas production of,
26; Total SA joint venture with, 67
Chevron Indonesia Ventures, 323
Chevron Products Co., 63
Chiba refinery, 329
Chicontepec field, 130
Chile, 114–115; exploration/development
in, 114; lease sales in, 114–115
China, 284–298; alternative energy in,
298; biomass energy targets of, 298;
Bohai Gulf of, 291; capacity additions
of, 399, 406; Changbei field in,
292; crude oil consumption of, 298;
drilling/production of, 292–293;
eastern map of, 286; economic
growth of, v–vi; energy mix of, 284;
ethylene production capacity of, 295;
exploration/development in, 291–292;
fleet expansion of, 381–382; fuel
shortages in, 296; gas fields of, xv;
gasoline import/refining in, 399;
Indonesia’s energy-related agreement
with, 322; Iran’s nuclear program
contract with, 197; Jordan’s agreement
with, 206; LNG carriers of, 392;
LNG contracts of, 389; LPG supply/
demand in, 410; major gas field of,
xv; maps, 285–286; Myanmar’s oil/
gas pipeline agreement with, 295;
natural gas use of, 287–288; oil
consumption of, 287; oil demand
in, 289; oil discovery trend of, 289;
oil import sources of, 287, 382; oil
production of, 284–287, 290–291; oil
production/consumption of, 287; oil
supply/demand outlook of, 288–289;
peak oil forecast in, 289; petchem
joint ventures of, 417; petrochemicals
in, 297–298; polymer balance of, 421;
refining expansions of, 297; refining
industry of, 288, 297; refining/
products in, 295–296; Russia’s
refinery project with, 294; shale-oil
distillation refinery in, 292; supply
demand gap of, 291; Tibet’s protests
against, 289; Venezuela’s cooperation
agreement with, 141; VLCC programs
of, 382; western map of, 285
China National Offshore Oil Corp.
(CNOOC), 284
China National Petroleum Corporation
(CNPC), 227, 284
China Petrochemical Corp., 211
China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., 284
Chinese Petroleum Corp., 343
Chiyoda Corp., 223
Chongqing biodiesel production
plant, 298
Chouech Essaida, 252
Chu, Steven, 18
Chuanhu gas pipeline, 295
Chukchi basin, 70; industry bids in, 71;
polar bears in, 71
Cienfuegos refinery, 120
Cilacap refinery, 326
Cimarex Energy Co., 38, 39
Circle Oil PLC, 242
civil conflict, 115
clean product rates, 384
Cleveland formation horizontal plays, 30
climate change, CCS and, 182; Congress
addressing, 53; EU actions on, 427;
issues of, 425–427; lawmakers
pressured on, 425; technological
actions needed in, 426
Clinton, Bill, 69
coal, carbon dioxide emissions and, 54;
reserves, 359
coal seam gas (CSG), 311, 335
coalbed methane (CBM), 77; in Canada,
81; Spectra Energy pipeline connected
to, 81
coal-to-liquids (CTL), 250, 356; balance
of, 359; block flow diagram of, 357;
capital costs of, 359; commercial
units of, 358; global liquid fuel
production from, 359; United States
projects in, 359
Coastal Impact Assistance Program
(CIAP), 72
Coastal Zone Management Act, 42
coking refinery netbacks, 402
Cold Lake Clearwater (CLC), 92
Colom, Alvaro, 123
Colombia, 115–118; exploration/
development in, 116–117; India’s
exploration agreement with, 118,
316; lease sales in, 117; map of, 116;
oil production of, 115
Colon Block, 139
Columbia basin natural gas, 21
commodity prices, v–vii, 6
company reporting, 22
Complejo Industrial RBE, 103
Comstock Resources Inc., 33
Conasauga gas shale exploratory tests, 37
Conference of the Parties (COP), 425
Congo (Brazzaville), 228
Congo (former Zaire), 229
Congress, 53
ConocoPhillips, 32, 63, 70, 139, 172,
310, 323
ConocoPhillips Alaska Natural Gas
Corp., 74
Conroe field, 28
Considine, Tony, 188
construction costs, pipelines, 46
consumer prices, xiv
Consumers’ Cooperative Refineries
Ltd., 94
Contango Oil & Gas Co., 61
Continental Resources Inc., 29, 31, 32, 39
Continental shelf, Australia’s extended, x,
301; outer, 40489 International Petroleum Encyclopedia
Cook Inlet basin, 72
Copper River basin, 74
Corinth refinery, 156
Correa, Rafael, 122
Corrib natural gas project, 159
Corridor Resources Inc., 78, 82
Costa Azul LNG, 130–131
Costa Rica, 142
Costayaco field, 116
Cote d’Albatre windfarm, 155
Cove Point LNG terminal, 41, 168
credit default swaps (CDSs), iv
Cretaceous Pearsall shale well, 35–36
Cretaceous Pierre laminated shale, 37
Cretaceous Tuscaloosa marine shale, 20
Cretaceous Williams Fork formation, 26
Croatia, 148–150; energy sector investing
of, 150; Iran’s relationship with,
Crossfire area, 81
crude condensate, 15
crude oil, in Arctic Circle, xii; Brazil’s
production of, 104; Canadian pipelines
for, 48, 89; China’s consumption of,
298; distillation additions of, 405;
future’s contract prices of, 1; global
distillation capacity projection of,
404; Greece’s distillation of, 156;
greenhouse gases/oil sands and, 90;
Guatemala exporting, 123; HaldaBarauni pipeline for, 317; high-TAN,
404; Middle East’s production of, 198;
of Pakistan, 336; Peru’s production
of, 132; price impact of, 368–369;
price of, x, 3, 456; products/stocks
of, 18; Russian export reductions
of, 277; synthetic, 88, 89; United
States’ condensate production and, 15;
United States importing, 123; United
States prices of, 17; United States’
products stocks of, 18; White Rose oil
field production of, xii
Crux liquids project, 309
Cuba, 118–120; exploration/development
in, 118–119; United States Maritime
Agreement between, 119
Cuda-1X exploration well, 236
Cumarebo field, 139
Curlew C development, 185
Cuu Long basin, 345, 346
Cuyana basin, 98
cyclone Nargis, 332
Cyprus, 180
Czech Republic, 150–151
da Silva, Luiz Inácio Lula, 104, 123
Dabhol power plant, 319–320
Dadri-Bawana-Nangal gas pipeline, 316
Dalian refinery, 296
Dana Petroleum PLC, 185
Danakil depression, 255
Danica Resources AS, 152
Darkhan-Uul refinery, 348
De Soto Canyon block, 56
deepwater discoveries, in Gulf of Mexico,
63; offshore production of, 376
deepwater Gunashli (DWG) platform, 261
deepwater pipeline, 178
Deepwater Tano license, 236
Delaware basin, 21, 35
Delta Caribe Orientale Project, 140
Denali pipeline, xi, 73
Denbury Offshore LLC, 37
Denbury Resources, 28, 374
Denmark, 152–153; drilling/production
in, 153; exploration/development in,
152; Greenland ‘autonomous country’
of, 151; lease sales in, 153
Department of Commerce (DOC), 42
Department of Energy (DOE), 380
derivatives, global recession and, vi–vii
Devil’s Tower spar, 67
Devon Energy Corp., 28, 39, 234
Devonian Besa River shale, 83
Devonian Golata/Muskwa shales, 84
Devonian Huron shale, 39
Devonian Woodford shale, 35
Dhodak Deep No. 1 exploration well,
Didon North prospect, 252
Didon offshore field, 253
Diega prospect, 233
diesel, 300; Afghanistan’s diesel, 300;
Asia’s demand of, 398; gas-to-liquids
and, 360; short-term supply/demand
of, 400; ultralow-sulfur, 47
DilBit, 89
Dinaz Group KU SIA, 271
Dione prospect, 224
Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
(DGH), 316
Disouq concession, 231
al-Diwaniya refinery, 203
Doba basin fields, 227
Doina Main sand formation, 176
Dolphin Gas Project, 208
Dominion Resources, 42
Dongfang Chemical City, 293
Donggi block, 326
Dora refinery, 203
Dow Chemical, 206
Draupne prospect, 171
Dreki licensing round, 169
drilling activity, of Australia, 307, 308;
of Canada, 367; global, 369; United
States onshore/offshore, 371
drilling and production, in Alaska, 72; in
Angola, 225–226; in Argentina, 102;
in Australia, 306; in Brazil, 109–112;
in Canada, 79–81; of China, 292–293;
in Denmark, 153; in Egypt, 232; of
gas shales, 32–40; in Gulf of Mexico,
63–67; in Indonesia, 323–325; in
Iran, 193–194; in Iraq, 202–203;
in Kkazakhstan, 267; in Mexico,
129–130; in Nigeria, 246–247; North
America’s market of, 26; of Norway,
171–173; of oil shale, 31–32; in Peru,
133–134; in Russia, 273–274; in
Thailand, 344–345; in Turkey, 180;
in United Kingdom, 185–186; in
United States, 23–31
drilling contractors utilization, 372
drilling rigs, construction of, 372; global
count of, 368, 370; hurricane damage
to, 65; international count on, 369,
459–460; offshore fleets of, 368; of
United States, 25, 26
drillship, 372
Droshky discovery, 64
Druzhba pipeline, 151, 279
Dudley, Robert, 188
Dumbarton field project, 185
Dung Quat refinery, 346, 347
D’Urville block, 332
Duvernay Oil Corp., 95
Dzheitune (Lam) well, 280
earthquake, 288, 336
East Belumut field, 330
East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO)
pipeline, 269, 277, 278, 294
Eastern Nile Delta, 230
Ebenthal fields, xiii, 146
Ebony-1 exploration well, 235–236
Ebouri field, 234
Ech Chouech concessions, 252
economic growth, of China, v–vi;
financial crisis influencing, 2;
global, v; oil movement needed
for, viii; stimulus programs for, 2
economic indicators, 2
Economic Insight, Inc. (EII), vi
economic projections, 1
economies of scale, 356
Ecopetrol, 115, 168International Petroleum Encyclopedia 490
Ecuador, 120–122; Iran’s refining pact
with, 122, 197; map, 120–121;
Venezuela’s cooperative projects
with, 122
Edge Petroleum Corp., 40
Egypt, 229–233; drilling/production in,
232; Europe’s energy agreement with,
149, 233; exploration/development in,
230–232; gas exports of, 229–230;
natural gas exports of, xii; oil/gas
exploration in, 229; pipelines in,
232–233; Syria/natural gas from, 212
Egyptian Offshore Drilling Co.
