Die Casting Metallurgy
اسم المؤلف
Alan Kaye
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Die Casting Metallurgy
Alan Kaye MSC, CEng, MIM
Chief Metallurgist, Fry’s Diecastmgs Ltd, London
Arthur Street PhD, BSC
Illustrations by Rudi Hercik
Butterworths Monographs in Materials
Chapter 1
Early developments in die casting
Chapter 2
Die casting metals and alloys
Chapter 3
The production of aluminium and its alloys
Chapter 4
Aluminium alloy die castings
Chapter 5
Aluminium as a substitute for cast iron
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Melting equipment for aluminium alloys
Chapter 8
Inclusions and hard spots in aluminium alloys
Chapter 9
Zinc and zinc alloys
Chapter 10
The metallurgy of zinc alloys
Chapter 11
Zinc alloy die castings
Chapter 12
Melting processes for zinc alloys
Chapter 13
Cryogenic trimming of zinc alloy die castings
Chapter 14
Low melting point alloys
Chapter 15
Magnesium and its alloys
Chapter 16
Brass die casting
Chapter 17
Ferrous die casting
Chapter 18
Automatic metal transfer systems
Chapter 19
Metal melting treatments
Chapter 20
The measurement of metal losses
Chapter 21
The metallurgy of die casting machines
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Lubrication developments
Chapter 24
New developments in die casting
Chapter 25
Pressure die casting dies
Chapter 26
Thermal fatigue of die casting dies
Chapter 27
Heat treatment of die steels
Chapter 28
Surface treatments for steels
Chapter 29
Developments in finishing processes
Acetylene, die dressing, 223
Acurad, 35
Aerospace alloys, 37,135
Ageing of zinc alloys, 90
Air pressure machines, 5, 7,141
Air pressure metal transfer, 169
Alcoa process, 18
Alexander, W.O., 13
Alloy manufacture, 20, 93, 109
Alloy specifications, 20, 27, 29, 82, 83, 137,
Alloy steels, 252
Aluminium alloys, 5, 14, 20, 27, 29, 36, 44,
Aluminium alloys, melting, 50
Aluminium bronze, 161, 197, 260
Aluminium in brass, 152
Aluminium in zinc alloys, 82,86
Aluminium-magnesium alloys, 12, 21, 31, 36,
Aluminium ores, 17
Aluminium oxide, 71,189, 236, 295
Aluminium, production, 13, 14,17, 38,46
Aluminium, pure, 37, 39
Aluminium-silicon alloys, 10, 19, 23, 27, 35,
Aluminium-silicon-copper alloys, 28, 75
American Die Casting Institute, 285, 304′
A-metal, 151
Ampcolloy, 197
Analysis, 20,209
Ancient castings, 2, 122
Anodizing of aluminium, 296
Anodizing of magnesium, 298
Anodizing of zinc, 96, 294
Antimony in brass, 152
Antimony in lead, 124
Anvilloy (see Matthey 4000)
Argon, in metal transfer, 145
Arsenic in brass, 152, 156
Austenite, 274,278
Austenitizing, 271
Australian CSIRO, 105
Automation, 8, 64, 76, 100, 115, 126, 154,
Automobiles, use of die castings, 3, 44, 106,
Bainite, 276
Basin tilting furnaces, 58, 112
Batteries, 15, 122,126, 235, 238
Bauer, A.F., 31, 140
Bauxite, 17
Bayer, K.J., 17
BB Mod, 197
Bennett, F.G., 141, 232
Beryllium-copper, 197
Beryllium in magnesium alloys, 146
Biringuccio, V., 2
BNF Metals Technology Centre, 2, 143, 159,
BNF gateway system, 231
Bondal process, 295
Boronizing, 288
Brass die casting, 12,149,153, 204
Brass, melting, 157
Brass metal treatment, 184
Bright nickel plate, 292
Bronwite, 152
Bronze, 1
Buhler Brothers, 174,213, 272
Bulk melting furnaces, 53,109
Cadmium in zinc alloys, 89
Calypso alloy, 38
Carbon in steel, 274
Carbonitriding, 289
Carburizing, 289
Cascades (fountains), 256
Cast iron, 4 4 , 1 6 1 , 251
Castmaster machines, 128, 195
Cast to form, 251
Cast to size, 189, 25&
Cathodic passivation, 293
Cementite, 274
305306 Index
