Formula SAE Interchangeable Independent Rear Suspension Design
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Formula SAE team

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Formula SAE Interchangeable Independent Rear Suspension Design
Sponsored by the Cal Poly Formula SAE team
A Final Report for Reid Olsen, FSAE Technical Director
Suspension Solutions Design team
Mike McCune – [email protected]
Daniel Nunes – [email protected]
Mike Patton – [email protected]
Courtney Richardson – [email protected]
Evan Sparer – [email protected]
Table of Contents
Abstract . 6
Chapter 1: Introduction . 7
FSAE Team History and Opportunity . 8
Formal Problem Definition 10
Objectives/Specification Development .11
Chapter 2: Background .13
Solid Rear Axle Design .14
Tire Research .15
Steady State Cornering Model 16
Chapter 3: Design Development 19
Suspension Geometry 20
Loading Conditions and Forces .22
Space Frame Adaption 23
Differential 27
CV Joints and Half Shafts .28
Uprights .30
Chapter 4: Final Design .33
Summary and model .34
Detailed Design Description and Analysis .36
Rear A-Arms 36
Rear Rockers .39
Shocks and the Anti-Roll Bar (ARB) .40
Front Suspension Analysis and Redesign 41
Rear Frame Adaptation .433
Differential Choice and Mounting .47
CV Joints, Half Shafts, Splines, and Axles 52
Spline Analysis .52
Half Shaft Fatigue 54
Spindle Fatigue Sizing 55
Uprights .57
Cost Analysis .58
Manufacturing Plan 60
Chapter 5: Manufacturing Process .61
Suspension: .62
A-Arms .62
Rockers 63
Push-rod’s/Tie-rods: 64
Chassis .65
Drivetrain: .67
Differential Inserts 67
Differential Axle Stubs .68
Differential Uprights .68
Differential Half Shafts 69
Differential Drilling 69
Drive train Assembly .69
Uprights: .70
Wheel Uprights .70
Upright Suspension Tabs .71
Spindles .714
Hubs 72
Chapter 6: Design Verification 73
Weight Results 74
Dynamic Test Plan and Equipment .75
Strain Gages 77
Transducer Calibration 78
Accelerometer .79
DAQ .80
Initial Installation Testing .82
Axle Stubs 82
Upright Thrust Bearing 84
Dynamic Testing Results .85
Stopwatch .85
Data Acquisition System .88
Discussion 90
Future Testing .91
Acceleration Test 91
Autocross Test .91
Chapter 8: Conclusion .92
Conclusion and Recommendations .93
Rear Suspension Members and Geometry .93
Differential choice .94
Uprights .94
Rear Frame 945
Final Thoughts .95
Appendix A: Gantt Chart .
Appendix B: QFD .
Appendix C: Selection of Detailed Analysis . .
Appendix D: Decision Matrices .
Appendix E: Suspension Forces Matlab Code .
Appendix F: Detailed Engineering Part Drawings. . .
Appendix G: Bill of Materials . .
Appendix H: Testing Summary .
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