Finite Element Analysis – Applications in Mechanical Engineering

Finite Element Analysis – Applications in Mechanical Engineering
Edited by Farzad Ebrahimi
Preface IX
Section 1 Applications of FEA in
“Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer” 1
Chapter 1 Control Volume Finite Element Methods
for Flow in Porous Media: Resin Transfer Molding 3
Jamal Samir, Jamal Echaabi and Mohamed Hattabi
Chapter 2 Electromagnetic and Fluid Analysis
of Collisional Plasmas 31
Antonis P. Papadakis
Section 2 Applications of FEA in
“Structural Mechanics and Composite Materials” 63
Chapter 3 Finite Element Analysis of Functionally
Graded Piezoelectric Spheres 65
A. Ghorbanpour Arani, R. Kolahchi, A. A. Mosalaei Barzoki,
A. Loghman and F. Ebrahimi
Chapter 4 Nonlinear Large Deflection Analysis of Stiffened Plates 87
Khosrow Ghavami and Mohammad Reza Khedmati
Chapter 5 3D Nonlinear Finite Element Plastic Analysis
of Cylindrical Vessels Under In-Plane Moment 115
B.H. Wu
Chapter 6 Flexural Behavior of
Functionally Graded Sandwich Composite 131
Mrityunjay R. Doddamani and Satyabodh M Kulkarni
Chapter 7 Finite Element Analysis of
Bias Extension Test of Dry Woven 155
Samia DridiVI Contents
Section 3 Applications of FEA in
“Wave Propagation and Failure-Analysis” 177
Chapter 8 Perfectly Matched Layer for Finite Element Analysis
of Elastic Waves in Solids 179
Koji Hasegawa and Takao Shimada
Chapter 9 Modeling Dynamics Behaviour of Materials:
Theoretical Framework and Applications 199
Giovanni Leonardi and Michele Buonsanti
Chapter 10 Finite Element Analysis Applications
in Failure Analysis: Case Studies 217
Ahmad Ivan Karayan, Deni Ferdian, Sri Harjanto,
Dwi Marta Nurjaya, Ahmad Ashari and Homero Castaneda
Section 4 Applications of FEA in
“Machine Elements Analysis and Design” 235
Chapter 11 Development of Graphical Solution to Determine
Optimum Hollowness of Hollow Cylindrical Roller
Bearing Using Elastic Finite Element Analysis 237
P.H. Darji and D.P. Vakharia
Chapter 12 Finite Element Analysis Coupled with Feedback
Control for Dynamics of Metal Pushing V-Belt CVT 261
Toshihiro Saito
Chapter 13 Overview in the Application of FEM in Mining
and the Study of Case: Stress Analysis in Pulleys
of Stacker-Reclaimers: FEM vs. Analytical 277
Jairo A. Martins and István Kövesdy
Chapter 14 Optimization and Improvement
of Throwing Performance in Baseball
Pitching Machine Using Finite Element Analysis 297
Shinobu Sakai and Hitoshi Nakayama
Section 5 Applications of FEA in “Machining and Product Design” 325
Chapter 15 Finite Element Analysis of Machining Thin-Wall Parts:
Error Prediction and Stability Analysis 327
YongAn Huang, Xiaoming Zhang and Youlun Xiong
Chapter 16 Concurrent Process-Product Design Optimization
Using Coupled Nonlinear Finite-Element Simulations 355
Ali Najafi and Masoud Rais-Rohani
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