Dimensioning and Tolerancing – Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Practices
اسم المؤلف
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Dimensioning and Tolerancing
Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Practices
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Foreword vi
Committee Roster viii
Correspondence With the Y14 Committee ix
Section 1 Scope, Definitions, and General Dimensioning 1
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 References . 1
1.3 Definitions 2
1.4 Fundamental Rules 7
1.5 Units of Measure 8
1.6 Types of Dimensioning . 9
1.7 Application of Dimensions 10
1.8 Dimensioning Features . 13
1.9 Location of Features 20
Section 2 General Tolerancing and Related Principles 24
2.1 General 24
2.2 Direct Tolerancing Methods . 24
2.3 Tolerance Expression . 25
2.4 Interpretation of Limits . 26
2.5 Single Limits . 26
2.6 Tolerance Accumulation . 26
2.7 Limits of Size 27
2.8 Applicability of Modifiers on Geometric Tolerance Values and Datum Feature References . 29
2.9 Screw Threads 31
2.10 Gears and Splines 31
2.11 Boundary Conditions 31
2.12 Angular Surfaces . 31
2.13 Conical Tapers 35
2.14 Flat Tapers . 35
2.15 Radius 36
2.16 Tangent Plane . 36
2.17 Statistical Tolerancing . 36
Section 3 Symbology 38
3.1 General 38
3.2 Use of Notes to Supplement Symbols 38
3.3 Symbol Construction . 38
3.4 Feature Control Frame Symbols 44
3.5 Feature Control Frame Placement . 46
3.6 Definition of the Tolerance Zone . 46
3.7 Tabulated Tolerances . 46
Section 4 Datum Reference Frames 48
4.1 General 48
4.2 Degrees of Freedom . 48
4.3 Degrees of Freedom Constrained by Primary Datum Features
Regardless of Material Boundary 48
4.4 Constraining Degrees of Freedom of a Part . 48
4.5 Datum Feature Simulator . 53
4.6 Theoretical and Physical Application of Datum Feature Simulators . 53
4.7 Datum Reference Frame . 534.8 Datum Features 57
4.9 Datum Feature Controls . 58
4.10 Specifying Datum Features in an Order of Precedence . 58
4.11 Establishing Datums . 59
4.12 Multiple Datum Features . 65
4.13 Mathematically Defined Surface . 69
4.14 Multiple Datum Reference Frames . 69
4.15 Functional Datum Features 69
4.16 Rotational Constraint About a Datum Axis or Point 70
4.17 Application of MMB, LMB, and RMB to Irregular Features of Size 74
4.18 Datum Feature Selection Practical Application . 75
4.19 Simultaneous Requirements 76
4.20 Restrained Condition 79
4.21 Datum Reference Frame Identification 79
4.22 Customized Datum Reference Frame Construction . 81
4.23 Application of a Customized Datum Reference Frame . 81
4.24 Datum Targets 83
Section 5 Tolerances of Form 91
5.1 General 91
5.2 Form Control 91
5.3 Specifying Form Tolerances . 91
5.4 Form Tolerances . 91
5.5 Application of Free-State Symbol 95
Section 6 Tolerances of Orientation . 99
6.1 General 99
6.2 Orientation Control . 99
6.3 Orientation Symbols 99
6.4 Specifying Orientation Tolerances 99
