Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS 2022 – A Step-by-Step Project Based Approach Utilizing 3D Solid Modeling
Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS 2022 – A Step-by-Step Project Based Approach Utilizing 3D Solid Modeling
David C. Planchard
CSWP & SOLIDWORKS Accredited Educator
PartnerDrawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS Introduction
Introduction 1-1
About the Author 1-2
Dedication 1-3
Contact the Author 1-4
Note to Instructors 1-4
Trademarks, Disclaimer and Copyrighted Material 1-4
References 1-5
Table of Contents 1-7
Overview of Chapters 1-19
Chapter 1: History of Engineering Graphics 1-19
Chapter 2: Isometric Projection and Multi View Drawings 1-19
Chapter 3: Dimensioning Practices, Scales, Tolerancing and Fasteners 1-20
Chapter 4: Overview of SOLIDWORKS and the User Interface 1-21
Chapter 5: Structure of a Drawing Document 1-21
Chapter 6: Drawings and Various Drawing Views 1-22
Chapter 7: Fundamentals of Drawings 1-22
Chapter 8: Assembly Drawings 1-23
Chapter 9: Datums, Control Frames, Geometric Tolerancing and Drawing Symbols 1-24
Chapter 10: Introduction to the (CSWA) Exam 1-26
Chapter 11: The Advanced Drawing tools exam (CSWPA-DT) 1-26
About the Book 1-27
Windows Terminology in SOLIDWORKS 1-28
Chapter 1 – History of Engineering Graphics 1-1
Chapter Overview 1-3
History of Engineering Graphics 1-3
Global and Local Coordinate System 1-6
2-Dimensional Cartesian Coordinate System 1-7
3-Dimensional Cartesian Coordinate System 1-8
Absolute Coordinates 1-10
Relative Coordinates 1-10
Polar Coordinates 1-11
Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 1-11
Freehand Sketching 1-12
General Sketching Techniques 1-13
Geometric Entities 1-14
Points 1-14
Lines 1-14
Planes 1-15
Circles 1-15
Arcs 1-16
Solid Primitives 1-16
Alphabet of Lines 1-17
Visible lines 1-17
Hidden lines 1-17
Dimension lines 1-18
Extension lines 1-18
PAGE I – 7Introduction Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS
Leader lines 1-19
Break lines 1-20
Centerlines 1-20
Phantom lines 1-21
Section lines 1-21
Cutting Plane lines 1-22
Precedence of Line Types 1-23
Alphabet of Lines Exercises 1-25
Projections in General 1-27
Projection Types 1-29
Parallel Projection 1-29
Perspective Projection 1-29
Orthographic Projection 1-29
Oblique Projection 1-29
Multi-view Projection 1-30
Orient and Select the Front View 1-30
Orthographic Projection (Third Angle) 1-31
Glass Box and Six Principle Orthographic Views 1-32
Height, Width and Depth Dimensions 1-35
Transferring Dimensions 1-35
Sheet Media 1-36
ANSI Standard Sheet Sizes 1-36
Orthographic Projection Exercises 1-37
Planes (Normal, Inclined and Oblique) 1-42
Plane Exercises 1-43
Chapter Summary 1-49
Questions/Exercises 1-51
Chapter 2 – Isometric Projection and Multi View Drawings 2-1
Chapter Overview 2-3
Isometric Projections 2-3
Isometric Sketching 2-5
Circles Drawn in Axonometric View 2-7
Additional Projections 2-9
Oblique Projection 2-9
Arrangement of Views 2-13
Two View Drawing 2-14
One View Drawing 2-16
Drawing – Exercises 2-19
Drawing Views – Advanced 2-21
Section View 2-21
Detail View 2-23
Broken out View 2-24
Break or Broken View 2-25
Crop View 2-26
Auxiliary View 2-27
Exercises 2-27
History of Computer Aided Design (CAD) 2-28
Boolean Operations 2-29
What is SOLIDWORKS? 2-31
Design Intent 2-33
PAGE I – 8Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS Introduction
Design Intent in a Sketch
Design Intent in a Feature
Design Intent in a Part
Design Intent in an Assembly
Design Intent in a Drawing
Chapter Summary
Chapter 3 – Dimensioning Practices, Scales, Tolerancing and Fasteners
Chapter Overview
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Location Dimension
Size Dimension
Measurement – units
Dual Dimensioning
Architect’s Scale
Engineer’s Scale
Linear Encoder
Linear Scale
Vernier Scale
Standards for Dimensioning
Linear Dimension
Stagger Dimension
Aligned Dimension
Angular Dimension
Chamfer Dimension
Slot Dimension
Radius Dimension (Leader line)
Simple Hole Dimension (Leader line)
Fastener Hole Dimension (Annotations)
Cylindrical Dimension
Equally Spaced Hole Dimension
Hole Dimension Location
Point/Center of a Circle Dimension
Arc Dimension
Order of Preference – Linear Dimension Line
Size Dimension
Continuous Dimensions
Principles of good Dimensioning
Precision and Tolerance
Tolerance for a Drawing
General Tolerance – Title Block
Local Tolerance – Dimension