Ceramics, 169,171
Ceramic fibres, 68
Champion, W., 81
Channel induction furnaces, 60
Channelless inductor furnaces, 63
Chemical dip processes, 96, 139, 291, 295, 297
Chlorine, for degassing, 185
Chromating of magnesium, 297
Chromating of zinc, 96, 291
Chromium in aluminium alloys, 31, 37, 75
Chromium in steel, 252, 276, 287
Chromium in zinc alloys, 89,115
Chromium plating of zinc, 292
Chrysler, intake manifold, 45
Church, W., 2
CIPEC, 149
Clay, as source of aluminium, 17
Cobalt in steel, 158, 252, 253, 255
Codes of practice, 92
Cold chamber machines, 5, 141, 143, 195,237
Compocasting, 241, 244
Computers, 2,14,45, 201, 231, 247
Concentration of ores, 18, 80, 149
Continuous cooling curves, 277
Cooling passages, 103, 106, 256
Copper alloys (see also Brass), 15, 150,152
Copper die casting, 1, 161
Copper in aluminium alloys, 30
Copper in zinc alloys, 84, 88, 91,115
Copper ores, 15,149
Copper plating, 292
Copper production, 150
Cores, ceramic, 45, 164
Cores for ferrous die casting, 164
Cores, metal, 254,286,289
Core pulls, 199
Cores, expendable, 45
Corrosion, of aluminium, 30
Corrosion, of brass, 156
Corrosion, of magnesium, 139
Corrosion, of zinc, 96
Cost per unit property, 13
Craze cracking, 159, 221, 251, 262, 271
Creep resistance, 138
Cromodora, S.p.A., 138
Crucibles, 66, 76,109, 147
Cryogenic trimming, 95,117
Cryolite, 18,23
Cylinder blocks (see Engine blocks)
DCRF vacttum system, 233
Degassing, 76, 184
DeLavaud process, 161
Design of dies, 102, 105, 231, 250
Design for die casting, 8,44,103
Design for die life, 273
Design for heat treatment, 284
Dezincification, 156
Diagnostic trolleys, 210
Diane de Gabies, 38
Die blocks, 230
Die Casting Research Foundation, 285
Diecasting Society, 8
Die bolsters, 247
Die cleaning, 157
Die cooling, 223, 256
Die filling time, 104, 140, 204, 213
Die inserts, 163, 247, 250, 263, 266, 271
Die life, 98,102,158, 244, 262, 272, 281
Die locking, 7, 203, 214
Die lubrication, 5, 126, 217, 222
Die temperature, 207, 216, 222
Die steels, for aluminium, 252, 271
Die steels, for brass, 158, 253
Die steels, for ferrous die casting, 161-163
Die steels, for zinc, 252
Dilatrometric curves, 277
Doehler, H.H., 3,194
Doehler-Jarvis, 31
Dow process, 139
Dowels (see Guide pillars)
Dross, 115,180,190,193
Dual energy furnace, 56
Duplex chromium plate, 292
Eaton process, 161
Ejectors, 4,103, 247,286
Electric induction furnaces, 60, 138,158
Electric radiant furnaces, 68
Electric resistance furnaces, 67,112
Electroformed die inserts, 253
Electromagnetic metal transfer, 144,176
Electroplating, aluminium alloys, 295
Electroplating, magnesium alloys, 140, 298
Electroplating, zinc alloys, 291
Electrostatic lubrication, 226
EMB machines, 7,195
Energy, for metal production, 13, 18, 45, 51,
Engine blocks, 7, 31,35
Equilibrium diagrams, 24, 86,125, 136,151
Eros, 38
Eutectics, 10,24,87, 124
Expanded metal for batteries, 128
Extreme pressure lubricants, 218
Fatigue (see Thermal fatigue)
Ferro-Di process, 162
Ferrous die casting, 161
Finishes, for aluminium alloys, 295
Finishes, for magnesium alloys, 297
Finishes, for zinc alloys, 291
Fire-resistant fluids, 198, 206
Fluidic metal transfer, 179
Fluidized beds, 281
Fluxes, in alloy production, 21
Fluxes, in metal melting, 76, 93,115, 144,181
Ford Motor Company, 45,135
Forging dies, 270
Franklin, H.H., 3
Freeze barrelling (see Cryogenic trimming)
Freezing range, 11,150
Frommer, L., 7
Fuel oil, 50Index
Fulmer Research Institute, 240
Fume collection, 20,186, 228
Furnaces (see Electric, Reverberatory, etc.)