(EODC), 230
Eider Rock refinery, 94
Ejercito Popular Revolucionario, 129
El Bibane field, 253
Électricité de France (EDF), 188
(EGL), 161
Elk-Antelope field, 339
Ellice J-27, 78
Elm Coulee field, 32
Elysium Energy LLC, 37
Enbridge Inc., 93, 94
EnCana Corp., 28, 84, 95
Encore Acquisition Co., 20, 29
Endangered Species Act (ESA), 54, 71
Enel Green Power, 164
Energen Corp., 37
Energia Costa Azul, xi
energy, BMI predictions on, 350;
Canada’s producing/exporting of, 75;
China’s mix of, 284; comparative
prices of, 457; Croatia investing
in, 150; EU policies on, 404; fossil
fuels/global needs for, 8; global
consumption of, 6; Obama’s goals
concerning, 18; offshore research on,
79; Pakistan’s mix of, 336; renewable,
10; Royal Dutch Shell PLC issues
of, 354; supply/consumption of, 6;
United Kingdom’s, 181; United
States consumption/efficiency of, 15;
United States demand of, 10
energy demand; financial crisis
influencing, 2; OGJ assessing, 3
Energy Independence and Security Act,
52, 53
energy industry, global recession
impacting, vii–viii; revenues, 362
Energy Information Administration (EIA),
2, 6; global oil output forecast of, 350;
petroleum use projection of, 16
Energy Policy Act, 53, 72
Energy Policy Research Foundation, 426
Energy Resources Conservation Board, 81
energy security, 380
Energy Transfer Partners LP, 44, 45
engineering contractors, 400
enhanced oil recovery (EOR), 373
Enhanced Oil Resources Inc., 28
Eni Norge, 171
Eni Petroleum US LLC, 62, 70
Eni SPA, 159, 165, 339; CCS projects
of, 164, Libya buying stake in, 240;
oil sands being developed by, 228;
renewable fuels studies of, 113;
Sicilian Strait development of, 160
Enogex LLC, 49
Enron Corp., vii
environmental issues, of Alaska, 72–73;
in Australia, 311–312; of Italy,
164–165; of Norway, 174; oil sands
and, 88; in United States, 53–55
environmental policies, of EU, 404
EOG Resources, 28, 32, 81
Equatorial Guinea, 233–234
Erika (tanker), ix, 155
Escravos-Lagos pipeline system, 248
Espirito Santo, 108
Essar Exploration & Production
(EEPL), 240
Esso Exploration Angola Ltd., 225
ethanol, cellulosic, 52; distilleries, 141,
320; Petrobras building pipeline
for, xii; pipeline, 113; United States
production of, 52; from wood
waste, 356
Ethiopia, 255, 256
ethylene, Asia-Pacific capacity of, 416;
capacity additions of, 416; complexes,
413; expansions, 414; global capacity
additions of, 414; global capacity of,
413–415; Iran’s pipelines of, 197;
Iran’s west pipeline of, 423; Middle
East capacity of, 419; production,
295; production capacity of, 416; top
producers of, 413; trade of, 415
Etisong-1 well, 244
Ettrick field, 184
Eugene Island Blocks, 56
Europe, Africa’s energy partnership with,
149, 224; Egypt’s energy agreement
with, 149, 233; FPS prospects of, 351;
gas pipeline projects in, 176; gas shale
study in, 149–150; greenhouse gas
emissions reduction plans of, 150; LNG
imports in, 391; map of, 145, 147, 163;
natural gas demand in, 149; offshore
oil/gas production of, 350, 351
European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD), 148
European Union (EU), Africa’s
partnership with, 224; biofuels of,
155; climate change actions of, 427;
environment/energy policies of, 404;
green-house gas reduction agreement
of, xv; processing capacity of, 397
Exall Energy Corp., 78
Excelerate Energy LLC, 42
EXCO Resources Inc., 33
expenses/revenues, of pipeline
companies, 46
exploration and development, in Alaska,
67–70; in Algeria, 218; in Angola,
224–225; in Argentina, 98–102; in
Australia, 301–305; in Brazil, 105–108;
in Canada, 77–78; in Chile, 114; in
China, 291–292; in Colombia, 116–117;
in Cuba, 118–119; in Denmark,
152; in Egypt, 230–232; in Ghana,
235–236; in Gulf of Mexico, 56–61;
in India, 316; in Indonesia, 322–323;
in Iraq, 200–201; in Italy, 160–161;
in Kazakhstan, 265–266; in Nigeria,
243–244; in Norway, 167–171; in Peru,
133; in Russia, 272–273; in Saudi
Arabia, 209–210; in Tobago, 135; in
Trinidad, 135; in Tunisia, 252–253;
in Turkey, 179–180; in United
Arab Emirates, 212–214; in United
Kingdom, 183–185; in United States,
19–21; in Venezuela, 139
exploration and production, global
spending on, 377; investments in,
377; in Libya, 237–239; in Papua
New Guinea, 339; in Vietnam,
exploration blocks, in Ethiopia, 256; of
Greenland, 151; Kul-Bas, 266
exploration licensing, xi
exploration wells, of Amos prospect,
188; Bounty l, 135; Briseis-1, 302;
in Cook Inlet basin, 72; Cuda-IX,
236; Dhodak Deep No. 1, 335–336;
Ebony-1, 235–236; Glencoe-1, 302;
Kavarna No. 1 l, 148; Kigogole-1,
253; Knockandoo-Talisker, 169;
Morskaya-1, 272; Ngege-1, 254;
Nimblefoot-1, 301; Omko, 235;
South Tor Pod, 152
exporters, of high-TAN crudes, 404
extended continental shelf, 20
extended reach drilling (ERD), 29–30
extended-reach well, ix, 29
Extractive Industries Transparency
Initiative (EITI), 379
Exxon Valdez oill spill, xii, 74
ExxonMobil Corp., 69, 139, 340
Black Sea exploration of, 179; Cepu block
production announced by, 323–324;
extended-reach well of, ix, 29; global
energy demand expectations of, 7;
lawsuits against, 74; NOC agreement
with, 239; Petrovietnam cooperative491 International Petroleum Encyclopedia
agreement with, 292; Refining &
Supply, 47
ExxonMobil Exploration and
Production, 176
ExxonMobil Poland, 174
ExxonMobile Pipeline Co., 93
FACTS Global Energy, 192
Faghur basin, 231
Falkland Islands, 184
Fannie Mae, iv
Faroe Petroleum, 153
Fayetteville Express pipeline, 45
Fayetteville shale, 32, 39
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC), xiii, 43
federal regulations, CCS, 53
feedstock regions, 421
Fell Block, 114
FERC-regulated terminals, 43
Ferdousi gas fields, 197, 330
Fidelity Exploration & Production Co., 31
financial crisis, Canada’s impact
from, 85–86; economic downturn
in, 2; energy demand influenced
by, 2; global recession and, viii;
Karachaganak fields influenced
by, 267; shockwaves of, iv; United
Kingdom influenced by, 182
financial summary, 356
Financial Times, 2, 52
Finland, 153
Fischer-Tropsch-based processes, 357
Flemish Pass basin, 76, 78
Flint Energy Services Ltd., 86
Flint Hill Resources, 72
floating production storage and offloading
vessels (FPSOs), 363–365, 390
floating production systems, 363–365
floating production unit (FPU), 228
Florida oil/natural gas drilling, 19
Floyd shale, 37
Floyd-Chattanooga play, 37
Fluor Corp., 179
Former Soviet Union, eastern map of,
260; western map of, 259
Formosa Petrochemical Corp, 343
Fort Hills pipeline system, 93
Fort McMurray, 88
fossil fuels, global carbon dioxide
emissions from, 426; world energy
needs and, 8
Foster Wheeler Ltd., 179, 239
FPS prospects, 351
FPSO platform, 109
frac stimulation/lateral length, 353
France, 154–155; alternative energy
in, 155; CCS pilot project of, 427;
Norway’s LNG shipment to, 154;
refining/products in, 154
Freddie Mac, iv
Freeport LNG, 41
Frøy field, 169
fuel, Argentina exports suspension of,
102; bunker, 399; China’s shortages
of, 296; jet, 345; small vehicle, 340
FutureGen Alliance, 54
future’s contract prices of, crude oil, 1
Gabon, 234–235
GAIL Ltd., 314
Galan block, 323
Galoc field, 340
Galsi natural gas pipeline, 162
Galtvort prospect, 170
Galveston Island block A-155, 61
Gao Graben, 241
Garden Banks, 58, 64
gas, Bergermeer’s reservoirs of, 166;
Canada drilling for, 24; countries
producing, 410; Egypt exports
of, 229–230; Floyd-Chattanooga
play exploration for, 37; Galveston
Island block A-155, 61; Gazprom’s
storage capacities of, 154; global plant
construction for, 409; global resources
estimate of, 352; global uncommitted,
386, 387; Khor Mor field’s production
of, xiv, 203; Middle East’s resources
of, 387; Pagoreni field’s production
of, xiv, 133; southeast United States
transportation for, 424; Trinidad/
Tobago discovery of, xii; United
States reserves of, 33
Gas Exporters Countries Forum (GECF), 7
gas fields, Arthit, 344; Ayazli, 180;
Castello, 160; of China, xv; Ferdousi,
197, 330; Golshan, 197; Henry, 302;
Kambuna, 323, 344; Komsomolsk,
279; Kupe, 335; Madura BD, 323;
McCully, 78; Perseus, 309; Shwe,
313; Tange Bijar, 193; Taurt, 232;
West Breagh, 183; Wheatstone, 311;
Wisey, 186; Yuzhno Russkoye, 156,
277; Zora, 214
gas hydrates, in Alaska, 68–69; in India,
317; in Krishna-Godavari basin, ix;
on North Slope, xiv; progress in, 360;
gas liquefaction facility, 226
Gas Natural SDG SA, 162
gas plant propane production, 412
gas processing, global outlook of, 407;
global roundup of, 407; in United
States, 49, 409
gas production, of Atwater Valley
block, 67; of Chevron Corp., 26;
Gazprom’s forecasts of, 274; in
Gulf of Mexico, 66; leaders in, 362;
Marcellus, 35; of Pagoreni field, xiv,
133; Piceance basin project in, 26;
risked production additions in, 353;
shut-in, 66; of United States, 350; in
Venezuela, 140
gas reserves, global, 410; global increase
of, 360; global proved, 387; of Iran,
192; leaders in, 363; North Field,
208; of Sakhalin-1 project, 275; of
United States, 33
gas shale, Alabama areas of, 36; in
Arkoma basin, 38; Beaver River,
83–84; in Canada, 81–85, 352;
Chattanooga exploratory tests
for, 37; Conasauga exploratory
tests for, 37; Delaware basin wells
for, 35; developing, 352; drilling/
production of, 32–40; Europe’s study
of, 149–150; in Moncton-Sackville
subbasin, 81; Muskwa, 84–85; in
St. Lawrence Lowlands, 82; Stealth
Ventures development of, 83;
Triangle Petroleum’s blocks of, 82; in
United States, 23, 352; United States’
drilling/production of, 23, 32–40;
Woodford, 38; Yellow Jacket, 40
gas storage, Gazprom capacities of, 154;
Gulf Coast capacity for, 50; planned
projects in, 50–51; in United States,
Gascav natural gas pipelines, 112
gas-condensate area, 69
Gasoducto Andino del Sur (GAS), 134
Gasoducto Carrasco-Cochabamba pipeline
(GCC), 103
Gasoducto de Interconexion SudesteNordeste pipeline, 112
gasoline, China’s import/refining of,
399; long-term demand scenarios of,
401; Mexico imports of, 131; overall
demand for, 402; price history of,
458; short-term supply/demand of,
400; United States demand of, 400;
United States exports of, 401
Gaspe Peninsula, 78
gas-to-liquids (GTL), 356; cancelled
projects in, 358; commercials units of,
358; United States diesel projected
from, 360
Gate LNG terminals, 166
Gateway pipeline, 93
Gaz de France (GDF), 154International Petroleum Encyclopedia 492
Gaza Marine-1 well, 204
Gaza Strip, 205
Gazprom, 156, 192, 275, 280; Abkhazia’s
gas pipeline of, 277; Africa priority
of, 247; African opportunities of,
223; gas production forecasts of,
274; gas storage capacities of, 154;
Sakhalin-2 project agreement with,
276; South Stream pipeline of, 279;
Ukraine gas supplies cut off by, 149,
275, 280–281
Gazprom Exports, 166
GDF Suez SA, 155
geology, attributes of, 353;
of unconventional plays, 83
Geomet, 37
GeoPetro Resources Co., 72
geopolitical issues, 349
Georgia, xiii, 263–265, 274
GEPetrol, 234
Germany, 156; renewable energy
companies of, 156; Russia’s gas
exploration deal with, 275
Ghadames basin, 239
Ghana, 235–236; discoveries/prospects
in, 236; exploration/development in,
Ghana National Petroleum Corp., 236
Giant Champion fields, 314
Gippsland Basin Joint Venture, 305
