Dynamic Loading and Design of Structures
Dynamic Loading and Design of Structures
Edited by A.J.Kappos
List of contributors ix
Preface xi
1 Probabilistic basis and code format for loading
Introduction 1
Principles of reliability based design 2
Framework for reliability analysis 10
Time-dependent reliability 13
Actions and action effects on structures 19
Concluding remarks 28
References 29
2 Analysis for dynamic loading
Introduction 31
The single degree-of-freedom oscillator 31
Multiple degree-of-freedom systems 46
Continuous dynamic systems 56
Base excitation and response spectra 58
Software for dynamic analysis 64
References 64
3 Wind loading
Wind gust loading 67
Aerodynamic instability 81
Aeroelastic excitation 98
References 105Page vi
4 Earthquake loading
Introduction 109
Earthquakes and seismic hazard 109
Design seismic actions and determination of action effects 125
Conceptual design for earthquakes 160
References 171
5 Wave loading
Introduction 175
Wave and current conditions 177
Hydrodynamic loading 186
Calculation of wave load effects 198
Dynamic analysis for design 210
References 226
6 Loading from explosions and impact
Introduction 231
Blast phenomena 233
Impact phenomena 246
Design actions 253
Designed response 262
Damage mitigation 272
Design codes 276
References 282
7 Human-induced vibrations
Introduction 285
The nature of human-induced dynamic loading 286
Methods for determining the magnitude of human-induced loading 291
Design of structures to minimise human-induced vibration 303
References 304
8 Traffic and moving loads on bridges
Introduction 307
Design actions 308Determination of structural response 311
References 9 Machine-induced vibrations
Introduction 323
Dynamic loading by machinery 324
Design of structures to minimise machine-induced vibration 331
References 341
10 Random vibration analysis
Introduction 343
Random processes 344
System response to random input 350
Structures with uncertain properties 363
References 367
(iatenary mooring 212
Central moments 147
Centrifugal pumps 126 .
Characteristic values1, 4, 22, 24—6, 509
Chimneys 90-2, 94-5
Chdtlmf; finings 233
Code formal 4
Codes for wind loading :
ClCIND. Eurocode 73
* 90,92
UK 68, 91, 93, 95-6, IDO
, Canada 91 2
Collapse mode 271
Combination factor 278
Combination value{of actions) 2rt
Complex frequency response 357
Compliant tower 176, 210
Composite sandwidi construction 250- 1
Connections 277-8
Configuration factor 294
Configuration issuer (irreguJarilies) 162—4
Conservation of momentum 350
Contact ratio 299, 3D2
Continuous system. S6
Construcrion risks 277
Contact :
duration 251
force 230
Containment structure 253
Co-ordination, eo-ordinated human motion
, 299, 302
Correlation functions and imegra Is72^4,
r 88
Correlation coefficient 347
Cospecrrum, cross-spectrum 69, 72-1
Coulomb friction 271
Covariance 351, 353, 355
Cracking 232, 247-8
Crank- piston Linkage 324
Acceleration 291
Accelerograms112* lit, 155-9
scaling oft 56-7
Acceptable risk level 279
Actions 19-20
Accidental 26, 49, 52-t, 253, 276, 278- 80
Permanent 21- 2
, 279
Variable 22-5
Action effects 20
Active control (of seismic response) 1 70- ]
Admittance functions 74, 88
Acrobio 288, 300
Aerodynamic damping 80, 89, 105
Acrociastic derivatives sufficient 104 -5
Airy wave theory 180
Alternator 325
Aluminium honeycombs 45—6
Anisotropic laminated panels 21
Anvil 329
Atmospheric boundary’ layer 67—70
Attenuation relationships 117
A ud irona 285
Autocorrelation function 347
Averager! value 347
Asle weights 312-3
Base isolation sff Isolation (seismic)
Beam 57
Behaviour factors tti Force reduction factors
Blast pressure 232-4, 253-5, 2»
Blast wave 233 4, 242, 253, 26? 9,in
Boundary conditions 179, 248, 251, 267
Bo-i-type foundations 331
Bridges 275, 279 -80, 397 22
Calibre density 252
Capacity design 164-6
Cattfnary action 277172 Index
Logarithmic decrement 40
Longitudinal *ivf speed 273
Long lenm distribution 206
Pedestrian 291
Penetralmn 247- B
Performance based design 160 2
Period (natural) 34, 177
Periodic load (oidtatinn) 32, 2ft&,299, 323
Perturbations 359
, 363, 365
Phase »nple 49
Pile foundations 331
Point -in – time distribution 16-7. 20, 22-3
Poisson distribution 15
Pop conceits 289, 3(32
Power spretraf density function 349, 355
Power spectrum 350
Power spectrum analysis (seismic} 159-60
Pressure attenuation 246-1
Pressure-impulse diagrams 266. 269,271
Probabilistic models 308
Probability 344
Probability density function 344, 352, 354,-
Macb wave 244
Magnitude (of an earthquake) 112- 133
MaudeHO. 327
Marching 285, 299
Mass 33
, 350. 352
added 186
coefficient 188-9
factor 264— 5
Mass concrete blocks 323
Mean 351,353,355
Member vihrarson-: (structuralelements)
@6-7, 93
Metronome 295
Military drilling 299
Modal analysis tf 152-5
Modi! cootdkiatfc 5!
