Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS’Workbench
Theory, Applications, Case Studies
Huei-Huang Lee
Department of Engineering Science
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Preface 4
Chapter I Introduction 9
I. I Case Study: PneumaticallyActuated PDMS Fingers 10
1.2 Structural Mechanics: A Quick Review 24
1.3 Finite Element Methods: A Concise Introduction 35
1.4 Failure Criteria of Materials 40
1.5 Review 47
1.6 Appendix: An Unofficial History ofANSYS 51
Chapter 2 Sketching 56
2.1 W16x50 Beam 57
2.2 Triangular Plate 70
2.3 More Details 81
2.4 M20x2.5 Threaded Bolt 92
2.5 Spur Gears 97
2.6 Microgripper 103
2.7 Review 107
Chapter 3 2D Simulations 109
3.1 Triangular Plate 110
3.2 Threaded Bolt-and-Nut 125
3.3 More Details 140
3.4 Spur Gears 151
3.5 Structural Error, FE Convergence, and Stress Singularity 157
3.6 Review 170
Chapter 4 3D Solid Modeling 172
Beam Bracket 173
Cover of Pressure Cylinder 179
Lifting Fork 190
More Details 197
LCD Display Support 203
Review 207
Chapter 5 3D Simulations 209
5.1 Beam Bracket 210
5.2 Cover of Pressure Cylinder 219
5.3 More Details 227
5.4 LCD Display Support 231
5.5 Review 236
Chapter 6 Surface Models 238
6.1 Bellows Joints 239
6.2 Beam Bracket 249
6.3 Gearbox 256
6.4 Review 269
Chapter 7 Line Models 271
7.1 Flexible Gripper 272
7.2 3D Truss 283
7.3 Two-Story Building 295
7.4 Review 309
Chapter 8 Optimization 311
8.1 Flexible Gripper 312
8.2 Triangular Plate 323
8.3 Review 329
Chapter 9 Meshing 330
9.1 Pneumatic Fingers 331
9.2 Cover of Pressure Cylinder 346
9.3 Convergence Study of 3D Solid Elements 353
9.4 Review 365
Chapter 10 Buckling and Stress Stiffening 367
10.1 Stress Stiffening 368
10.2 3D Truss 379
10.3 Beam Bracket 383
10.4 Review 387
Chapter 11 Modal Analysis 389
11.1 Gearbox 390
11.2 Two-Story Building 395
11.3 Compact Disk 402
11.4 Guitar String 410
11.5 Review 417
Chapter 12 Transient Structural Simulations 419
12.1 Basics of Structural Dynamics 420
12.2 Lifting Fork 429
12.3 Harmonic Response Analysis:Two-Story Building 441
12.4 Disk and Block 448
12.5 Guitar String 456
12.6 Review 466
Chapter 13 Nonlinear Simulations 468
13.1 Basics of Nonlinear Simulations 469
13.2 Translational Joint 481
13.3 Microgripper 495
13.4 Snap Lock 508
13.5 Review 524
Chapter 14 Nonlinear Materials 526
14.1 Basics of Nonlinear Materials 527
14.2 BellevilleWasher 536
14.3 Planar Seal 553
14.4 Review 568
Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics 570
15.1 Basics of Explicit Dynamics 571
15.2 High-Speed Impact 577
15.3 Drop Test 587
15.4 Review 599
Index 601
Index 601
2D, 112
2D behavior, 1 13,130,451
2D body, 111,126
2D graphics control, 72
2D model, 15,138,140
2D simulation, 15,109,112,569
2D solid body, 38
2D solid model, 15,272
3D 20-node elements, 34
3D body, 111,126
3D feature, 197
3D geometric modeling, 15
3D line modeling, 15,272
3D solid body, 37,68
3D solid element, 353
3D surface body, 38,238
3D solid modeling, 172
3D surface modeling, 15
3D truss, 283,379
3D view, 68
3D view sketching, 175
abort a tool, 85
ABS (PA-757), 231
absolute displacement, 29
Acceleration, 147
acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, 203
Activate/Deactivate at this step, 461
active plane, 82
active sketch, 68,82
Adaptive meshing, 229,236
Adaptive Multiple-Objective, 318
Adaptive Single-Objective, 318,325
Add Frozen, 128,129,193
Add Material, 129
addendum, 97
Adjust toTouch, 153
advanced contact settings, 479
All Quad, 162
All-Hexa mesh, 228
Allowable Change, 230
Alternate Angle, 88
Amplitude, 446
analysis, 12
Analysis Settings, 143,460
Analysis Systems, 12,112,426
Analysis Type, 112
Angle, 88
angle unit, 71
animate, 18,88
anisotropic, 527
ANSYS Parametric Design Language, 149
APDL verification manual, 171
Apply, 68
Arc by 3 Points, 85
Arc by Center, 73,85