Gladden prospect, 58
Glencoe-1 exploration well, 302
Global Biofuels Ltd., 249
global community, biofuel demand of,
355; carbon dioxide emissions in,
426; carbon dioxide stationary sources
in, 426; crude oil distillation of, 404;
crude oil prices of, 3; drilling activity
of, 369; drilling rig activity of, 368;
drilling rig count in, 368, 370;
drilling/exploration of, 367; economic
growth of, v; energy consumption
of, 6; energy needs of, 8; energy
reserves of, 350; ethylene capacity
of, 413–415; exploration/production
spending in, 377; ExxonMobil’s
energy expectations of, 7; gas plants
construction in, 409; gas plants
of, 409; gas processing of, 407; gas
reserves of, 360, 410; gas resources
of, 352; liquefaction plants of, 390;
liquid fuel production of, 359; LNG
commodity in, 388; LNG demand
of, 408; LNG demand projections
of, 386, 408; LNG market of, 392;
LNG supply of, 391, 408; LNG
trade movements of, 456; LNG trade
of, 386, 390; LNG trade patterns
of, 410; LNG trade projection of,
385; LNG volatility in, 393; LPG
supply/demand of, 408; natural gas
consumption of, 451–452; natural gas
outlook of, 7; natural gas production
of, 452–453; natural gas trade of,
454–455; oil balance of, 442–443; oil
consumption of, 2, 4, 431–432; oil
demand of, 6; oil fields decline rate
in, 366; oil imports/exports of, 440;
oil output of, 350; oil production, 4,
350, 429–430, 435–438; oil reserves
increase of, 360; oil shale of, 352;
oil supply of, 8; oil supply/demand
of, 3; oil trade movements of, 441;
oil/gas investments of, 377–378; oil/
gas production in, 4, 350; oil/gas
recession prices of, 79; oil/gas supply/
demand of, 3, 6; oil/gas transaction
values of, 380; petroleum product
consumption of, 433–434; petroleum
resources of, 351, 352; pipeline
expansion plans of, 422–423; pipelines
expansion of, 422–423; pipelines in,
454–455; proved gas reserves of, 387;
uncommitted gas of, 386, 387
Global LNG Inc., 42
global recession, derivatives influencing,
vi–vii; energy industry impacted by,
vii–viii; financial reforms for, viii; oil/
gas prices in, 79
global refineries, 395, 398; operating
summary, 444–445; throughput, 450
global refining, 395; capacity, 395–398,
446–449; margins, 450; operations in,
398; trends in, 400–401
Gold Oil PLC, 133
Golden Pass terminal, 41
Golden Triangle Storage Inc., 50
Golshan gas fields, 197
Gorgon project, 293, 310
Gothic shale, 40
GPS navigation system, 46
Great Plains Exploration Inc., 81
Great Wall Petroleum Group, 284
Greater Angostura field, 136
Greater Bongkot North field, 344
Greater Ekofisk platform, 172
Greater Gorgon project, 309
Greater Green River basin, 28
Greater Java refinery, 326
Greater Kittiwake Area (GKA), 185
Greater Plutonio complex, 224
Greece, 156–157; crude oil distillation of,
156; pipelines in, 156–157; refining
in, 156; Green Canyon block, 58;
Droshky discovery in, 64; Pegasus
field in, 63
greenhouse gases (GHG), 425, 426; from
biofuels, 53; California emissions
standards for, 55; Canada’s targets
of, 95; emissions, 52; EU reduction
agreement on, xv; Europe’s emissions
reduction plan of, 150; oil sands
crude oil and, 90
Greenland, 151
Groundstar Resources Ltd., 142
Grouse field, 185
Gryphon field, 186
GT-BTX extraction distillation
technology, 343
GTI, 39
Guangdong province, 293–294
Guangxi refinery, 296
Guatemala, 123
Guayaquil gulf, 121
Guinea, 255
Gujarat refinery, 318, 319
Gujarat State Petroleum Corp., 314
Gulf Coast, coalition for, 61; coking
refinery netbacks of, 402; gas-storage
capacity of, 50; LNG terminals, 42;
maps, 57; storage projects on, 51; of
Texas, 57
Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge, 43
Gulf of Mexico, 56–67; Big Foot project
in, 64; central lease sale 206 of, 62;
deepest production spar in, xii;
deepwater discoveries in, 63; drilling/
production in, 63–67; exploration/
development in, 56–61; gas
production in, 66; hurricane damage
and, 65; hurricanes Gustav/Ike in,
xiii, 65; lease sales high bids in, 62;
lease sales in, x, 61–63; loop current
in, 58; map of, 59–60; oil production
in, 66; Port Arthur terminal in, 67;
shut-in gas production in, 66; shut-in
oil production in, 66; ultradeepwater
operations in, 376
Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act, 41
Gulf of Suez, 229, 230, 232
Gullfaks field, 171–172
Gulltopp well, 172
Guyana, 142
GX Technology (GXT), 102
Habshan oil field, 214
Habshan-Fujairah oil pipeline, 214
Hai Su Den (HSD), 345
Hainan province, biodiesel project in,
298; methane project in, 293
Haldia refinery, 319
Haldia-Barauni crude oil pipeline, 317
Halfdan field, 153
Halliburton Co., 342
Halyard-1 discovery, 305493 International Petroleum Encyclopedia
Hamas, 205
Hammerfest liquefaction plant, 174
Hampa Engineering Corp., 330
Harper, Stephen, 77
Hassi Messaoud oil/gas complex, 223
Haynesville shale, 32
Hazelwood, Joseph J., 74
Hazira terminal, 319
Headington Oil Co., 32, 55
heavy crude, in North Sea, 186; oil
distillation/thermal cracking of, 363;
Western Canada’s disposition of, 89
Hebron heavy oil fields, 79
Hebron-Ben Nevis field, 76
Henry gas field, 302
Heritage Oil Corp., 241
Heritage Oil International Malta Ltd., 165
Hess Corp., 32, 58; Nimblefoot-1
exploration well of, 301
Hibernia oil project, 76
HighMount Black Warrior Basin LLC, 36
high-TAN crudes, 404
Horizon pipeline, 92
Hormoz refinery, 195
Horn River basin, 81, 83, 84
Horseshoe Basin Unit well, 28
HubLineSM pipeline system, 42
Hudson fields, 184
Huizhou refinery, 296
Hunan biodiesel production plant, 298
Hungary, 158
Huntly coal seam gas, 335
hurricanes, Gustav, xiii, 65; Ike, xiii, 65;
Ivan, 65; Katrina, 65; oil drilling
structures damaged by, 65; Rita, 65
Husky Energy Inc., 78, 80, 323
Hussein, Saddam, 198, 200
hydrocarbons, 165, Caurus project with,
168; Shushan “C” concession discovery
of, 232; Venezuela’s reserves of, 138
Hyme oil prospect, 168
Hyundai Hysco, 335
Iceland, 152; northern Dreki licensing
round, 169; offshore exploration, 169
Ichthys field, 302, 310
IGI Poseidon SA, 162
Illinois basin, 39
Imperial Energy PLC, 188, 278
improved or enhanced oil recovery
(IOR-EOR), 367
In Salah gas (ISG) development, 218
in situ production, oil sands, 92
Inchon refinery, 342
Independent XTO Energy Inc, 55
India, 314–321; alternative energies
in, 320–321; capacity additions
of, 399; Colombia’s exploration
agreement with, 118, 316; exploration/
development in, 316; gas hydrates in,
317; LNG demand/contracts outlook
of, 389; LNG infrastructure, 319–320;
natural gas production of, 315; oil
consumption of, 314; petrochemicals
in, 320; pipeline plans of, 315;
pipelines in, 317–318; refining capacity
of, 319; refining/products in, 318–319
Indian Oil Corp. (OIC), 91
Indian Oilsands Corp., 343
Indonesia, 321–326, 427; biodiesel
plant in, 326; China’s energy-related
agreement with, 322; drilling/
production in, 323–325; exploration/
development in, 322–323; LNG in,
325–326; LNG production in, 325;
map, 333; oil production of, 321;
oil/gas regulations of, 321; as OPEC
member, 321
IndyMac Bank, iv
Infinity Energy Resources Inc, 131
Inner Moray Firth area, 188
Inpex Corp., 106, 325
Integrated Energy Policy (IEP), 315
Inter Pipeline Corridor pipeline, 92
International Alliance Group, 94
international drilling rigs, 369, 459–460
International Energy Agency (IEA), 6;
geopolitical issues identified by,
349; oil fields studied by, 349; oil
production forecast of, 349
International Energy Outlook (IEO), 6
International Monetary Fund, 7
International Oil and Gas Agency,
international oil companies (IOCs), 122
International Renewable Energy Agency
(IRENA), 271
InterState Gas Systems, 337
investments, Eni SPA, 240; in
exploration and production, 377;
global oil/gas, 377–378; Kazakhstan’s
oil/gas pipeline, 269–270; in oil
pipelines, 46; in refineries, 49, 403
Iona Energy Co., 70
Ipswich prospect, 170
Iran, 192–198; Brazil’s OPEC invitation
from, 104; Caspian Sea conference
and, 261; China’s nuclear program
contract with, 197; Croatia’s
relationship with, 148–150; drilling/
production in, 193–194; Ecuador’s
refining pact with, 122, 197;
ethylene pipelines of, 197, 423; gas
reserves of, 192; LNG agreements
of, 197–198; Malaysia’s agreement
with, 197–198; oil/gas fields of, 192;
OPEC-styled cartel proposed by, 197,
208, 275; petrochemical projects of,
197; petrochemicals of, 196–197;
pipelines in, 194–195; production/
consumption of, 194; refinery
capacities in, 195–196; refining/
products in, 195; South Pars field in,
193; Swiss gas deal with, 161; West
ethylene pipeline in, 423
Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI), 194, 318, 337
Iraq, 198–204; countries adjacent
to, 202; drilling/production in,
202–203; exploration/development
in, 200–201; gas/oil field licensing
of, xv; infrastructure issues of, 203;
Japan’s rebuilding cooperation with,
204, 326; lease sales in, 201; license
scheme of, 201; natural gas exports
of, 201; oil produced by, 198; oil/gas
exports of, 201; oil/gas licensing of,
201; oil/gas outlook of, 200; United
States troops withdrawal from, 200
Ireland. See Republic of Ireland
Irkutsk Oil, 278
Isab refinery, 164
Island Gas Resources PLC, 185
Isle of Grain LNG terminal, 187
Israel, 204–205; Black Sea oil source
of, 181; Hamas violence with, 205;
MedStream pipeline project and, 205;
oil imports of, 204
Italy, 159–165; Adriatic Sea exploration
permits off, 160; alternative energy
in, 164; environmental issues of,
164–165; exploration/development
in, 160–161; LNG terminals in, 162;
oil/gas production of, 159; pipelines
in, 162–164; Sicilian offshore licenses
and, 160
Ivory Coast, 237
Jackpine mine, 92
Jacky field, 183
Jagdishpur-Haldia pipeline, 320
Jamaica, 123–124
Jamalco alumina refinery, 124
Jamnagar refinery, 315
Jan Mayen Ridge, 169
Janovice field, 151
Japan, 326–329; alternative energy in,
329; Brunei’s free trade agreement
with, 328; Iraq’s rebuilding
cooperation with, 204, 326; LNG
importing of, 328; map, 327; refiningInternational Petroleum Encyclopedia 494
in, 329; Vietnam’s oil industry
involvement of, 347
Japan Bank of International Cooperation
(JBIC), 231, 276
Jarn Yaphour, 213
Jaslovski Bohunice nuclear plant, 177
Jasmine gas condensate field, 184
Jean, Michaelle, 77
Jeanne d’Arc basin, 76, 78, 80
jet fuel plant, 345
Jim Walker Resources Inc., 37
Jintao, Hu, 141, 294
Jizan refinery, 211
JKX Oil & Gas, 177
Johansen formation, 174
Jordan, 205–206; China’s agreement
with, 206; nuclear energy program of,
206; oil shale development of, 205;
South Korea’s agreement with, 206;
Syria’s border fields with, 202
Jordbaer prospect, 171
Jorf Lasfar refinery, 242
Jubarte field, 109
Jubilee oil field, 235
Julimar Southeast-1 discovery, 305
Jum’ah, Abdallah S., 351
Jura gas-condensate field, 186
Jurassic Haynesville shale play, 33
Jurong Aromatics Corp., 341
Jurong Island, 341
Justice and Equality Movement
(JEM), 251
Kairiki Energy Ltd., 252
Kalar-Bawanoor Block, 201
Kambuna gas field, 323, 344
Kamennoi development project, 273
Karachaganak field, 266, 267
Karama block, 325
Karataikyz fields, 267
Karimov, Islam, 281
Kashagan oil field, xi, 265, 266, 267
Kavarna No. 1 exploration well, 148
KazakhOil refinery, 270