Limit Tolerance
Unilateral Tolerance
Bilateral Tolerance
PAGE I – 9Introduction Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS
Formatting Inch Tolerances 3-29
Metric Dimension Specifications 3-30
Tolerance Parts and Important Terms 3-30
Fit – Hole Tolerance 3-32
Fit Types between Mating Parts 3-32
Clearance Fit 3-33
Interference Fit 3-33
Transition Fit 3-33
Fasteners in General 3-34
Representing External (Male) Threads 3-37
Cutting External (Male) Threads 3-38
Die 3-38
Lathe 3-38
Representing Internal (Female) Threads 3-39
Cutting Internal (Female) Threads 3-39
Taper 3-40
Plug 3-40
Bottoming 3-40
American National Standard and Unified Screw Threads 3-41
Single vs. Double or Triple Threads 3-41
Pitch and Major Diameter 3-42
Thread Class of Fit 3-42
Class 1 3-42
Class 2 3-42
Class 3 3-42
General Thread Notes 3-43
Dimensioning a CounterBore Hole 3-44
Dimensioning a CounterSunk Hole 3-44
Chapter Summary 3-45
Questions/Exercises 3-46
Chapter 4 – Overview of SOLIDWORKS and the User Interface 4-1
Chapter Objective 4-3
What is SOLIDWORKS? 4-3
Basic concepts in SOLIDWORKS 4-3
Start a SOLIDWORKS Session 4-4
Tutorial: Start a SOLIDWORKS Session 4-4
Welcome dialog box 4-4
Home Tab 4-5
Recent Tab 4-5
Learn Tab 4-5
Alerts Tab 4-6
SOLIDWORKS User Interface (UI) and CommandManager 4-7
Menu Bar toolbar 4-7
Menu Bar menu (No model open) 4-8
Menu Bar menu (Model open) 4-8
Drop-down menu (Open part document) 4-8
Create a New Part Document 4-9
Novice Mode 4-10
Advanced Mode 4-10
Graphic Window (Default) 4-11
PAGE I – 10Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS Introduction
View Default Sketch Planes 4-12
Open a Part 4-12
Part FeatureManager 4-13
FeatureManager Rollback Bar 4-13
Heads-up View toolbar 4-15
Dynamic Annotation Views 4-15
Zoom to Fit 4-15
Zoom to Area 4-15
Window-Select 4-15
Rotate 4-15
Front View 4-16
Right View 4-16
Top View 4-16
Trimetric View 4-16
SOLIDWORKS Tutorials 4-17
User Interface Tools 4-17
Right-click 4-18
Consolidated toolbar 4-18
System feedback icons 4-18
Confirmation Corner 4-19
Heads-up View toolbar 4-19
CommandManager (Default Part tab) 4-22
CommandManager (Default Drawing tab) 4-23
CommandManager (Default Assembly tab) 4-24
CommandManager (Float/Fit) 4-25
Collapse the CommandManager 4-25
FeatureManager Design Tree 4-26
FeatureManager design tree tab 4-26
PropertyManager tab 4-26
Configuration Manager tab 4-26
DimXpertManager tab 4-26
DisplayManager tab 4-26
CAM tab 4-26
Hide/Show tab 4-26
Sensors tool 4-26
Tags 4-27
Split 4-27
Fly-out FeatureManager 4-28
Task Pane 4-29
SOLIDWORKS Resources 4-30
Design Library 4-30
File Explorer 4-31
Search 4-31
View Palette 4-31
Appearances, Scenes and Decals 4-31
Custom Properties 4-32
Motion Study tab 4-32
3D Views tab 4-34
Dynamic Reference Visualization 4-34
PAGE 1-11Introduction Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS
Mouse Movements 4-35
Single-Click 4-35
Double-Click 4-35
Right-Click 4-35
Scroll Wheel 4-35
Summary 4-36
Chapter 5 – Structure of a Drawing Document 5-1
Chapter Overview 5-3
Structure of a Drawing Document 5-5
Drawing Document 5-6
Drawing Sheet and Format 5-6
Drawing Sheet 5-7
Activity: Create a Drawing Document. Explore Sheet Properties 5-8
Sheet Format 5-12
Understand Drawing Templates 5-15
Activity: Create a Custom Sheet Format 5-16
Activity: Save a Custom Sheet Format 5-16
Why are Drawing Structured this Way? 5-17
Activity: Modify the Sheet Format size 5-17
Activity: Edit Sheet Format Mode. Insert a Company and Third Angle logo 5-19
Activity: Add the MY-TEMPLATES tab to File Locations 5-23
Activity: View Link Errors in a Drawing document 5-24
Activity: Edit Sheet Format Mode. Explore a Complete Title Box 5-26
Activity: Explore Additional Custom Properties of a Part and Drawing 5-26
General Notes 5-31
Activity: Insert General Notes using a text fde in Edit Sheet Format Mode 5-31
Explore the 3D Drawing tool and various Display Modes 5-32
Centerlines and Center Marks 5-34
Extension Lines Options 5-34
Predefined and Projected Views 5-35
Activity: Insert Predefined and Projected Views with Centerline and Center Marks 5-35
Save As 5-37
Activity: Apply the Save As Command (Save document and reference part) 5-37
Activity: Test a new Drawing Template 5-37
User Defined Properties 5-39
Linked Notes 5-40
Activity: Edit Sheet Format Mode. View Drawing Title Block Links 5-40
Custom Sheet Format with a Custom Drawing Template 5-44
