Fundamentals of HVAC Systems
اسم المؤلف
Robert McDowall
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Fundamentals of HVAC Systems
SI Edition
Prepared by
Robert McDowall, P. Eng.
Engineering Change Inc.
Foreword ix
1 Introduction to HVAC 1
Instructions 1
Study Objectives of Chapter 1 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Brief History of HVAC 2
1.3 Scope of Modern HVAC 3
1.4 Introduction to Air-Conditioning Processes 3
1.5 Objective: What is your system to achieve? 4
1.6 Environment For Human Comfort 6
The Next Step 8
Summary 9
Bibliography 9
2 Introduction to HVAC Systems 11
Instructions 11
Study Objectives of Chapter 2 11
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 Introducing the Psychrometric Chart 12
2.3 Basic Air-Conditioning System 20
2.4 Zoned Air-Conditioning Systems 24
2.5 Choosing an Air-Conditioning System 27
2.6 System Choice Matrix 30
The Next Step 31
Summary 31
Bibliography 33
3 Thermal Comfort 34
Instructions 34
Study Objectives of Chapter 3 34
3.1 Introduction: What is Thermal Comfort? 34
3.2 Seven Factors Influencing Thermal Comfort 35
3.3 Conditions for Comfort 38
3.4 Managing Under Less Than Ideal Conditions 41
3.5 Requirements of Non-Standard Groups 42
The Next Step 43
Summary 43
Bibliography 44vi Contents
4 Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality 45
Instructions 45
Study Objectives of Chapter 4 45
4.1 Introduction 45
4.2 Air Pollutants and Contaminants 46
4.3 Indoor Air Quality Effects on Health and Comfort 47
4.4 Controlling Indoor Air Quality 49
4.5 ASHRAE Standard 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air
Quality 54
The Next Step 59
Summary 59
Bibliography 60
5 Zones 62
Instructions 62
Study Objectives of Chapter 5 62
5.1 Introduction 62
5.2 What is a Zone? 63
5.3 Zoning Design 63
5.4 Controlling the Zone 68
The Next Step 69
Summary 69
6 Single Zone Air Handlers and Unitary Equipment 71
Instructions 71
Study Objectives of Chapter 6 71
6.1 Introduction 72
6.2 Examples of Buildings with Single-Zone Package
Air-Conditioning Units 72
6.3 Air-Handling Unit Components 73
6.4 The Refrigeration Cycle 78
6.5 System Performance Requirements 83
6.6 Rooftop Units 85
6.7 Split Systems 88
The Next Step 89
Summary 89
Bibliography 91
7 Multiple Zone Air Systems 92
Instructions 92
Study Objectives of Chapter 7 92
7.1 Introduction 93
7.2 Single-Duct, Zoned-Reheat, Constant-Volume Systems 94
7.3 Single-Duct, Variable-Air-Volume Systems (VAV) 96
7.4 Bypass Box Systems 98
7.5 Constant-Volume, Dual-Duct, All-Air Systems 99
7.6 Multizone Systems 102
7.7 Three-Deck Multizone Systems 103
7.8 Dual-Duct, Variable-Air-Volume Systems 104
7.9 Dual-Path Outside-Air Systems 105Contents vii
The Next Step 105
Summary 106
8 Hydronic Systems 108
Instructions 108
Study Objectives of Chapter 8 108
8.1 Introduction 109
8.2 Natural Convection and Low Temperature Radiation Heating
Systems 110
8.3 Panel Heating and Cooling 113
8.4 Fan Coils 114
8.5 Two-Pipe Induction Systems 117
8.6 Water Source Heat Pumps 118
The Next Step 120
Summary 120
Bibliography 121
9 Hydronic System Architecture 122
Instructions 122
Study Objectives of Chapter 9 122
9.1 Introduction 123
9.2 Steam Systems 123
9.3 Water Systems 125
9.4 Hot Water Systems 129
9.5 Chilled Water Systems 133
9.6 Condenser Water 134
The Next Step 137
Summary 137
Bibliography 138
10 Central Plants 139
Instructions 139
Study Objectives of Chapter 10 139
10.1 Introduction 140
10.2 Central Plant Versus Local Plant in a Building 140
10.3 Boilers 142
10.4 Chillers 145
10.5 Cooling Towers 148
The Next Step 151
Summary 152
Bibliography 153
11 Controls 154
Instructions 154
Study Objectives of Chapter 11 154
11.1 Introduction 155
11.2 Controls Basics 156
11.3 Typical Control loops 161
11.4 Introduction to Direct Digital Control (DDC) 163
11.5 Direct Digital Control of an Air-Handler 168viii Contents
11.6 Architecture and Advantages of Direct Digital Controls 172
The Next Step 175
Summary 176
Bibliography 177
12 Energy Conservation Measures 178
Instructions 178
Study Objectives of Chapter 12 178
12.1 Introduction 179
12.2 Energy Considerations For Buildings 179
12.3 ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 183
12.4 Heat Recovery 186
12.5 Air-Side and Water-Side Economizers 190
12.6 Evaporative Cooling 192
12.7 Control of Building Pressure 194
The Final Step 194
Summary 195
Bibliography 196
13 Special Applications 197