Kazakhstan, 265–270; Caspian Sea
conference and, 261; drilling/
production in, 267; exploration/
development in, 265–266; oil/gas
pipeline investment in, 269–270;
pipelines in, 267–268
Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries
Inc., 270
Kazakhstan-China pipeline, 269, 294
KazMunaiGas (KMG), 266
KazTransGas (KTG), 270
KazTransOil, 269, 278
K-Dow petrochemicals project, 206
Kedah refinery, 197, 330
Kenai LNG plant, 74
Kerkouane permit, 252
kerosene, 300
Keta basin, 236
Keystone pipeline, xi, 94
Khalda concession, 233
Khalifa Coastal refinery, 338
Kharwah-1 well, 215
Khor Mor field, xiv, 203
Khursaniyah oil field, xiii, 211
Khuzestan refinery, 195
Kigogole-1 exploration well, 253
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, 44, 45
Kior Inc., 355–356
Kipper field, 305
Kipper Unit Joint Venture, 305
Kirkuk oil fields, 181
Kirkuk-Banias pipeline, 203
Kirkuk-Ceyhan oil pipeline, xv
Kish Bank basin, 159
Kita Marine oil discovery, 245–246
Kizomba C project, 225
Knockandoo-Talisker exploration well, 169
Kodiak fields, 57
Kodiak prospect, 58
Komombo concession, 232
Komsomolsk gas field, 279
Korea National Oil Company, 228
Kosovo, 146
Kouilou Department, 228
Kovykta field, 274
Krishna-Godavari basin, ix, 316, 317
Kucova heavy oil field, 144
Kul-Bas exploration block, 266
Ku-Maloob-Zaap (KMZ), 124, 130
Kuparak formation, 67
Kupe gas field, 335
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG),
198, 200, 202, 342–343
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), 181
Kuwait, 206–207
Kuwait Gulf Oil Company, 206
Kyrgyzstan, 270
La Palma field, 139
Labrado Sea/Ungava basin, 152
Lacq basin, 427
Lagansky block, 272
Laizhou Bay Sag, 291
Lake Albert Rift basin, 253, 254
Landana fields, 224
landfill gas, 53
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), 315
Latin America, 142
Latvia, refinery in, 271; underwater cable
claims of, 271
lawmakers, 425
lawsuits, against ExxonMobil Corp., 74;
federal, 73
lease sales, in Alaska, 70–72; in Brazil, 109;
in Chile, 114–115; in Colombia, 117;
in Denmark, 153; in Gulf of Mexico,
x, 61–63; in Iraq, 201; in Norway,
173; in Peru, 133; in Trinidad/Tobago,
135–136; in United Kingdom, 185; in
United States, 40–41; in Virginia, 40
Leed Petroleum PLC, 56
Lehman Brothers, iv, v
Leismer Oilsands, 86
Lelyaki oil field, 281
lending margins, 388
Leni Gas & Oil PLC, 177
Leprechaun Resources Ltd., 76
Liberty discovery well, 72
Libya, 237–240; Eni SPA investment
of, 240; exploration/production,
237–239; Malta’s joint exploration
with, 165; map, 222; oil reserves of,
237; oil/gas production of, 239
Libya Investment Corp., 239
Lieberman-Warner cap-and-trade
program, 53
Linde North America, 53
Linn Energy LLC., 39, 55
liquefaction plants, 390
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), China’s
supply/demand of, 410; global
supply/demand of, 408
liquid natural gas (LNG), 354; in Alaska,
74; America’s imports of, 391; AsiaPacific demand outlook of, 389; AsiaPacific’s market of, 389; Asia’s imports
in, 391; in Australia, 309; Australian
Pacific, 310; Bontang facility for,
325; in Brazil, 112; Broadwater
project for, 43; cargo-swapping of,
393–394; China’s carriers of, 392;
China’s contracts for, 389; Costa Azul,
130–131; Cyprus’ storage of, 180;
Europe’s imports in, 391; financing for,
388; global demand of, 408; global
demand projections of, 386, 408; as
global energy commodity, 388; global
market of, 392; global supply of, 391,
408; global trade movements of, 456;
global trade of, 386, 390; global
trade patterns of, 410; global trade
projection of, 385; global volatility in,
393; growth scenarios of, 385; India’s
demand/contracts outlook for, 389;
India’s infrastructure for, 319–320;
in Indonesia, 325–326; Indonesia’s
production of, 325; Iran’s agreements
on, 197–198; Japan importing, 328;495 International Petroleum Encyclopedia
lending margins pressure of, 388;
in Mexico, 130; NEG, 42; Neptune
project for, 42; Nigeria cutting exports
of, 249; North West Shelf, 311; in
Norway, 173–174; Norway’s shipment
of, 154; Pampa Malchorita liquefaction
plant for, 134; Petrofield LNG facility
developed for, 330; Pluto project of,
310; price/demand of, 393; Qatar’s
recovery projects of, 209; Qatar’s
sector of, 207; re-gasification terminal
for, 159; Sendai terminal for, 328;
supply/price of, 407; trade flexibility
influencing, 393; trans-basin flow
of, 394; in United Kingdom, 181; in
United States, 41–44; United States’
import contracts of, 393; United
States importing of, 43; United
States imports of, 43; United States
price trends of, 409; United States
terminals for, 41, 43, 390; Yemen’s
liquefaction plant for, 216
Liquid Niugini Gas Ltd., 340
liquid production, 362
liquid reserves, 361
Lithuania, 271; Polish energy issues
discussed with, 271; underwater cable
claims of, 271
Llanos basin, 116
LNG carriers, 392; Al Huwaila, 392;
capacities of, 392; of China, 392
LNG terminals, Adria, 150; Adriatic, 161;
of BlueOcean Energy, 44; in Calabria,
xi; Cove Point, 41, 168; Energia
Costa Azul, xi; Gate, 166; Gulf coast,
42; Isle of Grain, 187; in Italy, 162;
Montoir-de-Bretagne, 173; near New
Jersey, 42–43; Oceanway Secure
Energy pipeline and, 41; in Thailand,
x; in United States, 41, 43, 390
Lobito refinery, 226
Loma El Divisadero (LEDO), 98
Long Beach, CA, 30
Long Lake, 86, 87
Lorraine shale, 83
Los Angeles basin, map of, 30
Los Flamencos field, 102
Louisiana, 59–60
Lower Congo basin, 224, 228
Lower Cretaceous Sargentes sandstone, 177
Lower Ismay formation, 40
Lukoil, 177
Lundin Petroleum AB, 185
Lunskoye field, 276
Lusitanian basin, 175
Lyco Energy Corp., 32
LyondellBasell Industries, 166
Lysekil refinery, 179
M7-A project, 166
Maari field, 332
Mackenzie Gas pipeline, 76, 78
Madagascar, 240
Madura BD gas field, 323
Madura oil/gas block, 324
Maersk Oil and Gas AS, 153
Magellan basin, 114
Mahakam River Delta, 325
Mahanadi basin, 316
Maharaja Lela-Jamalulalam (MLJ), 313
Mahogany Deep, 235
Majnoon field, 201
Makassar Strait fields, 322
Malaysia, 330–331; Iran’s agreement
with, 197–198; map, 333; oil/gas
complex in, 331
Mali, 241
al-Maliki, Nouri, 198
Malta, 165
Manabi refinery, 122
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals
Ltd., 318
Manifa heavy oil field, 210
Mannar basin, 348
Manning, Patrick, 136
manpower shortage, 400
Manzanillo terminal, 130
maps, of Africa east, 220; of Africa west,
219; of Alaska, 68–70; of Algeria, 221;
of Anadarko basin, 39; of Angola, 225;
of Arctic Islands, 85; of Asia Pacific,
304; of Australia, 302; of Beaufort
Sea, 84; of Cabinda, 225; of California,
29; of Campos Basin, 105; of Canada,
75–76; of Caspian Sea, 264; of Central
America, 127; of China, 285–286; of
Colombia, 116; of Ecuador, 120–121; of
Europe, 145; of Europe (eastern), 163;
of Europe (northern), 147; of Former
Soviet Union (east), 260; of Former
Soviet Union (west), 259; of Gabon,
234; of Gulf of Mexico, 59–60; of
Indonesia, 333; of Japan, 327; of
Libya, 222; of Los Angeles basin, 30;
of Malaysia, 333; of Mexico, 125–126;
of Middle East, 199; of Nigeria, 245;
of North Sea, 167; of Oman, 207; of
Permian basin, 22; of Persian Gulf,
191; of Sakhalin Island, 276; of South
America (northeast), 100; of South
America (northwest), 99; of South
America (southeast), 101; of southeast
Asia, 303; of Tabasco, 128; of Texas
Gulf Coast, 57; of Tobago, 138; of
Trinidad, 138; of United Kingdom,
182; of United States, 11–14; of
United States (eastern), 12; of United
States (midwest), 13; of United
States (northeast), 14; of United
States (southeast), 19–20; of United
States (western), 11, 27; of Venezuela,
137–138; of White Rose oil field, 80;
of Yemen, 216
Maranon basin, 134
Marathon Oil Corp., 32, 47, 56, 64,
74, 377
Marcellus shale, 32, 33, 34; Chesapeake
Appalachia’s wells for, 35; New
York state wells for, 35; of Range
Resources Corp., 35
Marine Mammal Protection Act, 54, 71
Marine XIV block, 228
Mariner Energy Inc., 58, 67
Maritime Agreement, 119
MarkWest Energy Partners LP, 49
Marsvin oil prospect, 173
Marten Mountains, 78
Massambala-1 well, 224
Mathura refinery, 319
Mauritania, 241–242
Maverick basin, Cretaceous Pearsall shale
well in, 35–36; Pearsall-Eagleford
activity in, 36
Mazeikiu Nafta refinery, 271
M’Boundi field, 228
McCain, John, 17
McCully gas field, 78
McFarlane deposit, 301
McKenzie Delta pipeline, 94
McMoRan Exploration Co., 56, 58
McQuilling Services LLC, 383
Medgaz, pipeline, 223; pipeline route
of, 178
Mediterranean Oil & Gas PLC (MOG), 165
MedStream pipeline system, 181, 205, 318
Medvedev, Dmitry, xv, 140
Mejillones terminal, 115
Mellita refinery, 239
Melville fields, 184
Mengoepeh field, 325
Menzel Ledjmet East (MLE), 218
merger and acquisition (M&A), 55
methane, Hainan province project of,
293; production, 53
Mexico, drilling/production in, 129–130;
gasoline imports of, 131; LNG in,
130; map of, 125–126; natural gas
production of, 128; oil production of,
ix, 130; refineries in, 131; United States’
oil exploration agreement with, 129
Mexilhao field, 108
MGM Energy Corp., 78
Midcontinent Express gas pipeline, xiii, 44
Midcontinent Express Pipeline, 44International Petroleum Encyclopedia 496
Middle East, 198; crude oil production
of, 198; ethylene capacity of, 419;
map of, 199; net product trade
of, 403; polymer balance of, 421;
product demand of, 403; propylene
projects of, 419; refinery investments
of, 403; refining capacity of, 403;
uncommitted gas resources of, 387
Middle Magdalena basin, 116
Midland basin, 21
Mikesell, Raymond, viii
Mill River Pipeline LLC, 42
Milnesand (San Andres) Unit, 28
Minerals Management Service (MMS),
25, 40
Mingbulak oil field, xiv, 281
Miran West-1 well, 202
Mississippi Canyon Block, 56–57;
Gladden prospect on, 58; Kodiak
prospect on, 58
Mississippian Barnett shale, 35
Mississippian Mattson shale, 83
Mitsubishi Corp., 42
Mitsui &Co. Ltd., 21, 329
Mizzen field, 76
mobile offshore drilling unit
(MODUs), 369
Moghan oil block, 148–150
Moho Nord Marine-3 well, 228
Moho-Bilondo project, 228
Moin refinery, 142
Moncton-Sackville subbasin, 81
Mongolia, 348
Mongstad refinery, 174
Monrondava basin, 240
Montana, 32
Montara oil field, 301
Montoir-de-Bretagne LNG terminal, 173
Moody’s Investors Service, 56
Morales, Evo, 103, 112
Moranbah-Gladstone pipeline, 312
Morocco, 242
Morozov, Denis, 188
Morskaya-1 exploration well, 272
Moth discovery well, 184
Movement for the Emancipation of the
Niger Delta (MEND), 244
Mozambique, 242–243
Mtsare Khevi field, 263
Muglad basin, 241
Multistage Kearl mine, 92
Multstage Joslyn North mine, 92
Mumbai, 315
Mumbai High field, 315
Murphy Exploration & Production
Co.-USA, 37, 56, 62
Muskwa gas shales, 84–85
Muslim/Arab civil war, 251
Muslims, 251
Myanmar, 331–332; China’s oil/gas
pipeline agreement with, 295;
cyclone Nargis striking, 332
Nabucco natural gas pipeline, 149, 180,
194, 262, 423
Nam Van Phong Petrochemical
Complex, 346
Namibia, 255
naphtha consumption, 418
naphthenic acid, 404
Nargis, cyclone, 332
Natalia prospect, 170
National Ambient Air Quality Standard
(NAAQS), 55
National Energy Administration
(NEA), 288
National Gas Hydrate Program
(NGHP), 317
National Iranian Gas Export Co.