Activity: Save the Custom Sheet Format and Drawing Template 5-44
Chapter Summary 5-46
Questions 5-47
Exercises 5-48
Chapter 6 – Drawing and Various Drawing Views 6-1
Chapter Objective 6-3
Chapter Overview 6-4
Model View 6-6
Standard 3 View 6-6
View Palette 6-6
Predefined Views 6-6
PAGE I – 12Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS Introduction
ROD Part with Configurations 6-10
Activity: Review the ROD Part and the three configurations 6-10
ROD Drawing: Sheet1 – Short Rod Configuration 6-12
Activity: Create the ROD Drawing. Use the A-ANSI-MM Template 6-13
Activity: Insert four drawing views 6-14
View Boundary Properties and Lock View Options 6-17
Activity: View ROD Drawing Sheet1 Custom Properties 6-18
Activity: Edit Sheet Format mode: Add Custom Properties 6-18
ROD Drawing: Sheet2 – Long Rod Configuration 6-19
Activity: Create Sheet2 with a Custom Sheet format 6-20
Activity: Change Part Configuration in Sheet2 6-20
Activity: Create a Projected and Break view 6-21
Activity: Modify Break view length and type 6-22
Section View tool 6-24
Section View PropertyManager tabs 6-24
Revolved Section view 6-25
Activity: ROD Drawing – Sheet2. Create a Revolved Section view 6-25
ROD Drawing: Sheet3 – Long Rod Configuration 6-26
Activity: Sheet3 with a Custom Sheet Format 6-27
Activity: Create an Isometric view 6-27
Activity: Create 2 Detail Views with a sketch spline tool 6-28
Activity: Create a Construction Layer 6-30
Activity: Lock the View position with the Construction layer 6-31
Review the TUBE Part 6-32
TUBE Drawing 6-35
Activity: Create the TUBE Drawing with a Custom Template 6-36
Activity: Insert a Front, Top, Right, and Isometric view 6-36
Activity: Modify Sheet Size from A Landscape to C Landscape 6-37
Activity: Create a Projected Back view 6-38
Activity: Create a Section view 6-39
Activity: Create a Detail view 6-40
Activity: Create the first Broken-out Section view 6-41
Activity: Create the second Broken-out Section view 6-42
Activity: Create an Auxiliary view 6-44
Activity: Create Crop view 6-45
Activity: Create a Half Section Isometric (Cut-Away) view 6-48
Activity: Insert a Design Table 6-49
Activity: Insert Area Hatch 6-51
COVERPLATE Drawing 6-53
Activity: Create the COVERPLATE Drawing with a Custom Template 6-54
Activity: Create the Front view 6-54
Activity: Modify the Configuration 6-56
Activity: Add COVERPLATE-Sheet2 6-57
Activity: Copy and Paste the Front view on Sheet1 to Sheet2 6-57
Activity: Create an Offset Section and Aligned Section view 6-58
Rotate Drawing views 6-64
Activity: Steps to rotate a Drawing view using the Rotate view tool 6-64
Activity: Steps to rotate a Drawing view using the 3D Drawing view tool 6-64
Alternative Position view 6-65
Remove Section view 6-66
Relative view 6-66
PAGE I – 13Introduction Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS
New Name view
Empty View
Chapter Summary
Chapter 7 – Fundamentals of Detailing
Chapter Objective
Types of Decimal Dimensions (ASME Y14.5)
Tolerance Display for Metric and Inch Dimensions (ASME Y14.5)
Leading & Trailing zeroes
Tolerance Types
Order of Precedence of a linear dimension line
Drawing TUBE Detailing
Activity: Create Layers
Activity: Insert dimensions (Model Items) tool
Activity: Hide dimensions on Layers
Activity: Show dimensions on Layers
Activity: Manually insert dimensions
Activity: Address gaps and arrow direction
Activity: Baseline dimensioning
Activity: Align dimensions
Activity: Add a dimension with Offset
Activity: Replace obtuse angle with an acute angle
Activity: Create an acute angle from a Construction line Collinear with an edge
Activity: Edit Radius text
Activity: Create two Parametric notes to represent a Counterbore
Activity: Apply the Hole CallOut tool
Activity: Insert a Note for the Counterbore
Activity: Add Center Marks and Centerlines
Activity: Create a Reference dimension
Activity: Create a Chamfer dimension
Annotation toolbar
Smart Dimension tool
Note tool
Linear Note Pattern tool
Circular Note Pattern tool
Spell Checker tool
Format Painter tool
Balloon tool
AutoBalloon tool
Magnetic Line tool
Surface Finish tool
Weld Symbol tool
Geometric Tolerance tool
Datum Feature tool
Datum Target tool
Hole Callout tool
Revision Symbol tool
Revision Cloud tool
Area Hatch/Fill tool
PAGE I – 14Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS Introduction
Block tool 7-60
Center Mark tool 7-60
Centerline tool 7-61
Consolidated Table toolbar 7-61
Detached drawings 7-62