6.5 Tangent Plane . 103
6.6 Alternative Practice . 103
Section 7 Tolerances of Location 108
7.1 General 108
7.2 Positional Tolerancing . 108
7.3 Positional Tolerancing Fundamentals: I . 108
7.4 Positional Tolerancing Fundamentals: II 119
7.5 Pattern Location . 127
7.6 Coaxial Feature Controls 148
7.7 Tolerancing for Symmetrical Relationships . 156
Section 8 Tolerances of Profile . 158
8.1 General 158
8.2 Profile 158
8.3 Tolerance Zone Boundaries 158
8.4 Profile Applications . 165
8.5 Material Condition and Boundary Condition Modifiers as
Related to Profile Controls . 167
8.6 Composite Profile 167
8.7 Multiple Single-Segment Profile Tolerancing 175
8.8 Combined Controls . 175
Section 9 Tolerances of Runout 180
9.1 General 180
9.2 Runout . 180
9.3 Runout Tolerance . 180
9.4 Types of Runout Tolerances . 180
9.5 Application . 182
9.6 Specification . 182Nonmandatory Appendices
A Principal Changes and Improvements . 185
B Formulas for Positional Tolerancing . 191
C Form, Proportion, and Comparison of Symbols 194
D Former Practices 199
E Decision Diagrams for Geometric Control 200
Index . 207
,,,,,,`,,,,`,`,,,`,`,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ASME Y14.5-2009 Index Actual size Actual local size, 1.3.53 Aligned dimensions, Angle tolerances, 2.3.3 All around Specification, Symbol, 3.3.19 All over Specification, Symbol, 3.3.25 Angles, 1.4(i), 1.4(j), 1.8.3,, Implied 90˚, 1.4(i), 1.4(j), Implied 90˚ or 0˚ basic Unspecified, 1.4(i), 1.4(j) Angular Orientation, 4.9 Surfaces, 2.12 Units, 1.5.5 Angularity, 6.3.1 Symbol, 3.3.1 Tolerance, 6.4.2 Applications Dimensions, 1.7, Tolerances, 2.1.1 Arc length symbol, 3.3.9 Architectural drawing practices, 1.1 Arcs, 1.8.3, 1.8.6 Areas, datum target, 4.24.4 Average diameter, 5.5.3 Axis X, 4.10.1, 4.21 Y, 4.10.1, 4.21 Z, 4.10.1, 4.21 Primary datum, 4.3, 4.11.4(a) Secondary datum, 4.11.4(d) Tertiary datum, 4.11.4(e) Base line dimensioning, 2.6(b) Basic angle, 1.4(j),, 6.4.2 Basic dimension, 1.3.23 Basic dimension symbol, 3.3.4 Bilateral tolerance, 1.3.61, Bilateral tolerance Unequally disposed, Boundary Inner, 1.3.2 Least material (LMB), 1.3.3 Maximum material (MMB), 1.3.4 Outer, 1.3.5 Regardless of material (RMB), 1.3.49 Capital letter notes, 1.1.5 Center lines, 1.4(i), 1.4(j), 4.8.2 Centers, machining, 1.8.15 Chain dimensioning, 2.6(a) Chamfers, 1.8.16, Chords, 1.8.3 Circularity Symbol, 3.3.1 Tolerance, 5.4.3 Civil engineering drawing practice, 1.1 Coating, effect of, 2.4.1 Coaxial features, 7.1(c), 7.4.2, 7.5.3, 7.6 Code numbers, 1.4(h) Composite tolerancing Positional, 7.5.1,,, 7.5.5 Profile, 8.6 Computer-Aided Design, 1.4(b) Concentricity Symbol, 3.3.1 Tolerance, 7.6.4 Condition Least material, 1.3.38 Maximum material, 1.3.39 Virtual, 1.3.67 Conical tapers, 2.13 Contacts, datum, 4.6, 4.7.1, 4.10.1(a), 4.10.1(b), 4.10.1(c) Control Coaxiality, 7.6 Combined, 8.8 Concentricity, 7.6.4 Coplanarity, Y14.5-2009 Composite, 7.5.1, 8.6 Datum feature, 4.9 