Arc byTangent, 85
arrow, 198
Asymmetric, 562
Augmented Lagrange, 131,153,478
Auto Constraints, 84,90,107
AutoTime Stepping, 279,338,491
automatic contact detection, 269
Automatic Mass Scaling, 575,599
averaged stress, 160,291
axial load, 267
axial stress, 142
axis of symmetry, 125, 136
Axisymmetric, 130
axisymmetric body, 270
axisymmetric condition, 142
axisymmetric problem, 142
Bar, 157
base circle, 98
base feature, 200,201
Base Plane, 120
beam, 39
beam bracket, 173,210,249,383
beam element, 271,278,282,283,310
Beam Results/Axial Force, 292
Beam Results/Bending Moment, 293
Beam Results/Shear Force, 293
Beam Results/Torsional Moment, 293
Beam Tool, 148602 Index
BEAM 188,39,283
Bearing Load, 146,232,236,261,265
bearing support, 256
beat, 414
beat frequency, 416
change dimension value, 88
Chart, 551
chattering, 478
Circle, 85
Circle by 3 Tangents, 85
circularity, 219,225
Behavior, 131,477
Belleville, 537
Belleville spring, 536
Belleville washer, 536,569
bellows joint, 239
bending stress, 151
beta damping, 435
biaxial tensile test, 532,553,554,555
Bilinear Isotropic Hardening, 579
bisection, 481
black arrow, 198
Blend, 201
Blend/Fixed Radius, 177
blue color, 60,66
bode plot, 446
body force, 30
Body Interactions, 582
body types, 37,196
BodyView, 130
Bonded, 476
Boolean, 195
boundary condition, 17,47,136
boundary-value problems, 33,34Box
Select, 77
Box Zoom, 64,72,83
Bracket, 174,210,249,384
branch, 107
brittle material, 40,42,47
buckling, 20,47,367,368
buckling analysis, 380,384
buckling load, 365,373,374,379
buckling mode, 367
buckling mode shape, 378
Building, 296,395,441
built-in unit systems, 144
bulk modulus, 220
calculate strain, 444
calculate stress, 444
Candidate Points, 320,321,327
Cantilever, 353
Carry OverTime Step, 518
cast iron, 40
causes of structural nonlinearities, 470
CD, 402
cell, 12
centrifugal stress, 404
ceramics, 40
CFL condition, 575,599
Chamfer, 86,201
change dimension name, 88
dick, 64
dick-sweep, 64
Closed End, 71,85
coefficient of thermal expansion, 32,283
Coincident, 63,89
compact disk, 402
Component Systems, 57
Components, 135
Compression Only Support, 147,232,265
Concentric, 90,206
Concept/Cross Section/I Section, 299
Concept/Cross Section/L Section, 287,398
Concept/Cross Section/Rectangular, 275,485
Concept/Lines From Points, 286,297,298,398,484
Concept/Split Edges, 450,458,483
Concept/Surfaces From Edges, 301
Concept/Surfaces From Sketches, 111,126
conceptual model, 15
consistent unit system, 144
constraint status, 60,76,107
Constraints, 60,65,83,89,319
Construction Geometry, 164
Construction Point at Intersection, 85
Contact, 131,153,477
contact body, 133
Contact BodyView, 132
contact element, 133
contact formulation, 477
contact nonlinearity, 468,470,476,524
Contact Region, 130,153
contact stiffness, 525
contact stress, 151
ContactTool, 148
ContactTool/Pressure, 507
ContactTool/Status, 506
contact type, 476
Contact/Pressure, 505
context menu, 63,64,74,83,107
continuous selection, 64
contour band, 229
contour display, 228
control-middle-dick-drag, 64
convergence criteria, 137,338,473
convergence study, 163,244,277,282,310,353,366
convergence value, 473
coordinate system, 119,181,224,228,236
Coordinates, 152
Coordinates File, 285
Copies, 194Index 603
Copy, 63,86
Copy Calculated Values to Property, 557
Copy inputs to Current, 321,328
copy test data, 554
Corner, 86
Coulomb damping, 466
Coulomb friction, 425
Cover, 180,219,346
Create Coordinate System, 224,592
Create Mode Shape Results, 377,381,396
Create/BodyTransformation/Mirror, 105
Create/Body Transformation/Translate, 152,298,512
Create/Boolean, 195
Create/Pattern, 102, 194
Create/Primitives/Sphere, 497
creeping, 527
critical damping, 466
critical damping coefficient, 422
critical load, 373
critically damped, 422
cross section, 275