Questions 7-63
Exercises 7-64
Chapter 8 – Assembly Drawings 8-1
Chapter Objective 8-3
Chapter Overview 8-4
CYLINDER Assembly – Exploded view 8-8
Activity: Create an Exploded Isometric view 8-9
CYLINDER Assembly Drawing 8-11
Activity: Insert Balloons (AutoBalloon tool) 8-14
Activity: Modify Balloons 8-15
Activity: Split Balloons lines 8-16
Activity: Bill of Materials (Part Level) 8-17
Materials Editor and Mass Properties 8-20
Custom Configuration Properties 8-22
Activity: Add Custom Properties 8-23
Activity: Add User Specified Part Numbers 8-25
Design Table 8-28
Activity: Review the COVERPLATE4 Design Table 8-31
Bill of Materials – Part 2 8-32
Editing Cells 8-32
Editing Columns 8-32
Insert Column 8-33
Activity: Add a Cost Column 8-34
Edit Header 8-35
Activity: Edit the Title Header 8-35
Create an Equation 8-36
Activity: Apply an Equation to the Bill of Materials in a new Column 8-36
CYLINDER Assembly – Design Table 8-38
Activity: Create a Design Table in the CYLINDER assembly 8-38
CYLINDER Assembly Drawing – Multiple Configurations 8-41
Activity: Add Sheet2 and Sheet3 8-41
Activity: Change CYLINDER Configuration 8-42
Activity: Create a Top level only BOM 8-42
Activity: Create a Custom BOM Template 8-46
CYLINDER Assembly Drawing – Revision Table 8-47
Activity: Create a new drawing with a Revision Table 8-47
Activity: Edit the Revision Table 8-49
Activity: Apply the Link to Property tool (Custom Properties) 8-50
Additional Drawing Tools and Options 8-51
Section view and Broken-out Section view 8-51
Hide Behind Plane 8-52
Large Assembly Drawing Performance 8-53
Splitting a BOM 8-54
Merging a BOM 8-54
Dragging a BOM 8-54
PAGE I – 15Introduction Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS
Tabulated Bill of Materials
Center of mass (COM) point
Chapter Summary
Chapter 9 – Datums, Feature Control Frames, Geometric Tolerancing and Other
Drawing Symbols
Chapter Objective
Chapter Overview
Auto Dimension Scheme
Auto Pair Tolerance
Basic, Location Dimension
Basic Size Dimension
General Profile Tolerance
Show Tolerance Status
Copy Scheme
Import Scheme
TolAnalyst Study
Datum Target
Activity: Apply DimXpert to the VALVEPLATE1 part
Activity: Create a New Scheme which is fully constrained
Activity: Modify Tolerance and dimensions
Activity: Create a Bilateral Tolerance
Activity: Remove Instance Count
DimXpert Annotations and Drawing
Activity: Create a new VALVEPLATE1 drawing
Activity: Apply the DimXpert Annotations
SOLIDWORKS MBD (Model Based Definition)
Activity: Apply Model Base Definition to an assembly
Activity: Add a Datum
Activity: Insert a Size Dimension
Activity: Set the Tolerance
Activity: Insert Datums
Activity: Insert Geometric Tolerance
Datums, Feature Control Frames, Geometric Tolerances and Surface Finish
Activity: Apply DimXpert to the VALVEPLATE1-GDT part
Activity: Edit a Feature Control Frame
Activity: Create the VALVEPLATE1-GDT drawing
Activity: Insert Surface Finish symbol with a Bent Leader
Activity: Create multiple Leaders
Activity: Create an eDrawing
PLATE-TUBE assembly with Welding Symbols
Activity: Create a Weld Bead in the PLATE-TUBE assembly
Chapter Summary
PAGE I – 16Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS Introduction
Chapter 10 – Introduction to the Certified Associated – Mechanical Design Exam 10-1
Chapter Objective 10-3
Introduction 10-3
Part 1 of the Exam 10-4
Basic Part Creation and Modification, Intermediate Part Creation and Modification 10-4
Assembly Creation and Modification 10-6
Part 2 of the Exam 10-7
Introduction and Drafting Competencies 10-7
Advanced Part Creating and Modification 10-8
Assembly Creation and Modification 10-10
Intended Audience 10-11
During the Exam 10-12
Drafting Competencies 10-13
Example 1 10-13
Example 2 10-13
Example 3 10-14
Example 4 10-14
Examples 10-14
Example 6 10-14
Basic Part Creation and Modification, Intermediate Part Creation and Modification 10-15
Example 1 10-16
Example 2 10-17
Example3 10-18
Example 4 10-19
Example 5 10-20
Example 6 10-21
Example 6A 10-23
Example 6B 10-23
Advanced Part Creation and Modification 10-24
Example 1 10-24
Example 2 10-26
Example 3 10-27
Example 4 10-28
Example 5 10-29
Example 6 10-31
Example 6A 10-32
Assembly Creation and Modification 10-33
Example 1 10-34
Chapter 11 – SOLIDWORKS Professional – Advanced Drawing Tools Exam 11-1
Introduction 11-1
Exam six key categories 11-2
Basic View Functionality 11-2
View Functionality 11-2
BOM Functionality 11-2