(NIGEC), 161
National Oil Corporation (NOC),
viii, 165, 237; ExxonMobil Corp.
agreement with, 239
National Park Service (NPS), 40
National Petrochemical & Refiners
Association (NPRA), 47
National Petrochemical Company
(NPC), 196
National Petroleum Commission
(NPC), 250
National Petroleum Reserve- Alaska
(NPR-A), 68, 71
National Surface Transportation Policy
and Revenue Study Commission, 53
natural gas, 321; anti-flaring program,
249; Australia drilling of, 308;
Brazil’s production of, 104; in Canada,
77; China’s use of, 287–288; in
Columbia basin, 21; Corrib project of,
159; Egypt exporting, xii; Europe’s
demand of, 149; Galan block fields
of, 323; Galsi pipelines for, 162;
Gascav’s, 112; global consumption of,
451–452; global outlook of, 7; global
production of, 452–453; Hungary’s,
158; India’s production of, 315; Iraq’s
exports of, 201; Kazakhstan-China
pipeline for, 269, 294; Mexico’s
production of, 128; Nabucco’s
pipeline for, 149, 180, 194, 262,
423; North Slope pipeline for, xiii;
Pakistan’s consumption of, 336;
Pakistan’s supply/demand of, 337;
in Permian basin, 21; Peru’s reserves
of, 132; Pioneer processing plant for,
49; pipelines/global trade movements
of, 454–455; Poland’s deposits
of, 174–175; prices rising of, 354;
reserves increasing of, 21; Syria/Egypt
and, 212; Taweelah-Fujairah pipeline
for, 214; in United Kingdom, 181;
United States demand of, 17, 389;
United States prices of, 17; United
States production of, 10, 23; United
States supply/demand of, 15; United
States transportation/storage projects
in, 424; United States wells of, ix
natural gas liquids (NGL), 409
Natural Gas Liquids II project, 248
Natural Gas Supply Association
(NGSA), 33
Navigant Consulting Inc., 33
Negishi refinery, 329
Nelson, Bill, 119
Neptun block, 176
Neptune field, xii
Neptune LNG project, 42
Netherlands, 166
Neuquen basin, 98
New Albany shale, 39
New Exploration Licensing Policy
(NELP VII), 316
New Jersey, 42–43
New York state, 35
New Zealand, 332–335
Newfield Exploration Co., 32, 38, 57
Newfoundland & Labrador Refining
Corp., 94
Nexen Inc., 86–86
Nexen Petroleum Inc., 184
Nganzi block, 229
Ngege-1 exploration well, 254
Nghi Son refinery, 346
Ngoma-1 well, 224
Nicaragua, 131–132
Niger, 255
Niger delta violence, 244
Nigeria, 226, 243–249; alternative
energy in, 249; Anambra basin
discoveries in, 246; drilling/
production in, 246–247; exploration/
development in, 243–244; LNG
exports cut, 249; map, 245; oil
exporting of, 243; oil products of,
249; pipelines in, 248; piracy attacks
of, 245
Nikaitchuq field, 72
Nile Delta basin, 230, 231
Nimblefoot-1 exploration wells, 301
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, 295
Nini East oil field, 153
Nippon Oil Co., 329
Nippon Oil Exploration (NOE), 204
Nishihara refinery, 328497 International Petroleum Encyclopedia
Nizhnekamsk refinery, 258
Noatun prospect, 170
Noble Energy Inc., 57
non-OPEC production decline, 365
Nora field, 39
Nord Stream pipeline, 153, 277
Noreco, 152
Norilsk Nickel, 188
Norperuano pipeline, 134
North Aleutian basin, 72
North America, capacity additions of,
406; drilling forecast of, 23; land
drilling market of, 26
North Amethyst oil field, 78
North Appalachian area, 34
North Celtic Sea basin, 158
North Dakota, 23
North Duri field, xiv, 324
North El Burg concession, 231–232
North Falkland basin, 184
North Field gas reserves, 208
North Idku concession, 231
North New Guinea basin, 339
North Park basin, 28
North Pole refinery, 72
North Ramadan Concession, 230
North Rankin B platform, 309
North Sea, 171; gas basin, 183; Gulltopp
well in, 172; heavy oil in, 186;
map of, 167; production platforms
decommissioning in, 187
North Shadwan block, 230
North Sumbawa II block, 323
North Ustyurt basin, 266
North West Shelf, 308; joint venture,
306, 392; LNG project, 311
North Western pipeline, 278
Northeast Gateway (NEG) Deepwater
LNG port, 42
northern Europe map, 147
Northern Lights project, 92, 95
Northern Petroleum PLC, 185
Norway, 167–174; Alvheim field
oil production of, xii; Barents
Sea off, 351; drilling/production
of, 171–173; environmental issues
of, 174; exploration licensing of,
xi; exploration/development in,
167–171; France’s LNG shipment
from, 154; lease sales in, 173; LNG
in, 173–174; oil production of, 167
Norwegian continental shelf (NCS), 168
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD),
167, 169
Nova Scotia, 79
nuclear energy, 154; heat from, 363;
Jaslovski Bohunice plant for, 177;
Jordan’s program of, 206; oil shale
heated by, 364; United Kingdom
proposals for, 182–183
Nunaoil AS, 152
Nursultan block, 266
Nyirseg production, 158
Nyuni block, 252
Obama, Barack, xv, 17; energy-related
goals of, 18; major appointments of, 18
Obrador, Andres Manuel Lopez, 129
Occidental Petroleum, 28, 30, 132
Oceanway Secure Energy pipeline, 41
Odessa-Brody oil pipeline, 281
Odum-1 well, 236
offshore drilling, 375
offshore exploration permits, 306
Offshore Petroleum Act 2006 (OPA), 305
offshore pipelay methods, 179
offshore spending, 375
offshore wells, 375, 376
Ofon oil field, 243
Ofrima North, 247
Ofrima-2 discovery well, 247
oil, Buffalo wells of, 253; China’s
demand for, 289; China’s import
sources of, 287, 382; China’s supply/
demand outlook on, 288–289;
China’s trend in, 289; deep water
forecast of, 376; Erika spilling,
155; Exxon Valdez spilling, xii,
74; global balance of, 442–443;
global trade movements of, 441;
Iraq producing, 198; in Kurdistan
Regional Government territory, 202;
movement, viii; supply changes
in, 5; Three Forks/Sanish formation
production of, 29
oil/gas, ANS forecast for, 67; Arctic
Circle’s potential of, 353; Beshtentak
field of, 279; Blind Faith field’s
production of, xiv; Brazil’s
production of, 111; Brazil’s projects
in, 110; Canada’s capital spending
on, 378–379; Canadian wells for,
368; Cantarell field’s output of, xiii;
Caspian Sea exploration licenses for,
280; changing demand of, 5; company
reporting/proposed policy changes
of, 22; Draupne prospect discoveries
of, 171; Egypt’s exploration for, 229;
Europe’s offshore production of, 351;
global crude prices on, 3; global
demand of, 6; global investment
in, 377–378; global production
of, 4, 350; global recession prices
of, 79; global supply/demand of, 3;
global transaction values of, 380;
Hassi Messaoud complex for, 223;
Indonesia’s regulation on, 321;
internationally traded, 381; Iranian
fields of, 192; Iraq’s exports of, 201;
Iraq’s licensing for, xv; Iraq’s outlook
on, 200; Italy’s production of, 159;
Kazakhstan’s pipeline investment of,
269–270; Latin American activities
in, 142; Libya’s production of, 239;
Madura, 324; Malaysia’s complex
for, 331; Myanmar/China’s pipeline
agreement for, 295; Neptune field’s
production of, xii; North Duri field’s
production of, xiv, 324; OGJ estimates
of, 360; Paktika Province resources
of, 300; Petrobras’ exploration of, 119;
price history of, 458; Russian/Serbian
agreements in, 278; SEC reserves
reporting requirements of, 22; Serbian,
176; Syria/Total SA agreements
on, 211; Tajikistan’s exploration for,
279; Tierra del Fuego production of,
102; trade movements of, 381, 382;
United Kingdom’s skilled worker
shortage in, 182; United States’ capital
spending on, 378–379; United
States’ drilling expenditures on, 25;
United States’ drilling of, 26; United
States’ exploration of, 25; United
States’ potential of, 21; Vincent field’s
production of, xiii; Yuzhno Khylchuyu
field’s production of, xii, 273
Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ), 26; Canada’s
oil reserves from, 75; Canadian
drilling activity from, 367; economic
projections of, 1; energy demand
assessment of, 3; gas processing
global outlook of, 407; North
America drilling forecast of, 23; oil/
gas estimates of, 360; production
platform decommissioning report of,
187; 2008 well forecast of, 24; United
States energy demand assessed by, 10;
United States supply/demand forecast
of, 16; Worldwide Refining Report 2008
from, 395
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation
(ONGC), 316
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.,
118, 193
Oil and Natural Gas Corp., 314
oil consumption, of China, 287, 298;
global, 2, 4, 431–432; of India, 314
oil discoveries, in Abu Dhabi, 213; in
Aquila field, 161; Block 26, 212;
China’s trend of, 289; Kita Marine,
245–246; in Marten Mountains, 78;
Portia, 225; Rovesti, 161; South East
Tor, 168; Taitai-1, 254International Petroleum Encyclopedia 498
oil drilling, hurricane damage to, 65;
Permex planned, 128; production
forecast of, 66; oil executives
survey, 425
oil exploration, United States/Mexico
agreement on, 129; in Zambia, 256
oil export, 277; countries with, 379;
of Nigeria, 243; OPEC revenues
from, 380
oil fields, Ahdab, 200; Akpo deepwater,
244; Akzhar, 267; Besbolek, 267;
Bouri, 238; C4, 292; Cantarell, xiii,
124, 130; Caspian Sea discoveries
in, 272; global decline rate of, 366;
Habshan, 214; Hebron heavy, 79;
IEA studying, 349; Iraq’s licensing
of, xv; Irkutsk Oil developing, 278;
Jubilee, 235; Kashagan, xi, 265, 266,
267; Khursaniyah, xiii, 211; Kirkuk,
181; Kucova heavy, 144; Lelyaki, 281;
Manifa heavy, 210; Mingbulak, xiv,
281; Montara, 301; Nini East, 153;
non-OPEC decline of, 365; North
Amethyst, 78; Ofon, 243; Phuong
Dong, 347; Sacha, 122; Seria, 314;
Sinclair, 81; Skua, 301; Swift/Swallow,
301; Talakan, 278; Turi, 335; Usan,
246; Vankor, 278; White Rose, xii,
77, 80; Wilmington oil field, 30
oil imports, China’s sources of, 382;
global/exports, 440; of Israel, 204;
of United States, 18, 123
Oil India Ltd., 314
oil prices, controlling, 183; dropping,
vii–viii; of global community, 3;
hostilities influencing, 4; OPEC
actions toward, 7; OPEC’s study of,
8; projected, 5; volatility of, 1
oil production, of Alberta, 76; of
Alvheim field, xii; of Blind Faith
field, 64; of Bualuang field, xii; of
China, 284–287, 290–291; China’s
consumption and, 287; of Colombia,
115; Europe’s offshore, 350; global,
4, 350, 435–438; global reserves/
production statistics and, 429–430;
in Gulf of Mexico, 66; IEA forecast
of, 349; of Indonesia, 321; leaders
in, 361; of Mexico, ix, 130; of Mtsare
Khevi field, 263; of North Duri field,
xiv, 324; of Norway, 167; of OPEC,
8; of Pegasus field, xv; shut-in, 66;
in Song Doc field, 346; of Thunder
Horse field, xv, 63; of Tupi field, 109;
in Venezuela, 137–138; of Yemen, 215
oil products, of Nigeria, 249;
transportations use of, 182
oil reserves, of Canada, 75; global
increase of, 360; historical, 439;
leaders in, 361; of Libya, 237; of
United States, 21
oil sands, Alberta development of, 88;
Alberta’s reclamation certificate for,
93; Athabasca, 76, 90; of Canada,
76, 85–93, 343; Canada’s exports
from, 47; Canada’s production from,
86; Canadian products from, 47;
Carmon Creek, 86; crude oil and,
90; crude supply of, 88; Eni SPA
developing, 228; environmental
impact of, 88; expenditure forecast of,
91; greenhouse gases and, 90; market
outlets for, 89; mined production
of, 92; pipelines in, 92–93; in
situ production of, 92; Voyager’s
operation of, 93
oil shale, in Bakken formation, 31;
development program for, 20;
drilling/production of, 31–32; global,
352; Jordan’s development of, 205;
nuclear heat and, 364; Queensland,
301; United States resources of, 31;
Utah projects in, 21
Oil Shale Exploration Co., 21
Oilexco North Sea, 184
Okoro-Setu project, 247
olefins capacity, 419
Oleoducto Central SA pipeline
(OCENSA), 117
Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados (OCP), 122
Olympic games, xiii
Oman, 207
Ombrina Mare oil/gas field, 160
Omko exploration well, 235
OML 13, 245
ONGC Videsh, 321
onstream fields, 250
Oooguruk field, 72
operating companies, 379
Opti Canada Inc., 86–87
order book, 385
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD), demand
growth of, 405; oil export revenues of,
380; production decline rates of, 366
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC), 104, 210; falling oil
price actions of, 7; global oil supply
of, 8; Indonesia member of, 321;
Iran’s cartel proposal and, 197, 208,
275; main projects of, 366; oil export
revenues of, 380; oil price study of, 8;
oil production of, 8; output targets cut
by, xiv; production capacity of, 366;
Russia and, 274; Venezuela fourthlargest producer of, 137
Orinoco Magna Reserve project, 138
Orinoco oil belt, 140
Orinoco River basin, 274
Ormen Lange field, 167
Osaka Gas Co. Ltd., 328
Oseberg Sor platform, 170
Otway basin, 301, 311
Otway Block, 115
Ouled N’Zala permit, 242
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), 40, 72
over-the-counter market (OTC), vii
Ozona discovery, 64
Pacific basin, 393
Pagoreni field, xiv, 133
Pakistan, 335–338; Afghanistan’s diesel/
kerosene exports to, 300; crude oil
of, 336; earthquake striking, 336;
energy mix of, 336; import pipelines
of, 338; natural gas consumption of,
336; natural gas supply/demand in,
337; pipelines in, 336–337; refining
in, 338
Paktika Province, 300
Palin, Sarah, 73
Pampa Malchorita LNG liquefaction
plant, 134
Pan EurAsian Enterprises, Inc., 43
Panama, 142
Panda field, 160
Panipat refinery, 319
Pan/Pandora prospect, 168–169
Papua New Guinea, 165, 334, 339
Papuan basin, 339
Paradigm software, 377
Paradip-Haldia pipeline, 317, 319
Paradox basin, 40
Parker Drilling Co., 72
Parliament, Canada, 77
Pars refinery, 195
Pata petrochemical plant, 320
Pathfinder pipeline, 44
Pazflor fields, 224, 225
Peace River arch, 78
Peace River Bluesky-Gething (PRBG), 92
Peace River project, 81
peak oil, 289
Pearl Energy Ltd., 325
Pearl River Mouth basin, 292
Pearsall-Eagleford activity, 36
Pebercan, 118
Pegasus field, in Green Canyon block,
63; oil production of, xv
Peneszlek area, 158
Penn Virginia Corp., 33
Pennsylvanian Hovenweep shale, 40499 International Petroleum Encyclopedia
Perdido regional development, 63, 64
Permian basin, 53; carbon dioxide
availability in, 28; map of, 22;
natural gas in, 21
Perseus gas fields, 309
Persian Gulf map, 191
Persian Gulf Star refinery, 195
Perth basin, 312
Peru, 132–134; Camisea natural gas
project in, 132; crude oil production
in, 132; drilling/production in,
133–134; exploration/development in,
133; lease sales in, 133; natural gas
reserves in, 132; pipelines in, 134
Perupetro, 133
petchem joint ventures, 417
Petit Couronne facility, 154
Petrobras, 67, 105, 113, 132, 328, 329;
ethanol pipeline of, xii; Kior Inc.