Cross Section Alignments, 276,288,300
current design, 316,321,322
current energy, 574
current sketching plane, 59
Cursor, 84
Curvature Normal Angle, 582
Curve Fitting, 557
Cut, 85,87
Cut Material, 185, 186
cylinder cover, 179,219,346
Cylindrical, 224
cylindrical coordinate system, 224,246,542
Cylindrical Support, 147
D, 314
damped free vibration, 421,422
damped natural angular frequency, 422
damping, 423
damping coefficient, 422,423
Damping Controls, 425
damping effect, 21
damping force, 426
damping matrix, 426
damping mechanism, 423
damping ratio, 422
database, 18
Date and Time, 229
dedendum, 97
Define By, 135
definition of stress, 26
deformed shape, 18
degenerated element, 47
degree of freedom, 35,36,47
Delete, 85, 111
delete constraint, 90
delete dimension, 89
delete edge, 85
Density, 403
Depth, 68
Design Exploration, 11,317
design point, 316,329,408
design process, 311
design space, 316,329
design variable, 312,316
DesignModeler, I I, 14,47,57,70
DesignModeler GUI, 58,81, 197
DesignXplorer, 312
Details of Mesh, 16
Details View, 60,66,81
deviatoric energy, 44,45
deviatoric strain energy, 44
deviatoric stress, 43,44
Diameter, 88
Dimension Display, 61,62
dimension name, 61
dimension value, 61,88
Dimensions, 60,66,73,83,87
direct integration method, 426
Direct Optimization, 317,325
Direction Definition, 152
Direction of surface body, 302
Disk, 448
disk and block, 448
displacement, 24,47
Displacement, 146
Displacement Convergence, 338,473,524
displacement field, 24,36, 160
displacement scaling, 228
Display, 61,88
Display Model, 127, 182
Display Option, 158, 159,291
Display Plane, 68,79, 100
Display Values in Project Units, 313,548
divider, 229
Drag, 86
Draw, 63,83,84
driving parameter, 314
Drop, 588
drop test, 587,600
dry friction, 425
ductile material, 40,42,43,44,47
Duplicate, 87, 111,118, 182
Duplicate Selection, 182,510
dynamic behavior, 417
dynamic effect, 21
dynamic simulation, 21,47
earth gravity, 306
edge, 82, 107
edge selection, 302
edge selection filter, 300604 Index
edge-to-surface contact, 264
edges display, 228
Edit, 88
effective strain, 583,584
effective stress, 46
Eigenvalue Buckling, 375,380,384,387
elastic force, 426
elastic hysteresis, 424
elastic limit, 529
elastic material, 424,528,568
Elastic Support, 147
elasticity, 528
elastomer, 10, 11
element, 16,35
element convergence study, 170
Element Order, 159, 168,355
Element Size, 123, 134, 154,289,330,356
element stress, 291
element type, 37
Ellipse, 85
End, 64
End Release, 283,310
End selection/Place Offset, 77
End/Set Paste Handle, 74
End/Use Plane Origin as Handle, 63
Energy Conservation, 574,598
energy error, 574,599
Engineering Data, 11, 12,47,211
Engineering Data Sources, 262,578,588
Engineering Plastic, 220
environment branch, 143
environment condition, 16, 17,24,47, 145, 170
Equal Distance, 90
Equal Length, 72,76,90
Equal Radius, 90
equal temperament, 414
equilibrium equation, 30,33,34
equilibrium iteration, 456,466,471,524
equivalent strain, 46
equivalent stress, 46, 118
Erosion Controls, 583
ESC, 64,85
Explicit Dynamics, 427,466, 571
explicit integration method, 427,572
explicit method, 21,570,573,599
ExportVideo File, 216
Extend, 86
extend selection, 197, 199
Extend to Adjacent, 199
Extend to Limits, 199,245
Extrude, 14, 15,68,79,201
face pair, 251
Facet Quality, 512
Failure, 579
failure criterion, 19,40,42,47
failure mode, 40
failure point, 40
Fatigue Tool, 148
FE convergence, 157, 161
feature-based 3D modeling, 200
FEM procedure, 35
File/Close DesignModeler, 69
File/Exit, 69,80
File/Start Over, 83,85
Fillet, 67,86, 177
filleted bar, 157
Find Face Pairs, 250
Finger, 331
finite element, 16,47
finite element mesh, 12, 16, 17,47
finite element method, 16, 18,33,35
finite element model, 12, 16, 17, 18,47
first harmonic mode, 410
first-order element, 37,47