Linked Notes 11-2
Hide/Show Components 11-2
Advanced View Functionality 11-2
Exam Topics 11-2
Basic View Creation 11-2
PAGE I – 17Introduction Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS
Section Views (Aligned Section view) 11-2
Auxiliary Views 11-2
Alternate Position Views 11-2
Relative to Model views 11-2
Broken-out Section views 11-2
View focus when creating 2D geometry 11-2
Transferring sketch elements to/from views 11-2
BOM Table creation and modification 11-3
Hide/show components 11-3
Linked Notes 11-3
Importing Model Items 11-3
Intended audience 11-4
Basic View Functionality: View Creation 11-5
First question in Sample (CSWPA-DT) Exam 11-5
Activity: Question 1 11-6
Second Question in Sample (CSWPA-DT) Exam 11-10
Activity: Question 2 11-11
Third Question in Sample (CSWPA-DT) Exam 11-13
Activity: Question 3 11-14
Fourth Question in Sample (CSWPA-DT) Exam – BOM Creation 11-17
Activity: Question 4 11-18
Fifth Question in Sample (CSWPA-DT) Exam – Reordering BOM 11-20
Activity: Question 5 11-21
Sixth Question in Sample (CSWPA-DT) Exam – Cost Column with equations 11-22
Activity: Question 6 11-22
Summary 11-24
PAGE I – 18Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS Index
2D Cartesian Coordinate System, 1-7
3D Cartesian Coordinate System, 1-8
3D Drawing View Command, 4-21
3D View Tab, 4-34
Absolute Coordinates, 1-10
Abscissa, 1-7
Accelerator Keys, 4-28
Actual Size – General Tolerance
Nomenclature, 3-31
Add Dimension, 5-23
Add-Ins, 4-22, 4-30
Advanced Mode, 4-10
Aligned Dimension, 3-9, 7-21
Allowance – General Tolerance
Nomenclature, 3-31
Alphabet of Lines, 1-17
Break Lines, 1-20
Centerlines, 1-20
Cutting Plane Lines, 1-22
Dimension Lines, 1-18
Extension Lines, 1-18
Hidden Lines, 1-17
Leader Lines, 1-19
Phantom Lines, 1-21
Section Lines, 1-21
Visible Lines, 1-17
Alternative Position View, 6-65
American National Standard and Unified
Screw Thread, 3-41
American National Standards Institute, 3-3
Angular Dimension, 3-9, 5-30
Animation, 4-32
Annotations Toolbar, 7-52
AutoBalloon tool, 7-54
Balloon tool, 7-54
Block tool, 7-60
Centerline tool, 5-34, 7-61
Center Mark tool, 7-60
Circular Note Pattern tool, 7-53
Datum Feature tool, 7-57
Datum Target tool, 7-58
Format Painter tool, 7-53
Geometric Tolerance tool, 7-57
Hole Callout tool, 7-58
Magnetic Line tool, 7-55
Revision Symbol tool, 7-58
Surface Finish tool, 7-55
Weld Symbol tool, 7-56
ANSI (ASME) Drafting Standard, 3-3, 7-5
Appearances, Scenes and Decals, 4-31
Apply Scene Command, 4-21
Arc – Geometric Entities, 1-16
Arc Dimension, 3-16
Assembly Drawing, 8-8
Balloons, 8-14
Bill of Materials, 8-18, 8-32
Center of Mass Point, 8-55
Custom Configuration Properties, 8-23
Design Table, 8-28
Drag a Bill of Materials, 8-54
eDrawing, 8-55
Edit Cells, 8-32
Edit Columns, 8-32
Edit Header, 8-35
Edit Revision Table, 8-49
Equation, 8-36
Exploded View, 8-8
Insert Column, 8-33
Large Assembly Performance, 8-53
Linked to Property tool, 8-50
Merge a Bill of Materials, 8-54
Modify Balloons, 8-15
Revision Table, 8-47
Split Bill of Materials, 8-54
Auxiliary View, 6-41
Axonometric Projection, 2-3
Dimetric, 2-3, 2-4
Isometric, 2-3, 2-4
Trimetric, 2-3, 2-5
Back View, 1-33, 1-34
Balloons, 8-11
Baseline dimensioning, 7-18
Basic Dimension – General Tolerance
Nomenclature – 3-30
Basic Mechanics of Drafting, 1-5
Basic Motion, 4-32
Basic Size – General Tolerance
Nomenclature, 3-31
Bill of Materials, 8-19, 8-32
Boolean Operation, 2-29
Difference, 2-30
Intersection, 2-30
Union, 2-29, 2-30
Break Lines, 1-20, 1-23, 1-24
Break or Broken View, 2-25
Broken out View, 2-24
Cartesian Coordinates, 1-7
2Dimensional, 1-7
INDEX – 1Index Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS 2022
3Dimensional, 1-8
Absolute Coordinates, 1-10
Cylindrical I Spherical Coordinates, 1-11
Polar Coordinates, 1-11
Relative Coordinates, 1-10
Cartesian Plane, 1-7
Chamfer Dimension, 3-10, 7-52
Child, 2-23, 2-26
Circle – Geometric Entities, 1-15
Class 1 – Thread Class, 3-42
Class 2 – Thread Class, 3-42
Class 3 – Thread Class, 3-42
Clearance Fit, 3-32, 3-33
CommandManager – Assembly, 4-24
Assembly tab, 4-24
Evaluate tab, 4-24
Layout tab, 4-24
Sketch tab, 4-24
SOLIDWORKS Add-In tab, 4-24
CommandManager – Dock, 4-25
CommandManager – Drawing, 4-23
Annotation tab, 4-23
Evaluate tab, 4-23
Sketch tab, 4-23
SOLIDWORKS Add-in tab, 4-23
View Layout tab, 4-23
CommandManager – Float, 4-25
CommandManager – Part, 4-22
DimXpert tab, 4-22
Evaluate tab, 4-22
