Intelligent Information Processing with Matlab
اسم المؤلف
Xiu Zhang, Xin Zhang and Wei Wang
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Intelligent Information Processing with Matlab
Xiu Zhang, Xin Zhang and Wei Wang
1 Artiϐicial Neural Network

  1. 1 Artiϐicial Neuron
  2. 2 Overview of Artiϐicial Neural Network
  3. 3 Backpropagation Neural Network
  4. 4 Hopϐield Neural Network
  5. 5 Competitive Neural Network
  6. 6 Deep Neural Network
    2 Convolutional Neural Network
  7. 1 Overview of Convolutional Neural Network
  8. 2 Neural Network Performance Evaluation
  9. 3 Transfer Learning with Convolutional Neural Network
  10. 4 Research Progress of Neural Network
    3 Fuzzy Computing
  11. 1 Overview of Fuzzy Computing
  12. 2 Fuzzy Sets
  13. 3 Fuzzy Pattern Recognition
  14. 4 Fuzzy Clustering
  15. 5 Fuzzy Inference
  16. 6 Fuzzy Control System
  17. 7 Fuzzy Logic Designer
    4 Fuzzy Neural Network
  18. 1 Overview of Fuzzy Neural Network4. 2 Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Inference System
  19. 3 Time Series Prediction
  20. 4 Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic
  21. 5 Fuzzy C-means Clustering
  22. 6 Suburban Commuting Prediction Problem
  23. 7 Research Progress of Fuzzy Computing
    5 Evolutionary Computing
  24. 1 Overview of Evolutionary Computing
  25. 2 Simple Genetic Algorithm
  26. 3 Genetic Algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problem
  27. 4 Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
  28. 5 Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
  29. 6 Differential Evolution Algorithm
    6 Testing and Evaluation of Evolutionary Computing
  30. 1 Test Set of Traveling Salesman Problem
  31. 2 Test Set of Continuous Optimization Problem
  32. 3 Evaluation of Continuous Optimization Problems
  33. 4 Artiϐicial Bee Colony Algorithm
  34. 5 Fireworks Algorithm
  35. 6 Research Progress of Evolutionary Computing
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