Extrusion – The Definitive Processing Guide and Handbook
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John R. Wagner Jr., Eldridge M. Mount III, Harold F. Giles Jr.
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Extrusion – The Definitive Processing Guide and Handbook
Second Edition
John R. Wagner Jr.
Eldridge M. Mount III
Harold F. Giles Jr.
Table of contents
1 – Extrusion Process
Pages 1-8
Select 2 – Extruder Safety
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2 – Extruder Safety
Pages 9-11
Select 3 – Single Screw Extruder: Equipment
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3 – Single Screw Extruder: Equipment
Pages 13-34
Select 4 – Plastic Behavior in the Extruder
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4 – Plastic Behavior in the Extruder
Pages 35-52
Select 5 – Screw Design
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5 – Screw Design
Pages 53-63
Select 6 – Processing Conditions
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6 – Processing Conditions
Pages 65-73
Select 7 – Scale Up
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7 – Scale Up
Pages 75-77
Select 8 – Shear Rates, Pressure Drops, and Other Extruder Calculations
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8 – Shear Rates, Pressure Drops, and Other Extruder Calculations
Pages 79-81
Select 9 – Twin Screw Extrusion Process
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9 – Twin Screw Extrusion Process
Pages 83-89
Select 10 – Extruder Safety
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10 – Extruder Safety
Pages 91-93
Select 11 – Twin Screw Extruder Equipment
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11 – Twin Screw Extruder Equipment
Pages 95-113
Select 12 – Plastic Behavior in Twin Screw Extruders
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12 – Plastic Behavior in Twin Screw Extruders
Pages 115-132
Select 13 – Screw Design
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13 – Screw Design
Pages 133-140
Select 14 – Processing Conditions
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14 – Processing Conditions
Pages 141-150
Select 15 – Applications
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15 – Applications
Pages 151-155
Select 16 – Scale-Up
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16 – Scale-Up
Pages 157-159
Select 17 – Shear Rate, Pressure Drop, and Other Extruder Calculations
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17 – Shear Rate, Pressure Drop, and Other Extruder Calculations
Pages 161-163
Select 18 – Polymer Overview and Definitions
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18 – Polymer Overview and Definitions
Pages 165-177
Select 19 – Polymer Structure
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19 – Polymer Structure
Pages 179-185
Select 20 – Polymer Rheology
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20 – Polymer Rheology
Pages 187-193
Select 21 – Testing Properties
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21 – Testing Properties
Pages 195-205
Select 22 – Processing Recommendations for Various Resin Systems
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22 – Processing Recommendations for Various Resin Systems
Pages 207-219
Select 23 – Problem Solving
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23 – Problem Solving
Pages 221-225
Select 24 – Five Step Problem Solving Process