Furnace efficiency, 50, 65, 208
Fuso light alloys, 236
Gas, appliances, 96
Gas, fuel, 50
Gas nitriding, 286
General Motors, 35, 45
Goosenecks, 4, 105, 141
Grain structure, 10,15, 24, 87,135
Graphite lubricant, 218, 223
Gries machines, 100
Guide pillars, 230
Gutenberg, J., 2
Hair line cracking (see Craze cracking)
Hall, C. and Herault, P., 17
Hanawalt,J.D., 141,144,145
Hardening of dies, 271, 278, 282
Hard spots, 71
Heat checking (see Craze cracking)
Heat pipes, 257
Heat treatment of dies, 252, 264, 270, 274, 279
Hodler, vacuum system, 234
Holding furnaces, 66, 68, 111, 143
Horizontal machines, 5
Hot chamber machines for aluminium, 168
Hot chamber machines for magnesium, 140
Hot chamber for machines for zinc, 4, 14, 98,
Hot die steels, 252
Hot shortness, 12, 140
Hydraulic fluids, 198,206
Hydroelectric power, 18, 131
Hydrogen in metals, 184, 202
Hypereutectic alloys, 35
ILZRO alloys, 107
Immersed crucible furnace, 56, 65,112
Immersion tube furnaces, 100,113,143
Imperial smelting process, 81
Inclusions in castings, 71, 182, 186
Inclusions in die steels, 264
Indium in zinc alloys, 90
Injection pressure, 140, 213
Inlet manifolds, 44,133
Inserts in die castings, 21,93,100, 115, 121
Instrumentation, 8, 200
Intergranular corrosion, 4,84
Intermetallic compounds, 71,73
International Lead and Zinc Research
Organization, 107,231, 236, 304
International Magnesium Association, 147, 304
Ion deposition, 285
Iron carbide (see Cementite)
Iron in aluminium, 30
Iron in zinc alloys, 89
Italpresse machine, 195
Kite mark, 92
Lacquer finishes, 294
Ladles, 168,173
Laminations, for rotors, 39
Latent heat, 11,50
Launders, 110, 113
Lead-antimony alloys, 124,128
Lead alloy, die casting, 5,124
Lead, castings, 2,122
Lead in copper alloys, 151
Lead in zinc alloys, 5, 82, 89
Lead, production, 15, 122
Leidenfrost effect, 221, 225
Light Metal Founders’ Association, 8, 201
Liquid nitriding, 286
Locking force, 203,214
Lost foam process, 45
Low pressure die casting, 44,171
Lubricants, for dies, 5,217
Lubricants, for machines, 228
Lubricants, for plungers, 227
Lubricants, storage, 229
Machining of castings, 28, 73, 77,139
Madison-Kipp machine, 4
Magnesium alloy die casting, 140
Magnesium alloys, 11,132,135, 137, 140
Magnesium alloys, melting, 183, 203
Magnesium-aluminium alloys, 135,137
Magnesium as substitute for aluminium, 133
Magnesium in aluminium alloys, 31
Magnesium in brass, 157
Magnesium in zinc alloys, 84, 88, 92
Magnesium ores, 131
Magnesium, production, 15, 131, 141
Mahle, 141
Manganese in aluminium alloys, 31, 239
Manganese in brass, 152
Manganese in magnesium alloys, 135-137
Manganese in zinc alloys, 90
Maraging steels, 255
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 240
Matthey 4000,259
Mazak, zinc alloy, 82
Mazak, gating program, 231
Measured slug melting, 164
Mechanical immersed pumps, 171
Mechanical transfer ladles, 172
Media for trimming, 120
Melting losses (see Metal losses)
Melting-holding furnaces, 65
Mercury in zinc ores, 80
Mergenthaler, O., 2
Metal balance sheets, 190
Metal losses, 8,51,146,189
Metal pumps, 64,112
Metallizing, 288, 293
Micro crack chromium, 292
Microporous copper plate, 292
Mobile ladles, 64
Modification, 23
Molten metal deliveries, 51308
Molten metal, transport, 64
Motor cycles, 236
Molybdenum, 159,258
Molybdenum disulphide, 219, 230
Molybdenum in steel, 252
Muffle furnaces, 279
Nelmor process, 233
New Jersey Zinc Company, 84
Nickel in aluminium alloys, 31
Nickel in zinc alloys, 89, 115
Nickel plating, 292
Nimonics, 260
Nippon Light Metal Co., 236
Nitriding, 196,287
Nitrocarburizing, 287
Nitrogen, in cryogenic trimming, 118
Nitrogen, for degassing, 185
Nitrogen, metal transfer, 138,144
Noranda, zinc alloys, 108
Normagic metal transfer, 144
Norsk Hydro, 131,144
Novatome pump, 176
Oil hydraulics, 7,198