Fix Endpoints, 89
Fix Guide Line, 193
Fixed, 60,66,89
Fixed Support, 17, 146
Flexible, 99
flexible gripper, 272,312
flexible spline, 87
Flip Horizontal, 64
Flip Surface Normal, 301,302
Flood Area, 199
Flood Blends, 199
Force, 146
Force Convergence, 137,473,490,524
force distribution, 135
force intensity, 25
Force Reaction, 488,521
Forced Frictional Sliding, 476
Fork, 191,429
Form New Part, 303,399
Formulation, 131, 153,477
fracture point, 40
fracture strength, 42
free boundary, 47
Free Face Mesh Type, 162
free rotation, 198
Free vibration, 22,389,417,421
Frequency, 392,396
Frequency Response/Deformation, 444
Friction Coefficient, 131,521
Frictional, 131,476,521
Frictionless, 476
Frictionless Support, 125, 147
From Coordinates File, 285
From Face, 185, 188
fundamental frequency, 393,426Index 605
fundamental natural frequency, 393,417,426
GA, 272,281,312
Gear, 99, 151
Gearbox, 256,257,390
General, 60,66,87
General Materials, 262,303
General Non-linear Materials, 578,588
Generate, 68
Generate Mesh, I 14, 133
geometric advantage, 272,312
geometric model, 13
geometric modeling, 15
geometric strain, 583,584
Geometry, 57,68
geometry display, 228
geometry modeler, 57
geometry nonlinearity, 23,448,470,524
Global, 84
global coordinate system, 173
Global Coordinates, 224
global mesh control, 227,330,347
governing equation, 16, 18,30,34,47
Graph, 143
graphic user interface, I I
graphics window, 81, 143
gravitational acceleration, 25
gravitational force, 17
greenish-blue color, 67
Grid, 91
Gripper, 273,313
guitar string, 410,456
hardening rule, 529,530,568
harmonic mix, 413
harmonic mode, 413,417
harmonic response analysis, 427,441,443,466
harmonic response plot, 446,447
harmonic series, 413
Henri Tresca, 42
Hex Dominant, 340,351
hexahedron, 38,362
Hide Progress, 320
Hide Sketch, 127
high-speed impact, 467,577
higher-order 2D element, 366
higher-order element, 37,361
higher-order hexahedron, 359,361,362,364
higher-order parallel prism, 360,361,363
higher-order perpendicular prism, 360,361,363
higher-order tetrahedron, 359,361,362,364
history ofANSYS, 51
homogeneous, 24
Hooke’s law, 24,31,32
hoop direction, 247
hoop stress, 142,286,543,552
Horizontal, 63,66,88,89
hydrostatic compressive test, 532
Hydrostatic Pressure, 146
hydrostatic stress, 43,44
Hyperelastic Experimental Data, 554
hyperelasticity, 19,528,532,568
hyperelasticity model, 535
hysteresis elasticity, 528
idealized stress-strain curve, 529
Ignore Axis, 65
Impact, 578
implicit integration method, 427,571
implicit method, 21,570,599
imprint face, 498
in-plane rotation, 278
inconsistency, 76
inconsistent unit system, 144, 170
inertia effect, 21
inertia force, 24,426
Inertial, 145, 147
Inertial/Acceleration, 306
Inertial/Rotational Velocity, 405
Inertial/Standard Earth Gravity, 306,594
Initial Condition, 456,461,594
Initial Time Step, 338,435,491
initial yield point, 529,568
initial yield surface, 568
input parameter, 316,319,324,329
insert a new object, 82
insert APDL command, 149
Insert as Design Point, 321,327
Insert Commands, 149
Insert/Convergence, 229
Insert/Deformation/Total, I 17, 136
Insert/Force, 135
Insert/Frictionless Support, 136
Insert/Sizing, 134
Insert/Stress/Equivalent (von-Mises), 117
Insert/Stress/Normal, 136
integration time step, 575,595
Interface Treatment, 153,479
interpolating function, 36
involute curve, 98,99
isometric view, 68,79, 197, 198
isotropic, 24
Isotropic Elasticity, 12,31,47,211,220
isotropic hardening, 531,568
isotropic material, 527
iteration, 471
Joint Load, 146
just tuning system, 414
kinematic hardening, 530,568
Label, 148
Lagrange multiplier, 478
Large Deflection, 23,279,338,339,470
LCD, 190606 Index
LCD display support, 203,231
legend control, 229
length unit, 58,71
Length/Distance, 88
lifting fork, 190,429
Line, 84
line body, 15,271,295
