Gunsmithing With Simple Hand Tools
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A. D. Dubino
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Gunsmithing With Simple Hand Tools
How to Repair, Improve, and Add a Touch of Class to the Guns YouOwn
A Basic Manual for the Advanced Amateur on Use of Hand Tools for Minor Alterations, Improvements, and Reconstruction of Firearms
A. D. Dubino
1 An Argument in Favor
2 Basic Hand Tools
Layout and marking tools, holding tools, measuring tools, cutting
tools, miscellaneous
3 The Workshop
Bench setup, tools, the vise, screwdrivers, twist drills, taps and dies,
precision measuring tools, electrical tools, miscellaneous
4 Metals
Steel designations, carbon steel uses, heat-treating terminology, harden¬
ing, tempering annealing case hardening home heat treating
445 The File
Construction and cuts, Swiss pattern files, shapes, types, filing,
straight filing hand grips, straight filing straight filing exercises, draw
filing precision filing file care, file selection
6 Abrasives
Silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, grinding wheel, sharpening stones
and abrasive sticks, honing lapping coated abrasives
7 Polishing the Gun in Preparation for Blueing
Power polishing vs. hand polishing preparation, draw filing
polishing crosspolishing draw polishing small parts
8 Blueing the Gun
Blueing equipment, degreasing cold rusting process, hot rusting
process, hot dip process
9 Small Parts and Miscellaneous Work
The firing pin, a metal-turning lathe, firing pin construction, loose
barrels, sight mounting sighting-in
10 Action Tune-Up
Trigger theory, stoning action work, bolt action work
11 A Machined Trigger Guard
Design, layout, bulk metal removal, rough filing final shaping finish
12 The Side Lock
Back action and front action locks, straight-fall and rebounding locks
13 The Lock Plate
Plate layout, fitting and shaping
14 Tumbler, Bridle, and Sear
The tumbler, the sear, the bridle, tumbler design and construction
15 Bridle and Sear
Bridle layout, completion of sear
177 Index
abrasive sticks, 79-82
aluminum oxide, 73-74, 90
background of. 72-73
coated, 83-84, 90, 139, 141-42, 162
grinding wheels, 74-79
honing with. 80-82
lapping with. 82-83
polishing with, 90-91, 93, 94
sharpening stones, 79-82, 133-37
silicon carbide, 73-74. 90
Action work, 137—40
bolt. 140-42
Aluminum oxide, 73-74, 90
American pattern files, 56-57, 59, 71
Angier, R. H., 96
Annealing of steel. 48
Arisaki. 7.7mm. 87-88, 141
Arkansas stones, 137
Barrels, loose, 120-23
Benches, work, 36-38
Bench grinders, electric, 43, 76-77
Bench vises. See Vises, bench
cold rusting process, 102-3
degreasing before, 100-102
equipment for, 96-100
hot dip process, 105-8
hot rusting process, 103-5
methods of. 96-96
polishing in preparation for, 85-91,
purpose of, 85-86
Bolt action work, 140-42
blanks for, 177
description of, 170-71
layout of, 171-76, 178-84
Brown, Joseph. 16
Brownells, 52, 53, 83, 96, 190
Buffer-grinder, power, 86—87
Cabinet paper, 83-84
Calipers. 6-inch
dial, 22, 42-43
vernier, 22, 42
Carbon steel, 46-47
Case hardening of steel, 48-49
Center punches, 21-22, 43
Clamps, toolmakers’, 22, 43