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24 – Five Step Problem Solving Process
Pages 227-230
Select 25 – Design of Experiments
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25 – Design of Experiments
Pages 231-245
Select 26 – Quality
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26 – Quality
Pages 247-250
Select 27 – Troubleshooting Mechanical Extrusion Problems
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27 – Troubleshooting Mechanical Extrusion Problems
Pages 251-263
Select 28 – Troubleshooting Extrusion Product Problems
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28 – Troubleshooting Extrusion Product Problems
Pages 265-279
Select 29 – Troubleshooting Sheet Extrusion
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29 – Troubleshooting Sheet Extrusion
Pages 281-294
Select 30 – Troubleshooting Cast Film
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30 – Troubleshooting Cast Film
Pages 295-300
Select 31 – Troubleshooting Blown Film
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31 – Troubleshooting Blown Film
Pages 301-306
Select 32 – Troubleshooting Profile and Pipe
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32 – Troubleshooting Profile and Pipe
Pages 307-310
Select 33 – Feed Systems
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33 – Feed Systems
Pages 311-329
Select 34 – Drying
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34 – Drying
Pages 331-339
Select 35 – Screen Changers
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35 – Screen Changers
Pages 341-348
Select 36 – Gear Pumps
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36 – Gear Pumps
Pages 349-356
Select 37 – Granulators
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37 – Granulators
Pages 357-360
Select 38 – Chillers and Heaters
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38 – Chillers and Heaters
Pages 361-364
Select 39 – Screw Cleaning and Purge Compounds
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39 – Screw Cleaning and Purge Compounds
Pages 365-372
Select 40 – Coextrusion Applications
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40 – Coextrusion Applications
Pages 373-389
Select 41 – Feedblocks and Dies
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41 – Feedblocks and Dies
Pages 391-400
Select 42 – Polymer Selection for Coextrusion
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42 – Polymer Selection for Coextrusion
Pages 401-409
Select 43 – Troubleshooting Coextrusion
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43 – Troubleshooting Coextrusion
Pages 411-424
Select 44 – Compounding
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44 – Compounding
Pages 425-434
Select 45 – Sheet and Cast Film
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45 – Sheet and Cast Film
Pages 435-452
Select 46 – Blown Film
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46 – Blown Film
Pages 453-463
Select 47 – Extrusion Coating and Lamination
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47 – Extrusion Coating and Lamination
Pages 465-468
Select 48 – Wire and Cable Coating
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48 – Wire and Cable Coating
Pages 469-474
Select 49 – Profile Extrusion
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49 – Profile Extrusion
Pages 475-485
Select 50 – Pipe and Tubing Extrusion
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50 – Pipe and Tubing Extrusion