Form, 5 Profile, 8 Runout, 9 Conversion of units, 1.6.4 Coordinate Dimensioning, 1.9, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.4 System, 1.4(p), 4.13 Coplanarity, Corners, rounded, 1.8.5 Counterbore symbol, 3.3.12 Counterbored holes, 1.8.11, 7.4.2 Countersink symbol, 3.3.14 Countersunk holes, 1.8.12 Cylindrical datum features, 4.10.3 Cylindricity Symbol, 3.3.1 Tolerance, 5.4.4 Datum Angular orientation, 4.5.2(b), 4.9, Application Customized datum reference frame, 4.23 Datum feature simulator, 4.18 MMB, LMB, and RMB to irregular features of size, 4.17 Restrained condition, 4.20 Theoretical and physical datum feature simulators, 4.6 Axis, 4.5(c) Primary, 4.3, 4.10.3, 4.11.4(a) Secondary, 4.11.4(d) Single-axis two features, 4.12.2 Tertiary, 4.11.4(e) Contact points, 4.11.1 Definition, 1.3.13 Establishing, 4.11 Feature, 1.3.16 Control, 4.9 Cylindrical, 4.10.3 LMB, 4.11.7, 4.11.8 MMB, 4.11.5, 4.11.6,,, Multiple, 4.12 Order of precedence, 4.10 Partial surface, 4.12.5 Pattern, 4.12.3, 4.12.4 Permanent, 4.8.1 Primary, 4.3 Primary datum axis, 4.24.10 RMB, 4.11.4, 4.11.12, 4.12.4, 4.17 Secondary, 4.11.4, 4.24.12 Symbol, 3.3.2 Temporary, 4.8.1 Tertiary, 4.11.4(b) Virtual condition, 1.3.67 Gears, 2.10 Order of precedence, 4.10 Planes, 4.7.1, 4.24.8 Reference frame, 4.1, 4.7 Screw threads, 1.8.20, 2.9 Secondary datum axis, 4.6,, 4.12.3(d), Splines, 2.10 Target, 4.24 Areas, 4.24.4 Complex/irregular surfaces, 4.24.13 Dimensions, 4.16.7 Lines, 4.16.3 Movable, 4.24.6 Movable symbol, 3.3.27, 4.24.6 Points, 4.16.2 Symbol, 3.3.2 Tertiary, 4.11.4(e), 4.11.4(g) Translation symbol, 3.3.26, 4.11.10, 4.16.9 Decimal inch, 1.5.2, 1.6.2 Decimal point, 1.6.3 Definition of terms Angularity, 1.3.1, 6.3.1 Boundary, inner, 1.3.2 Boundary, least material (LMB), 1.3.3 Boundary, maximum material (MMB), 1.3.4 Boundary, outer, 1.3.5 Circularity, 1.3.6, 5.4.3 Coaxiality, 1.3.7, 7.6 Complex feature, 1.3.8 Concentricity, 1.3.9, 7.6.4 Constraint, 1.3.11 Coplanarity, 1.3.10, Cylindricity, 1.3.12, 5.4.4 Datum, 1.3.13 Datum axis, 1.3.14 Datum center plane, 1.3.15 Datum feature, 1.3.16 Datum feature simulator, 1.3.17 Datum feature simulator (theoretical), 1.3.17(a) Datum feature simulator (physical), 1.3.17(b) Datum reference frame, 1.3.18, 4.1 Datum simulated, 1.3.19ASME Y14.5-2009 Datum target, 1.3.20, 4.24 Diameter, average, 1.3.21, 5.5.3 Dimension, 1.3.22 Dimension, basic, 1.3.23 Dimension, reference, 1.3.24 Envelope, actual mating, 1.3.25 Unrelated actual mating envelope, 1.3.25(a) Related actual mating envelope, 1.3.25(b) Envelope, actual minimum material, 1.3.26 Unrelated actual minimum material envelope, 1.3.26(a) Related actual minimum material envelope, 1.3.26(b) Feature, 1.3.27 Feature, axis of, 1.3.28 Feature, center plane of, 1.3.29 Feature, derived median plane of, 1.3.30 Feature, derived medial line of, 1.3.31 Feature of size, 1.3.32 Regular feature of size, Irregular feature of size, Feature control