Line by 2 Tangents, 84
line model, 271,289
line of action, 97,98
line of centers, 97,98
line of resonance, 409
line search, 475,522,524
Linear, 159,355
linear buckling analysis, 367
linear buckling analysis with constant load, 388
linear contact, 476
linear elasticity, 528
linear element, 37
linear material, 526,527,568
linear simulation, 49,468,486
linear solution, 337,494
linear structure, 468,524
Linearized Stress, 148
linearly elastic, 24,31
liquid crystal display, 190
Load Multiplier, 377,382,386
load step,456,471,524
Loads, 17, 145, 146
Loads/Bearing Load, 265
Loads/Force, 213
Loads/Moment, 155
Loads/Pressure, 305
local coordinate system, 175,274
lofting guide line, 193
Look At, 59,64,72, 182
Lower Bound, 319,326
lower-order element, 37,361
lower-order hexahedron, 355,361,362,364
lower-order parallel prism, 361,363
lower-order perpendicular prism, 361,363
lower-order prism, 357,358,364
lower-order tetrahedron, 356,361,362,364
lower-order triangular element, 159
lower/upper bound, 319
lumped mass model, 420,466
magnitude, 145
major diameter, 92
Major Grid Spacing, 91
Manual Input, 296
Manual Source, 357
Mass, 324
Mass Coefficient, 425
mass density, 25
mass matrix, 426
material assignment, 113,212
material damping, 424,466
material model, 19,31
material nonlinearity, 468,470,524
material parameter, 31,526
material property, 220
material symmetry, 32
Max Modes to Find, 376,380,391
Max Refinement Loops, 230
Maximum Energy Error, 574
Maximum Equivalent Plastic Strain EPS, 579
maximum normal stress, 41
maximum principal stress, 41
maximum shear stress, 41
maximum shear stress criterion, 42
Maximum Time Step, 338,491
measuring damping coefficient, 422
Mechanical, 11, 16,49
Mechanical GUI, 16, 18, 113, 142
mechanical properties of PDMS, 11
medium principal stress, 41,43
member force, 293
member moment, 293
Mesh, 114
mesh control, 159
Mesh Control/Face Meshing, 431
Mesh Control/Method, 217
Mesh Control/Sizing, 167,514
mesh count, 227
mesh density, 218,347
Mesh Metric, 335,347
mesh quality, 335,336
Mesh/Generate Mesh, 133, 135
Mesh/Preview Surface Mesh, 501,502
meshing, 330
Method, 159
Method Name, 325
Microgripper, 103, 104,495
Micrometer, 104
Mid-Surface, 249,251
middle mouse button, 198
middle-click-drag, 64
Midpoint, 89
midside node, 37
mild steel, 40
minimum normal stress, 41
minimum principal stress, 41,383
Minimum Reference, 473
Minimum Time Step, 338,491,519
Min Size Limit, 349
Minor-Steps per Major, 91
Mirror, 105
MISQP, 318
Modal, 390Index 607
modal analysis, 22,49,389,381,391,426
Mode, 377,381
mode shape, 426
mode tab, 81
Model, 16
model airplane wing, 418
model tree, 68,79,82, 107
Modeling mode, 68,81, 107
Modify, 63,65,67,83,86, 118
MOGA, 318
Mohr’s circle, 27,41,42
Moment, 146
Moment Convergence, 473,490,524
moment equilibrium, 27
Mooney-Rivlin, 535,553
Mooney-Rivlin 2 Parameter, 557
mouse cursor, 198, 199
mouse operation, 64
Move, 87,88
move dimension, 67
multi-point constraint, 477
Multilinear Isotropic Hardening, 548
MultiZone, 217,227
MultiZone method, 236,341,352
MythBusters, 402
Name, 61
natural angular frequency, 421
natural frequency, 22,389,393,406,407,417,421,426
natural period, 421
negative-X-face, 26,27
negative-Y-face, 26,27
negative-Z-face, 26,27
Neo-Hookean, 535
New Chart and Table, 547,567
New Plane, 82, 120, 181
New Section Plane, 343
New Sketch, 82, 106, 127, 186
Newton-Raphson method, 472,524
NextView, 72
NLPQL, 318,329
No Separation, 466,476
nodal displacement, 36
nodal stress, 291
node, 16,35,49
nonlinear buckling analysis, 367,387
nonlinear contact, 476
Nonlinear Effects, 212
nonlinear elastic material, 528
nonlinear elasticity, 528
nonlinear material, 526,527,568
nonlinear simulation, 49, 137,337,468,469,489
nonlinear solution, 338,344,494
nonlinear structure, 468,524
nonlinearity, 264
Normal Lagrange, 478