Pages 487-496
Select 51 – Monofilament
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51 – Monofilament
Pages 497-503
Select 52 – Extrusion Blow Molding
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52 – Extrusion Blow Molding
Pages 505-512
Select 53 – Foam Extrusion
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53 – Foam Extrusion
Pages 513-517
Select 54 – Solid Stock Shapes
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54 – Solid Stock Shapes
Pages 519-521
Select 55 – Reprocessing
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55 – Reprocessing
Pages 523-524
Select Glossary
Book chapterNo access
Pages 525-538
Select Index
Book chapterFull text access
Note: Page numbers with “f” denote figures; “t” tables; “b” boxes.
abrasive wear, 80, 422
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, 6, 114,
212, 227, 241, 255e257, 285,
379e380, 400t, 427, 462, 573,
activator, 605
adhesive failure, 453e454, 455f
adhesive wear, 80, 318
adiabatic extrusion, 102
alloy, 23, 80, 85t, 141, 155, 194e195,
255, 264, 295, 303e304, 400t,
418, 422, 440t, 513e514
amorphous phase, 227, 454e455
anneal, 585e586, 588e589
antioxidants, 250
antistat, 457e458, 472, 590
apparent viscosity, 237
ASTM, 241e242, 244e247, 249e250
barrier flight, 57e58, 74e79, 74f, 106,
204, 261, 323e324, 332
barrier properties, 268, 449, 454t, 455,
457e459, 463, 472, 474,
544, 551
barrier screw, 27, 57e58, 74e77, 85e86,
bimetallic, 23, 23t
bimetallic liner, 23, 85t
blister rings, 57e58, 159e160, 174, 324
blocking, 48, 50e51, 322, 534,
blown films, 8e9, 21e22, 30, 67, 68f,
106, 117, 165, 166f, 204, 228,
261, 262t, 283, 343, 359, 365,
365f, 368, 386, 433, 444t, 451,
453, 458, 460, 467, 470e475,
470f, 471f, 479e480, 479f, 495,
505, 530e531, 539e543, 539f,
540f, 541f, 542f, 543f, 544f,
545e548, 546f, 548t, 558, 575
blown film tower, 9, 117, 365f, 540,
543e544, 548
blow up ratio, 366, 453, 495, 546e547,
547t, 548f, 594
bond angle, 210, 210f
bore, 23, 72, 85t, 140e141, 142f, 318,
412e413, 417e418
branched polymers, 222
breaker plate with screens, 144, 411
bridge, 7, 36e37, 39, 48, 138e139, 218,
319, 322, 379, 387, 524
brittle, 225e226, 231, 245, 245f,
262, 340, 352e353, 420,
530, 570
bubble instability, 365e367, 366f
capillary rheometer, 236e237, 236f
cement mixer, 5, 113, 381e382
channel area, 160, 575
channel volume, 52e54, 72, 143, 154,
157, 323
channel width, 57e58, 75e79, 103t
Charpy, 250, 250f
classifier, 377, 510, 510f
clearance, 26, 55e58, 75, 77, 81t, 106,
127, 130, 174, 200e201, 204,
423, 509
coefficient of thermal expansion, 65,
163e164, 247e248, 557
cohesive failure, 453e454, 455f
colorants, 6, 27, 63, 125e126, 136,
157e158, 177e178, 178f,
195e196, 230, 325, 332, 353,
377e379, 395e396, 505,
511e512, 528e529, 555, 561
color concentrate, 56e57, 194e195,
331e332, 336, 352, 378e379
colors, 3e4, 6e7, 37e38, 38t, 56e60,
75, 94e95, 111e112, 114e115,
168, 187, 194e195, 209, 252,
273, 288, 292e293, 299, 309,
331e333, 336e337, 337f, 349,
352, 353f, 378e379, 425e426,
439e440, 441t, 444, 449,
455, 457e458, 462e464,
469e470, 472, 477, 485, 505,
510, 527, 555, 558e559, 571,
590, 613
compressive strength, 246
computer control, 36, 146, 421e422,
concentricity, 558e559, 575
cone and plate rheometer, 235
continuous breaker plates, 409
converter, 197, 267, 315
cooling and sizing, 573
copolymers, 115, 213, 220, 241, 255,
268e270, 273e274, 400te401t,
453, 455e456, 458, 560