frame, 1.3.33 Feature-relating tolerance zone framework (FRTZF), 1.3.34, 7.5.1(b), Free state, 1.3.35 Free-state variation, 1.3.36, 5.5 Flatness, 1.3.37, 5.4.2 Least material condition (LMC), 1.3.38 Maximum material condition (MMC), 1.3.39 Non-uniform tolerance zone, 1.3.40, 8.3.2 Parallelism, 1.3.41, 6.3.2 Pattern, 1.3.42 Pattern-locating tolerance zone framework (FLTZF), 1.3.43, Perpendicularity, 1.3.44, 6.3.3 Plane, tangent, 1.3.45 Position, 1.3.46, 7.2 Profile, 1.3.47, 8.2 Regardless of feature size (RFS), 1.3.48 Regardless of material boundary (RMB), 1.3.49 Restraint, 1.3.50 Resultant condition, 1.3.51 Runout, 1.3.52, 9.2 Simultaneous requirement, 1.3.53, 4.19 Size, actual local, 1.3.54 Size, limits of, 1.3.55 Size, nominal, 1.3.56 Straightness, 1.3.57 Statistical tolerancing, 1.3.58, 2.17 Symmetry, 1.3.59, 7.7.2 Tolerance, 1.3.60 Tolerance, bilateral, 1.3.61 Tolerance, geometric, 1.3.62 Tolerance, unilateral, 1.3.63 True position, 1.3.64 True profile, 1.3.65, 8.2 Uniform tolerance zone, 1.3.66, 8.3.1 Virtual condition, 1.3.67 Degrees of freedom (DOF), 4.2, 4.3 Depth symbol, 3.3.15 Diameter, 1.8.1 Average, 5.5.3 Spherical, 7.4.6 Symbol, 3.3.7 Dimension Application, 1.7 Aligned, Arrangement, 1.4(g) Base line, 2.6(b) Basic, 1.3.23, 7.2 Chain, 2.6(a) Conical taper, 2.13 Conversion, 1.6.4 Coordinate, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.4 Decimal inch, 1.6.2 Diameters, 1.8.1 Direct, 2.6(c) Features, 1.8 Flat tapers, 2.14 Limited area, 1.7.3 Limit, 2.2(a), 2.4, 2.6.1 Line, 1.7.1 Maximum, 1.4(a), 2.5 Millimeter, 1.6.1 Minimum, 1.4(a), 2.5 Not to scale, 1.7.9 Origin of, 2.6.1 Origin symbol, 3.3.17 Overall, 1.7.7 Plus and minus, 2.2(b) Polar coordinates, 1.9.4, Radii, 1.8.2 Reading direction, 1.7.5 Rectangular coordinate, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, Reference, 1.3.24, 1.7.6 Repetitive, 1.9.5 Rounded corners, 1.8.5 --`,,`,,,,,``,,``,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,—ASME Y14.5-2009
Rounded ends, 1.8.4
Round holes, 1.8.10
Rounding off, 1.6.4
Rules for, 1.4, 2.7.1
Selection, 1.4(d)
Series and patterns,
Tabular, 1.9.3
True radius,
Types of, 1.6
Within outline of view, 1.7.8
Direct dimensioning, 2.6(c)
Documents, reference, 1.2
Drawing practices
Architectural, 1.1
Civil engineering, 1.1
Welding, 1.1
Drawings, undimensioned, 1.4(b)
Dual dimension, units, 1.5.4
Effect of LMC, 2.8.4
Effects of zero tolerance at LMC, 2.8.5
Effect of MMC, 2.8.2
Effects of zero tolerance at MMC, 2.8.3
Effect of RFS, 2.8.1
Effect of surface coating, 2.4.1
Ends, rounded, 1.8.4
Equal spacing,
Extension lines, 1.7.2
Fixed, B.4
Floating, B.3
Center distance, 7.1(a), (d)
Control datum, 4.9
Control frame, 3.4
Datum, 1.3.16, 4.1, 4.3
Cylindrical, 4.10.3
LMB, 4.11.7, 4.11.8
MMB, 4.11.5, 4.11.6
RMB, 4.3, 4.11.4, 4.11.12
Shift/displacement, 4.11.9
Simulator, 4.6
Temporary, 4.8.1
Definition, 1.3.27
Dimensioning, 1.8
Interrelated, 2.7.4
Location, 1.9
Multiple patterns,,
