كتيب بعنوان وقاية المحركات الكهربية
Induction Motor Protection
م . محمد حســن مغازي
في ھذا الجزء نستعرض أجھزة الوقاية المختلفة المستخدمة لحماية المحركات الكھربية من
النوع القفص السنجابي وھناك أنواع أخرى من المحركات مثل المحركات الحثية ذات
الجزء الدائر الملفوف وكذلك المحركات التزامنية ولكن لا يشملھا الموضوع وذلك نظرا
لأن جميع المحركات المستخدمة حاليا في الغالب تكون . S.c.i.m
لذلك كان التركيز عليھا وقد تم الإستعانة بالرسومات الواردة من الكتالوجات الخاصة
بالشركات المنتجة للمحركات مثل ) ( Siemens & Abbكما أن المادة العلمية من
كتب صادرة من ھذه الشركات ومنھا :
1) Protection Relaying Theory and Application –abb
2) Electrical Machines – Dino Zorbas
3) Switch Gear Protection – Siemens
4) Motor Protection Basic Course – B.b.c
5) Motor Protection Lecture – Abb
6) Protection Techniques – Abb Relay
أھم الموز المستخدمة
Symbols Definition
In Nominal Ct Secondary Current
I > Over Current
I >> Second Stage Over Current or High Set O/c/inst
I >>> the Third Stage O/c or High Set
Io> Earth Fault
Ti or Tio Time Out Applicable to All Stages
T > Another Version of Time Out
?v?? Thermal Trip
Ib 1.r Locked Rotor
I< Low Load
Ns Speed
N Number of Starts Hot or Cold
Id Starting Current
Ith Relay Chosen Current Setting
V> Over Voltage } U Can Also Represent Voltage
V< Under Voltage } and Uo Phase to Earth Voltage
? % Thermal State
Ko Zero Sequence Setting
Td Starting Time
Xt Time Setting
? Heating Time Constant
? Cooling Time Constant
Is Current Setting
Fn Rated Frequency
Ki C.t. Ratio
Ie Base Current
Id> Directional Over Current Fault
F> Over Frequency Timed
F>> Second Stage Over Frequency Instantaneous
? Phase Angle
F< Under Frequency
Rpp Padding Resistor Setting
Kt Time Setting Translay Milliseconds
Ks Nominal Current Setting Multiplier
Ansi Standard Device
Function Numbers
Table Gives a List of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard Device
Function Numbers.
Table for ANSI Standard Device Function Numbers
Number Function
3 Checking or Interlocking Relay
4 Master Contactor
21 Distance Relay
24 Over Fluxing ( Volts/hertz )
25 Synchronizing or Synchronization Check Relay
26 Thermal Device
27 Under Voltage Relay
32 Directional Power Relay ( Reverse Power Relay )
37 Under Current or Under Power Relay
40 Field Failure Relay
41 Field Circuit Breaker
43 Manual Transfer or Selector Device
46 Reverse Phase or Phase Balance Current Relay
47 Negative Phase Sequence Voltage Relay
49 Thermal Relay
50 Instantaneous Over Current or Rate of rising Relay
51 Time-Delayed Over Current Relay
52 Circuit Breaker
52a Circuit Breaker Auxiliary Switch Normally Open
52b Circuit Breaker Auxiliary Switch Normally Closed
55 Power Factor Relay
56 Field Application Relay
59 Over Voltage Relay
59n Neutral Displacement
60 Voltage or Current Balance Relay
62 Time Delay Relay
63 Pressure Relay for Flow or Level of Liquid or Gases
64 Earth Fault Relay
66 Number of Starts
67 Directional Over Current Relay
68 Blocking Relay
74 Alarm Relay. S 87
Number Function
75 Dc Over Current Relay
78 Phase Angle Measurement Relay or Out of Step Protective Relay
79 Re-closing Relay
81 Frequency Relay
83 Automatic Selective Control or Transfer Relay
85 Carrier or Pilot Wire Receive Relay
86 Lock Out Relay
87 Differential Relay
94 Auxiliary Tripping Relay (Inter-trip)
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