core pin, 596
cores, 38, 228e229, 343, 459, 462,
464e465, 472e473, 523, 526,
535e536, 545, 557e559, 596,
600, 604, 606, 609
corrosive wear, 80, 318
crammer feeding, 7
creel, 556e557, 586e590, 590f
crosslinking, 42, 125e126, 195,
212e213, 560
cutters, 426, 428, 508e513, 509f, 509t,
527, 545, 561e562, 570e571,
573, 579e581, 581f
deckles, 352, 361e362, 521f, 522,
531e532, 535, 539
degree of polymerization, 42, 219
densities, 47, 72, 230, 242, 259, 379
design of experiments, 89, 91, 94, 101,
181, 186, 291e305
die adapter, 28, 144, 334
die bolts, 13, 93, 121e122, 185,
531e532, 535
dispersion, 44, 57, 129, 129t, 177,
194e195, 267e268, 325,
340e341, 382, 396, 513
double bolt, 409, 413, 413f
double bolt screen changer,
617drag flow, 31e32, 56, 60e61, 63, 237,
drum roller, 5, 113, 381e382
elasticity, 234, 245, 458, 485, 492,
embossing, 533
EPDM, 212e213, 453, 569
ethylene propylene polymers, 213
ethylene vinyl alcohol, 214t, 450
extensional viscosity, 484e485,
extruder drive, 19e20, 136, 142, 320,
extrusion blow molding, 222,
234e235, 261, 442, 464,
extrusion coating, 458, 505, 551e553,
fines, 153, 406, 407, 425e426,
440e441, 508e510
fishbone diagram, 286e287, 286f
flame retardance, 242, 264, 304, 309
flame retardants, 3, 57, 80, 91,
111e112, 125e126, 157e158,
182, 194, 252, 256, 303e304,
325, 334, 349, 377e378, 393,
395e396, 505, 514, 614
flange, 139, 412, 444e445, 590
flash, 249, 594, 598, 613
flight depth, 24e27, 74, 131, 259,
264e266, 391f
flight pitch, 152e153
flood feeding, 7, 50f, 52, 93, 389
foam extrusion, 266, 603e606
foaming agents, 424, 604, 606
Food and Drug Administration, 85t,
242, 263, 442, 451, 472
gauge variation, 339, 339f, 346e347,
349, 360, 360f, 366e367, 367f,
424, 526, 530e532
gauging, 11, 119, 531e532, 535, 545,
551e552, 589e590
Gaylord, 4t, 91e92, 112t, 184e185,
427e428, 510
gel permeation chromatography,
glass transition, 9, 62t, 65, 117e118,
163e164, 194e195, 225,
227e228, 247e248, 355, 407,
445, 506, 553e554
granulators, 377, 425e428, 425f, 426f,
427f, 613e614
granules, 379, 391e392, 613e614
gravimetric feed, 6, 114
haul-off, 544, 561, 569e570,
haze, 496e497, 497f, 534, 539
heat deflection temperature, 247, 255
heater bands, 14, 17, 22f, 23e24, 29,
32, 52, 92, 143, 145, 282, 294,
311, 332, 374, 396, 565
heating zones, 32, 145, 518e519
heat of fusion, 107, 205, 230, 507
heat stabilizers, 5, 113, 250, 514, 614
helical gears, 419e420
helix angle, 25e27, 61, 73e74, 73f,
78, 81t, 107e108
homopolymer, 268e270, 481, 482t,
hydraulic screen changer, 29, 30f, 73,
412e413, 412f
hydraulic slide plate, 409
inspection, 11, 15, 119, 123e124, 242,
286, 406, 510e511
Izod Impact, 249e250, 249f
Kelvin, 41, 239, 481
laminar, 53, 75, 77e78, 234, 449e450,
467, 477, 518e519
laminates, 460, 517, 551e553, 614
lamination, 90, 220, 505, 517, 551f,
553, 554f
lay-flat width, 539, 546e547, 547t,
L/D ratio, 18e19, 25e27, 44, 62e63,
66, 72, 74, 81t, 89, 91, 102,
132e133, 139e140, 152e153,
165, 171, 182, 256, 258e259,
261, 263e267, 269, 341, 396
leakage flow, 32, 56, 60, 127, 160
liner, 23, 26, 85t, 141, 141f, 201, 259t,
460, 517, 551
load cell, 236e237, 385e388, 395
long-term heat aging, 4, 112,
247e249, 514
loss-in-weight, 5e6, 93, 113e114,
136, 185, 377, 386e388,
loss modulus, 235
masterbatch, 5, 57, 113, 378e379, 384
mechanical cleaning, 127, 444e447
melt blockage, 20e21
melt channel, 36e37, 78, 160, 468,
471, 484e485, 558, 564e565,
melt flow rate, 244, 496e497