Instructions 197
Study Objectives of Chapter 13 197
13.1 Introduction 198
13.2 Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems 198
13.3 Thermal Storage Systems 201
13.4 The Ground as Heat Source and Sink 211
13.5 Occupant-Controlled Windows with HVAC 212
13.6 Room Air Distribution Systems 213
13.7 Decoupled and Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems 217
Summary 220
Your Next Step 222
Bibliography 223
Epilogue 223
Index 22
acoustical environment 7
active thermal storage 202–4, 221
activity level, and comfort 8, 35–6
actuator 75, 168
adiabatic process 18, 32
air-and-water systems 26–7
air-conditioning systems
basic system 20–4
choice of system 27–30, 32, 82, 87
components 20–2, 32, 87
controls 27
definition 4
economizer cycle 22–4, 32, 93
processes 3–4, 9
rooftop units 85–8, 90
single-zone systems 72–3
split systems 88–9
system performance requirements
83–5, 90
window air-conditioners 4, 27,
79–80, 112
zoned systems 24–7, 32
air distribution systems 213–17, 221
air handlers see single zone air handlers
air inlet 74–5
air quality, and comfort 6–8, 47–9, 60
air-side economizers 190–1, 196
air speed, and comfort 38, 41
air temperature
and comfort 37
mixed-temperature sensor 75
variations 42
all-air systems 24–5
advantages 93–4
bypass box systems 98–9
disadvantages 94
dual-duct systems 99–100, 101
dual-duct variable air volume
systems 104–5
dual path outside air systems 105
multizone systems, 102–3
reheat systems 25, 94–6, 106
three-deck multizone systems 103
variable air volume (VAV) system
26, 104–5
all-water systems 27
analog electronic controls 156
analog input and output 165
art work preservation, HVAC
systems 6
ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–2004
Energy Standard for Buildings Except
Low-Rise Residential Buildings 3,
168, 175, 179, 183–6
Guideline 13–2000 Specifying Direct
Digital Control Systems 175
psychrometric chart 12–20
Standard 135–2004 A Data
Communication Protocol for Building
Automation and Control
Networks 173
Standard 52.1–1992 Gravimetric and
Dust Spot Procedures for Testing Air
Cleaning Devices 50
Standard 52.2–1999 Method for Testing
General Ventilation Air Cleaning
Devices for the Removal Efficiency by
Particle Size 51
Standard 55–2004 Thermal
Environmental Conditions for Human
Occupancy 35226 Index
ASHRAE (Continued)
Standard 62 Ventilation for Acceptable
Indoor Air Quality 54–9
Standard 62.1–2004 Ventilation for
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
46, 54–9
Standard 62.2–2004 Ventilation
and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
in Low Rise Residential Buildings
46, 54
axial fan 78
BACnet 173
bag filter 52, 53
barometric dampers 194
central plant 140–2, 145
condensing boiler, 187
replacement 144, 183
steam boilers 125, 145, 152
two boiler system 144–5
boreholes 211
breathing zone 55
building design
and air-conditioning 28
and energy conservation 179–83
bypass box systems 98–9
bypass damper 98
carbon dioxide 57–9
carbon monoxide 47
carcinogens 48
ceiling plenum 99
ceilings, radiant heating and
cooling 198
central plants 139–52
boilers 140–2, 145
chillers 145–8
comparison with local
plants 140–2
cooling towers 148–51
centrifugal compressor 146
centrifugal fan 78
changeover system, fan coils 116
chilled water system 133–4, 171
chilled water, storage 205–8
central plant 139–42, 145–8
energy efficiency 142
client issues 29
and dual-path systems 105
and economizer cycle 22–4, 32
effects of 4
and single zone air-handlers 87, 81
and thermal storage 201–11
and zones 62–9
closed loop controls 158–60, 161
closed water circuit 135, 136
clothing, and comfort 8, 36
Coanda effect 214
Coefficient of Performance
(COP), 185
and environment 6–8
and indoor air quality 45, 47–9
see also thermal comfort
comfort cooling see air-conditioning
comfort envelope 39, 40
compressor, in refrigeration
equipment 78
computers see Direct Digital
Controls (DDC)
condensate, steam systems 123–5
condenser, in refrigeration equipment 78
condenser water 134–6, 140, 146
condensing boiler 130, 187
filtration 50–3
health effects 47, 48, 54
indoor air quality 46, 47
source control 49–50
control logic 76, 163
controlled device 160
controlled variable 159
controller 160
basics 156–61
choice of 155
closed loop 158–60
Direct Digital Controls (DDC), 156,
163–8, 172–5
economizers 190
electric 155
electronic 156
languages 172
open loop 160–1
pneumatic 156
self-powered 155