Noncircular, 7.6.1
Pattern location, 7.5
Relationship, 2.7.4
Repetitive, 1.9.5
Restrained, 4.20, 5.5.2
Size, 1.3.32
Spherical, 7.4.6
Symmetrical, 7.7
Finish, 2.4.1
Fixed fastener formula, B.4
Flat tapers, 2.14
Symbol, 3.3.1
Tolerance, 5.4.2
Floating fastener formula, B.3
Forgings, 1.8.23
Control, 5
Perfect at MMC, 2.7.1
Tolerance, specifying, 5.3
Tolerance, zero, 2.7.4(a), 2.8.3
Variations, 2.7.1
Former practices, Nonmandatory Appendix D
Specification of RFS for positional tolerances, D.2
Specification of straightness to control the flatness
of a derived median plane, D.3
MMC, LMC, and RFS for datum features, D.4
Formula, positional tolerances, Nonmandatory Appendix B
Frame, datum reference, 4.7
FRTZF, 1.3.34
Free-state variation, 2.7.2(b), 5.5
Fundamental rules, dimensioning, 1.4
Gage, functional,
Gaging, reference to, 1.1.6
Gears, 1.8.22, 2.10
General tolerance note, 2.1.1(e)
Geometric characteristic symbols, 3.3.1, Nonmandatory
Appendix C
Geometric tolerance, 1.3.62
Coaxial, 7.5.3
Counterbored, 1.8.11, 7.4.2ASME Y14.5-2009
Counterdrilled, 1.8.12
Countersunk, 1.8.12
Nonparallel, 7.4.7
Round, 1.8.10
Surface of,
Identification of linear units, 1.5.3
International System of Units, SI, 1.1.2
Irregular outlines, 1.8.7
Keyseats, 1.8.17
Knurling, 1.8.18
Least material boundary, 1.3.3
Least material condition, 1.3.38, 2.8, 2.8.4, 7.3.5
Limit dimensioning, 2.1.1(a), 2.2(a), 2.4, 2.5
Limits, 2.1.1(a), 2.4
Interpretation of, 2.4
Single, 2.5
Limits and fits, 2.2.1, B.7
Limits of size, 1.3.55, 2.7
Limited segment of a profile,
Linear units
Dual, 1.5.4
Identification, 1.5.3
Datum target,, 4.24.3
Dimension, 1.7.1
Extension, 1.7.2
Leader, 1.7.4
Profile of,
Applicability, 4.11.7
Datum feature displacement,
Definition, 1.3.3
Effect of, 4.11.3
Irregular feature of size, 4.17
Symbol, 3.3.5
Applicability, 2.8
Definition, 1.3.38
Effect of, 2.8.4
Positional tolerancing, 7.3.5
Symbol, 3.3.5
Zero tolerancing, 2.8.5,
Location of features, 1.9
Machining centers, 1.8.15
Manufacturing processes, 1.4(e)
Maximum material boundary, 1.3.4
Maximum material condition, 1.3.39, 2.8, 2.8.2
Measurement, units of, 1.5
Metric limits and fits, 2.2.1
Metric linear units, 1.5.1
Millimeter dimensions, 1.6.1
Applicability, 4.11.5
Definition, 1.3.4
Effect of, 4.11.3
Irregular feature of size, 4.17
Symbol, 3.3.5
Applicability, 2.8
Definition, 1.3.39
Effect of, 2.8.2
Perfect form, 2.7.1
Positional tolerancing, 7.3.3
Symbol, 3.3.5
Zero tolerancing, 2.8.3, 6.6.4, 7.3.4
Noncircular features, 7.4.5
Nonmandatory dimensions, 1.4(f)
Nonrigid parts, 5.5
Nonparallel holes, 7.4.7
Note, general, 1.4(a), 1.7,, 8.2.3
Notes, 1.1.5,, 3.2
Origin of dimension, 2.6.1
Arcs, 1.8.6
Circular, 1.8.7
Dimension within, 1.7.8
Irregular, 1.8.7
Noncircular, 1.8.7
Symmetrical, 1.8.9
Control, 6.2
Tolerance, 6.4
Overall dimension, 1.7.7
Parallelism, 6.3.2
Symbol, 3.3.1
Tolerance, 6.4.2
Pattern, feature, 7.5
Patterns, multiple,,
Perfect form, MMC, 2.7.1