Modal displacement 50
Model! uncertainty 11
Monte Carlo simulation 314
Morison’s formula 3 BB
Multi-cylinder engines 324
Multiple degree of- freedom system 46, 352
pint 346
Progressive collapse 232
Proximity effects 9Q
Psychological response 291, 296
Pulsating force 294
Punching 247, 251
Nominal value 4
Non- linear solid 323
Non-linear svstem 357
Nob-stitiolUry process 362
Normal distrihution 350
Nuclear installations 253, 334
(JuasL-permanenr value 27
Quasi-static asymptote 268, 270 – ]
Random process 2, 14—6
Reciprocating machines 323—4
Reduced velocity parameters BO, B3„ 96,99,
Redundancy 152,276
Reference period 2 3 , 13, 16, 18, 22, 24
Regular wive* 179
Reinforced concrete frames 164-5, 331
Rdlability 5, 6 , 8
analysis 10
class 13
indcic 6-7,9
target t3
Repealed shock 292
Representative, value 3, 4, 26
Resistance function 2
, 4
Resonance 239
, 301, 302, 323
Passive control{of seismic response) 166-70 Response ratio 257, 260, 266-9
Peak ground acceleration 116T 123, 135
effective 133
Offshore structures
damping 200
dynamic models 199
equations of million 202
frequency domain analysis 205
mass 200
stiffness 201
time domain analysjs 204
Overload failure 16
Overpressure 233. 2335-6, 241-3.245-6,
Partial (safety or load) ficiors 3-5, 12, 276.
Response specie* 58 , 61
echdespocTra 133-7, 146
Peak pressure 236, 238- 44, 246, 254 – 6, 271 design spectra lX>- 3, l4>-6Index 373
elastic spectra (of seismic motion) 125,
12S- I 30
inelasticspectra 140 .3
site specific specira 137-40
wiiform hm«i spectra 12St 1J3t 135
Restitution 330
Stationary process MS, 35?
Statistical av-trage 347
Stiffness, stiffness math* 33, 264. 303, 337,
Stochastic system 343
Strain rate(bdgh) 234. 247, 261. 272-4, 276.
Return period 24-3, 136, 161
Reynolds number 86-7, 92. ] 87
Rhythmic motion 285. 299
Rice’s formula 13
Rigid foundation 47
Rigid Impactut 251
Rise and decay functions 2.34- 5, 238, 255- 7,
Stress wives 247-8. 271
Structural integrity 275–6. 278
Sub-mafricrt 337
Swaying 303
Synchronized moiinn 296
Table -lop Foundation* 331
‘J’ecrcmic plates 110
Tensinn-leg pEatform 212
Terrain toughness 67-8.71
Theadotsen function 102
, 105
Threshold of perception 291.292
Time-history (time domain) analysis 52,
, 169, 204, 314-5, 318
TNT equivalence 238-9
Toe-off 286, 298, 299
Topography effect H 122
Tnraion effects (seismic) 150, 154
Transient ioid 36
Transient shocks 323, 328
Transient torques 326
Transmission 334
Tsunamis 109
Tup 329
Turbines 326
Robustness 233, 275-8
Ror.k crushers 3231 327
Rolling mills 331
K unad Point 232 -3
Rotating machines 323, 326, 340
Running 285
Safety margin 5,13, 18
Scabbing 247, 252
Stan EitTs formulation (aeroelisdcity) 104
Scrutonn jmbci 83—4, 89-91, 99
Sea state 183
Seismic hazard assessment 122-5
Seismic zones 125,334
Seismic waves HO, 112
Semi-infinite(media) 333-4, 339
Sensitiviiy factors 9
Shear response (bridges) 315-6
Ship impact 279-80
Shock mitigating (absorbing) systems
. 274 5
Shock wave 234-6. 238-9. 241-6
Short circuit torque 323, 326
Single degrce-of-freedom system 31, 350
Site effects 120-121
SIM number 86, 9Q, 93
SEutry infihrated concrete 275
Soft impact 249
Software for dynamic analysis 64
Soil-stnicrure interaction 334
Spatial variahiiiLy (of seismic motion) 122,
UPCprovisions 13fr 7. 139 4fl, 148, tSO-2,
154-5,159, 169
Unbalanced masses 323. 325
Uncertain properties 363
Unii impulse response 351, 353
Unit observation time 23
Variability 254, 27B-9
Variance 357
Vehicle suspension 311 2
Velocity potential 180
Venting 246, 280
Vibrating screens 330
Viscous forces 186
Volte* shedding
countermeasures 85,94
deterministic models 83—4
stochastic models 8ft 9
Spectral anaIv sis 349
Spring damper units 334
Spcctral sequence {Davenport’s algorithm)
Standard normal variable 6
. 8, 12
Staircases 285, 298V 4 Me*
WriV( theory
linear LSD
higher order 1 HZ
irregular Wives 1S3
modiried linear tfll
Wheeler 1 M
Wall fonniliuon; 331
Wave loads
higher order harmonics 1W
Urge volume structures 1W
lmeariaition 193
motion!; 1 M2
nonlinear loading (on slender sfruclares) Wave propagation 323
White norse approximation 77, 8®
Wiener-Khmehme relation 362,
ringing 19*, 22?
slender structures 188
WivesiAustics Zero-mean process 347
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