Finite Element Simulations Using ANSYS

Finite Element Simulations Using ANSYS
Second Edition
Esam M. Alawadhi
Kuwait University
Safat, Kuwait
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
About the author xiii
1 Introduction to finite element method and ANSYS 1
1.1 The finite element method and structural analysis 1
1.2 Stress analysis of pin-jointed bar 5
1.3 The finite element method and thermal analysis 6
1.4 Heat transfer through a composite wall 8
1.5 Introduction to ANSYS software 10
2 Bar and beam structures 19
2.1 Finite element method for a horizontal bar element 19
2.2 Finite element method for an arbitrary-oriented
bar element 23
2.3 Analyzing a plane bar structure 26
2.4 Analyzing a plane bar structure using ANSYS 29
2.5 Finite element method for a horizontal beam element 42
2.6 Analyzing a horizontal beam structure 49
2.7 Analyzing a horizontal beam structure using ANSYS 51
2.8 Development of an arbitrary-oriented beam element 67
2.9 Distributed load on a beam element 70
2.10 Analyzing beam structure under a transient loading
using ANSYS 72vi Contents
3 Solid mechanics 95
3.1 Stress–strain relations 95
3.2 Development of triangular plane stress
and plane strain element 100
3.3 Analyzing rectangular plate subjected to forces 105
3.4 Development of rectangular plane stress element 109
3.5 Analyzing a plate with a hole subjected to tensile
pressure using ANSYS 112
3.6 Axisymmetric elements 126
3.7 Displacement analysis of a vessel under transient
loading with ANSYS 130
3.8 Contact element analysis 145
3.9 Two horizontal cylinders in contact analysis
using ANSYS 147
4 Vibration 171
4.1 Vibration analysis 171
4.2 Development of stiffness equations for axial
vibration of a bar element 172
4.3 Natural frequencies of axial vibration of a bar element 173
4.4 Development of stiffness equations for flexural
vibration of a beam element 175
4.5 Natural frequencies of the flexural vibration of
a beam element 177
4.6 Natural frequencies of the flexural vibration of
beam element using ANSYS 179
4.7 Development of stiffness equations for vibration of
an oriented beam element 190
4.8 Harmonic vibration of a plate with holes using ANSYS 192
4.9 Three-dimensional vibration of shaft with disks
using ANSYS 207
5 Heat transfer 225
5.1 Introduction to heat conduction 225
5.2 Finite element formulation for conductive heat transfer 228
5.3 Finite element method for one-dimensional
heat conduction 231
5.4 Heat transfer through a composite wall 233
5.5 Finite element method for two-dimensional
heat conduction 235
5.6 Heat conduction in a solid plane 238
5.7 Thermal analysis of fin and chip using ANSYS 243
5.8 Finite element method for transient heat transfer 264
5.9 Unsteady thermal analyses of a masonry brick
using ANSYS 265Contents vii
6 Fluid mechanics 293
6.1 Governing equations for fluid mechanics 293
6.2 Finite element method for fluid mechanics 296
6.3 Entrance length in developing flow in a channel
using ANSYS 298
6.4 Studying flow around a half cylinder in a channel
using ANSYS 318
7 Multiphysics 343
7.1 Introduction 343
7.2 Thermal and structural analysis of a thermocouple
using ANSYS 345
7.3 Chips cooling in a channel using ANSYS 361
8 Meshing guide 393
8.1 Mesh refinement 393
8.2 Element distortion 395
8.3 Mapped mesh 396
8.4 Mapped mesh with ANSYS 398
Bibliography 41
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