Feature tab, 5-11
Sketch tab, 4-22
SOLIDWORKS Add-In tab, 4-24
COVERPLATE Drawing, 6-53
Add Sheet, 6-57
Aligned Section View, 6-58
Copy and Paste View, 6-57
Front View, 6-56
Offset Section View, 6-58
Modify Configuration, 6-57
Rotate Views, 6-64
ConfigurationManager tab, 4-26
Confirmation Corner, 4-19
Consolidated toolbar, 4-18
Construction Dimensions, 3-4
Continuous Dimensions, 3-19
Control Points, 1-19
Convert Entities Sketch tool, 10-5, 10-9
Coordinate Axis, 1-9
Coordinate System – Left-hand, 1-8, 1-9
Coordinate System – Right-hand, 1-8, 1-9
Counterbore Hole, 3-44
Countersunk Hole, 3-44
Create a new part, 4-10
Crop View, 2-26, 6-45
CSWA Certification, 10-1
CSWA Exam, 10-1
Content, 10-4
Advanced Part and Modification, 10-24
Assembly and Modification, 10-33
Basic Part and Modification, 10-15
Drafting Competencies, 10-13
Intermediate Part/Modification, 10-15
Introduction, 10-3
CSWPA-DT Exam, 11-1
Custom Properties, 5-5, 5-21, 5-26
Custom Scale Box, 9-19
Customize CommandManager, 4-23
Customize FeatureManager, 4-27
Customizing Toolbars, 6-30
Cutting Plane Lines, 1-22, 1-23
Cylindrical Dimension, 3-13
Cylindrical / Spherical Coordinates, 1-11
Datums 9-18, 9-22
Default Reference Planes, 4-11, 4-12
Front Plane, 4-12
Right Plane, 4-12
Top Plane, 4-12
Depth Dimension, 1-32
Design Intent, 2-33
Assembly, 2-35
Drawing, 2-35
Feature, 2-34
Part, 2-34
Sketch, 2-33
Design Library, 4-30
SolidWorks Content, 4-30
Toolbox, 4-30
Design Table, 6-47, 6-49, 6-69
Detail View, 2-23
Difference – Boolean Operation, 2-30
Dimension – Angular, 3-9, 3-10
Dimension – Arc, 3-16
Dimension – Chamfer, 3-10
Dimension – Cylindrical, 3-13
Dimension – Dual units, 3-6
Dimension – Fastener Hole, 3-13
Dimension – Linear, 3-8
Dimension – Local Tolerance, 3-28
Dimension – Offset, 7-24
Dimension – Tolerance, 3-23
Dimension – Radius, 3-11
Dimension – Simple Hole, 3-11
Dimension – Slot, 3-10
Dimension System – Metric, 3-5
Dimension System – U.S., 3-5
Dimetric Projection, 2-3, 2-4
DimXpertManager, 4-27, 9-6
Auto Dimension Scheme, 9-6
Auto Pair Tolerance, 9-6
INDEX – 2Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS 2022 Index
Basic Location Dimension, 9-6
Basic Size Dimension, 9-6
Copy Scheme, 9-6
Datum Target, 9-6
General Profile Tolerance, 9-6
Show Tolerance Status, 9-6
TolAnalyst Study, 9-6
Display Style, 4-20
Hidden Lines Removed, 4-20
Hidden Lines Visible, 4-20
Shaded With Edges, 4-20
Shaded, 4-20
Wireframe, 4-20
DisplayManager tab, 4-26
Dock CommandManager, 4-25
Drafting Tables, 1-5
Drafting Tools, 1-5, 1-6
Drafting Triangle, 1-6
Drawing Views, 6-1
Auxiliary View, 6-41
Aligned Section View, 6-58
Alternative Position View, 6-65
Break View, 6-22
Broken-out Section View, 6-41
Crop View, 6-45
Cut-Away View, 6-47
Detail View, 6-28, 6-408
Empty View, 6-67
Front View, 6-38
Half Section View, 6-24, 6-35, 6-47
Isometric View, 6-27
New Name View, 6-67
Offset Section View, 6-58
Predefined View, 5-35
Projected View, 6-21
Revolved Section View, 6-25
Relative View, 6-66
Remove Section View, 6-66
Right View, 6-36
Section View, 6-24
Standard 3 View, 6-6
Top View, 6-13, 6-36
Drawing Template, 5-16
Drawing Tolerance, 3-27, 9-19
Drop-down menu, 4-8, 4-17, 4-28
Dual – Dimensioning System, 3-6
Edit Radius Text, 7-27
Edit Command – Menu Bar Menu, 4-8
Edit Sheet Format Mode, 5-19, 5-40
Edit Sheet Mode, 5-19, 5-40
eDrawings, 8-56
Ellipse – Major Axis, 2-7
Ellipse – Minor Axis, 2-7
Ellipse, 2-6, 2-7
Empty View, 6-68
Exploded View, 8-7
Extension Lines, 1-18, 5-34
Extension Lines/Lead Lines, 1-23
Extension Line Options, 5-34
Fastener Hole Dimension, 3-13
Fasteners in General 3-34
Counterbore, 3-44
Countersunk, 3-44
Double Thread, 3-41
Female, 3-39
Fit, 3-32
Major Diameter, 3-38
Male, 3-37, 3-38
Pitch, 3-42, 3-43
Single Thread, 3-41
Thread Class, 3-42
Thread Notes, 3-37, 3-43
Triple Thread, 3-41
Features, 4-9
FeatureManager Design Tree, 4-26
ConfigurationManager tab, 4-26
DimXpertManager tab, 4-26
DisplayManager tab, 4-26
FeatureManager tab, 4-26
PropertyManager tab, 4-26
FeatureManager tab, 4-26
Female Thread – Fastener, 3-39
File Command – Menu Bar Menu, 4-8
File Explorer, 4-29, 4-31
First Angle Projection, 1-34, 1-49
Fit – General Tolerance, 3-27
Fit – Thread Class, 3-42
Fits, 3-32, 3-33, 3-42
Clearance, 3-32, 3-33
Interference, 3-32, 3-33
Transition, 3-32, 3-33
Float CommandManager, 4-25
Fly-out FeatureManager, 4-28
Formatting Inch Tolerances, 3-29
Freehand Sketching, 1-4, 1-12
Front View, 1-31
Gaspard Monge’s, 1-33