Normal Stiffness, 477,478,525
normal strain, 28,29
normal stress, 26,27
number of buckling modes, 376
number of digits, 229
Number of Steps, 471,515
Number Of Substeps, 279
numerical method, 33
object, 107
objective, 319
Objectives and Constraints, 319,325
octave, 414
Offset, 77,87, 183, 194
Ogden form, 535
Open End, 63,85,99
Open End with Fit Points, 99
Operation, 128
optimal design, 320,321,327
Optimization, 311,317,318,320,325
optimization method, 318
optimization problem, 325
order of element, 36
Orientation, 136
Orientation About Principal Axis, 228
Origin, 228
orthotropic, 527
Orthotropic Elasticity, 32,527
out-of-plane translation, 278
Outline, 143,316
Outline Plane, 181, 182
Output Controls, 435,453,519
output parameter, 316,324,329
Oval, 85
over-constrained, 76
over-damped, 422
P, 315
paint-select, 77
Pan, 64,72,83
Parallel, 90,558
parallel prism, 357,363
Parameter Set, 314,315
parameter study, 373
part, 82
pascal, 31
Paste, 64,87
Paste at Plane Origin, 64,75
paste handle, 75, 107, 127
patch, 348
Patch Conforming, 348
Patch Independent, 348,349
Path, 164, 165
PC, 402
PDMS, 10, 11608 Index
perfectly elastic-plastic material, 577
Perpendicular, 89
perpendicular prism, 358,363
Physical Properties, 220
physics of music, 410
pin-jointed, 310
Pinball Region, 479
Pitch, 198
pitch circle, 97,98
pitch point, 97,98,99
pitch radius, 97,98
placed feature, 200,201
planar seal, 553
plane of symmetry, 17, 125
plane outline, 182
Plane Strain, 561
Plane Stress, 110, I 13,513,451
plane view sketching, 175
plane-strain condition, 141
plane-strain problem, 141, 170,553
plane-stress condition, 140
plane-stress problem, 140, 170
PLANE 182,38
PLANE 183,38
plastic material, 528,548,568
plastic strain, 528,577,583
Plastic Strain Failure, 579
plasticity, 528,529,536
plasticity model, 531
Play, 18,216
pneumatic finger, 10,35,331,569
Point, 73,74,82
Point, 296
Poisson’s ratio, 11,31,32
Poisson’s Ratio, 12,220
polycarbonate, 402
polydimethylsiloxane, 10
Polygon, 84
Polyline, 63,84
polynomial form, 535
polyoxymethylene, 272,481
POM, 272,481
Preserve Bodies, 152
Pressure, 25, 146
pressure angle, 97
pressure cylinder, 179,219,346
prestressed modal analysis, 390,393
pretension, 125
Previous View, 72
Principal Axis, 228
principal direction, 41
principal strain, 19
principal stress, 41,49
principal stretch ratio, 534
principal view, 197
principle of conservation of energy, 574
principle of work and energy, 574,599
Probe, 148
Probe/Deformation, 437,462
Probe/Force Reaction, 488,516,544,566
Probe/Stress, 439
problem domain, 24
procedure of FEM, 49
Progress, 320
Project, 211
project name, 69,80
Project Schematic, 11, 12,49
project tree, 143, 170
project unit system, 144
Properties, 112
Pull-down menu,8l, 143
Pure Penalty, 478
quadratic element, 37
quadrilateral, 38
Quadrilateral Dominant, 162
quadrilateral element, 37, 162, 163
quadrilateral-based pyramid, 38
quality of mesh, 16
quasistatic simulation, 419
quadrilateral shell, 38
radial deformation, 247
radial direction, 246
radial stress, 142
Radius, 67,86,88
random vibration analysis, 428,466
rate-dependent material, 568
Re-Fit Spline, 99
reaction force, 488
Rectangle, 59
Rectangle by 3 Points, 85
Redo, 72
reference energy, 574
Refresh Geometry, 123
Remote Displacement, 147,504
Remote Force, 146
Rename, 137
Rename Based on Definition, 385
Replicate, 74,87
Reset, 112,346
reset legend, 229
residual force, 472,524
residual strain, 528
resolution, 214,227
response, 24,30
response frequency, 435,437
response spectrum analysis, 428,466
restart, 595
Result Sets, 280,438
results, 18Index 609
results object, 117, 148
results tool, 148
results toolbar, 148
results view control, 228
Resume From Cycle, 596
Retrieve This Result, 541,551,552
Reverse Normal/Z-Axis, 120
revolute joint, 283
Revolve, 96,201,242