Coated abrasives, 83-84
polishing with, 90—91, 93, 94, 139
smoothing with, 141-42, 162
Cold rusting process, 102-3
Colt firearms. 134
45 Model 1911, 133
Compasses, 21, 22
Craftsmanship, background of, 16-18
Cross polishing. 90-91
Curved tooth files, 59
Cutting tools
description of, 22-24
files, 24-25
hacksaws, 24, 31—32
reamers, 24, 25, 30-31
twist drill bits. 24, 25. 39, 41-42
Cyanide, dangers of, 53, 105
Degreasing, 100—102
Dial calipers, 6-inch, 22, 42-43
Dies and taps. Su Taps and dies
Dividers, 21, 22
Draw filing
description of, 62, 67
polishing and, 89-90
techniques of. 67-68
Draw polishing, 91, 93
Drill bits. Sa Twist drill bits
Drill presses, 43
Drills, electric hand, 24, 43
Electric tools
bench grinders, 43, 76-77
drill presses, 43
hand drills, 24. 43
metal-turning lathes, 114-16
power buffer-grinders, 86-87
Emery paper, 83-84
Files, 24-25
American pattern, 56-57, 59, 71
background of, 54-56
care of, 70
construction and cuts of, 56-57
curved tooth, 59
needle, 59-60, 68-69, 71
Gunsmithing with Simple Hand Tools
riffler, 60-62, 68-69, 71
selection of, 71
shapes of, 59
Swiss pattern, 57, 59, 60, 71
types of, 59-62
as an art, 55-56
basic types of, 62
draw, 62, 67-68. 89-90
finish, making a machined trigger
guard and, 152-53
lathe, 62
of lock plates, 164-65
precision, 62. 68, 70
rough, making a machined trigger
guard and, 148—49
straight, 62, 63—67
vises and, 63
Firearm Blueing and Browning 96
Firing pins, broken, 110, 112, 114
construction of, 116-20
Forsyth, Alexander John, 155
A. H. Fox firearms, 110
Fox Sterlingworth firearms, 110
Freeland, George, 16
French curves, 20-21
Garnet paper, 83-84
Greener firearms. 110
electric bench, 43
power buffer-grinder, 86-87
Grinding wheels, 74—76, 79
safety precautions when using.
Grobet, F L., 55
Grobet-Swiss, 55. 60
Hacksaws, 24, 31-32
Hammers, gun, 198-200
Hand polishing vs. power polishing,
Hand tools, 19
cutting, 22-25, 30-32, 39, 41-42
holding, 22
importance of quality, 38
layout and marking, 20-22, 43
measuring, 22, 42-43
miscellaneous, 32, 34
case, 48-49
of springs, 196
of steel, 47-49
Harrington and Richardson firearms,
Heat treating of steel, 47, 50-53
home, 50-53
Hepburn, Remington, 131
Holding tools
bench vises, 22, 38-39
pliers, 43
toolmakers’ clamps, 22, 43
Honing, 80-82
Hot dip process, 105-8
Hot rusting process, 103-5
Indiana stones, 135, 136—37, 139
Ithaca firearms, 109
Iver Johnson firearms, 109
Lapping, 82-83
Lathes, metal-turning, 114-16
Layout and marking tools
compasses, 21, 22
dividers, 21, 22
French curves, 20-21
layout fluid, 21
protractors, 20
punches, 21-22, 43
scribes, 21. 43
squares, 20—21
straightedges, 20-21, 43
layout fluid, 21
Le Fevre firearms, 109
Lock assembly
bridles, 170-76, 177-84
completion of, 189-200
hammers, 198-200
layout of. 162-64, 171-76, 178-84
lock plates, 161-67, 189-92
sears, 170, 171-76. 184-88
side hammer locks. 154-60
springs, 192-98
tumblers. 168-70, 171-76
Lock plates
completion of, 189-92
description of. 161-62
filing of. 164-65
fitting and shaping of, 164-67
layout of, 162-64
Lyman Model 57 sights, 127
Machine tool development,
background of, 15-17
Manlicher-type receivers, 124
Manton firearms, 110, 12!