Oscillograph, 214
Outokumpa process, 149
Oxygen purging (see Pore-free casting)
Pacz, A., 24
Paint finishes, 293,296
Paley commission, 14
Paste-type lubricants, 218
Pearlite, 274
Pechiney alloys, 35, 38
Permanent mould casting, 24, 37,45, 107, 161
Pewter, 2,130
Phosphate ester, 198,206
Phosphorus in aluminium, 35
Pigment lubricants, 219
Pillars (see Guide pillars)
Plasma nitriding, 286
Plastics, 13
Plastic coatings, 294
Plated scrap, 115
Plating (see Electroplating)
Plungers, 201,205,211,227
Plunger tips, 196
Polak, J., 5
Pore-free casting, 37, 45, 235
Porosity, 37,128, 184, 204, 238
Preheating of dies, 277
Printing (see Typecasting)
Pull bar machines, 3
Pumps, for aluminium, 171
Pumps for die casting machines, 7
Pumps, for zinc, 112
Pyral alloy, 37
Pyrometers (see Temperature control)
Quality control, 92
Quenching of die steel, 278, 281
Radiant roof furnaces, 58
Recycling of metals, 20, 45,115,122,137
Reverberatory furnaces, 53, 181
Rheo casting, 179,241
Rohri, C , 5
Rotary furnaces, 181
Rotors, 39,287
Runner systems (see Design of dies)
Sakui, S., 7
Salt baths, 280, 285
Schultz, J.,7
Science Research Council, 247
Scrap, melting, 93,115, 157
Scrap, recycling, 19, 45,181
S curves, 274
Sea, as source of metals, 15,132,150
Sealed quench furnace, 280
Secondary metals, 19, 20, 30,122, 149,181
Semi-solid metals, 239
Shot sleeves, 196, 227
Silicon in aluminium alloys, 21,23
Silicon in brass, 151
Silicon in zinc alloys, 90
Silicon nitride, 171
Silicon, production, 47
Silicones, 220
Sink and float process, 21
Sludge, aluminium, 73, 203
Sludge, zinc, 82
Sludging formulae, 75
Society of Die Casting Engineers, 75, 304
Soldering (galvanizing) of dies, 217
Soluble cores, 45
Solid solutions, 11,23,87
Solvent extraction process, 150
Spark erosion, 251, 277
Spectrographic analysis, 94, 209
Sprayable lubricants, 219, 223
Solvent lubricants, 219
Specifications, 20, 22, 81, 83, 137, 153, 304
Spray guns, 223
Stabilizing of zinc alloys, 91
Stainless steel, 166
Steel, heat treatment, 252, 262, 274
Steel, specifications, 252
Stihl, A., 141
Strauss, K., 181
Stress raisers, 270
Stress relieving, 272,276
Subnormal temperature, 95, 117
Sulfinuz process, 288
Sulphur dioxide, 80,139,144,146,183
Sulphur hexafluoride, 144,146,183
Surface treatment of steels, 285
Sursulf process, 288
Telemetal, 172,176
Temperature control, 77, 92, 112, 202, 208,
Tempering of steels, 269, 278
Thallium in zinc alloys, 90Index 309
Thermal fatigue, 262, 269
Thin-wall casting, 13,14, 103, 189, 207
Thixocasting, 179, 240, 242
Tie bars, 7,195
Time-temperature curves, 274
Tin alloys, 130
Tin in zinc alloys, 82, 89
Tin, production, 129
Titanium, 31
Titanium diboride, 171
Toggle links, 195
Tombasil, 152
Toyota process, 289
Toys and models, 102
Tribology, 229
Triulzi machines, 45
Tufftriding, 287
Tungsten, 159,259
Tungsten in steel, 252
Typecasting, 2, 123
Vacuum die casting, 232
Vacuum feed systems, 178
Vacuum heat treatment, 281
Van Wagner, 4
Vanadium in steels, 252, 289
Vertical machines, 5
Vickers, H., 7
Viton, 198
Volkswagen, 137
Washington monument, 38
Water-based lubricants, 220, 237
Water cooling of dies, 106,159
Water fittings, 152, 153
Water glycol, 198,206
Weight reduction, 44, 103, 132
Welding of dies, 264
Welding of maraging steel, 259
Wemco system, 21
Wheel balance weights, 125
Wheels, in aluminium, 37, 235, 238
Wheels, in magnesium 138
White spirit, 219
Wing, W., 2
ZA alloys, 108
Zamak, 82
Zinc Alloy Die Casters’ Association, 8
Zinc alloys, 4, 81, 82, 86, 93,107, 231, 237,
Zinc alloys, melting, 183
Zinc Development Association, 304
Zinc in aluminium alloys, 31
Zinc in magnesium, 136
Zinc oxide, 157
Zinc, production, 14, 80
Zincate treatment, 295
Zirconium diboride, 171
Zirconium oxide, 173
Zincart process, 294

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