biofuel agreement with, 355–356;
oil/gas exploration of, 119; pre-salt
reserves of, 111; Santos basin drilling
of, 108; subsalt/presalt discoveries of,
107; technology of, 21
Petro-Canada, 85
PetroCaribe, 136; alliance, 123;
Initiative, 123
petrochemicals, Arzew complex for, 223;
Azerbaijan’s project in, 262–263; in
China, 297–298; in India, 320; of
Iran, 196–197; Iran’s projects in, 197;
K-Dow project in, 206; Pata plant of,
320; Poland’s plant for, 175; sharp
price drops of, 411; Wuhan, 297
PetroChina C., 141, 296
PetroCumarebo, 139
PetroFalcon Corp., 139
Petrofield LNG, 330
Petrohawk Energy Corp., 26, 33, 40
Petro-Hunt Corp., 32
Petroleo Brasileiro SA, 104
Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA), 137
Petroleos Mexicanos (Permex), 124;
exploratory drilling of, 129; oil
drilling planned by, 128
petroleum, Asia’s demand of, 398; Asia’s
outlook of, 416; EIA projection use
of, 16; global community resources
of, 351, 352; global product
consumption of, 433–434; product
prices from, 457; United States
demand of, 6
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act
(PSLA), 304
Petroleum Administration for Defense
District II (PADD II), 90
Petroleum Agency SA, 250
Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica
(PCJ), 123
Petroleum Exploration and Production
Authority (PEPA), 215
Petrom SA, 176
Petronas, 311, 330
PetroTech Peruana, 132
Petrovietnam, 292, 345
Petrovietnam’s Blocks, 119
PFC Energy Inc., 377
PGE Elektrownia Belchatow SA, 175
Philippines, 340–341
photovoltaic (PV) solar power plant, 175
Phuong Dong oil field, 347
Piceance basin, 26
Piltun-Astokhskoye field, 276
Pioneer natural gas processing plant, 49
Pioneer Natural Resources Co., 37
pipelines, Access, 92; in Alaska, ix, 73–74;
Alliance, 44; Arab Gas, 212; in
Azerbaijan, 262; Baja North, 130–131;
Bakken gas, 44; Baku-Supsa, 262,
264; Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, 261, 262,
264, 265, 269; Baltic system of, 151;
bitumen, 93; in Brazil, 112–113; in
Canada, 93–94; Caspian Sea export,
268; Central Asia-China, 281; Central
Florida system of, 45; Chuanhu gas,
295; company revenues/expenses, 46;
construction costs of, 46; construction
forecast of, 422; construction of, 422;
crude oil, 48, 89; cumulative projects
in, 424; Dadri-Bawana-Nangal gas,
316; deepwater, 178; Denali, xi, 73;
DESFA SA network of, 157; Druzhba,
151, 279; in Egypt, 232–233; EscravosLagos system of, 248; ESPO, 269, 277,
278, 294; ethanol, xii, 113; Europe’s
gas, 176; Fayetteville Express, 45; Fort
Hills, 93; Galsi’s natural gas, 162;
Gascav’s natural gas, 112; Gasoducto
Carrasco-Cochabamba, 103; Gasoducto
de Interconexion Sudeste-Nordeste,
112; Gateway, 93; of Gazprom, 277;
in global community, 454–455;
global expansion plans for, 422–423;
in Greece, 156–157; HabshanFujairah, 214; Halda-Barauni crude
oil, 317; Horizon, 92; HubLineSM
system of, 42; in India, 317–318;
India’s plans for, 315; Inter Pipeline
Corridor, 92; Interstate companies
with gas, 45; investments in, 46; in
Iran, 194–195; Iran-Pakistan-India gas,
194; Iran’s ethylene, 197, 423; in Italy,
162–164; Jagdishpur-Haldia, 320; in
Kazakhstan, 267–268; KazakhstanChina, 269, 294; Kazakhstan’s oil/gas
investment in, 269–270; Keystone oil,
xi, 94; Kirkuk-Banias, 203; KirkukCeyhan oil, xv; Mackenzie Gas, 76, 78;
McKenzie Delta, 94; Medgaz, 223;
Medgaz route of, 178; MedStream’s
system of, 181, 205, 318; Midcontinent
Express, 44; Moranbah-Gladstone,
312; Nabucco’s natural gas, 149, 180,
194, 262, 423; natural gas/global
trade movements and, 454–455; in
Nigeria, 248; Nord Stream, 153, 277;
Norperuano, 134; North field, 337;
North Slope, xiii; North Western,
278; Oceanway Secure Energy, 41;
OCENSA, 117; Odessa-Brody oil, 281;
offshore methods laying, 179; in oil
sands, 92–93; in Pakistan, 336–337;
Pakistan’s import, 338; Paradip-Haldia,
317, 319; Pathfinder, 44; in Peru, 134;
Plantation, 45; Qatar North field, 337;
Rockies Express, 44, 423; Rompco’s,
242–243; Ruby system of, 44; South
Caucasus, 264; South Stream, 279;
Southeast-Gulf projects of, 424;
Spectra Energy, 81; Sunstone, 44;
Surat-Gladstone, 312; Tamazunchale,
129; Taweelah-Fujairah natural gas,
214; Tengiz-Novorossiisk oil, 278;
Trans-Adriatic, 146, 157, 161, 164;
trans-Alaska oil, 42, 73; Trans-Asian,
269; Trans-Korean Peninsula, 342;
Trans-Panama, 142; Trans-Saharan
Gas, 224, 248; TransSakhalin, 276;
of Turkey, 180–181; TurkmenistanAfghanistan-Pakistan-India, 336;
in United Arab Emirates, 214;
in United States, 44–47; United
States companies with, 45; United
States mileage of, 45; Vankor-Purpe,
278; Vijaipur-Dadri-Bawana, 318;
Waupisoo, 93; West ethylene, 423;
West-East, 288; Western Route Export,
264, 265; Williams Northwest, 41, 44
piracy attacks, xv, 245, 383
pirates, Somali, xv, 383
Placentia Bay refinery, 94
Plains Exploration & Production Co., 56
Plantation pipeline, 45
Platong Gas II project, 344
Pleshet basin, 205
Pluspetrol, 132
Pluto LNG project, 310
Pohokura field, 335
Point Thompson Unit (PTU), 69
Poland, 174–175; Lithuania’s energy
issues discussed with, 271;
natural gas deposits in, 174–175;
petrochemical plant in, 175
polar bears, 54, 71, 73
policy changes, company reporting, 22
Polski Koncern Naftowy (PKN), 175International Petroleum Encyclopedia 500
Pole, 72; Panipat, 319; Pars, 195;
Persian Gulf Star, 195; Placentia
Bay, 94; planned investments in, 49;
Port Arthur, 47; Port Sudan, 251;
Project Mthombo, 250; Provence,
154; Puerto La Cruz, 141; Qinzhou,
295–296; ranking, 395; Ras Lanuf
export, 240; Ruwais, 214; Saenz
Pena, 103; safety of, 49; Santa Ines,
141; Al Shaheen, 208; Shahriar, 195;
shale-oil distillation, 292; Shuaiba,
203; Sri Lanka’s, 197; Takaishi, 328;
Takoradi, 236; Talara, 134; Tianjin
City, 274; TransAsia, 164, 338;
Trinidad/Tobago planning, 136;
Tula, 131; United States utilization
of, 17; Vadinar, 318; Warri, 248;
Al-Zour, 206
refining, additional capacity of, 401;
Asia’s capacity growth in, 398; in
China, 399; China’s expansions
of, 297; global capacity growth
of, 395–398; global capacity of,
446–449; global margins on, 450;
global operations in, 398; global
trends in, 400–401; in Greece, 156;
India’s capacity of, 319; in Japan,
329; Middle East capacity of, 403; in
Pakistan, 338; 200,000 b/cd capacity
of, 396; United States of, 402
refining and products, in China, 295–296;
in France, 154; in Greece, 156; in
India, 318–319; in Iran, 195; in Saudi
Arabia, 211; in United States, 47–49;
in Venezuela, 141; in Vietnam, 346
refining industry, challenges facing, 406;
of China, 288, 297
re-gasification terminal, LNG, 159
Regional Issues Working Group
(RIWG), 90
regional upstream spending, 378
Reichstett Vendenheim unit, 154
Reliance Industries Ltd., 118, 317
remotely operated underwater vehicle
(ROV), 372
renewable energy, 10, 156, 164, 320,
329, 425; CERA studying, 354; Eni
SPA studies of, 113
Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS), 52, 55
Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation
(RTFO), 188
Repsol E&P USA, 70
Repsol YPF SA, 177
Republic of Ireland, 158
Research Partnership to Secure Energy
for America (RPSEA), 21
reserves/production statistics, 429–430
reservoir quality/comparison, 87
resource management plans (RMPs), 19
polymer, Africa’s balance of, 421;
China’s balance of, 421; consumption,
420; Middle East balance of, 421;
trade, 420
polypropylene production facility
(PP), 297
Porcupine basin, 158
Port Arthur, refinery, 47; terminal, 67
Port Moresby LNG liquefaction project,
Port Sudan refinery, 251
Portia oil discovery, 225
Portugal, 175–176
Poznan conference, 425
PPL 235, 339
Precaspian basin, 267
pre-salt reserves, 111
Prigorodnoye port, 276
processing capacity, 397
Production Area Application (PAA), 344
production forecast, 66
production platforms
decommissioning, 187
production spar, xii
production-sharing agreements (PSAs),
261, 280
Program for Accelerated Growth, 104
Project Mafutha CTL plant, 250
Project Mthombo refinery, 250
propane, United States inventory of, 411;
United States production of, 411, 412
propylene, Middle East projects in,
419; production, 420; Saudi Arabia
projects of, 420
Provence refinery, 154
Providence Energy Belize Ltd., 103
Providence Resources, 61, 158, 185
Prudhoe Bay field, 67
PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI), 324
PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk, 324
PT Pertamina, 322
PTT Exploration & Production
(PTTEP), 313
PTT PLC, 345
Puerto La Cruz refinery, 141
Puk Puk-1 wildcat, 339
Pulau Muara Besar (PMB), 314
Pump Canyon site, 54
Pungarayacu field, 121
Pure Energy Resources Ltd, 312
Puteri field, 330
Putin, Vladimir, 279
al-Qaeda, 215, 241–242
Qatar, 208–209; LNG recovery projects
in, 209; LNG sector of, 207; North
field pipeline from, 337; OPECstyled cartel and, 197, 208, 275
Qatar Natural Gas Project, 293
Qatar Petroleum, 209
Qatargas, 207
Qinzhou refinery, 295–296
Qiongdongnan basin, 292
Queensland Gas Co, 311
Queensland oil shale, 301
Questerre Energy Corp., 83
Quicksilver Resources LP, 49, 56
Quintana terminal, 41
Ramhan oil/gas fields, 213
Range Resources Corp., 38; Marcellus
shale of, 35; Nora field drilling of, 39
Ras Lanuf export refinery, 240
Rasgas, 207
Raton basin, 37
Raukumara basin, 335
Refiner Preem Petroleum AB, 179
refineries, in Abu Dhabi, x; Aichi,
329; air emissions of, 55; Anahita,
195; APF, 146; Barauni, 320;
Barrancabermeja, 117; Batumi,
267; Beiji, 203; Canadian oil sands
products and, 47; Capuava, 113;
Cartegena, 179; Caspian, 195;
Ceyhan, 267; Changling, 296; Chiba,
329; Cienfuegos, 120; Cilacap, 326;
coking, 402; Corinth, 156; Dalian,
296; Darkhan-Uul, 348; al-Diwaniya,
203; domestic capacity of, 47;
Dora, 203; Dung Quat, 346, 347;
Eider Rock, 94; global, 395; global
operating summary of, 444–445;
global throughput of, 450; global/
largest, 398; Greater Java, 326;
Guangxi, 296; Gujarat, 318, 319;