Richard von Mises, 44
right-click, 64
right-click-drag, 64
Rigid, 581,592
rigid body, 499
rigid body mode, 370,393,417
rigid body motion, 29, 117, 118
rigid-jointed, 310
roll, 198
rotate, 64, 197, 198
Rotate about Global Z, 120
Rotate by r, 74,75
Rotation Convergence, 473,524
rotation mode, 412
Rotational Velocity, 147,405
Rough, 476
round, 177
round-cornered textbox, 58
rubber, 553
ruler, 61, 113
Safety Factor, 215
Save Project, 69,80
Scoping Method, 165,505
Screening, 318
scroll-wheel, 64
Seal, 554
second-order element, 37,49
section plane, 343
section view, 125,343
Select All, 245
select mode, 77
Select new symmetry axis, 60,65
selection, 199
Selection Filter, 74, 107, 197,199
selection pane, 197, 199,301,302
Semi-Automatic, 88
separator, 81, 143,211
Settings, 83,91
shape function, 36,49
shape memory alloy, 103,495
sharp-cornered textbox, 58
shear failure, 40,42
Shear Modulus, 31,32,220
shear strain, 28,29
shear strength, 42
shear stress, 26,27
Shear Test Data, 532,553,554,555
shell element, 238,269,270,278
SHELL 181,38
Shift-middle-click-drag, 64
Show Constraints, 90
Show Elements, 307
Show in 2D, 91
Show Progress, 320
Show Sketch, 128
Show Whole Elements, 343
Show/Sweepable Bodies, 341
SimpleBeam, 369
simply supported beam, 368
simulation, 12
single degree of freedom model, 421
singular point, 169
singular stress, 166
sizing, 154,330
sketch, 82, 107
sketched feature, 200
Sketching, 15,56,62
Sketching mode, 59,81, 107
sketching option, 61
sketching plane, 82, 107
sketching toolboxes, 81,83
Skewness, 335,347
Skin/Loft, 192,201
SMA, 103,495
small cube, 26
Small deformation, 24,28,29,31
Smooth Contours, 586
Snap, 91,509
Snap lock, 508
Snaps per Minor, 91
solid body, 15
solid damping, 424
solid element, 270
Solid Fill, 463
solid model, 255
SOLID 186,37
SOLID 187,37
Solution, 117, 143
solution accuracy, 575
Solution Information, 137, 143,338,474,490
Solution Output, 137
Solve, 18, 116
Solve Curve Fit, 557
Solver Output, 474,490
source face, 228,341
Sphere Radius, 167, 168
Spline, 85,99
Spline Edit, 87,99610 Index
Spline Edit option, 87
Split, 86
Split Edges, 450
Split option, 86
spur gear, 97, 151
square bracket, 10
stability analysis, 367
Standard Earth Gravity, 147
standing wave, 410
Static Damping, 576,599
static simulation, 21
Static Structural, 11,112
statically indeterminate structure, 379
Statistics, 16, 114
status bar, 81,83, 143
status symbol, 149
steady state, 419
Step End Time, 435
Steps, 456,466,471
stiffness, 49
Stiffness Behavior, 581
Stiffness Coefficient, 425,435
stiffness matrix, 36,49,426
still water, 25
Stop, 216
strain, 28,49
strain component, 28
strain energy, 533,534
strain field, 36
strain invariant, 534
strain state, 49, 141, 142
strain-displacement relation, 31,33,36
stress, 25,49
stress component, 26,27
stress concentration, 163
stress discontinuity, 157, 170
stress field, 36, 160
stress intensity, 42,49
stress singularity, 157, 166, 169, 170
stress state, 27,41,42,46,49, 140, 142
stress stiffening, 20,49,367,368
stress stiffening effect, 373,387
Stress Tool, 148
stress-strain curve of PDMS, 11
stress-strain relation, 31,33,36
Stress/Error, 161
Stress/Maximum Bending Stress, 291
Stress/Minimum Bending Stress, 291
stretching mode, 412
String, 410,457
strong dimension, 79
structural analysis problem, 24
structural dynamic analysis, 417
structural dynamics, 420
Structural Error, 157, 161, 170,216
structural mechanics, 24
structural nonlinearity, 22
structural steel, 113
subsequent yield point, 529,568
Substeps, 456,466,471,524
Subtype, 182
Support, 17, 136, 145, 146,204,231
support condition, 265
supporting file, 69
Supports/Fixed Support, 212
surface body, 15, 113,242,257,269,295,301
surface force, 30
surface model, 238,255,289
surgical parallel robot system, 10
Sweep, 192,201
Sweep method, 236,341