melt index, 244, 259, 261t
melt instability, 66, 164e165,
329e330, 479e480, 527
melt plug, 50e52, 89e90, 94, 319
microcellular foam, 603e604,
mixture experiments, 101, 295, 297,
303e305, 307f, 307t
moisture-sensitive, 6, 32, 115, 145,
252, 258, 268, 353, 377, 401
multimanifold dies, 467, 469e474,
non-Newtonian, 53, 60e61, 73e74,
209, 233, 236e237,
nonpolar, 96, 189, 190, 220, 359, 400,
451, 534e535, 551e552
Noryl, 6, 85t, 92t, 114, 183t,
194e195, 212, 241, 565t
orange peel, 552
overall length, 173
oxidation, 38, 114, 457
Pareto diagram, 287, 288f
permeability, 29t, 455, 457, 459
pilot, 279
pinholes, 458, 460, 548, 552, 559
plasticating, 8, 17, 47, 52e53, 144,
152e154, 154f
plate-out, 66, 164, 335, 347, 350
Plexiglass 195, 241
PMMA. See polymethylmethacrylate
pocket, 18, 26e27, 115, 151, 401, 551
polyacrylonitrile, 214t
polybutylene, 214t
polybutylene terephthalate, 6, 9, 62t,
63, 85t, 90, 92t, 114, 117e118,
183t, 212, 220, 227e229, 238t,
241, 248t, 252, 264, 268e269,
269t, 280, 356, 379e380, 400,
403t, 404, 440t, 462e463,
463f, 560, 604
618 INDEXpolychlorotrifluoroethylene, 214t, 270t
polydispersity, 219
polydispersity index, 219
polyetherether ketone, 227, 241, 400t,
polyetherimide, 212, 227, 241, 252, 400t,
440t, 441, 443t
polyethylene terephthalate, 6, 62t, 63,
71e72, 85t, 92t, 114e115, 183t,
212, 220, 227e229, 238t, 241,
248t, 251t, 252, 268e269, 269t,
379e380, 400, 402, 403t, 404,
424, 440t, 450, 450t, 451t, 454t,
455, 456t, 457t, 458, 536, 604
polyhexafluoropropylene, 214t
polymer additives, 126, 129, 250e252
polymerization, 42, 114e115, 195e196,
213e216, 219e222, 222f, 416
polymer structures, 214t, 220e225, 222f,
227, 230, 329, 399, 603
polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), 62t,
85t, 92t, 183t, 212, 214t, 227, 241,
248t, 262e263, 403t, 443t, 444t
polyoxymethylene (POM), 124, 241
polyphenylene oxide/polystyrene blend
(PPO/PS), 194e195, 212, 227,
241, 252, 440t, 441t, 442t, 443t
polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), 212, 241,
252, 403t, 440t, 442t, 443t, 463,
polyphthalamide (PTA), 241
polysulfone (PSO/PSF), 6, 92t, 114, 183t,
212, 227, 241, 252, 400t, 424,
440t, 459, 536
polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon), 214t,
polyurethanes, 92t, 114, 183t, 195e196,
212e213, 390e391, 441t, 443t,
526, 569, 573
polyvinylacetate, 214t
polyvinylchloride, 5, 15, 51, 62t, 65t,
77e79, 83t, 85, 85t, 92t, 94, 113,
124e126, 143e144, 152, 154,
160e161, 163t, 183t, 186e187,
193e194, 196, 212, 214t, 227,
230, 238t, 241, 248t, 251t, 252,
266e268, 267t, 280, 318, 384,
401t, 416, 432t, 440t, 441t, 442,
443t, 444t, 462, 477, 522e523,
536, 560e561, 571, 573, 604
polyvinyldiene fluoride, 214t
polyvinylidenechloride, 214t, 450t
POM. See polyoxymethylene (POM)
power law model, 60e61
PPO/PS. See polyphenylene oxide/
polystyrene blend (PPO/PS)
PPS. See polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)
practical residence time, 129, 129t
pressure measurement, 38e40, 146e147
process capability, 86, 309, 312e313
product changes, 42, 43f, 91, 94e98,
186e192, 187f, 282, 330e331,
377, 380, 387, 390, 425e426,
444, 471, 512, 533
profile and pipe, 260t, 339, 371f,
372e373, 377, 441t, 451, 614
PSO/PSF. See polysulfone (PSO/PSF)
PTA. See polyphthalamide (PTA)
puller rolls, 281e282, 348e349, 359,
508, 510, 517e518, 524,
526e527, 529e531, 536e537,
539, 553e554
purge compounds, 439e440, 443e444
pyrometer, 37e38, 335
quench tank, 587e588, 587f