Marking tools. Sa Layout and
marking tools
Marlin firearms, 124
Maudslay, Henry, 16
Mauser Model 98, 90, 127, 143
Mauser-type claw extractor, 141
Measuring tools
dial calipers, 22, 42-43
micrometers, 22. 43
rules. 22. 43
vernier calipers, 22, 42
Metal. Sa Steel
Metal-turning lathes, 114-16
Micrometers, 1-inch, 22, 43
Mosin-Nagnet receivers, 124
Nasmyth, James. 16
Needle files, 59-60, 68-69, 71
Parker firearms, 110, 121
PBS compound, 190
Pliers, 43
coated abrasives and, 90-91, 93, 94,
cross. 90-91
draw, 91. 93
draw filing and, 89-90
power vs. hand. 86-88
preparation for, 88-89
of small parts. 93-94
Power buffer-grinder. 86-87
Power polishing vs hand polishing,
Precision filing
description of, 62
techniques of, 68—69
Prick punches. 21-22, 43
Protractors, 20
center, 21-22, 43
prick, 21-22, 43
Purdy firearms, 121204 Gunsmithing with Simple Hand ‘loots
Taps and dies, 32, 34
size selection of, 42
Tap wrenches. 43
Tempering of
springs, 192-93, 196-98
steel, 48
Tempilaq, 52
Toolmakers’ clamps. 22, 43
Tools. Sa Electric tools; Hand tools
Trigger guard, making a machined
bulk metal removal, 147-48
design, 144-45
ease of, 143-44
final shaping, 150—52
finish filing, 152-53
layout, 145-47
rough filing, 148-49
Trigger guards, 93
Trigger work, 130-33
stoning and, 133-37, 139
description of, 168-70
layout of, 171-76
Twist drill bits. 24
accuracy of. 25
size selection of. 25, 39, 41-42
Squares. 20-21
annealing of, 48
carbon. 46-47
case hardening of, 48-49
hardening of, 47-49
heat treating of, 47, 50-53
home heat treating of, 50-53
qualities of, 44
selection of. for springs, 193
sodium cyanide and. 53
tempering of. 48
Tempilaq and, 52
types of, 45-46
Stevens firearms, 109
Stoning, trigger work and, 133-37
Straightedges, 20-21, 43
Straight filing
description of, 62
exercises for, 65-67
hand grips for, 63-64
techniques of, 64-65
Swiss pattern files, 57, 59, 60, 71
Reamers, 24, 25, 30-31
Reblueing. Jee Blueing
Remington firearms. 109
Hepburn, 131
Model 721, 143
Model 722, 143
Riffler files, 60-62. 68-69, 71
Ruger firearms. 134
6-inch steel, 22
12-inch steel, 43
Sako .308 L579, 140-41
Sandpaper, 83-84
polishing with, 90-91, 93, 94
Savage firearms, 109
Model 340, 143
Screwdrivers, 39
polishing of, 93-94
repairing of, 93-94
Scribes, 21, 43
completion of, 184-88
description of, 170
layout of, 171-76
Sharpening stones, 79-82
Arkansas, 137
Indiana, 135, 136-37, 139
trigger work and, 133-37, 139
Shaw, Josuha, 155
Side hammer locks
back action vs. front action, 155-57
background of, 154-55
straight-fall vs, rebounding, 158-60
Sighting-in, 128-29
Sight mounting, 123-28
Silicon carbide, 73-74, 90
Smith & Wesson firearms, 134
.22 Model 34-1, 137
1.. C. Smith firearms, 109. 110, 121
Sodium cyanide, 53
Springfield firearms
1873 trapdoor, 155
1903-A3, 143, 144
configuration of, 193-94
construction of. 192-98
hardening of, 196
selection of steel for, 193
taper of, 193-94
tempering of, 192-93, 196-98
Index 205
Vernier calipers, 6-inch, 22. 42
Vises, bench, 22, 38-39
filing and, 63
Westley Richards firearms, 110
Whitney, Eli, 16
Winchester firearms, 109
Model 75 22 LR, 143
Model 92. 124
Model 94, 124
Work benches, 36-38
Workshop setup, 35-38
Wrenches, tap. 43

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