Perpendicularity, 6.3.3
,,,,,,`,,,,`,`,,,`,`,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ASME Y14.5-2009 Symbol, 3.3.1 Tolerance, 6.4.2 Planes, datum, 4.10.3, 4.16.3, 4.16.4, 4.16.5, 4.16.6, 4.16.7, 4.24.8 Plated parts, 2.4.1 PLTZF, 1.3.43, 7.5.1(a), Plus and minus dimensioning, 2.2(b) Points, datum targets,, 4.24.2 Polar coordinate dimensioning, 1.9.4, Positional tolerancing, 7 Bidirectional, 7.4.4 Coaxial controls, 7.6.1,,, Composite, 7.5.1 Conical zone, 7.4.3 Formulas, Nonmandatory Appendix B Fundamental explanation, 7.2 LMB, 7.3.6, LMC, 2.8, 7.3.5 Material condition, 7.3.1 MMB, 7.3.6,, MMC, 2.8, 7.3.3 Noncircular, 7.4.5 Rectangular coordinate, RMB,, RFS, 2.8, 7.3.2, Spherical features, 7.4.6 Symmetrical, 7.7 Zero, LMC, 2.8.5, Zero, MMC, 2.8.3, 7.3.4 Position symbol, 3.3.1 Position, true, see Positional tolerancing Precedence, datum, 4.10 Preferred sizes, B.7 Primary datum feature, 4.3 Profile for conical feature, 8.4.2 Profile of Line symbol, 3.3.1 Line tolerance, Surface symbol, 3.3.1 Surface tolerance, Profile tolerancing, 8.2 Combined controls, 8.8 Composite, 8.6 Coplanar surface, Tolerance zone, 8.3 Projected tolerance zone, 7.4.1,, B4 Projected tolerance zone symbol, 3.3.6 Processing, 1.4(e) Processing information, nonmandatory, 1.4(f) Radius, 1.8.2, 2.15.1 Spherical, Symbol, 3.3.7 Tangent, 2.15.1 Radius, controlled, 2.15.2 Symbol, 3.3.7 Rectangular coordinate, Reference Dimension, 1.7.6 Symbol, 3.3.8 To gaging, 1.1.6 To this Standard, 1.1.3 Regardless of feature size, 1.3.48, 2.8, 2.8.1, 7.3.2 Regardless of material boundary, 1.3.49 Repetitive dimensions, 1.9.5 Repetitive features, 1.9.5 Resultant condition, 1.3.51 RFS Applicability, 2.8 Definition, 1.3.48 Effect of, 2.8.1 Positional tolerancing, 7.3.2 Symbol, 3.3.5 RMB Applicability, 4.3 Definition, 1.3.49 Effect of, 2.8.1 Irregular feature of size, 4.17 Symbol, 3.3.5 Rods, 1.8.19 Round hole, 1.8.10 Rounded corners, 1.8.5 Rounded ends, 1.8.4 Rounding dimensions, 1.6.4 Roundness tolerance, 5.4.3 Rules for dimensioning, 1.4 Runout Control, 9.2 Symbols, 3.3.1 Tolerance, 9.3, 9.4 Circular, 9.4.1 Total, 9.4.2 Scale, dimensions not to, 1.7.9 Screw threads, 1.8.20 Tolerancing, 2.9 Size Actual local, 1.3.54 “BY” (X), 1.9.6ASME Y14.5-2009 Limits of, 2.7 Stock, 1.4(a), 2.7.2(a) Variation, 2.7.1(b) Slope symbol, 3.3.18 Specifying form tolerances, 5.3 Spherical features, positional tolerancing, 7.4.6 Spherical radius, Splines, 2.10 Spotface, 1.8.14 Spotface symbol, 3.3.13 Square symbol, 3.3.16 Standard, reference to, 1.1.3 Straightness Symbol, 3.3.1 Tolerance, 5.4.1 Studs, 7.4.1 Surfaces Angular, 2.12 Coplanar, Profile of, Surface texture, 1.8.21 Symbols, 1.1.7 All around, 3.3.19 All over, 3.3.25 Arc length, 3.3.9 Basic dimension, 3.3.4 Between, 3.3.11 Comparison, C.3 Construction, 3.3 Continuous feature, 3.3.23 Counterbore, 3.3.12 Countersink, 3.3.14 Datum feature, 3.3.2 Datum reference frame, 3.3.30 Datum target, 3.3.3 