recycled plastics, 49
relaxation, 8e9, 64, 117, 162e163, 341,
relief, 137e138, 158e159, 433e434
reprocessing, 162, 212, 235e236, 377,
402, 449, 505, 593, 613e614
residence time distribution, 56e57,
114e115, 129, 129t, 132e133,
167e168, 167f, 195
rheometer, 41, 235e237, 236f
ribbon blender, 5e6, 113, 381e383,
382f, 383f, 613
ribbon-type screen, 409, 415
Rockwell hardness, 420, 521, 565e566
rotary disk screen changer, 415e416
screw axis, 44, 78
screw cleaning, 80e81, 377, 439e447
screw performance, 74, 85e86
sealing ring, 321
shank, 27, 44, 74
shaping and drawing, 8e9, 117
sharkskin, 66e67, 164e165, 271,
shear flow, 53, 234, 237
shear strain, 53, 57, 59t, 102t, 234
shear thinning, 53, 61, 73e74, 209, 234,
238, 480
sheet extrusion, 126, 265e266, 345, 416,
sheeting, 160, 197, 460, 505
shipping, 4, 11, 112, 119, 285, 449
shutdown, 14e15, 29, 48, 81e82, 89,
94e98, 122e124, 132, 135,
138e139, 181e183, 185e192,
282, 286e287, 315, 336, 361,
407, 412, 421e422, 444, 471,
silo, 4, 112
sink, 333, 343, 557, 563e564, 563f,
sleeve, 13, 15, 121e123, 420, 422, 555,
slitter, 530e531, 535, 544
soak, 17, 92e93, 185, 229e230, 315,
442, 447, 523
solid conveying zone, 151
solidification, 9e10, 117e118, 157, 341,
355, 579, 595e596, 609
solidification and cooling, 9e10,
117e118, 355, 579, 595e596,
solid shapes, 609
SPE 62, 72, 112, 130, 244, 339, 356,
specific gravity, 242e243, 256t, 257t,
spectroscopy, 42, 147, 231
spur gears, 419e420
square pitch, 26e27, 73e74, 102, 172,
264e265, 267e268, 389e390
stacker, 349, 518, 526e527
standard deviation, 81e82, 249, 293,
295e298, 309e310, 312, 388
starve feeding, 7, 20e21, 48e49, 51,
116, 116f, 122, 132, 136, 138,
149, 182e184, 322, 330, 333,
336e337, 354, 377e378,
383e384, 386f, 389, 418, 423,
statistical process control (SPC), 11, 32,
43, 81e82, 119, 145, 147, 282,
310e312, 422e423, 510,
589e590, 600
steady-state, 89, 93e94, 182e183, 186,
248, 279e280, 282, 406, 525
steady-state operation, 89, 93e94, 181,
186, 412, 548
storage modulus, 235
styrene acrylonitrile copolymer (SAN),
62t, 241, 255, 440t, 442t, 443t
styrene butadiene copolymer (SB), 213,
thermal properties, 247e248
thermoform, 265e266, 449, 459e462,
517, 606
INDEX 619thermoplastic polyesters, 212, 221f,
222, 241, 263, 270e271, 441,
512, 539, 566, 571
thermoset, 212e213, 221e222, 560
thickness gauges, 42, 527e530, 535
thickness measurement, 527e529
three-lobe, 129e131, 154, 172, 174,
throughput calculations, 60e61, 200
time-temperature relationship,
248e249, 249f
tooling, 228e229, 564, 568, 594e599
transparent, 20, 226e228, 229t, 230,
259, 262, 265, 351, 365e366,
442, 529, 542, 546
tumble blenders, 5e6, 113, 381e383,
381f, 613
twin cone blender, 381e383
two-lobe, 129e131, 129f, 133, 154,
172, 174, 199
two-stage screw, 6, 27, 43e44, 44f,
261e262, 265e266, 285, 288,
320, 401, 603, 605e606
ultraviolet, 3, 252, 333, 528
ultraviolet stabilizers, 252
underwater pelletizing, 431, 511e513
UV resistance, 242, 262
vented extruder, 6, 43e44, 44f, 62e63,
62f, 115, 263e265, 337, 401
vent stack, 101, 140
vertical blender, 381, 383, 383f
vertical extruders, 44, 44f
viscoelasticity, 25e26, 31e32, 53,
60e61, 270e271, 485,
497e498, 563e564
warped sheet, 355e356
windup, 32, 145, 349, 359, 365,
517e518, 526e527, 530e531,
533e537, 539, 544, 551e553,
wire and cable, 261, 270, 423, 449,
473, 555e559, 556f, 557f, 614
wrinkles, 362, 363f, 368, 368f, 545,
zero defects, 313

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