Haldia, 319; Hormoz, 195; Huizhou,
296; Inchon, 342; investments
in, 49, 403; Iran’s capacities of,
195–196; Isab, 164; Jamalco alumina,
124; Jamnagar, 315; Jizan, 211;
Jorf Lasfar, 242; KazakhOil, 270;
Kedah, 197, 330; Khalifa Coastal,
338; Khuzestan, 195; Latvia, 271;
Lobito, 226; Lysekil, 179; Manabi,
122; Mathura, 319; Mazeikiu Nafta,
271; Mellita, 239; in Mexico, 131;
Middle East investments on, 403;
Moin, 142; Mongstad, 174; Negishi,
329; Nghi Son, 346; Nishihara,
328; Nizhnekamsk, 258; at North501 International Petroleum Encyclopedia
revenues/expenses, of pipeline
companies, 46
Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC), 118
REX-East/West, 44
Rharb basin, 242
Rhounde El Baguel field, 223
risked production additions, 353
Roan Plateau, 41
Rockies Express pipeline, 44, 423
Rocky Mountain basin, 44
Romania, 176–177; Hungary’s natural
gas systems agreement with, 158
Rompco’s pipeline, 242–243
Rovesti oil discovery, 161
Royal Dutch Shell PLC, 64, 70, 86,
205, 354
Royal Vopak NV, 180
Royalty in Kind (RIK), 63
Ruby Pipeline system, 44
Russia, 272–279; assessment units in,
273; Caspian Sea conference and, 261;
China’s refinery project with, 294;
crude oil export reductions of, 277;
Czech Republic oil deliveries from,
150–151; drilling/production in,
273–274; exploration/development
in, 272–273; Finland’s export tariffs
by, 153; Georgia hostilities with, xiii,
263, 274; Germany’s gas exploration
deal with, 275; OPEC and, 274;
production of, 360; Serbia’s oil/gas
agreements with, 278; South Korea
gas imports from, 279; Ukraine’s
gas resources cut off by, 149,
275, 280–281; Uzbekistan’s joint
venture with, 281; Venezuela’s oil
development with, 274
Russian Energy Ministry, 140
Ruwais refinery, 214
Sabine Pass terminal, 41
Sable Offshore Energy Project (SOEP), 77
Sacha oil field, 122
Sacyr Vallehermoso SA, 177
Saenz Pena refinery, 103
Sagavanirktok formation, 67
Saipem/Snamprogetti, 223
Sakhalin Island, 276
Sakhalin Island Energy Co., 276
Sakhalin-1 project, 275
Sakhalin-2, 276
Sakhalin-2 project, 276
Salam natural gas plant, 233
Salazar, Kenneth L., 18
saline aquifers, 94
Samson Offshore Co., 57
Samson Resources Co., 37
Samsung Economic Research Institute
(SERI), 343
Samsung Group, 326
Samsung Heavy Industries, 390
San Antonio well, 340
San Bartolo well, 132
San Juan basin, 53
San Juan Pump Canyon, 53
San Pedro field, 133
Sandakan basin, 341
Sandino basin, 132
Sangu field, 313
Sanish formation, 29, 32
Santa Ines refinery, 141
Santa Lucia, 142
Santos basin, 108; Block BM-S-11
ultradeep waters of, 107; FPSO
platform in, 109; Petrobras drilling
in, 108; subsalt exploration focus
area in, 106
Santos International Ltd., 312
Santos Ltd., 311
Saqqara field, xii, 232
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 154
Saudi Arabia, 8; alternative energy and,
210; exploration/development in,
209–210; propylene projects of, 420;
refining/processing in, 211
Saudi Aramco, 209–210, 360; China
Petrochemical Corp. cooperation with,
211; output increase of, 210
Saudi oil minister, 5
SCAN Geophysical ASA, 102
Science Applications International Corp.
(SAIC), 58
Scorpion Vigilant platform, 140
Scotland, 188
Sea of Marmara, 180
Sechura basin, 133
Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), 22
Sekmokas, Arvydas, 271
semisubmersible platform, 109
Sempra Energy, 67, 130
Sempra LNG, 42
Sendai terminal, 328
Serbia, Kosovo independence from,
146; oil/gas of, 176; Russian oil/gas
agreements with, 278
Seria oil fields, 314
Serica Energy PLC, 323
7th of November block, 238, 252
Severneftegazprom (SNGP), 156
Shah field, 213
Al Shaheen refineries, 208
Shahriar refinery, 195
shale, Cretaceous Pierre laminated, 37;
Devonian Huron, 39; Fayetteville,
39; Lorraine, 83; New Albany, 39;
properties of, 85; United States
completions of, 353; Utica, 82, 83
shale-oil distillation refinery, 292
Shamrock field, xi, 186
Shanghai Gas Group Co., 293
Shannon J Flicklinger, 37
Shannon LNG Ltd., 159
Shell, 106–107
Shell Canada Ltd., 95
Shell E&P, 111
Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc, 70
Shell Offshore Inc., 62
Shell Oil Co., 56–57
Shell Petroleum Development Co.
(SPDC), 247, 249
Sherritt International Corp., 118, 119–120
Shtockman field, 273–274
Shuaiba refinery, 203
Shushan “C” concession, 232
shut-in gas production, 66
shut-in oil production, 66
Shwe gas field, 313
Siberia, 273
Sichuan province, 288
Sicilian Strait, 160
Sicily. offshore licenses of, 160; windfarm
in, 164
Silvertip field, xiv
Sinclair oil field, 81
Singapore, 341–342
single polypropylene train (PP), 211
single-hull tankers, ix, 342
Sinopec, 295–296, 298
Sirte basin, 237, 239
Sirte Oil Co., 165
SK Energy Corp., 342
Skua oil fields, 301
SkySite systems, 46
Slovakia, 177
small vehicle fueling, 340
Snam Rete Gas, 162
Snøhvit field, 174
Snøhvit LNG project, 173
Societe des Hydrocarbures du Tchad, 227
Socuavo field, 139
solar energy, 155, 175
Solutions International BV, 223
Somali pirates, xv, 383
Somaliland, 255
Sonatrach, 223
Song Doc field, 346
Songkhla field, 344
Songo-Songo West, 252
South Africa, 250
South America, 99, 100, 101
South block, 252International Petroleum Encyclopedia 502
South Branch G-36 well, 78
South Carolina, 356
South Caucasus pipeline (SCP), 264, 265
South China Sea, 290
South East Tor oil discovery well, 168
South Erin Property, 135
South Korea, 342–343; Jordan’s
agreement with, 206; Kurdistan
Regional Government’s talks with,
342–343; Russian gas exports to,
279; single-hull tankers banned by, ix
South Marsh Island block 212, 58
South Pars field, 192, 193, 194
South Stream pipeline, 279
South Taranaki basin, 332
South Tor Pod exploration well, 152
Southeast-Gulf pipeline projects, 424
Southern Gas basin, 186
Southwest Regional Partnership
(SWP), 53–54
Southwestern Energy Co., 39
Space Data Corp., 46
Spain, 177–179
Spanish Bay prospect, 29–30
Sparrows Point, 41
Spectra Energy, 42
Spectra Energy pipeline, 81
Sri Lanka, 348
Sri Lanka refinery, 197
St. Lawrence Lowlands, 82
Stanley gas-condensate reservoir, 339
Star Consortium of TransAsia Gas
International LLC, 240
Star Petro Energy LLC, 240
Starling field, ix
Statfjord field, 174
StatoilHydro, 167–168, 170; Chesapeake
Energy Corp. pact with, 168;
Venezuela paying compensation to,
139; Volve field production of, 171
StatoilHydro USA E&P Inc., 70
Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), 200
Stealth Ventures, 83
steam-assisted gravity drainage, 86
Stena Drilling, 372
Sterling Resources Ltd., 176
stimulus programs, 2, 52
Stone Energy Corp., 55
Straits of Hormuz, 192
Strasshof fields, xiii
Strategic Petroleum Reserve, xi
Stratic Energy Corp., 185
sub-prime mortgage crisis, iv, vii
subsalt exploration, 106
Subsea CP survey, 122
Sudan, 250–251
Suez Energy NA, 43
Suezmax rates, 384
Sugar Loaf field, 108
sulfur level, 399
sulfur recovery unit (SRU), 113
sulfur supply, 87
Sulu Sea, 341
Suncor Energy Inc, 86, 92
Sunshine Gas Ltd., 311
Sunstone pipeline, 44
Surat basin fields, 311, 312
Surat-Gladstone pipeline, 312
Surubi block, 98
Sveti Nikola, 148
Sweden, 179, 271
Swift/Swallow oil fields, 301
Switzerland, 161
SynBit, 89
Syncrude Canada Ltd., 92, 93
Synenco Energy Inc., 95
synthetic crude oil (SCO), 88, 89
Syria, 211–212; Egypt’s natural gas to,
212; Jordan’s border fields with, 202;
Total SA oil/gas agreements with, 211;
Turkey’s pipeline agreement with, ix
Tabasco, 128
tail gas treatment unit (TGTU), 113
Taitai-1 oil discovery, 254
Taiwan, 343
Tajikistan, 279
Takaishi refinery, 328
Takoradi refinery, 236
Takula gas processing platform, 226
Takutu basin, 142
Talakan oil field, 278
Talara basin, 133
Talara refinery, 134
Talisman Energy Inc, 82, 345
Tamarugal basin, 114
Tamazunchale pipelines, 129
Tange Bijar gas field, 193
Tangguh project, 325
tankers, market/earnings of, 383, 384;
single-hull, ix, 342
Tano basin, 235
Tanzania, 252
Taq Taq field, 201
Taranaki basin, 332, 335
Tasaran sandstone reservoir, 266
Tata Chemicals, 320
Taurt gas field, 232
Taweelah-Fujairah natural gas pipeline
(TFP), 214
TC Alaska, 73
technology, CCS needing, 427; climate
change needing, 426; of Petrobras, 21
Temane fields, 242
Tenere rift basin, 255
Tengiz field, 262, 266, 269
Tengiz-Novorossiisk oil pipeline,
207, 278
tension leg platforms (TLPs), 363–365
Terra Nova oil project, 76
terrorists, 315
Tethys Petroleum Ltd., 279
Texas, Barnett shale wells in, 33; Gulf
Coast of, 57
Thailand, 344–345; drilling/production
in, 344–345; first LNG terminal
in, x; jet fuel plant in, 345
thermal cracking, 363
thermal in situ conversion process, 206
Thrace basin, 180
Three Forks/Sanish formation, 29, 32
Thunder Horse field, xv, 63
Tianjin, 298
Tianjin City refinery, 274
Tibet, 289
Tierra del Fuego well, 102
Tillerson, Rex W., 74
Timor Leste, 348
Tindalo-1 well, 340
Tindouf basin, 256
TNK-BP Ltd., 188
Tobago, xi, 135–136; exploration/
development in, 135; gas discovery
near, xii; in lease sales, 135–136; map
of, 138; refineries planned for, 136
Tofkat-1, 67
Tohoku Electric Power Co., 328
Toili block, 326
Tombua fields, 224
Tompa block, 158
Ton Sak 7, 344
Ton Sak 8, 344
Torphins prospect, 171, 184
Total E&P Nederland BV, 166
Total SA, 225, 240; Chevron Corp. joint
venture with, 67; internal study
of, 350; Port Arthur refinery of,
47; production-sharing agreements
signed by, 261; Synenco Energy
Inc. acquired by, 95; Syria’s oil/gas
agreements with, 211
Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), 55
trade, triangle of, 420
trade flexibility, 393
transaction values, 380
Trans-Adriatic pipeline (TAP), 146, 157,
161, 164
Trans-Alaska Pipeline system (TAPS), 42,
71, 72, 73
TransAsia refinery Ltd., 164, 338
Trans-Asian pipeline, 269
Trans-Basin, LNG flow, 394
TransCanada Corp., 44, 94
Transeuro Energy Corp., 83503 International Petroleum Encyclopedia
Trans-Korean Peninsula pipeline, 342
Transocean, 208
Trans-Panama pipelines, 142
