بحث بعنوان Development of a Hydraulic Trainer Bench for Educational Purposes
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Development of a Hydraulic Trainer Bench for Educational Purposes
A. Rahama A. F. Kheiralla
M. Dina
H. Y. Abdeirahman
A. Adam M. Ghada
Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Agricultural Engineering
University of Khartoum
Faculty of Engineering
University of Blue Nile,
P.O. Box 143, Elrosseris,
In response to feedback from academia and industry stating the need
for training in hydraulics to our
graduates, the Department of Agricultural Engineering at the Faculty
of Engineering, University of Khartoum successfully designed and
developed an educational hydraulic
trainer bench. It included basic hydraulic system components such as
pumps, actuators, valves, hoses and
a cooler and a reservoir as well as a
heat exchanger. A steering unit was
also incorporated to for demonstration purposes. The performance parameters of the power unit, the actuators and system temperature were
measured and their specifications
were checked to verify the procedures and measuring techniques
1. A trainer bench circuit (as shown
in Fig. 7 was successfully tested
That cold be used as a demonstration tool for educational purposes.
2. The system facility was designed
to demonstrate hydraulic pump,
motor, and cylinder and testing of
each of the components easily.
3. A heat exchanger was successfully incorporated with the hydraulic
circuit and tested.
4. A hydraulic steering model
was successfully designed and
developed for educational proposes. The developed circuit and
identification component of the
hydraulic system gave an indepth
understanding and allowed coherent viewing of the circuit configuration, parameters, settings and
5. Hydraulic pump testing such as
pump flow rate versus pump pressure and pump pressure versus
temperature with and without a
cooling system were successfully
carried out and their various models developed.
6. Hydraulic motor flow rate versus
motor speed was successfully
tested and a model was developed.
7. Hydraulic cylinder tests such as
pump flow rate versus pressure,
load pressure versus deflection,
power versus load and deflection
versus load were successfully carried out and their various models
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