sweep-select, 77
sweepable, 228
sweepable body, 341
switch between steps, 471
Symmetric, 131,477
Symmetry, 60,65,76,89, 118,270
symmetry condition, 278
symmetry of shear stress, 27
Table of Design Points, 316,317
Table of Outline, 326
Table of Schematic, 319,320
Tabular Data, 143,461,518,540
tag, 228
Tangent, 89, 106
Tangent Line, 84
Tangent Modulus, 579
tangent stiffness, 472
tangential stiffness, 478
Target, 131, 153,477
Target BodyView, 132
target face, 228,341
Temperature, 555
temperature change, 17,24
tensile failure, 40,42
test data, 532
tetrahedron, 38,362
Tetrahedrons method, 356
textbox, 10
Thermal Condition, 146
thermal effects, 32
thermal strain, 32
Thermal Strain Effects, 212
Thickness, I 13,244
Thickness assignment, 253
thin body, 206
thin solid body, 257,269
Thin/Surface, 201,206,256,257Index 61 I
threaded bolt, 92
threaded bolt-and-nut, 125
Threads, 93, 126
threshold, 250
thunderbolt, 121
Time, 338
Time Integration, 457
Time Step, 471
Time Step Controls, 479
Time Step Safety Factor, 575
time-dependent stress-strain relation, 527,568
Tolerance, 473
toolbar, 81, 143
toolbar menu, 115
Toolbox, 11, 12,316
Tools, 148
Tools/Beam Tool, 279,291
Tools/ContactTool, 505
Tools/Mid-Surface, 250,251
Tools/Options, 62
Tools/Stress Tool, 213
Tools/Symmetry, 119, 120
topology nonlinearity, 468,470
torsional vibration, 397
total strain energy, 44
Transfer Data To New/Eigenvalue Buckling, 374
transformation, 181
transient state, 419
transient structural simulation, 21,417,419,426,434
Transient/lnitial Conditions, 453
Transjoint, 482
translational joint, 481
Tree Outline, 81
Tresca criterion, 42
Triad, 197
triangle, 38, 159,364
triangle-based prism, 38
triangular element, 162, 163
triangular shell, 38
Trim, 65,86
Triplate, 80, 110,323
True Scale, 156,247,438
Truss, 284,380
twelve-tone equally tempered tuning system, 414
two-step method, 456
two-story building, 295,395,418,441
Type, 521
type of coordinate system, 228
U.S. customary unit system, 151
Unaveraged, 158, 159
unaveraged stress, 160,291
undamped free vibration, 421
undeformed shape, 10
under-constrained, 67,76
Undo, 72
uniaxial compressive test, 532
uniaxial tensile test, 19,40,42,532,553,554,555
uniform velocity, 448
unit system, 144
Unit Systems Mismatch, 445
Unite, 195
Units, 58,71, 113, 144
Units/DisplayValues as Defined, 408
Units/RPM, 405
unprestressed modal analysis, 390
Update, 320
Update All Design Points, 317
Update Selected Design Points, 317,321,328
Update Stiffness, 479
Upper Bound, 319,326
Use Manufacturable Values, 326
Use Maximum, 444
Use Plane Origin as Handle, 75
User Defined Result, 148,546,584
UY, 546
Value, 61,62,473
vector display, 228
Velocity, 453
verification manual, 525
verification manual forWorkbench, 237
Vertical, 63,88,89
vibration mode, 22
vibration mode shape, 389,393,397
view results, 148
view rotation, 198
View/Cross Section Alignments, 274,286,288
View/Cross Section Solids, 275,288,300,486
View/ResetWorkspace, 211,315
View/Ruler, 61, 113
View/Shaded Exterior, 178
View/Thick Shells and Beams, 254,412,487
View/Windows/Reset Layout, 142
View/Windows/Section Planes, 343
viscosity, 527
viscous damping, 423,466
VM25, 171
volumetric test, 532
von Mises strain, 46
von Mises stress, 19,20,46,49
von Mises yield criterion, 43,44,46,529
von Mises yield surface, 46,568
W16x50 beam, 57,295,299
wave speed, 410
weak constraint, 65
weak dimension, 67,78,86
Weak Springs, 116, 170
well-defined, 60,66,76
Workbench GUI, 11,49,57
Worksheet, 148,505612 Index
X-face, 26
XYPIane, 14,59
Y-face, 26
Yeoh, 535
yield criterion, 529
yield point, 40
yield state, 529
yield strength, 211
yield surface, 568
young’s modulus, 1 1,31,32,529
Young’s Modulus, 12,220
Z-face, 26
Zoom, 72
zoom in/out, 64
Zoom to Fit, 60,64,67,68,72
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