General Notes, 5-31
General Sketching Techniques, 1-13
General Thread Notes, 3-37, 3-38, 3-39
General Tolerance – Title Block, 3-27, 7-5
General Tolerance Nomenclature, 3-27, 7-5
Actual Size, 3-31
Allowance, 3-31
Basic Dimension, 3-31
Basic Size, 3-31
INDEX – 3Index Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS 2022
Fit, 3-32
Least Material Condition, 3-31
Maximum Material Condition, 3-31
Nominal Size, 3-31
Tolerance, 3-31
Geometric Entities, 1-14
Arc, 1-16
Circle, 1-15
Line, 1-14
Plane, 1-15
Point, 1-14
Glass Box Method, 1-32
Graphics Window, 4-11
Heads-up View toolbar, 4-11
CommandManager, 4-11
FeatureManager, 4-11
Origin, 4-11
Tag, 4-11, 4-27
Task Pane, 4-11, 4-29
Heads-up View toolbar, 4-19
3D Drawing View, 4-21
Apply Scene, 4-21
Edit Appearance, 4-21
Hide/Show Items, 4-21
Previous View, 4-19
Rotate, 4-15, 4-21
Section View, 4-20
View Orientation, 4-20
View Setting, 4-21
Zoom to Area, 4-19
Zoom to Fit, 4-19
Height Dimension, 1-35
Help Command – Menu bar menu, 4-8
Hidden Lines, 1-17, 1-23, 4-20
Hidden Lines Visible, 4-20, 7-26
Hide Dimensions on Layers, 7-14
Hide FeatureManager Tree, 4-11
History of CAD, 2-28
History of Engineering Graphics, 1-3
Hole CallOut tool, 7-34
Hole Dimension location, 3-12, 3-15
I & J & K
Inclined Plane, 1-42
Insert Command – Menu bar menu, 4-8
Insert Model Items, 7-13
Interference Fit, 3-32, 3-33
International System – Dimensioning, 3-5
Intersection – Boolean Operation, 2-30
IPS (inch, pound, second), 3-6
IPS Dimensioning System, 3-6
Isometric Projection, 2-3, 2-4
Isometric Sketching, 2-5
Leader Line, 1-19, 3-11
Leading & Trailing Zeroes, 7-8
Least Material Condition – General
Tolerance Nomenclature, 3-31, 7-9
Left-hand Coordinate System, 1-8, 1-9
Left-handed Thread, 3-41
Limit Tolerance, 3-28, 7-5
Limits, 3-28, 3-31
Line – Geometric Entities, 1-14
Linear Dimension, 3-8
Local Coordinate System, 1-6
Local Tolerance – Dimension, 3-28
Location Dimension, 3-4, 9-6
Major Diameter – Fastener, 3-38
Male Thread – Fastener, 3-37
Maximum Material Condition, 3-31
Measurement – units, 3-5
Dual, 3-6
English, 3-5
Metric, 3-5
Menu Bar Menu, 4-8
Edit, 4-8
File, 4-8
Help, 4-8
Insert, 4-8
Pin, 4-8
View, 4-8
Window, 4-8
Menu Bar toolbar, 4-7
File Properties, 4-8
New, 4-8
Open, 4-8
Options, 4-8
Print, 4-8
Rebuild, 4-8
Save, 4-8
Select, 4-8
Undo, 4-8
Metric – Dimensioning System, 3-4
Metric ANSI – Dimensioning System, 3-4
Metric Dimension Specifications, 3-30
MMGS, 3-5, 5-35
Model Base Definition (MBD), 9-17
Motion Study tab, 4-32
Animation, 4-32
Basic Motion, 4-32
MotionManager, 4-32
Animation, 4-32
Basic Motion, 4-32
Mouse Scroll Wheel, 4-35
New Document Command, 4-10
INDEX -4Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS 2022 Index
New Motion Study tool, 4-32
New Part, 4-10, 6-13
New View tool, 4-21
Nominal Size, 3-31
Normal Plane, 1-42
Novice Mode, 4-10
Oblique Plane, 1-42
Oblique Projection, 2-9
Cabinet, 2-9
Cavalier, 2-9
One View Drawing, 2-16
Open Document Command, 4-12
Options Command, 4-8, 5-6
Ordinate, 1-7
Order/Placement – Dimension lines, 3-17
Origin, 1-7, 4-11
Orthographic Projection, 1-31
Back / Rear View, 1-31
Bottom View, 1-31
Front View, 1-31
Left View, 1-31
Right View, 1-31
Top View, 1-31
Parallel Lines, 1-5
Parent, 2-23, 2-26
Perspective Projection, 2-11
One point, 2-12
Three point, 2-13
Two point, 2-12
Phantom Lines, 1-22, 1-24
Pitch – Fastener, 3-42
Plane – Geometric Entities, 1-14
Planes – Inclined, 1-42
Planes – Normal, 1-42
Planes – Oblique, 1-42
Plus-minus Tolerance, 3-29
Point – Geometric Entities, 1-14
Point of intersection, 1-7
Polar Coordinates, 1-11
Precedence of Line Types, 1-23
Break Lines, 1-23
Centerlines, 1-23
Cutting Plane Lines, 1-23
Dimension Lines, 1-23
Extension Lines/Lead Lines, 1-23
Hidden Lines, 1-23
Section Lines/Crosshatch Lines, 1-22
Visible Lines, 1-22
Predefined and Projected Views, 5-35
Precision, 3-26
Primary Units, 3-6
Print Document Command, 4-7
Projection Lines – Transferring Dimensions,
PropertyManager tab, 4-26
Quadrants, 1-8, 1-33
Radius Dimension, 3-11
Rebuild Document Command, 4-7
Reference Dimension, 3-8
Reference Planes, 4-11, 7-8
Front Plane, 4-11
Right Plane, 4-11
Top Plane, 4-11
Relative Coordinates, 1-10
Right View, 1-31
Right-click Select tool, 4-35
Right-click, 4-18
Right-hand Coordinate System, 1-8, 1-9
Right-hand Thread, 3-41
ROD Drawing, 6-13
Break View, 6-22
Configurations, 6-12
Construction Layer, 6-30
Custom Properties, 6-18
Custom Sheet Format, 6-20, 6-27