thermal storage 198
time control 161Index 227
convection heating 110–13
evaporative cooling 192–4
radiant cooling 113, 198–201
cooling coil 18, 22, 77
cooling towers 78, 135–6, 140, 148–51
costs 29, 186, 204
in air-conditioning system 20, 74–5
bypass damper 98
data gathering panel (DGP), 174
dead band 113, 163
decoupled outdoor air systems 217–20
dehumidification 105
desiccant wheels 189–90
dew point temperature 13
digital/binary input and output 164
dilution ventilation 54
Direct Digital Controls (DDC) 156,
168–75, 210
inputs and outputs 163
naming conventions 165
sequence of operations 165–8, 171
single zone air handlers 168–72
system architecture 173–5
direct evaporative cooling 192–4
disease, and air quality 47–8
displacement ventilation 214
drafts 41
drift eliminators 149
dual-duct systems 99–102
dual-duct variable air volume
systems 104–5
dual-path outside air systems 105, 220
dust spot efficiency 51
air-side economizers 190–2
economizer cycle 22–4, 32, 93
water-side 190–2
electric controls 155, 156
electricity, costs, 77, 204
electric thermal storage (ETS) heater 202
electronic controls 156
electronic filter 52
energy conservation
air-side economizers 190–1
90.13, 183–6
building design 179–83
building pressure control 194
evaporative cooling 192–4
heat recovery 195
water-side economizers 190–2
energy-cost budget method 186
Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), 185
energy efficiency, hot water
systems 130–33
Enthalpy 15–16, 32, 76
entrained air 117
environment, for human comfort
6–8, 9
evaporative cooling 192–4
evaporator 79
expansion valve 79
expectations, and comfort 8, 37, 38
fan coils 114–17
fan, in air-conditioning system
75, 78, 89
farm animals, HVAC systems 11
filters 20, 52–3, 76
firing rate 144
float and thermostatic steam trap 123
radiant floor 113, 114, 120, 130,
187, 198
surface temperature 42
four-pipe system, fan coil 116
frozen food storage, HVAC systems 5
gain 158
greenhouse gas emissions 3
ground, heat source and sink 198, 211
pressure 192
water flow 81, 135
health, and air contaminants 48
hydronic systems 110–13
psychrometric chart 12–20
radiant heating 198–201
steam systems 122, 123–5, 137
water systems 122, 133, 137
heating coil
in air-conditioning system 20, 76–7
fan coils 114–17, 121
heat pipes 188228 Index
heat pumps
air-to-air system 82
closed loop systems 120
ground source heat pumps 90, 118, 130
water source heat pumps 118, 121
heat recovery 119, 142, 186, 195
desiccant wheels 189
heat pipes 178, 188
run-around energy recovery coils 187
HEPA filter 52
ceiling panel heating 114, 201
dual-duct systems 100
filters 50, 76
HVAC systems 3
expectations 8, 37
four-pipe fan-coil system 116
ventilation 55
hot-water fan coils 116
hot water systems 129, 130, 137
boilers 142–5, 152
energy efficiency 130, 179
human comfort see comfort
humidification, psychrometric
chart 17–18
humidifier, in air-conditioning
system 22, 77
humidistat 22, 69
and comfort 5, 38, 43
dehumidification 4, 18–20, 105
relative humidity 13–15
and zones 62, 64
humidity ratio (W) 12, 38
HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air
history of 2–3, 8–9
system objectives 4–6, 9
hydronic circuits 123
hydronic systems 108–21
advantages 109
architecture of 122–38
control of 109, 111–13
disadvantages 109
fan coils 114–17
natural convection and low
temperature radiation systems
109–13, 120
panel heating and cooling
113–14, 120
steam piping systems 125, 137
two pipe induction systems 117, 121
and ventilation 106, 109, 113
water piping systems 120, 140
water source heat pumps 118, 121
ice, storage 204, 208
IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society
of North America) see ASHRAE
(American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers), ASHRAE/IESNA
Standard 90.1–2004
indirect evaporative cooling 192, 193
individuals, and comfort 6, 8, 48
indoor air quality (IAQ) 3, 45–60
contaminants 46
dilution 49, 53
filtration 50–2
source control 49–50
ventilation 45–60
Induction Reheat Unit 95
induction, two pipe induction
systems 117, 121
infiltration 14, 78, 117
Integrated Part-Load Value (IPLV) 185
Internet 27, 141, 173
interoperability 173
languages, controls 172–3
latent heat 15, 17, 32, 84
latent heat of fusion 205
Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) 186, 195
legionella 48, 151
and comfort 7
energy conservation 181, 185
and HVAC 7
low-grade heat 186