Transportadora de Gas del Peru SA, 134
transportation and pipelines, 73–74
Transportation for Tomorrow, 53
transportations, 182
Trans-Saharan Gas pipeline, 224, 248
Trans-Sakhalin Gas pipeline, 276
Triangle Petroleum Corp., 81, 82
Trinidad, xi, 135–136; exploration/
development in, 135; gas discovery
near, xii; in lease sales, 135–136; map
of, 138; refineries planned for, 136;
South Erin Property in, 135
Troll field, 168, 174
Troubadour project, 311
truss spar, 64
TsentrCaspneftegaz joint venture, 266
Tsimiroro field, 240
Tubular Bells field, 57
Tui Area Oil Project, 332
Tula refinery, 131
Tullow Oil PLC, 228
Tundra Oil & Gas Ltd., 81
Tunisia, 252–253
Tupi field, 109
Turi oil field, 335
Turkey, drilling/production in, 180;
exploration/development in,
179–180; pipelines of, 180–181;
Syria’s pipeline agreement with, ix
Turkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortakligi, 179
Turkmen Dauletabad fields, 337
Turkmenistan, 261, 280
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-PakistanIndia pipeline project (TAPI), 336
Turrum field, 305
Tuz Golu basin, 180
Tuzluk block, 270
Uganda, 253–254
UK Continental Shelf (UKCS), 183
Ukraine, 280–281; Gazprom cutting off
gas supplies to, 149, 275, 280–281
ultradeepwater challenges, 376
Ultra-Deepwater Program, 21
ultralow-sulfur diesel (ULSD), 47
UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), 425
unconventional plays geology, 83
unconventional resources, 353
United Arab Emirates, 212–215;
exploration/development in,
212–214; pipelines in, 214
United Kingdom, 181–188; alternative
energy in, 187–188; biofuels
policy of, xi; drilling/production
in, 185–186; energy situation of,
181; exploration/development in,
183–185; financial crisis influencing,
182; lease sales in, 185; LNG
in, 181; map of, 182; natural gas
in, 181; northern offshore activity
of, 186; nuclear power proposal of,
182–183; oil/gas industry skilled
worker shortage in, 182; Renewable
Transport Fuels Obligation of, 188;
Statjford field gas piped to, 174
United States, 10–56; alternative energy
in, 52–53; Canada drilling compared
to, 23; carbon dioxide emissions
in, 426; coal-to-liquids projects
in, 359; consumer price plunge in,
xiv; Costa Azul LNG to, 130–131;
crude condensate production in, 15;
crude oil imported by, 123; crude
oil/natural gas prices in, 17; crude
oil/products stocks of, 18; Cuba
Maritime Agreement between, 119;
drilling activity of, 371; drilling
contractors utilization in, 372;
drilling rigs of, 25, 26; drilling/
production of, 23–31; eastern map
of, 12; energy consumption/efficiency
of, 15; energy demands of, 10;
enhanced oil recovery production in,
373; enhanced oil recovery projects
in, 373; environmental issues in,
53–55; ethanol production in, 52;
exploration/development in, 19–21;
gas plant propane production of,
412; gas processing in, 49, 409; gas
production of, 350; gas reserves of,
33; gas shale drilling/production of,
23, 32–40; gas shale in, 23, 352; gas
storage in, 50–51; gas transportation
of, 424; gasoline demand in, 400;
gasoline exports and, 401; gas-toliquids diesel projected in, 360;
Guatemala’s crude oil imported
by, 123; Gulf Coast coking refinery
netbacks in, 402; Gulf Coast LNG
terminals in, 42; Gulf Coast storage
projects in, 51; interstate gas pipeline
companies in, 45; interstate pipeline
mileage of, 45; Iraq/troop withdrawal
of, 200; lease sales in, 40–41; LNG
import contracts of, 393; LNG
imports of, 43; LNG in, 41–44;
LNG price trends in, 409; LNG
terminals in, 41, 43, 390; maps,
11–14; Mexico’s oil exploration
agreement with, 129; midwestern
map of, 13; natural gas demand in,
17, 389; natural gas prices in, 17;
natural gas production of, 10, 23;
natural gas supply/demand in, 15;
natural gas transportation/storage
projects of, 424; natural gas wells of,
ix; natural gas/gas shale production
of, 23; northeastern map of, 14; OGJ
assessing energy demand of, 10;
OGJ supply/demand forecast of, 16;
oil imports of, 18, 123; oil pipeline
companies in, 45; oil reserves of,
21; oil shale drilling/production of,
31–32; oil shale resources of, 31; oil/
gas capital spending of, 378–379; oil/
gas drilling expenditures of, 25; oil/
gas drilling in, 26; oil/gas exploration
of, 25; oil/gas potential of, 21;
onshore/offshore drilling activity
of, 371; operator leaders in, 370;
petroleum demand of, 6; pipelines
in, 44–47; processing capacity of,
397; project funds of, 378; propane
inventory of, 411; propane production
of, 411, 412; refinery utilization in,
17; refining of, 402; refining/products
in, 47–49; Rockies Express pipeline
in, 423; shale completions of, 353;
southeast gas transportation of, 424;
southeast natural gas transportation/
storage projects in, 424; southeastern
map, 19–20; sub-prime mortgage
crisis in, iv; 2008 drillers of, 26;
unconventional resources of, 353;
well completions of, 25; wells drilled
in, 361; western map of, 11, 27
Upland Oil & Gas LLC, 133
Upper Magdalena Valley basin, 117
Ursa/Princess Waterflood project, 64
Usan oil field, 246
USGS assessment units, 32
Ust-Yurt basin, 266
Utah, 21
Utica shale, 82, 83
Uzbekistan, 281
Uzbekneftegaz, 281
Vaalco Energy Inc., 234
Vadinar refinery, 318
Value Creation Group, 86
Van Vactor, Samuel A., vi–viii, 2
Vankor oil fields, 278
Vankor-Purpe pipeline, 278
Varadero field, 119–120
Vega field, 159
vehicles, hybrid electric, 18International Petroleum Encyclopedia 504
Venezuela, 137–142; alternative energy in,
141; China’s cooperation agreement
with, 141; Ecuador’s cooperative
projects with, 122; exploration/
development in, 139; gas production
in, 140; hydrocarbon reserves of, 138;
map of, 137–138; oil production in,
137–138; OPEC production of, 137;
Orinoco oil belt in, 140; refining/
products in, 141; Russian Energy
Ministry visiting, 140; Russia’s oil
development with, 274; StatoilHydro
AS compensation paid by, 139
Ventominho windfarm, 176
Venture Production PLC, 186
Verenex Energy Inc., 239
Verenium Corp., 52
Vermillion Creek, 28
Ververis prospect, 170
very large crude carriers tankers (VLCC),
381–382; China’s programs for, 382;
fleet development of, 383; market
summary of, 383, 384
Victoria Oil & Gas PLC, 241
Vienna basin, 146, 151
Vietnam, 345–348; bioethanol plant
in, 346; exploration/production in,
345–346; Japan’s involvement in,
347; refining/products in, 346
Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation
(PetroVietnam), 346
Vigia field, 117
Vijaipur-Dadri-Bawana pipeline, 318
Vilje field, 171
Vimean Morodok MahaNorkor-1, 344
Vincent field, xiii
Virginia, 40
Visakhapatnam facility, 320
Volve field, 171
Voring basin, 173
Voyageur oil sands operation, 93
Vulcan Minerals Inc., 77
Wagner & Brown Ltd., 37, 38
Walker Ridge block 7, 61
Walker Ridge block 29, 61
Walter Oil & Gas Corp., 38
Warri refinery, 248
Waster Management Inc., 52
water-depth record, xiv
Waupisoo pipeline, 93
weather balloons, 46
wells, AJE-4, 248; Alaminos Canyon,
63; Anited States completions of,
25; Australia’s planned, 307; Azulao,
106; Barnett shale, 23, 33; Buffalo,
253; Buffalo oil, 253; Cairngorm,
183; Canadian, 368; Chesapeake
Appalachia, 35; Cretaceous Pearsall
shale, 35–36; Delaware basin, 35;
Dzheitune (Lam), 280; Ebony-1
exploration, 235–236; Etisong-1, 244;
extended-reach, ix, 29; Gaza Marine-1,
204; Gulltopp, 172; Horseshoe Basin
Unit, 28; Kharwah-1, 215; Liberty
discovery, 72; Massambala-1, 224;
Miran West-1, 202; Moho Nord
Marine-3, 228; Moth discovery, 184;
New York state, 35; Ngoma-1, 224;
North Park basin drilling of, 28;
Odum-1, 236; offshore (shallow/
deepwater), 375, 376; Ofrima-2
discovery, 247; OGJ’s forecast of, 24;
San Antonio, 340; San Bartolo, 132;
South Branch G-36, 78; South East
Tor oil discovery, 168; Tierra del
Fuego, 102; Tindalo-1, 340; United
States, ix; United States completions
of, 25; United States drilling, 361
West Breagh gas field, 183
West Cape Three Points License, 236
West Don field, 185
West El Burullus prospect, 231
West ethylene pipeline, 423
West Kalabsha concession, 230
West Mediterranean block 1, 230
West Papua blocks, 323
West Qurna Phase 2 field, 201
West Siberian Basin Province, 273
West-East pipeline, 288
Western Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas
Lease Sale, 62
Western Oil & Gas Development, 39
Western Route Export pipeline (WREP),
264, 265
Western Sahara (Saharawi Arab
Democratic Republic: SADR), 256
Wheatstone gas field, 311
White Hills blocks, 67
White Nile Ltd., 250
White Rose oil field, 76, 77; crude
oil production of, xii; map of, 80;
production milestone of, 80
Whiting Petroleum Corp., 32
Williams Companies, 49
Williams Northwest pipeline, 41, 44
Williston basin, 29, 32, 81
Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Co., 44
Wilmington oil field, 30
wind energy resources, 355
windfarm, in Bulgaria, 148; Cote
d’Albatre, 155; in Sicily, 164;
Ventominho, 176
Windsor Block, 81
Wintershall, 208
Wissey gas field, 186
Wood MacKenzie Ltd., 17, 86, 93
wood waste, 356
Woodford gas shale, 38
Woodside Energy Ltd., 310
World Energy Outlook 2008, 6, 349, 425
Worldwide Refining Report 2008, 395
Wuhan petrochemicals, 297
Wuhaogou terminal, 293
Xcite Energy Ltd., 184
XTO Energy Inc., 40
Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales
Bolivianos (YPFB), 103
Yakal-1 wildcat, 340
Yalama prospect, 261
Yalova storage terminal, 180
Yam Thetis, 204
Yamani, Ahmed Zaki, 209
Yar’Adua, Umaru, 243, 246, 247
Yellow Jacket gas shale project, 40
Yellow River Mouth Sag, 291
Yemen, 215–216; LNG liquefaction
plant in, 216; map, 216; oil
production of, 215
Yinggehai basin, 292
Yttergryta field, 170
Yuzhno Khylchuyu field, xii, 273
Yuzhno Russkoye field, 156, 277
Zaklady Azotowe Pulawy (ZAP), 175
Zambia, 256
Zhao Dong field, 292
Zhong Yuan Ltd., 293
Zhongshi Xiandao Pilot Plant, 292
Ziff Energy Group Ltd, 79
Zora gas field, 214
Al-Zour refinery, 206
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