Areas, Lines, Points, Datum translation, 3.3.26 Depth, 3.3.15 Diameter, 3.3.7 Dimension origin, 3.3.17 Feature control, frame, 3.4 Free state, 3.3.20 Geometric characteristic, 3.3.1 Independency, 3.3.24 Limits and fits, 3.3.29 Material boundary, 3.3.5 Material condition, 3.3.5 Moveable datum target, 3.3.27, 4.24.6 Projected tolerance zone, 3.3.6 Radius, 3.3.7 Radius, controlled, 3.3.7 Radius, spherical, 3.3.7 Reference, 3.3.8 Slope, 3.3.18 Spotface, 3.3.12 Statistical tolerance, 3.3.10 Surface texture, 3.3.28 Tangent plane, 3.3.21 Taper, 3.3.17 Tolerance zone identification, 3.6 Unequally disposed profile, 3.3.22 Symmetrical outlines, 1.8.9 Symmetry, 7.7.2 Tabular dimensioning, 1.9.3 Tabulated tolerances, 3.7 Tangent plane symbol, 3.3.21 Tangent radii, 2.16 Taper symbol, 3.3.18 Tapers Conical, 2.13 Flat, 2.14 Target Datum, 4.24 Datum, area, 4.24.4 Datum dimensions, 4.24.7 Datum line, 4.24.3 Datum planes, 4.24.5 Datum points, 4.24.2 Datum symbol, 4.24.1 Temporary datum feature, 4.8.1 Tertiary datum, 4.9(c), 4.11.4(e) Threads, 1.8.20, 2.9 Three-plane relationship, 4.1 Tolerance Accumulation, 2.6 Angularity, 6.3.1 Application, 2.1.1 Base line, 2.6(b) Bilateral, 1.3.61 Chain, 2.6(a) Circularity, 5.4.3 Coatings, effects of, 2.4.1 Combination, see Virtual condition --`,,`,,,,,``,,``,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,—ASME Y14.5-2009
Composite, position, 7.5.1
Composite, profile, 8.6
Conical zone, 7.4.3
Cylindricity, 5.4.4
Decimal inch, 2.3.2
Definition, 1.3.60
Direct, 2.2, 2.6(c)
Expression, 2.3
Flatness, 5.4.2
Form, 5.4
Gears, 2.10
General, 2
Geometric, 1.3.62
Inch, 2.3.2
Limit, 2.1.1(a)
Limit of size, 1.3.55, 2.7
Limits and fits, 2.2.1
Limits, interpretation, 2.4
Location, 7
Metric, 2.2.1, 2.3.1
Note, 2.1.1(c)
Orientation, 6
Parallelism, 6.3.2
Perpendicularity, 6.3.3
Plating, effects of, 2.4.1
Polar coordinates,
Positional, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
Bidirectional, 7.4.4
Composite, 7.5.1
Formulas, Nonmandatory Appendix B
LMC, 2.8, 2.8.4, 7.3.5
MMC, 2.8, 2.8.2, 7.3.3
RFS, 2.8, 2.8.1, 7.3.2
Zero MMC, 2.8.3, 7.3.4
Zero LMC, 2.8.5,
Plus and minus, 2.2(b)
Profile, 8
Roundness, 5.4.3
Runout, 9
Screw threads, 1.8.20, 2.9
Single limits, 2.5
Size, limits of, 2.7
Splines, 2.10
Straightness, 5.4.1
Tabulated tolerances, 3.7
Tolerance of location, 7
Unequally disposed profile,
Unilateral tolerance, 1.3.63,
Zero, 2.8.3, 2.8.5, 7.3.4,,
Definition, 3.6
Projected, 7.4.1
True position, 1.3.64
True radius,
Tubing, 1.8.19
Types of dimensions, 1.6
Undimensioned drawing, 1.4(b)
Unilateral tolerance, 1.3.63
Units, 1.1.2
Units of measure, 1.5
Angular, 1.5.5
Dual, 1.5.4
Identification, 1.5.3
Metric, 1.5.1
U.S. Customary, 1.5.2
Unspecified angles,,
Virtual condition, 1.3.67
“X” (BY), 1.9.6
Zero form tolerance, 2.7.1
Zero positional tolerance, 7.3.4,
MMC, 7.3.4
Zero tolerance, 2.8.3, 2.8.5
Zone tolerance, projected, 7.4.1

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