Detail View, 6-28
Edit Sheet Format Mode, 6-58, 6-72
Isometric View, 6-16, 6-26
Lock View, 6-17
Modify Break View, 6-22
Revolved Section View, 6-25
Sheetl Short Rod Configuration, 6-12
Sheet2 Long Rod Configuration, 6-19
Sheet3 Long Rod Configuration, 6-26
Section View, 6-24
S.l Dimensioning System, 3-4
Save Document Command, 4-7
Scales, 3-7
Architect’s Scale, 3-7
Engineer’s Scale, 3-7
Linear encoder, 3-7
Linear Scale, 3-7
Vernier Scale, 3-7
Screw Thread, 3-37
Secondary Units, 3-6
Section Lines, 1-21, 1-23
Section View, 2-21, 5-24
Selection Filter tool, 4-27
Sensors tool, 4-26
Shaded With Edges, 4-20
Shaded, 4-20
Sheet Format, 5-16, 5-44
Simple Hole – Dimension, 3-11, 3-12
Single Thread, 3-41
INDEX – 5Index Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS 2022
Six Principal Orthographic Views, 1-32
Size Dimension, 3-4
Solid Primitives, 1-16
Box, 1-16
Cone, 1-16
Cylinder, 1-16
Pyramid, 1-16
Sphere, 1-16
Torus, 1-16
Wedge, 1-16
SOLIDWORKS Help, 4-16, 4-17
SOLIDWORKS Resources, 4-29
SOLIDWORKS Tutorials, 4-17
SOLIDWORKS User Interface, 4-11
Confirmation Corner, 4-19
Consolidated drop-down menu, 4-18
Drop-down menu, 4-8
FeatureManager Design Tree, 4-11, 4-26
Fly-out FeatureManager, 4-28
Graphics window, 4-11
Heads-up View toolbar, 4-11,4-15
Menu Bar Menu, 4-8
Menu Bar toolbar, 4-8
Motion Study tab, 4-33
New, 4-8
Open, 4-8
Options, 4-8
Print, 4-8
Rebuild, 4-8
Reference triad, 4-11
Right-click Pop-up menu, 4-14, 4-18
Save, 4-8
Tags, 4-11
Task Pane, 4-11, 4-29
Undo, 4-8
Split FeatureManager, 4-27
Stagger dimension, 3-8
Standards for Dimensioning, 3-8
Aligned Dimension, 3-9
Angular Dimension, 3-9
Chamfer Dimension, 3-10
Cylindrical Dimension, 3-13
Linear Dimension, 3-8
Simple Hole Dimension, 3-11
Slot Dimension, 3-10
Stagger Dimension, 3-8
Start a SOLIDWORKS Session, 4-4
System Feedback icon, 4-18
Dimension, 4-18
Edge, 4-18
Face, 4-18
Vertex, 4-18
Task Pane, 4-29
Appearances, Scenes and Decals, 4-31
Custom Properties, 4-32
Design Library, 4-30
File Explorer, 4-31
SOLIDWORKS Resources, 4-30
View Palette, 4-31
Templates tab, 4-10
Third Angle Projection, 1-31, 1-33, 9-40
Thread – Major Diameter, 3-38
Thread Class of Fit, 3-42
Class 1, 3-42
Class 2, 3-42
Class 3, 3-42
Title Block – General Tolerance, 3-27
Title Block, 5-30, 9-7
Tolerance, 3-26
Bilateral, 3-29
Dimension, 3-27
Drawing, 3-27
Limits, 3-28
Title Block, 3-27
Unilateral, 3-29
Note, 9-9
Tolerance Types, 3-28, 7-9
Bilateral, 3-29
Limit, 3-28
Unilateral, 3-29
Top View, 1-31
Transferring Dimensions – Projection Lines,
Transition Fit, 3-32, 3-33
Trimetric Projection, 2-3, 2-5
Triple Thread, 3-41
T-square, 1-5
TUBE Drawing
Area Hatch, 6-51
Add Dimensions, 7-13
Align Dimensions, 7-21
Arrow direction and Gaps, 7-19
Baseline Dimensioning, 7-19
Broken-out Section View, 6-41
Centerlines, 7-37
Center Marks, 7-37
Chamfer Dimension, 7-50
Crop View, 6-45
Construction Line, 7-25
Counterbore Notes, 7-35
Design Table, 6-49
Detail View, 6-40
Edit Radius Text, 7-27
Front View, 6-38
Half Section View, 6-47
Hide Dimension, 7-14
Hole CallOut tool, 7-34
INDEX – 6Drawing and Detailing with SOLIDWORKS 2022 Index
Insert Dimensions, 7-13
Isometric View, 6-36, 6-47
Parametric Note, 7-31
Projected Back View, 6-38
Reference Dimension, 7-40
Right View, 6-38
Section View, 6-39
Show Dimension, 7-15
Tutorial tab, 4-10
Two View Drawing, 2-14
U.S. ANSI – Dimensioning System, 3-4, 7-5
Unified National Screw Thread Series, – UN
Unified National Screw Thread Series, –
UNC – 3-41
Unified National Screw Thread Series, –
UNRC – 3-41
Unified National Screw Thread Series, –
Unilateral Tolerance, 3-29
Union – Boolean Operation, 2-29
VALVEPLATE1 Drawing, 9-14
Model Base Definition (MBD), 9-17
Datum, 9-20
Geometric Tolerance, 9-21
Size Dimension, 9-20
Tolerance, 9-19
VALVEPLATE1-GDT Drawing, 9-25
Bent Leader, 9-27
Surface Finish, 9-27
Bilateral Tolerance, 9-12
Instance Count, 9-12
Modify Dimensions, 9-11
Modify Tolerance, 9-11
Feature Control Frame, 9-24
Surface Finish Symbol, 9-27
Vanishing Point, 2-11
View Orientation, 4-20
Back, 4-20
Bottom, 4-20
Dimetric, 4-20
Four view, 4-20
Front, 4-20
Isometric, 4-20
Left, 4-20
Right, 4-20
Single view, 4-20
Top, 4-20
Trimetric, 4-20
Two view, 4-20
View Palette, 4-31, 6-6
Visible Lines, 1-17, 1-23
Weld Bead, 9-31
Weld Symbols, 9-31
Width Dimension, 1-35
Wireframe, 4-20
X& Y&Z
X,-Y Plane, 1-7
X,-Y,-Z Plane, 1-8
Zoom to Area, 4-19
Zoom to Fit, 4-15
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