Mechanics and Mechanisms of Fracture: An Introduction

Mechanics and Mechanisms of Fracture: An Introduction
Alan F. Liu
Preface v
Chapter 1 Solid Mechanics of Homogeneous Materials 1
11 Key Types of Mechanical Behavior 3
12 Stress and Strain 7
13 Principal Stresses and Principal Strains 10
14 Equivalent Stress and Equivalent Strain 15
15 Stress Analysis of Monolithic Load-Carrying Members 15
16 Stress Analysis Using Finite Element Methods 26
17 Local Stress Distribution at a Geometric Discontinuity 33
18 Stress Analysis of Cracks 39
Chapter 2 Deformation and Fracture Mechanisms and Static Strength of Metals 47
21 Elastic and Plastic Behavior 47
22 Yield Criteria 57
23 Fracture Criteria 59
24 Fracture Mechanisms and Appearances 62
25 Fracture Strengths 84
26 Residual Stresses 96
27 Material Toughness 100
28 Deformation and Fracture under Sustained Loads 102
Chapter 3 Fatigue Strength of Metals 121
31 Mechanical Behavior under Cyclic Loads 121
32 Microscopic and Macroscopic Aspects of Fatigue and Crack Propagation 127
33 Fatigue Life, Crack Initiation, Crack Growth, and Total Life 136
34 Infinite-Life (Stress-Based) Fatigue Strength 138
35 Finite-Life (Strain-Based) Fatigue Strength 151
36 Some Practical Fatigue Design Considerations 158
Chapter 4 Static and Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Metals 169
41 Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics 170
42 Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness: Static KIC 177
43 Dynamic KIC 187
44 Plane-Stress Fracture Toughness, KC 200
45 Fracture under Mixed Modes 1 and 2 208
Chapter 5 Damage Tolerance of Metals 215
51 Stress-Intensity Factor and Damage Tolerance Analysis 215
52 Determination of Stress-Intensity Factors for Nonstandard Configurations 229
53 Fatigue Crack Growth in Room-Temperature Air 236
Chapter 6 Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics 281
61 Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics 281
62 Time-Dependent Fracture Mechanics 286
Chapter 7 Mechanical Behavior of Nonmetallic Materials 297
71 Ceramics and Glasses 297
72 Polymers 300
73 Fractography 315
Chapter 8 Mechanics of Fiber-Reinforced Composites 319
81 Types of Composites 320
82 Coding System 321
83 Stresses and Strains in Composite Laminates 323
84 Failure Mechanisms of Composites 328
85 Fracture Mechanics for Fibrous Composites 336
86 Damage Tolerance of Composites 340
87 Some Practical Issues 343
Appendix 1 Lattice Structure and Deformation Mechanisms in Metallic
Single Crystals 357
A11 Crystal Lattice Structures 357
A12 Lattice Response under Stress 362
A13 Mechanical Twinning 368
A14 Stacking Faults 370
Appendix 2 Close-Form Representation of Tangential Stress Distribution at
Circular and Elliptical Holes 373
A21 Infinite Sheet 373
A22 Finite-Width Sheet 374
A23 Saff’s Close-Form Equation 374
A24 Comparison between Saff’s Close-Form Equation and the Analytical Solutions 377
Appendix 3 Nonarbitrary Crack Size Concept for Fatigue Crack Initiation 379
Appendix 4 Fatigue Spectrum Editing 383
A41 Spectrum Simplification: RACETRAK Method 384
A42 Cycle Counting: Range-Pair Method 385
Appendix 5 Stress Severity Factor 391
Appendix 6 Specimen Orientation and Fracture Plane Identification 395
Appendix 7 Mechanical Properties Data for Selected Aluminum Alloys 397
A71 Conventional and High-Strength Aluminum Alloys 397
A72 P/M Aluminum 398
A73 Aluminum-Lithium Alloys 398
A74 Aluminum Casting Alloys 398
Appendix 8 Mechanical Properties Data for Selected Titanium Alloys 411
Appendix 9 Mechanical Properties Data for Selected Titanium Aluminides 415
Appendix 10 Mechanical Properties Data for Selected Steels 423
Appendix 11 Conversion Table 429
Appendix 12 Glossary of Terms, Symbols, and Abbreviations 431
Index 443