Low-Temperature Reheat Unit with
Induced Air 95, 96
mechanically conditioned spaces, comfort
conditions 40
MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting
Values) 51–2, 116
mixed temperature sensor, in
air-conditioning system 75
mixing chamber, in air-conditioning
system 20Index 229
modulating controls 156, 157
mold, control of 47, 194
multiple zone air systems 92–107
multizone systems 102, 103
offset 158, 176
on-off controls 157
on-off input and output 164
open loop control system 160
open water circuit 136
outdoor air, dual-path
system 105, 107
outdoor reset 112, 130, 160, 161
outside air damper, in air-conditioning
system 20, 59
overshoot 158, 176
panel filter 52
panel heating and cooling 108, 113,
120, 198
passive thermal storage
202, 220
personal environment model 7
physical space, and comfort 9
piping, water systems 128–9
pleated filter 53
pneumatic controls 156
pollutants see contaminants
ponding, steam systems 125
building pressure 194, 196
and zones 67
proportional control 157, 158
protocols 173
psychosocial situation 8
psychrometric chart 12–20, 31
acceptable temperature and
humidity 41
cooling coil 19, 22
cooling towers 148, 153
design of 12
evaporative cooling 192
heating 16
humidification 17
relative humidity 13–15
pump curve 128
hot water systems 129–33, 137
water systems 137
radiant cooling 201, 220
radiant floor 113–14, 130, 198
radiant heating
high temperature 198, 220
low temperature, 109, 120
radiant temperature 37, 42
radiators, heating system
110, 120
radon 47
reciprocating compressor 146
recuperator 142
refrigerant-based systems 27
equipment 78–83, 89
history of 2
see also chillers
reheat system 25, 94, 106
Induction Reheat Unit 95
Low-Temperature Reheat Unit with
Induced Air 95, 96
relative humidity 13–15
relief air 74
chilled water 182
heating 182
outdoor reset 112, 130, 160–1
reset controller 161
return fan 78
rooftop units 85, 90
room air distribution systems
213–17, 221
run-around energy recovery coils 187
safety issues, steam systems 122,
123, 137
saturation line 13, 32
saturation point 13
seasonal efficiency 141, 152
secondary air see entrained air
self-powered controls 155
sensible heat 15, 84
sensor 160
setpoint 160
setpoint temperature 69, 160
sick building syndrome 49
single zone air handlers 71–90
components 73–8
direct digital control (DDC) 168–72
solar gain 66
solar heating, water 202230 Index
attributes for comfort 6
and zones 63
speed of reaction 176
split systems 88, 90
standalone panel 166, 174
static lift 135
steam systems 122, 123–5, 137
boilers 142, 152
safety issues 125, 140
steam traps 125, 140
storage heater 202
stratified tank 221
system choice matrix 30, 32
system curve 128
system head 128
Task/Ambient Conditioning system
(TAC) 217
temperature see air temperature; radiant
thermal comfort
conditions for 6, 38, 43
definition 34
factors 35, 43
non-ideal conditions 41
non-standard groups 42
thermal storage 198, 201–11, 220
active 202
chilled water storage 205–11
controls 208
ice storage 208–11
passive 202
thermal variation, zones 66
thermostatic steam trap 123
thermostats 69, 114, 161
three-deck multizone systems 103
time control 161
timing, and zones 116
tobacco smoke 48, 53
transducer 156, 165
turn-down ratio 144, 152
Turn it off, Turn it down, Turn it in 183
two pipe induction systems 117, 121
Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) 215
unitary refrigerant-based systems 27
variable air volume (VAV) systems 26,
96–8, 104
controls 155
direct digital control (DDC) 163–8
dual-duct system 106, 107
variable input and output 165
acceptable indoor air quality 60
air distribution 213–17, 221
and hydronic heating
systems 113, 120
occupant-operated windows 41, 113,
212, 221
zones 66
vertical temperature difference 42
water heating, passive 202
water piping systems 120, 140
chilled water systems 122,
133, 210
condenser water 134–6
hot water systems 130, 137
water-side economizers 191, 196
water source heat pumps 118, 121
water systems see hydronic systems
water vapor, humidity ratio 12
web server 175
wells 118, 211
window air-conditioners 4, 27,
112, 213
and energy conservation 179, 183
occupant-controlled 212–13, 221
and zones 63
zone air distribution effectiveness 55, 56
zoned air-conditioning systems 24, 32
all-air systems 25, 99–102
see also single zone air handlers
control of 68–9
definition 62, 63
design 63–
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