Fracture Mechanics – An Introduction – Second Edition
اسم المؤلف
E.E. Gdoutos

Fracture Mechanics – An Introduction – Second Edition
E.E. Gdoutos
Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece
Conversion table ix
Preface to the Second Edition xi
Preface xiii
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Conventional failure criteria 1
1.2. Characteristic brittle failures 3
1.3. Griffith’s work 5
1.4. Fracture mechanics 10
References 13
2. Linear Elastic Stress Field in Cracked Bodies 15
2.1. Introduction 15
2.2. Crack deformation modes and basic concepts 15
2.3. Westergaard method 17
2.4. Singular stress and displacement fields 20
2.5. Stress intensity factor solutions 27
2.6. Three-dimensional cracks 28
Examples 29
Problems 37
Appendix 2.1 53
References 55
3. Elastic-Plastic Stress Field in Cracked Bodies 57
3.1. Introduction 57
3.2. Approximate determination of the crack-tip plastic zone 58
3.3. Irwin’s model 63
3.4. Dugdale’s model 65
Examples 68
Problems 73
References 76
vvi Contents
4. Crack Growth Based on Energy Balance 79
4.1. Introduction 79
4.2. Energy balance during crack growth 80
4.3. Griffith theory 81
4.4. Graphical representation of the energy balance equation 82
4.5. Equivalence between strain energy release rate
and stress intensity factor 86
4.6. Compliance 89
4.7. Crack stability 91
Examples 94
Problems 106
References 116
5. Critical Stress Intensity Factor Fracture Criterion 117
5.1. Introduction 117
5.2. Fracture criterion 118
5.3. Variation of Kc with thickness 118
5.4. Experimental determination of KIc 122
5.5. Crack growth resistance curve (R-curve) method 128
5.6. Fracture mechanics design methodology 133
Examples 134
Problems 145
Appendix 5.1 150
References 151
6. J -Integral and Crack Opening Displacement Fracture Criteria 153
6.1. Introduction 153
6.2. Path-independent integrals 153
6.3. J -integral 155
6.4. Relationship between the J -integral and potential energy 158
6.5. J -integral fracture criterion 160
6.6. Experimental determination of the J -integral 161
6.7. Stable crack growth studied by the J -integral 169
6.8. Crack opening displacement (COD) fracture criterion 170
Examples 176
Problems 184
References 192
7. Strain Energy Density Failure Criterion: Mixed-Mode Crack
Growth 195
7.1. Introduction 195
7.2. Volume strain energy density 196
7.3. Basic hypotheses 199
7.4. Two-dimensional linear elastic crack problems 201Contents vii
7.5. Uniaxial extension of an inclined crack 203
7.6. Ductile fracture 209
7.7. The stress criterion 213
Examples 215
Problems 228
References 238
8. Dynamic Fracture 239
8.1. Introduction 239
8.2. Mott’s model 240
8.3. Stress field around a rapidly propagating crack 243
8.4. Strain energy release rate 246
8.5. Crack branching 248
8.6. Crack arrest 250
8.7. Experimental determination of crack velocity and
dynamic stress intensity factor 250
Examples 253
Problems 260
References 263
9. Fatigue and Environment-Assisted Fracture 265
9.1. Introduction 265
9.2. Fatigue crack propagation laws 267
9.3. Fatigue life calculations 271
9.4. Variable amplitude loading 272
9.5. Environment-assisted fracture 275
Examples 277
Problems 287
References 292
10. Micromechanics of Fracture 293
10.1. Introduction 293
10.2. Cohesive strength of solids 294
10.3. Cleavage fracture 296
10.4. Intergranular fracture 298
10.5. Ductile fracture 299
10.6. Crack detection methods 301
References 303
11. Composite Materials 305
11.1. Introduction 305
11.2. Through-thickness cracks 306viii Contents
11.3. Interlaminar fracture 311
References 322
12. Thin Films 323
12.1. Introduction 323
12.2. Interfacial failure of a bimaterial system 324
12.3. Steady-state solutions for cracks in bilayers 328
12.4. Thin films under tension 331
12.5. Measurement of interfacial fracture toughness 333
References 338
13. Nanoindentation 339
13.1. Introduction 339
13.2. Nanoindentation for measuring Young’s modulus and hardness 339
13.3. Nanoindentation for measuring fracture toughness 343
13.4. Nanoindentation for measuring interfacial fracture
toughness – Conical indenters 346
13.5. Nanoindentation for measuring interfacial fracture
toughness – Wedge indenters 350
References 352
14. Cementitious Materials 353
14.1. Introduction 353
14.2. Why fracture mechanics of concrete? 354
14.3. Tensile behavior of concrete 355
14.4. The fracture process zone 357
14.5. Fracture mechanics 359
14.6. Modelling the fracture process zone 359
14.7. Experimental determination of GIc 361
14.8. Size effect 363
14.9. Fiber reinforced cementitious materials (FRCMs) 365
References 365
Index 36
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